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    "CLASS AB LINEAR" 50MHZ Search Results

    "CLASS AB LINEAR" 50MHZ Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3EM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3LM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3UF50A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 5 V, 300 mA, SOT-25 (SMV) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    "CLASS AB LINEAR" 50MHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    AMPLIFIER 1800w

    Abstract: "class AB Linear" 50mhz LT1166 power amplifier mosfet up to 50mhz IRF9240 LTC1759 IRF9530 mosfet Linear Technology Magazine Circuit Collection LT1364 LT1795
    Text: LinearTechnologyChronicle September 1999 A Showcase of Linear Technology’s Focus Products Product of the Month 100MHz Dual Op Amp is Low Power, Accurate and Low Noise—LT1813 Table 1. LT1813: More Than Just High Speed PARAMETER LT1813 UNITS Gain Bandwidth

    100MHz Noise--LT1813 LT1813 LT1813 LT1813: 1-800-4-LINEAR AMPLIFIER 1800w "class AB Linear" 50mhz LT1166 power amplifier mosfet up to 50mhz IRF9240 LTC1759 IRF9530 mosfet Linear Technology Magazine Circuit Collection LT1364 LT1795 PDF

    amidon 43 toroid core

    Abstract: amidon toroid core balun APT9702 hf wide band class AB power amplifier mosfet FERRITE TRANSFORMER 500W APT9802 amidon toroid core HF Amplifier 300w hf amplifier for transformer 1000 watt ferrite transformer
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE APT9802 By: Richard Frey, P.E. A 300W MOSFET Linear Amplifier for 50 MHz Reprinted from the May/June 1999 Issue of QEX Magazine Courtesy of ARRL, Inc. A 300W MOSFET Linear Amplifier for 50 MHz Richard Frey, Sr. Applications Engineer, Advanced Power Technology, Inc., Bend, Oregon USA

    APT9802 ARF448A/B amidon 43 toroid core amidon toroid core balun APT9702 hf wide band class AB power amplifier mosfet FERRITE TRANSFORMER 500W APT9802 amidon toroid core HF Amplifier 300w hf amplifier for transformer 1000 watt ferrite transformer PDF


    Abstract: MG1020-M16 MSC1075M 1004mp MG1052-30
    Text: Power Matters. RF & Microwave Diode and Transistor Products Microsemi RFIS Integrated Solutions RF & Microwave Diode and Transistor Products Within this short form catalog are the combined product selection guides for Microsemi RF Integrated Solutions RFIS business unit RF & microwave diodes and power transistors. RFIS diode products are

    MS4-009-13 MG1007-42 MG1020-M16 MSC1075M 1004mp MG1052-30 PDF

    300W PURE SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram

    Abstract: dc-ac inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 12v to 220v inverter 300w schematic diagram Royer oscillator circuit diagram 12v 300W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM h bridge irfz44 mosfet application irfz44 AUDIO AMPLIFIER laptop LCD inverter SCHEMATIC laptop CCFL inverter SCHEMATIC
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY DECEMBER 1995 IN THIS ISSUE . . . COVER ARTICLE The LT 1160 and LT1162: Medium Voltage, N-Channel Bridge Design Made Easy . 1 Jaime Tseng VOLUME V NUMBER 4 The LT1160 and LT1162: Medium Voltage, N-Channel Bridge

    LT1162: LT1166: LT1186: 1-800-4-LINEAR 300W PURE SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram dc-ac inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 12v to 220v inverter 300w schematic diagram Royer oscillator circuit diagram 12v 300W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM h bridge irfz44 mosfet application irfz44 AUDIO AMPLIFIER laptop LCD inverter SCHEMATIC laptop CCFL inverter SCHEMATIC PDF

    300W PURE SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram

    Abstract: dc to ac 50Hz PURE SINE WAVE inverter assembly 600w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram irf9240 data free earthquake Detection systems LT1352 op amps pure sine wave inverter schematic diagram LT1162 80c31 rs232 inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY DECEMBER 1995 IN THIS ISSUE . . . COVER ARTICLE The LT 1160 and LT1162: Medium Voltage, N-Channel Bridge Design Made Easy . 1 Jaime Tseng VOLUME V NUMBER 4 The LT1160 and LT1162: Medium Voltage, N-Channel Bridge

    LT1162: LT1166: LT1186: 1-800-4-LINEAR 300W PURE SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram dc to ac 50Hz PURE SINE WAVE inverter assembly 600w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram irf9240 data free earthquake Detection systems LT1352 op amps pure sine wave inverter schematic diagram LT1162 80c31 rs232 inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic PDF


    Abstract: 100w audio amplifier 12v 1200W DC POWER SUPPLY SCHEMATIC IRF9530 mosfet pin details audio amp 350w high power fet audio amplifier schematic 1200w power amplifier 1200w amplifier 300w audio amp schematic 1200w audio amplifier
    Text: LT1166 Power Output Stage Automatic Bias System U DESCRIPTION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1166 is a bias generating system for controlling class AB output current in high powered amplifiers. When connected with external transistors, the circuit becomes a

    LT1166 LT1166 LT1206 250mA/60MHz LT1210 A/40MHz LT1270A LT1360 50MHz, 12v 1200W AUDIO AMPLIFIER 100w audio amplifier 12v 1200W DC POWER SUPPLY SCHEMATIC IRF9530 mosfet pin details audio amp 350w high power fet audio amplifier schematic 1200w power amplifier 1200w amplifier 300w audio amp schematic 1200w audio amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1166 Power Output Stage Automatic Bias System U DESCRIPTION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1166 is a bias generating system for controlling class AB output current in high powered amplifiers. When connected with external transistors, the circuit becomes a

    LT1166 LT1166 LT1206 250mA/60MHz LT1210 A/40MHz LT1270A LT1360 50MHz, PDF

    Avantek* UTO

    Abstract: WATKINS JOHNSON mixer WJ-A59 WATKINS JOHNSON Avantek rf mixers avantek Avantek power amplifier uto-509 WATKINS JOHNSON a59 CLC142
    Text: National Semiconductor OA-22 December 1993 Abstract of the two symmetric current mirror stages are fed back together to form the high transimpedance node for the amplifier. This is the high gain node for the amplifier. Small changes in the error current fed back through Q3 and Q4

    OA-22 stages65-2504466 55dBM Avantek* UTO WATKINS JOHNSON mixer WJ-A59 WATKINS JOHNSON Avantek rf mixers avantek Avantek power amplifier uto-509 WATKINS JOHNSON a59 CLC142 PDF


    Abstract: WJ-A59 CLC142 WATKINS JOHNSON CLC221 AVANTEK uto-509 Low Distortion Amplifiers Avantek mixer WATKINS JOHNSON a59 CURRENT TRANSFORMER transimpedance
    Text: Application Note OA-22 Pushing Low Quiescent Power Op Amps to Greater than 55dBM 2-Tone Intercept December 1993 Abstract It is commonly expected that very low distortion amplifiers must dissipate considerable quiescent power to achieve their high linearity. With the advent of intrinsically low

    OA-22 55dBM m37-7018 WATKINS JOHNSON mixer WJ-A59 CLC142 WATKINS JOHNSON CLC221 AVANTEK uto-509 Low Distortion Amplifiers Avantek mixer WATKINS JOHNSON a59 CURRENT TRANSFORMER transimpedance PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50MHz to 1000MHz, 15W GaN Wideband Power Amplifier 50MHz TO 1000MHz, 15W GaN WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIER Package: AlN Leadless Chip Carrier / SO8 VGS Pin 1 Features  Advanced GaN HEMT Technology  Output Power of 15W  Advanced Heat-Sink Technology

    RFHA1000 50MHz 1000MHz, 1000MHz DS120418 PDF

    wireless stethoscope circuit diagram

    Abstract: IR SENSOR to detect heart rate ti pulse oximetry sensor circuit electronic stethoscope circuit diagram code for pulse oximeter using PIC microcontroller block diagram of dialysis machine pulse oximeter using microcontroller 8051 pulse oximetry blood pressure digital stethoscope circuit diagram defibrillator AED
    Text: Medical Applications Guide Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy Digital Stethoscopes Patient Monitoring ECG and EEG Pulse Oximetry Ventilation CPAP Dialysis Machine Infusion Pump AED 2Q 2009 2 Medical Applications Guide ➔ Table of Contents


    Gan hemt transistor RFMD

    Abstract: RFHA1000
    Text: RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50MHz to 1000MHz, 15 W GaN Wideband Power Amplifier 50MHz TO 1000MHz, 15W GaN WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIER Package: AlN Leadless Chip Carrier / SO8 VGS Pin 1 Features  Advanced GaN HEMT Technology  Output Power of 15W  Advanced Heat-Sink Technology

    RFHA1000 50MHz 1000MHz, RFHA1000 1000MHz DS110922 Gan hemt transistor RFMD PDF


    Abstract: RFHA-1000 GRM21BF51C106ZE15 455J 238j
    Text: RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50 MHz to 1000 MHz, 15W GaN Wideband Power Amplifier 50MHz TO 1000MHz, 15W GaN WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIER Package: AlN Leadless Chip Carrier / SO8 VGS Pin 1 Features  Advanced GaN HEMT Technology  Output Power of 15W  Advanced Heat-Sink Technology

    RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50MHz 1000MHz, 1000MHz DS120102 RFHA-1000 GRM21BF51C106ZE15 455J 238j PDF


    Abstract: dm601 PEP Modular Computers dm600 11853 SI6-10BT-IP dm600 SC-485I pep modular cxm PEP Modular Computers software pep piggyback
    Text: HIGHPERFORMANCE CPUs SINGLE-BOARD COMPUTERS VM162/172 VMEbus Single-Board Computer with IndustryPack Support Computation and Communications Performance ̈ High-performance Motorola MC68040/MC68060 CPU ̈ QUad-channel Integrated Communications Controller

    VM162/172 MC68040/MC68060 RS485 96-pin CXM-PFB12, 16bit DM60x CXM-PFB12 dm601 PEP Modular Computers dm600 11853 SI6-10BT-IP dm600 SC-485I pep modular cxm PEP Modular Computers software pep piggyback PDF

    tda8510j 2.1 creative amplifiers

    Abstract: transistor SMD wm9 SAA7119 IC TDA8510J EQUIVALENT IC NO. LIST Rf based remote control robot using 8051 SAA7119 philips TDA8947J equivalent BLF268 HEF4000B Family specifications TDA8947J
    Text: Semiconductors Choice. Performance. Flexibility. The Philips Portfolio 360º vision of multimedia Introduction to ��������������� � ������������� ������� ��������������

    PNX1300 PNX1300, PNX1500 SAA6752 tda8510j 2.1 creative amplifiers transistor SMD wm9 SAA7119 IC TDA8510J EQUIVALENT IC NO. LIST Rf based remote control robot using 8051 SAA7119 philips TDA8947J equivalent BLF268 HEF4000B Family specifications TDA8947J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50MHz to 1000MHz, 15W GaN Wideband Power Amplifier 50MHz TO 1000MHz, 15W GaN WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIER Package: AlN Leadless Chip Carrier / SO8 VGS Pin 1 Features  Advanced GaN HEMT Technology  Output Power of 15W  Advanced Heat-Sink Technology

    RFHA1000 50MHz 1000MHz, RFHA1000 1000MHz DS121114 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50MHz to 1000MHz, 15W GaN Wideband Power Amplifier 50MHz TO 1000MHz, 15W GaN WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIER Package: AlN Leadless Chip Carrier / SO8 VGS Pin 1 Features  Advanced GaN HEMT Technology  Output Power of 15W  Advanced Heat-Sink Technology

    RFHA1000 50MHz 1000MHz, RFHA1000 1000MHz DS120216 PDF

    "class AB Linear" 50mhz

    Abstract: RFHA1000 Transistor J116
    Text: RFHA1000 RFHA1000 50MHz to 1000MHz, 15W GaN Wideband Power Amplifier 50MHz TO 1000MHz, 15W GaN WIDEBAND POWER AMPLIFIER Package: AlN Leadless Chip Carrier / SO8 VGS Pin 1 Features  Advanced GaN HEMT Technology  Output Power of 15W  Advanced Heat-Sink Technology

    RFHA1000 50MHz 1000MHz, RFHA1000 1000MHz DS120418 "class AB Linear" 50mhz Transistor J116 PDF


    Abstract: SAK-TC1791
    Text: 32-Bit Microcontroller TC1791 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Data Sheet V 1.0 2012-01 Microcontrollers Edition 2012-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany 2012 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or

    32-Bit TC1791 32-Bit TC1791 SAK-TC1791 PDF


    Abstract: 680R J-STD-020B WM8986 mp3 player schematic diagram melody chip 128xOSR
    Text: w WM8986 Multimedia DAC with Class D Headphone and Line Out DESCRIPTION FEATURES The WM8986 is a low power, high quality, feature-rich stereo DAC designed for portable multimedia applications that require low power consumption and high quality audio. Stereo DAC:

    WM8986 WM8986 100dB, -86dB 48kHz) 40mW/channel 217Hz 86c226h 680R J-STD-020B mp3 player schematic diagram melody chip 128xOSR PDF

    ampli lineaire

    Abstract: funktionsgenerator "class AB Linear" 50mhz
    Text: elo GÉNÉRATEUR DE FONCTIONS |v coHS o canitructiofl étBclrenkmi G F 467A F 5MHZ + AMPLI + RS232 + USB* + LABVIEW COM PLET : Fréquencemètre réciproque 50MHz. - Balayage interne lin. ou log. et vobulation externe VCF ou FM. Modulation AM. - Fonction CMos.

    OCR Scan
    RS232 50MHz. RS232 200-mA- ampli lineaire funktionsgenerator "class AB Linear" 50mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY LU 195M/883 [_ow Power, High Speed Operational Amplifier maximum DCSCRIPTIOn ab s o lu t* The LT1195M/883 is a video operational amplifier opti­ mized for operation on single 5V and ±5V supply. Unlike many high speed amplifiers, the LT1195M/883 features

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    LT1195M/883 50MHz, LT1190. MIL-STD-883 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r i m f LT1166 ü TECHNOLOGY P ow er O u tp u t S tag e A u to m a tic Bias System F€flTU KS DCSCM PTIOn • Set Class AB Bias Currents ■ Eliminates Adjustments ■ Eliminates Thermal Runaway of Iq The LT 1166 is a bias generating system for controlling

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    LT1166 LT1166 LT1105 LT1206 250mA/60MHz 900Wps LT1210 A/40MHz 00V/ns PDF

    Signetics NE564

    Abstract: op037 ne564 NE564 equivalent 74HCT73 N644 signetics NE 564
    Text: Signetics AN 182 Clock Regenerator With Crystal-Controlled Phase-Locked VCO NE564 Linear Products Author: Les Hadley INTRODUCTION In order to obtain a local clock signal in Multiplexed Data Transmission systems, a phase and frequency coherent method of signal extraction is required. A Master-Slave

    OCR Scan
    NE564) NE564, 50MHz, NE564 signal25. 800mVp-p. Signetics NE564 op037 NE564 equivalent 74HCT73 N644 signetics NE 564 PDF