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    00D343R Search Results

    00D343R Datasheets Context Search

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    ixys dsei 2x30-04c

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSEI 2X30-04C/06C DSEI 2X31-04C/06C DIXYS Diode 2X30-04C/06C 2X31-04C/06C FRED V RSM V rrm 440V 640V 400V 600V Symbol Type DSEI 2x 30/31 -04C DSEI 2x 30/31 -06C o -l- I f DSEI2x30 Test Conditions T VJ I "^"v j M A A TVJ = 150°C t = 10 mS (50 Hz), sine t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine

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    2X30-04C/06C 2X31-04C/06C DSEI2x30 00D343R D-68623 ixys dsei 2x30-04c PDF

    NPN transistor 2n2222 beta value

    Abstract: 2N2222 transistor output curve 2N2222 curve beta transistor 2N2222 2n2222 transistor pin b c e MJE210 2n2222 h parameter values
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL2021C Monolithic Pin Driver F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • Wide range of programmable analog output levels • 0.5 Ampere output drive with external transistors • Programmable Slew Rate • Low overshoot with large

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    EL2021C EL2021C EL2021 EL2021, NPN transistor 2n2222 beta value 2N2222 transistor output curve 2N2222 curve beta transistor 2N2222 2n2222 transistor pin b c e MJE210 2n2222 h parameter values PDF