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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, SOIC16, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: tda8362b ILa1519B1Q iff4n60 IN1307N tda8890 IL311AN IL91214AN MC74HC123AN IL258D
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS SHORT FORM CATALOG INTEGRAL 2010-2011 INTEGRAL JSC reserves the right to make changes in device design, specifications and other information identified in this publication without notice and assumes no responsibility for the use of any device described herein.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HMXMUX01 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer Radiation Hardened Features ▪ Fabricated on Silicon On Insulator SOI CMOS Technology ▪ SOI4 Process (Leff = 0.8 um) ▪ Total Dose Hardness 300k rad (Si) ▪ Dose Rate Upset Hardness 1x109 rad(Si)/s ▪ Dose Rate Survivability

    HMXMUX01 1x109 1x1012 1x1014 120ns HMXMUX01 ADS-14199 PDF

    TSMC 0.18 um MOSfet

    Abstract: M38510 10102BCA IDT7204L 5962-8768401MQA 0.18um LDMOS TSMC sl1053 TSMC 0.25Um LDMOS UT63M125BB SMD RTAX250S-CQ208 5962-04221
    Text: DSCC Supplemental Information Sheet for Electronic QML-38535 Specification Details: Date: 9/2/2008 Specification: MIL-PRF-38535 Title: Advanced Microcircuits Federal Supply Class FSC : 5962 Conventional: No Specification contains quality assurance program: Yes

    QML-38535 MIL-PRF-38535 MIL-STD-790 MIL-STD-690 -581DSCC QML-38535 TSMC 0.18 um MOSfet M38510 10102BCA IDT7204L 5962-8768401MQA 0.18um LDMOS TSMC sl1053 TSMC 0.25Um LDMOS UT63M125BB SMD RTAX250S-CQ208 5962-04221 PDF


    Abstract: XQ2VP40-5FF1152N xq2vp40 XQ2VP70-6EF1704I XQ2VP70 XAPP290 H337 u267 PPC405 IBM verilog code for ALU implementation
    Text: c 2 R DS136 v2.0 December 20, 2007 QPro Virtex-II Pro 1.5V Platform FPGAs Complete Data Sheet Preliminary Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Overview Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS136-1 (v2.0) December 20, 2007 DS136-3 (v2.0) December 20, 2007

    DS136 DS136-1 DS136-3 DS136-4 XQ2VP40-5FG676N XQ2VP40-5FF1152N xq2vp40 XQ2VP70-6EF1704I XQ2VP70 XAPP290 H337 u267 PPC405 IBM verilog code for ALU implementation PDF

    C1383 NPN transistor collector base and emitter

    Abstract: NPN transistor c1383 C1383 transistor C1383 NPN transistor Light-Dependent Resistor specification c1983 transistor pin configuration of C1383 transistor LHI968 lhi878 c1383
    Text: Advanced sensor technologies for today’s breakthrough applications Table of Contents . Table of Contents PerkinElmer Optoelectronics provides Digital Imaging, Sensor and Lighting technologies to speed the development of breakthrough applications for customers in biomedical,

    10-foot C1383 NPN transistor collector base and emitter NPN transistor c1383 C1383 transistor C1383 NPN transistor Light-Dependent Resistor specification c1983 transistor pin configuration of C1383 transistor LHI968 lhi878 c1383 PDF

    STR G 8654

    Abstract: A673 transistor transistor A673 transistor Bu 45080 TT 2188 mx 362-0 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 3401 diode BZW 70-20 sfh 202 diode 3302 81a ir receiver
    Text: Foreword Foreword Foreword Vorwort The information in this catalog is correct as of March 2011. Die Angaben in diesem Katalog entsprechen dem Stand März 2011. All products listed in this catalog are RoHS compliant, a fact that will be explicitly noted in the respective data sheet. For up-to-date



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FU JITSU UHB SERIES 1.5p CMOS GATE ARRAYS MB62XXXX MB60XXXX Septem ber 1988 Edition 1.1 DESCRIPTION The UHB series o f 1 .5-m icron CMOS gate arrays Is a highly Integrated low -pow er, ultra high-speed product fam ily th a t derives its enhanced perform ance and increased user flexibility fro m the use of a system -proven, dual-colum n gate s tru ctu re and 2-layer

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    MB62XXXX MB60XXXX FPT-160PM01) 40-LEAD DIP-40P-M01) 54JTYP 40006S-1C PDF


    Abstract: pld910 IPLD910-25 DPLD910-15 adf simu 5C090 tcl eprom intel PLD INTEL PLD910 adf compiler
    Text: i n t j . ÌPLD910 FAST 24-MACROCELL CMOS PLD Function, Pin, and JEDEC Compatible with EP900, EP910, EP91QA, 85C090 and 5C090 m tpo 12 ns, 62.5 MHz w/Feedback, Clock to Output 8 ns • Ice = 150 mA Max @ 1 MHz ■ Programmable Low-Power Option for “Standby” Operation; 60 ju.A Typ. in

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    PLD910 24-MACROCELL EP900, EP910, EP91QA, 85C090 5C090 IPLD910 IPLD910 dpld910 IPLD910-25 DPLD910-15 adf simu 5C090 tcl eprom intel PLD INTEL PLD910 adf compiler PDF

    CDA 10.7 MC 40

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fíOv ¿4 m O rder this Data Sheet by H4C D MOTOROLA H4C SERIES SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information H4C SERIES CMOS ARRAYS and the CDA™ ARCHITECTURE H IG H PERFORM ANCE T R IP L E LAYER M ETAL The H4C Series is Motorola’s highest performance, sub-micron family of

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    kl45B 1PHX33006-4 CDA 10.7 MC 40 PDF

    130 nm CMOS standard cell library

    Abstract: 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys 130 nm CMOS standard cell library ST C4002-1 VGC450/VGC453
    Text: V L S I Tech n o lo gy , in c . oec t a PRELIMINARY VGC450/VGC453 LIBRARY O.8-MICRON GATE A R R A Y S E R IE S FEATURES • Advanced 0.7-micron effective channel length , 0.8-micron (drawn gate length) silicon gate CMOS technology • Fully integrated with COMPASS

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    VGC450/VGC453 VGC453 VGC450 130 nm CMOS standard cell library 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys 130 nm CMOS standard cell library ST C4002-1 PDF


    Abstract: VGC453 model values for 0.18 micron technology cmos nd02d2
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC T3aa3M? oooaaio □ M7E D V L S I T echn o lo gy , in c . VTI ' PRELIMINARY -0 9 VGC450/VGC453 LIBRARY O.8-MICRON GATE ARRAY SERIES FEATURES • Advanced 0.7-micron effective channel length , 0.8-micron (drawn gate length) silicon gate CMOS

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    VGC450/VGC453 VGC453 VGC450 PT6042 model values for 0.18 micron technology cmos nd02d2 PDF


    Abstract: 85C090 P85C090 p85c090-25 PLD910-15 TN85C090-25 INTEL PLD910 npld intel PLD NPLD910-12
    Text: INTEL CORP MEMORY/PL] / SbE J> m 4 A 2 b l 7 b 0 0 7 7 5 1 7 514 • I T L 2 ir r te l. P W io - 1 ^ - 0 ^ ¡PLD910/85C090 FAST 24-MACROCELL CMOS PLD Function, Pin, and JEDEC Compatible with EP900, EP910, EP910A, 85C090 and 5C090 Extensive Software and Programming

    OCR Scan
    PLD910/85C090 24-MACROCELL EP900, EP910, EP910A, 85C090 5C090 IPLD910/85C090 IPLD910 51-C/W npld910-25 P85C090 p85c090-25 PLD910-15 TN85C090-25 INTEL PLD910 npld intel PLD NPLD910-12 PDF

    VLSI Technology

    Abstract: kt 714 schematic transistor modul trigger pt6005 vlsi design physical verification VGT300 "VLSI Technology Inc." PT6055 GAH 521 fabrimex
    Text: V L S I T ec h n o lo g y , in c . VGT300 SERIES 1.0-MICRON GATE ARRAY SERIES FEATURES s • Advanced f.O microp/fdrawn silicon gate'techrrology • Seven array sizes from 30,300 to 246,500 available gates • Continuous Gate architecture for maximum layout efficiency

    OCR Scan
    VGT300 VLSI Technology kt 714 schematic transistor modul trigger pt6005 vlsi design physical verification "VLSI Technology Inc." PT6055 GAH 521 fabrimex PDF


    Abstract: ADG506A ADG506AKN ADG506AKR DG506A DG507A HI-506 HI-507 ADG506ATQ ad507a
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES CMOS 8/16 Channel Analog Multiplexers ADG506A/ADG507A FEATURES 44V Supply Maximum Rating V ss to V DD Analog Signal Range Single/Dual Supply Specifications Wide Supply Ranges 10.8V to 16.5V Extended Plastic Temperature Range ( - 40°C to +85°C)

    OCR Scan
    ADG506A/ADG507A 28-Lead DG506A, HI-506 DG507A, HI-507 ADG506A ADG507A ADG506A ADG507A ADG506AKN ADG506AKR DG506A DG507A HI-507 ADG506ATQ ad507a PDF

    PA 0016 PIONEER

    Abstract: Pioneer PA 0016 transistors br 6822 MPF104 I9951D Johnson motor 2 607 022 013 2SK109 equivalent V01000J DG5043CK IRF4431
    Text: CT^Siliconix in c o rp o ra te d Introduction Siliconix designs and manufactures semiconductor products that bridge the interface gap between real-world analog signals and the digitally operated microprocessor. Depending on the application, Siliconix provides both discrete

    OCR Scan
    J-23548 K28742 PA 0016 PIONEER Pioneer PA 0016 transistors br 6822 MPF104 I9951D Johnson motor 2 607 022 013 2SK109 equivalent V01000J DG5043CK IRF4431 PDF

    integrated circuit TL 2262

    Abstract: PT6042 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys compass ic ND02D2 0.03 um CMOS technology VSC470
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC M7E D VTI V L S I T ech n o lo g y , in c . T - m PRELIMINARY - m VSC470 SERIES 0.8-MICRON HIGH-DENSITY STANDARD CELL LIBRARY FEATURES • Advanced 0.7-micron channel length, 0.8-micron drawn gate length silicon gate CMOS technology

    OCR Scan
    VSC470 integrated circuit TL 2262 PT6042 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys compass ic ND02D2 0.03 um CMOS technology PDF


    Abstract: 8086 microprocessor book by A K RAY 180 nm CMOS standard cell library AMI IC1732 DL021 M91C360 ami 0.6 micron 3682D ami equivalent gates ic/TDA7388 equivalent
    Text: Library Characteristics il A M I AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. L ib ra ry Characteristics AMI6G 0.6 micron CMOS Gate Array AMI6Gx Gate Array Family Overview U S A B LE G ATES1 PART NUM B ER2 B O N D PAD S I/O C E L L S 2 LM 3 LM AMI6G4 1.39 1.85 44 52 AMI6G16S

    OCR Scan
    AMI6G16S AMI6G33S AMI6G41S AMI6G70S AMI6G106S AMI6G150S AMI6G202S AMI6G333 AMI6G471 AMI6G603 DIGITAL GATE EMULATOR USING 8085 8086 microprocessor book by A K RAY 180 nm CMOS standard cell library AMI IC1732 DL021 M91C360 ami 0.6 micron 3682D ami equivalent gates ic/TDA7388 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES INC bSE ]> • OfllböOO 3ST « A N A Low Power Video Op Amp with Disable AD810 ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES High Speed 80 MHz Bandwidth 3 dB, G = +1 70 MHz Bandwidth (3 dB, G = +2) 1000 V /| jis Slew Rate 50 ns Settling Time to 0.1% (VQ = 10 V Step)

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    AD810 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS273 74LS189 equivalent 74LS00 QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE 74LS265 fan-in and fan out of 7486 74LS93A 74LS181 74LS247 replacement MR 31 relay
    Text: F A IR C H IL D LOW POWER S C H O T T K Y D A TA BOOK ERRATA SHEET 1977 Device Page Item Schematic 2-5 Figure 2-6. Blocking diode in upper right is reversed. Also, diode con­ necting first darlington emitter to output should have series resistor. LS33 5-25

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this data sheet by HDC/D MOTOROLA HDC SERIES SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H IG H PER FO R M A NC E T R IP L E LAYER M ETAL HDC SERIES CMOS ARRAYS 1 .0 M IC R O N C M O S A R R A Y S B uilt on a 1.0 m icron, trip le -la y e r metal C M O S process, the HDC

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 74hc273 ov534 cd401068 74hct273 AN6525 Harris CMOS Integrated Circuits cd401106 AN7323 CV7030

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    CD4000 ir1253 74hc273 ov534 cd401068 74hct273 AN6525 Harris CMOS Integrated Circuits cd401106 AN7323 CV7030 PDF

    ej 93

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TZA3041AHL; TZA3041BHL; TZA3041U Gigabit Ethernet/Fibre Channel laser drivers Objective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC19 Philips Semiconductors 1998 Aug 24 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Gigabit Ethernet/Fibre Channel

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    TZA3041AHL; TZA3041BHL; TZA3041U TZA3041U TZA3041 TZA3041ctors 425102/200/01/pp20 ej 93 PDF

    synchronous inverter schematic ims 1600

    Abstract: elcot tv kit circuit diagram iosq 050 pin diagram for IC cd 1619 cp in fm smd code transistor sd IL44 Z ET 439 IL44 transistor ksv3100a UTM ceramic RESISTOR 390 210-9
    Text: CONFIGURABLE DESIGN PLD 1 S i 2 0 Regan Brampton, Tel: (4 1 6 Fax: (4 1 6 ) 9 • Si APPLICATION BOOK F P GA 9 LOGIC 4 Ì 4(I M A S S O C IA T E S Road, Unit 14 O ntario L 7 A 1C3 8 4 0 -6 0 6 6 8 4 0 -6 0 9 1 • GATE A R R A Y 1 9 9 5 iilmËL Atmel Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)

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    T22V10A T22V10AT22V10BAT22V10LAT22LV10AT22LV10LA TF22V10BA TF22V10BLA TF22V10B TF22V10BQLA T18V8ZA TF16V8BA TF16V8BLA TF16V8BQ synchronous inverter schematic ims 1600 elcot tv kit circuit diagram iosq 050 pin diagram for IC cd 1619 cp in fm smd code transistor sd IL44 Z ET 439 IL44 transistor ksv3100a UTM ceramic RESISTOR 390 210-9 PDF


    Abstract: adc-econoverter ADC856C Datel SHM-4 AM543MC vfv-10k intersil AM-452-2M DAC-IC10BC ROJ-20 AM452-2M
    Text: INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE IN PRECISION DATA ACQUISITION C O M P A N Y H IS T O R Y Founded in 1970, DATEL is a multinational com pany located approxim ately 35 miles south of Boston in Mansfield, M assachusetts. O ur modern 180,000 square-foot facility houses our adm inistrative offices, com ponents and sub-system s engineering

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