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    0022D14 Search Results

    0022D14 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: power line carrier communication dc MSM6926GS-2K MSM6926GS-K MSM6926RS MSM6946 MSM6946GS-K MSM6946RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6926/6946 300 bps Single Chip FSK M O D E M GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6926 and the MSM6946 are Oki's 300 bps single chip m odem series which transm it and receive serial, binary data over a sw itched telephone netw ork using frequency shift keyed FSK

    OCR Scan
    MSM6926 MSM6946 MSM6946 724B4D DD22013 0022D14 power line carrier communication dc MSM6926GS-2K MSM6926GS-K MSM6926RS MSM6946GS-K MSM6946RS PDF