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    RS Pro 2050433 (ALTERNATE: 2050433)

    CAT 3 RJ12 In-Line Coupler, PC/ABS, 6P6C Feedthrough Connector, Black | RS PRO 2050433
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    RS 2050433 (ALTERNATE: 2050433) Bulk 5 10 Weeks 1
    • 1 $10.36
    • 10 $10.36
    • 100 $10.36
    • 1000 $10.36
    • 10000 $10.36
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    050433A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC T3 D • 050433A 0003778 0 ■ AL GR T-91-01 PROCESS BKA Process BKA Schottky Diode Process BKA is a silicon high-speed Schottkybarrier junction diode. It has a typical breakdownvoltage rating of 60 V and can operate with a forward

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    0DG377Ã T-91-01 -H057 A1058 PDF


    Abstract: 8035A
    Text: ALLEGRO 8514019 MICROSYSTEMS SPRAGUE. INC T3 » • 050433A S E M IC O N D S / I C S 93D 0003816 A ■ ALGR 0 3 8 18 J> ULN-2054A T R A N S IS T O R A R R A Y U LN -2054A T R A N SIST O R A R R A Y Dual Independent Differential Am plifiers 'T 'H E ULN-2054A is a transistor array consisting

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    50433A ULN-2054A -2054A ULN-2031A ULN-2086A, ULS-2045H ULS-2083H, ULN2054A 8035A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AL LE GR O MICROSYSTEMS INC ^3 D • 050433A 0DD37S3 4 I ALGR T-91-01 PROCESS DOB Process DOB Dual Diode with Common Anode P ro c e s s D O B is a gold -doped silicon epitaxial N on P dual dio d e with a com m on an od e term inal. It has a typical breakdow n rating of 90 V and will operate with

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    D50433Ã T-91-01 -H073 PDF


    Abstract: zener y11 TMPZ5229 TMPZ5230 TMPZ5232 TMPZ5233 TMPZ5234 TMPZ5235 TMPZ5236 TMPZ5237
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC blE D • 050433A GGDbBTB b?S ■ ALGR ZENER DIODES ‘TM PZ’ ZE N E R D IO D E S ELEC T R IC A L CHARACTERISTICS a t T A. = 25°C Zener Voltage Leakage Current Min. Nom. Max. Z ZT @ 'Z T V (V) Max (HA) @ VR Marking Max. (V) (V)

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    50433A TMPZ5229 TMPZ5230 TMPZ5231 TMPZ5232 TMPZ5233 TMPZ5234 TMPZ5235 TMPZ5236 TMPZ5237 zener y11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3185 t u r i 3189 *y J L r o tim i t i r « t w : n . m h k OPERATION +?•*■- 27609.2 H A U - E ì i l ì l l ' lATCUHS HALL-EFFECT LATCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATVBE OPERATION These Hall-effect latches are extremely temperature-stable and stress-resistant sensors especially suited for operation over extended

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER WITH BACK-EMF SENSING The A8905CLB isw a three-phase brushless dc motor controller/ driver for use with CD-ROM or DVD drives. The three half-bridge outputs are low on-resistance n-channel DMOS devices capable of

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    A8905CLB 50433A 1043j_ MA-Q08-25A PDF


    Abstract: D2069
    Text: ULN2064/65B 1.5 A DABUNGTON SWITCHES High-voltage, high-current Darlington arrays ULN2064B/LB through ULN2069B/LB are designed for interface between low-level logic and a variety of peripheral loads such as relays, solenoids, dc and stepper motors, magnetic print hammers, multiplexed LED and

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    ULN2064/65B ULN2064B/LB ULN2069B/LB 050433a oooaa42 GP-045 D2069 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m ü M ► t . * - H ^ m * 1 f tm- r'h . r*-*«"* + • *■ + ■*•■- - * » » -. *-# ■ •*- -* 4 r ■■ *• v *■ * —■* r ,«i t. —.1^ * t m* t îd f^ +«•«T-* * j- : *■ r ■* -f * -r -r4' ■l" ^V*' '".’T r

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    A2919SB A2919SLB Q5G433Ã EP-008B 00Q77T5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29317.14* PROTECTED QUAD POWER DRIVERS Providing improved output current limiting, the UDK, UDN, and UDQ2559B, EB, and LB quad power drivers combine NAND logic gates and high-current bipolar outputs with complete output protection. Each of the four outputs will sink 700 mA in the ON state. The outputs

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    UDQ2559B, UDx2559LB UDx2559B TRANSISTOR J 5804 PDF


    Abstract: 935J
    Text: A L LE GR O M I C R O S Y S T E M S INC T3» D • 0 S Ü 4 33 Ô 0 0 0 3 73 1 7 ■ AL6R i PROCESS TQL Process TQL PNP Small-Signal Transistor Process T Q L is a double-diffused P N P silicon epi­ taxial planar device for low-noise, high-gain ampli­ fication, m edium -power sw itching, and ge n e ralpurpose use from dc to UHF. Process T Q L is the

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    0S0433Ã 500mA 050M33Ã 2N2907 935J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2879 QUAD HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON SWITCHES These quad Darlington arrays are designed to serve as interface between low-level logic and peripheral power devices such as sole­ noids, motors, incandescent displays, heaters, and similar loads of up to 320 W per channel. Both integrated circuits include transientsuppression diodes that enable use with inductive loads. The input

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    UDN2878W UDN2879W UDN2879W-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC T3 D • 0504330 DD037S3 t> ■ î-91-01 P R O C E S S NJ16 Process NJ16 N-Channel Junction Field-Effect Transistor Process NJ16 is an N-channel junction fieid-effect transistor designed for low-current, general-purpose applications. This process is particularly useful in

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    DD037S3 50433A T-91-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC blE D D50M33& 000b35E 570 • ALGR 5616 2-FUNCTION, 4-D IG IT LCD AUTOMOTIVE CLOCK— PROGRAMMABLE The SCL5616HW is a 2-function digital automotive clock circuit. Fabricated on a single monolithic chip using silicon-gate CMOS PROM

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    D50M33& 000b35E SCL5616HW PDF

    ULN2003A ULN2003L

    Abstract: ULN20XXL ULN2023A ULN2003L 9732a ULN20XXA 9736A
    Text: HIGH-VOLTAGE, HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYS Ideally suited for interfacing between low-level logic circuitry and multiple peripheral power loads, the Series ULN20xxA/L high-voltage, high-current Darlington arrays feature continuous load current ratings to 500 mA for each of the seven drivers. At an appropriate duty cycle

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    ULN20xxA/L ULN2003A/L ULN2023A/L MA-007-16 MA-007-16A Q50433Ö ULN2003A ULN2003L ULN20XXL ULN2023A ULN2003L 9732a ULN20XXA 9736A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALLE6R0 MICROSYSTEMS INC T3D 1> • 05D433Ö DD03743 3 ■ ALGR PROCESS YCA Process YCA NPN Small-Signal Transistor Process Y C A is a double-diffused epitaxial planar N PN silicon transistor designed for use in generalpurpose switching and amplifier circuits. It can oper­

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    05G433A 1000mA 00090sa A1396 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BiMOS H 20-BIT SEBIAL-INPVT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERS W ITH ACTWE-DMOS PVLL-DOWNS The UCQ5812AF/EPF combine a 20-bit CMOS shift register, data latches, and control circuitry with high-voltage bipolar source drivers and active DMOS pull-downs for reduced supply current requirements.

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    20-BIT UCQ5812AF/EPF 5812EPF 50433A 1U025Z PDF

    j 5804

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet 26184.12B 5804 BiMOS n UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER SUPPLY DIRECTION 11 I STEP INPUT 1Ö1 HALF-STEP O U TPU T a L j T ONE-PHASE Dwg. W-194 Note that the UCN 5804B dual in-line package and UCN 5804LB (small outline IC package) are electrically identical and share a common pin

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    5804B 5804LB UCN5804B UCN5804LB asoM33Ã j 5804 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FULL-BRIDGE PWM MOTOR DRIVER Designed for bidirectional pulse-width modulated current control of inductive loads, the A 3952S - is capable of continuous output currents to ±2 A and operating voltages to 50 V. Internal fixed off-time PWM current-control circuitry can be used to regulate the maximum load

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    3952S A3952SLB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECT 1 2 7s~l DETECT. IN 16 T n ii 1 guard GUARD1 SENSITIVITY SET *TH OSC. CAP- 7T] HORN 2 lo i HORN1 9 1 - SUPPLY Owg. PC-004-1 The A5355CA is a low-current, CMOS circuit providing all of the required features for an ionization-type smoke detector. A networking

    OCR Scan
    PC-004-1 A5355CA UL217. 50433a 0QQ75fiH PDF


    Abstract: STR-G6624 strg6653 part circuit str-g6653 STRG6624 STR-G6653 circuit diagram STRG6651 STR-G6600 g6651 STR G6651
    Text: OFF-LINE QUASI-RESONANT FLYBA CK SWITCHING REGULATOR The STR-G6651 is specifically designed to satisfy the requirements for increased integration and reliability in off-line quasi-resonant flyback converters. This device incorporates the primary control and drive

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    sa433a STR-G6653 STR-G6624 strg6653 part circuit str-g6653 STRG6624 STR-G6653 circuit diagram STRG6651 STR-G6600 g6651 STR G6651 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3-PHASE BRUSHLESS D C M OTOR CONTROLLER/DRTVERS Combining logic and power, the U D N 2936W and U D N 2936W -120 provide commutation and drive for three-phase brushless dc motors. Each of the three outputs are rated at 45 V and ±2 A ±3 A peak , and include internal ground clamp and flyback diodes. These drivers also

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    WM-002-1 GS0433fl 0007AD2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , Data Sheet 27627.125 :S632LS I ZERO-SPEEDSELF-CALIBRATING NON-ORIENTED, HALL-EFEECT GEAJR-TOOTH SENSOR The ATS632LSA gear-tooth sensor is an optimized Hall-effect 1C/ magnet combination that provides extremely accurate tóbth edge detection when used with large-pitch targets. The ^ensorsubassembly

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    S632LS ATS632LSA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOW-DROPOUT ; 5 V REGULATOR — HIGH EFFICIENCY NC 11 NC 2 _\ NC > 16 OUT 15 OUT 14 NC 13 GROUND 12 GROUND IT GROUND 4 GROUND 5 — - Dwg. PS-018 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM EATINGS al T a = +25°C In p u t V o lta g e , V , . 1 0 V

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    PS-018 GP-038 GP-037 P-018 GP-042 50433A GP-037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BIM O S U 8 -B IT SERIAL-INPUT, LATC H ED SOURCE D RIVERS V i s e r ia l DATA O U T SHIFT U H in M S I LO G IC SUPPLY RESISTER r M- ^ Frequently applied in non-impact printer systems, the UCN5890A and UCN5891A are BiMOS II serial-input, latched source high-side

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    UCN5890A UCN5891A UCN5890A 50433A PDF