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    000D524 Search Results

    000D524 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *7 0 / 4N54 Hermetic Hexadecimal Display With Logic Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION A hermetically sealed solid-state hexadecimal display with on-board memory latch, decoder and driver. The 4N54 decodes positive 8421 BCD logic inputs and displays the appropriate hexadecimal character

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    MIL-D-87157 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIES06 Gallium Arsenide Infrared-Emitting Diodes DESIGNED TO EMIT NEAR-INFRARED RADIANT ENERGY WHEN FORWARD BIASED • Spectrally Matched to Silicon Sensors . . . Peak Emission at 910 nm • Circular, Consistent-Size, Flat Emitting Areas . . . 7.5 Mils Diameter

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    TIES06 flRb3R34 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIEF150, TIEF151, TIEF152 Low-Noise High-Speed Transimpedawce Amplifiers Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. O PTO ELECTRO N IC INTERFACE CIR C U IT S FOR A P P L IC A T IO N S SU C H A S FIBER OPTICS, L A S E R R A N G E F IN D E R S A N D O PTICA L C O M M U N IC A T IO N S

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    TIEF150, TIEF151, TIEF152 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T0X9100 Silicon PIN Photodiode Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES This is a silicon PIN photodiode designed for detection of infrared radiation in short length fiber optic and other applications. It is packaged in a modified TO-52 hermetic can which fits

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    T0X9100 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •7 0 1 T O X 9000 Gallium A lu m in u m A rs e n id e Lig h t Em itting Diode Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES This is a high radiance GaAIAs IR LED for applications requiring high power from a point source and fast response time. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

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    000D524 PDF

    Silicon Photocells

    Abstract: S1010 photocell encoder silicon photocell Silicon Sensors, Inc s05025 s1020 S0520
    Text: Silicon Photocell Sensors Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. SILICON PHOTOCELL SENSORS TOI silicon photocells are employed in photometer, switching, position detection, tape and disc EOTBOT sensing, solar energy conversion, and other numerous applications. Silicon photosensors with

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    S05025 S0505 S0510 000D524 Silicon Photocells S1010 photocell encoder silicon photocell Silicon Sensors, Inc s1020 S0520 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: im tu t TOX 9111/TOX 9112 Silicon Photodiodes Toxam Formerly S37/S38 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TOX 9111 and TOX 9112 large area p-silicon photodiodes are used in many laser and infrared systems. These detectors feature low noise and high responsivity. Both use guard ring

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    9111/TOX S37/S38 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOX 9007 P-N Gallium Arsenide Infrared-Emitting Diode «7 0 # Taxas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TOX 9007 is a 940 nm emitter designed for short distance point to point data transmission and position sensing. Designed to emit near-infrared radiation

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    MIL-S-19500, 9007TX 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AVG Semiconductors DDi" Technical Data Available Q 2 ,1995 DV74HC365, DV74HCT365 DV74HC367, DV74HCT367 Hex Tri-State Buffer These devices are High Speed Non-Inverting Buffers. Both devices have active-low enables. All six gates are controlled in the HC365, 2-Bits and 4-Bits are seperately

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    DV74HC365, DV74HCT365 DV74HC367, DV74HCT367 HC365, HC367. AVG-003 AVG-004 1-800-AVG-SEMI 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D77 Series - 53 mm B a s ic D im e n s io n s F ra c tio n a l D im e n s io n s D e cim a l D im e n s io n s UP TO 1 /4 ± 1 /1 2 8 ± .003 OVER 1 /4 TO 8 ± 1 /6 4 ± 005 OVER 8 ± 1 /3 2 ± .010 Dimensionsal Tolerances Unless Otherwise Specified May Vary

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    D7780 D7780ZOV131RA490 Z0V141RA530 7780Z0V151R 7780Z0V181R 7780Z0V231R Z0V251RA800 7780ZOV271RA860 7780ZOV301RA940 7780Z0V321R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *7 0 # TOX 9009 Gallium Aluminum Arsenide Light Emitting Diode Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES High radiance GaAIAs IR LED optimized for coupling to a variety of fibers. The unique LED chip design combines high power coupling with wide bandwidth operation.

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    000D524 PDF

    quadrant photodiode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: «Of T0X9108 Large Area Silicon Quadrant PIN Photodiode Taxas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES Quadrant Geometry For Alignment and Tracking Applications Diameter of Active Area, 0.650 Inch Rise and Fall Times, 10 ns Typ at 900 nm Wavelength Dark Current 500 nA Typ per Quadrant

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    T0X9108 000D524 IH375) quadrant photodiode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIED87, TIED88, TIED 89 Reference Diode Pairs Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEA TU R ES These diode pairs consist of an avalanche photodiode APD and a small reference diode that have been manufactured together to ensure close matching of both the breakdown voltages

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    TIED87, TIED88, 000D524 PDF

    A214 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T0X 9005 P-N Gallium Arsenide Infrared-Emitting Diode WO# Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TOX 9005 is a 940 nm emitter designed for short distance point to point data transmission and position sensing. Designed to emit near-infrared radiation

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    MIL-S-19500, OX9005TX 000D524 A214 diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIED59 Avalanche Photodiode Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. OPTIMIZED FOR HIGH-SPEED DETECTION OF NEAR-INFRARED RADIANT ENERGY DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TIED59 is a high-speed, high-resistivity photodiode. It is designed to operate in the reverse-voltage avalanche region just below the

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    TIED59 TIED59 TIED56 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: «O I T0X9107 Silicon PIN Photodetector Taxas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES • • • • The TOX 9107 is a large area, broad band detector application for both m ilitary and commercial users including HeNe and GaAs laser systems fo r range finding, data

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    T0X9107 C30810 000D524 IH375) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T0X9109 Silicon PIN Detector m i- m i Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. lllll m V v l DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TOX 9109 is a low noise, high speed quadrant high resistivity P-type silicon detector. Low noise is aided by the guard ring construction. Normally operated in the fully depleted mode higher

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    T0X9109 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOX 9110 Silicon PIN Photodiode Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES The T O X 9110 is a high-resistivity silicon PIN detector used in military and commercial light sensor applications. Designed to have high performance from 0.9 yum to 1.06 //m . The TO X

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    000D524 PDF

    DP LED 714

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m H ill f f m !• I # ■ 4N56 Hexadecimal Display With Logic Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. HERMETICALLY SEALED SOLID-STATE HEXADECIMAL DISPLAY WITH INTEGRAL TTL CIRCUIT TO ACCEPT, STORE, AND DISPLAY 4-BIT BINARY DATA • Available with Screening in Accordance

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    IL-D-87157, 4N56-TXV 62-mm 300-Inch) Cond210) 000D524 IH375) DP LED 714 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIED56 Avalanche Photodiode Taxas Optoelectronics, Inc. OPTIMIZED FOR HIGH-SPEED DETECTION OF NEAR-INFRARED RADIANT ENERGY DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TIED56 is a high-speed, high-resistivity photodiode. It is designed to operate in the reverse-voltage avalanche region just below the

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    TIED56 TIED56 000D524 IH375) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T0X 9006 Gallium Aluminum Arsenide Infrared-Emitting Diode WO# Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TOX 9006 is a GaAIAs emitter designed to emit near-infrared radiation when forward biased. Output spectrally compatible with silicon sensors

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    MIL-S-19500, 9006TX 000D524 IH375) PDF