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    .001 UF DISC CAPACITOR Search Results

    .001 UF DISC CAPACITOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    FO-10GGBLCX20-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol FO-10GGBLCX20-010 LC-LC Duplex 10Gb Multimode 50/125 OM3 Fiber Optic Patch Cable - 2 x LC Male to 2 x LC Male 10m Datasheet
    FO-10GGBLCX20-001 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol FO-10GGBLCX20-001 LC-LC Duplex 10Gb Multimode 50/125 OM3 Fiber Optic Patch Cable - 2 x LC Male to 2 x LC Male 1m Datasheet
    FO-10GGBLCX20-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol FO-10GGBLCX20-015 LC-LC Duplex 10Gb Multimode 50/125 OM3 Fiber Optic Patch Cable - 2 x LC Male to 2 x LC Male 15m Datasheet
    FO-10GGBLCX20-002 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol FO-10GGBLCX20-002 LC-LC Duplex 10Gb Multimode 50/125 OM3 Fiber Optic Patch Cable - 2 x LC Male to 2 x LC Male 2m Datasheet
    FO-DUALLCX2MM-001 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol FO-DUALLCX2MM-001 LC-LC Duplex Multimode 62.5/125 Fiber Optic Patch Cable (OFNR Riser) - 2 x LC Male to 2 x LC Male 1m Datasheet

    .001 UF DISC CAPACITOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: electrolytic capacitor 22/25 capacitor package CK-01 Non-polarized Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor CK-03
    Text: PRE-PACKAGED CAPACITOR KITS CAPACITOR KITS CK-01 CK-02 CK-03 CK-04 -Aluminum Electrolytic -High Voltage Aluminum Electrolytic -Non-Polarized Aluminum Electrolytic -Tantalum CK-05 CK-06 CK-07 - 50V Ceramic Disc - 1000V Ceramic Disc - Mylar/Film Features: •

    CK-01 CK-02 CK-03 CK-04 CK-05 CK-06 CK-07 748-s CK-04 electrolytic capacitor 22/25 capacitor package CK-01 Non-polarized Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor CK-03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AEAT-9000-1GSH1 Basic Option Ultra-precision 17-Bit Absolute Single Turn Encoder Data Sheet Description Features Avago Technologies’ AEAT-9000 series are high resolution single turn optical absolute encoders. The 17-bit AEAT-9000 encoder code disc consists of 13 pairs of differential absolute tracks and 2 pairs of sinusoidal tracks to

    AEAT-9000-1GSH1 17-Bit AEAT-9000 HEDG-9000-H13 HEDG-9000-H14) AV02-3258EN AEAT9000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet Constant Current LED Drivers 50V 500mA 1ch Source Driver for Automotive BD8374HFP-M BD8374EFJ-M General Description Key Specifications     BD8374HFP-M and BD8374EFJ-M are 50V-withstanding LED source drivers. Most suitably for Automotive

    500mA BD8374HFP-M BD8374EFJ-M BD8374HFP-M BD8374EFJ-M 500mA PDF


    Abstract: MALLORY 150 CAPACITORS capacitor 1000 MF 25v 4700 mf 100v MALLORY CAPACITORS cgs series Mallory Start Capacitors DDM-103 capacitor 200V 820 MF DD330 3300 mf 35v
    Text: 1234567890123456789012345 1234567890123456789012345 1234567890123456789012345 1234567890123456789012345 CAP ACIT ORS CAPACIT ACITORS 1234567890123456789012345 RADIAL PC LEAD ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPS 85° C 20% tolerance Volts Capacitance (mF) 10v 330, 470, 1000, 1200, 2200, 3300, 6800 mF

    4707FB44075 32FD3710 37FB4410 37FD3712 37FB44125 37FD3715 37FB4415 37FD3720 38FB4420 37FD3725 DD-561 MALLORY 150 CAPACITORS capacitor 1000 MF 25v 4700 mf 100v MALLORY CAPACITORS cgs series Mallory Start Capacitors DDM-103 capacitor 200V 820 MF DD330 3300 mf 35v PDF


    Abstract: 302S43 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors
    Text: Sn-Pb Surface Mount Ceramic Capacitors JOHANSON DIELECTRICS - SYLMAR CALIFORNIA Johanson Dielectrics Incorporated JDI is located in California’s San Fernando Valley and has over 30 years experience supplying high quality ceramic chip capacitors to customers around the

    JD0612-SnPb SN95PB5 302S43 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors PDF

    y5s 0022

    Abstract: capacitor Y5S 022 y5s 0022 100v 715c cera-mite 40kv wiring diagram slip ring motor resistance starter 224M Z5U 50 ceramic disk capacitor Z5F 5HKP10 WIRE GAUGE 24 AWG TCW ir 722c
    Text: VISHAY CERA-MITE CAPACITORS & PTC THERMISTORS PTC Thermistors Ceramic Disc Capacitors Special High Voltage Capacitors w w w. v i s h a y. c o m DATA BOOK V I S H A Y I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS

    VSD-DB0063-0205 y5s 0022 capacitor Y5S 022 y5s 0022 100v 715c cera-mite 40kv wiring diagram slip ring motor resistance starter 224M Z5U 50 ceramic disk capacitor Z5F 5HKP10 WIRE GAUGE 24 AWG TCW ir 722c PDF

    REGULATOR cw 7812

    Abstract: CW 7812 3.5mm Stereo jack pinout metal case REGULATOR IC 7812 pin diagram motorola mrf 7812 regulator b10k potentiometer 7812 metal cap B10K volume general-coverage receiver
    Text: MFJ cub QRP CW Transceiver Construction Manual INTRODUCTION This manual contains the information you need to build your kit. The cub is unique because it uses both surface-mount SMD and conventional electronic components. From an electrical standpoint, surface-mount circuitry has many

    SA602 LM386 78L09 OT-23 2N3904 2N3906 2N2222 2N7002 1N914 2N5109 REGULATOR cw 7812 CW 7812 3.5mm Stereo jack pinout metal case REGULATOR IC 7812 pin diagram motorola mrf 7812 regulator b10k potentiometer 7812 metal cap B10K volume general-coverage receiver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E Ericsson Internal PRODUCT TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATION Prepared also subject responsible if other SEC/S Kevin Zhou Approved 1 (1) (5) No. TechnicalReference Specification 1/130100152-EN/LZT146395 BMR 453 Uen Checked Date Rev BMR series Converters JNEN/LZT 146 395 R9A

    00152-EN/LZT146395 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E Ericsson Internal PRODUCT TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATION Prepared also subject responsible if other SEC/S Kevin Zhou Approved 1 (1) (5) No. TechnicalReference Specification 1/130100152-EN/LZT146395 BMR 453 Uen Checked Date Rev BMR series Converters JNEN/LZT 146 395 R9A

    00152-EN/LZT146395 PDF

    BC 100NK 400V

    Abstract: capacitor da 102m capacitor 100nk 100v capacitor 100nk 63v 200nf 200v ceramic capacitors capacitor, 2200 microfarad 25v BH film CAPACITORS skycap 100nk smd transistor marking x5t
    Text: AVX Periodic Tables Periodic Tables Version 8.1 – Spring 2008 THE PERIODIC TABLES The Latest CV Tables from the Leader in Capacitor Technology If you would like to receive a mailed copy of this document each time it is printed, e-mail us at [email protected] with your mailing address.

    S-MAXCAP5M308-C BC 100NK 400V capacitor da 102m capacitor 100nk 100v capacitor 100nk 63v 200nf 200v ceramic capacitors capacitor, 2200 microfarad 25v BH film CAPACITORS skycap 100nk smd transistor marking x5t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    14-Bit AD7863 14-BIT AD7863 28-Lead PDF

    0.1 uf Ceramic disc Capacitors 104

    Abstract: 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors Johanson Dielectrics
    Text: JOHANSON DTFI FCTRICS INC m SOE D i^7fl31A 0 0 0 0 3 n 23M M JOHANSON D I E L E C T R I C S , I N C . JDI • 2220 Screenland Drive • Burbank, California 91505 • 818 841 8500 • FAX (818) 841 7261 /}— O -o 5" High Voltage Leaded Ceramic Capacitors

    OCR Scan
    7fl31A 1253C HVRLD-1/92 0.1 uf Ceramic disc Capacitors 104 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors Johanson Dielectrics PDF

    ceramic disc .01 1kv z5u

    Abstract: npo ceramic disc SPRAGUE 5GAP10 5GAP10
    Text: f i - O S -0 5 - 0 1 A COMPANY CERAMIC DISC CAPACITORS Introduction OF SPRflGUE Cera-mite , 1.0 Picofarad to 0.1 M icrofarad CERAMIC DISC CAPACITORS Reliable solutions in EMI/RFI, decoupling, dv/dt and di/dt, snubbers, by-pass, ESR and ESL. Excellent for power supplies: Switcher and high voltage.

    OCR Scan
    DD21bSfl ceramic disc .01 1kv z5u npo ceramic disc SPRAGUE 5GAP10 5GAP10 PDF

    capacitor Y5S 022

    Abstract: cm z5u 0.033 m 3kv ceramic disc .01 1kv z5u cera-mite z5u 1kv z5u capacitor sprague cm z5u 6kv cera-mite z5u 3kv y5s 0022 CERA-MITE Y5V 2KV 10TCCT18
    Text: f i - O S -0 5 - 0 1 A COMPANY CERAMIC DISC CAPACITORS Introduction OF SPRflGUE Cera-mite , 1.0 Picofarad to 0.1 M icrofarad CERAMIC DISC CAPACITORS Reliable solutions in EMI/RFI, decoupling, dv/dt and di/dt, snubbers, by-pass, ESR and ESL. Excellent for power supplies: Switcher and high voltage.

    OCR Scan
    DD21bSfl capacitor Y5S 022 cm z5u 0.033 m 3kv ceramic disc .01 1kv z5u cera-mite z5u 1kv z5u capacitor sprague cm z5u 6kv cera-mite z5u 3kv y5s 0022 CERA-MITE Y5V 2KV 10TCCT18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ceramic Capacitors QUICK REFERENCE INDEX Ceramic Leaded Capacitors Description Capacitance Range Working Voltage Range VDC Page A M o n o A x ia l MULTILAYER C o n fo rm a l C o a te d A xia l L e a d e d 10 p f to 1.0 fiF u p to 2 0 0 V D C 132 G M o n o -G la s s ™ MULTILAYER

    OCR Scan
    125VAC, 400VAC PDF


    Abstract: u503m2 UK50-104
    Text: SERIES U r ~ - i Ultra-Kap, 3VDC through 100VDC, Low Voltage El A Class IV Ceramic Capacitors DESCRIPTION: Ph ilips Components Ultra-Kap capacitors provide many advantages when compared to ordinary ceramic capacitors. Their unique semi-conductor

    OCR Scan
    100VDC, ava33 U103M29Y5 u503m2 UK50-104 PDF

    NCB fuse

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Table of Contents and Selection Chart A L U M IN U M A N D T A N T A L U M E L E C T R O L Y T IC C A P A C IT O R S T H R O U G H H O LE S(»ries Application/Feature Anti-Solvent Capacitance Range (uF) Working Voltage Range (Vdc) Operating Temp. Range f C)

    OCR Scan

    block diagram of cd player

    Abstract: M65820AFP
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M65820AFP CD PLAYER DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR WITH BUILT-IN MEMORY DESCRIPTION The M 65820A FP is a CMOS 1C developed fo r com pact disc C D sound reproducing applications. It has built-in m em ory, a d ju stm en t-free PLL, error correction circuitry, etc. and

    OCR Scan
    M65820AFP 5820A 001fi750 block diagram of cd player M65820AFP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Epoxy-Dipped Radial Lead Inductive Film/Foil C apacitors UMR t : F o r a II g e n e r a l p u r p o s e fi lm c a p a c i t o r a p p l i c a t i o n s FEATURES Ceramic disc alternative Cost efficient Capacitance range: 0.001 pF to. 47pF SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE RATINGS/TESTS

    OCR Scan

    CCIR 468-2

    Abstract: u 2829 4445 DIP SWITCH 10 PIN U2829 TDA audio power amplifier tda audio amplifier TDA4445 4445a IF5249
    Text: TDA 4445 A-TDA4445 B TTllLlFtLDKlCSSKi electronic C reativ e T ec hn o lo g ie s QUASI PARA LL EL SOUND PR OC ES SI NG WI TH QU AD RA TU RE INTERCARRIER DE MO DU LA TO R T D A 44 45 B ADDITIONAL: AM DE MODULATOR Technology: Bi po la r . Fe atures : o Very high input sensitivity

    OCR Scan
    16-pin TDA4445 53aoos_ 16-leads CCIR 468-2 u 2829 4445 DIP SWITCH 10 PIN U2829 TDA audio power amplifier tda audio amplifier 4445a IF5249 PDF

    TTL 74L04

    Abstract: 74L04 CI ttl 7404 .001 uf disc capacitor CI 7404 ci not 7404 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK 74H04 CI 74S04 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK converter

    OCR Scan
    750ns. 33MHz 750nS -10V/Â -20V/Â TTL 74L04 74L04 CI ttl 7404 .001 uf disc capacitor CI 7404 ci not 7404 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK 74H04 CI 74S04 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK converter PDF

    TTL 74L04

    Abstract: TELEDYNE PHILBRICK TELEDYNE PHILBRICK V to F 74L04 74ls049 TTL 74h04 74L804 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK f to v 7404 TTL 7404 ttl inverter
    Text: DYMEC I N C lb □□0P3Û5 7 i~D f,-Tr51-lQ-12 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTERS HIGH SPEED MODELS MAX. TOTAL CONVERSION TIMES DOWN TO: 7 5 0 n s . 8 Bits 1us . 10Bits 2us . 12 Bits

    OCR Scan
    -Tr51-lQ--12 750ns. 33MHz 750nS -10V/Â -20V/Â TTL 74L04 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK TELEDYNE PHILBRICK V to F 74L04 74ls049 TTL 74h04 74L804 TELEDYNE PHILBRICK f to v 7404 TTL 7404 ttl inverter PDF

    1001 dl pwm ICS

    Abstract: ci 4580 LS 7405
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M 6 5 8 2 1 F P ! I CD PLAYER DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR j - — • DESCRIPTION The M65821FP is a signal processing LSI using silicon gate CMOS technology fo r use in a compact disc CD player. The M65821 FP incorporates the functions of data slicer,

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    M65821FP M65821 MI55822AFP 4672M 9344M M65822AFP 9344MHz M65821FP 1001 dl pwm ICS ci 4580 LS 7405 PDF

    3W amp bridge

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /SO -9001 CERTIFIED BY DESC 105 HIGH POWER Q U A D O PERATIO N AL AMPLIFIER M.S. KENNEDY CORP 8 1 7 0 Thompson Road Cicero, N.Y. 13039 315 699-9201 FEATURES: MIL-PRF-38534 QUALIFIED • • • • • • Low Cost W ide Supply Voltage Range: 5 V to 40V

    OCR Scan
    MIL-PRF-38534 MSK105 MSK105B Military-Mil-PRF-38534 3W amp bridge PDF