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    0535B05 Search Results

    0535B05 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF bGE D • 0535b05 G05142E 13b M S I E G Electrical Specification: Block Types Maxim um Ratings 85°C C haracteristics (25°C) Transient C ontinuous Part N umber B32K75 B40K75 B60K75 AC Voltage (RMS) DC Voltage Average Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan
    0535b05 G05142E B32K75 B40K75 B60K75 B32K130 B40K130 B60K130 B80K130 B32K150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C517/80C537 Advanced Information SAB 80C517 SAB 80C537 Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Microcontroller for external ROM • Versions for 12 MHz and 16 MHz operating frequency

    OCR Scan
    80C517/80C537 80C517 80C537 80C517 80C51 16-bit 235bG5 12Qflà 8E100X PDF

    gk 67

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a a a s b o s SIEMENS □ □ eì 2 b S D m s 2 PROFET BTS 308 Smart Highside Power Switch Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Product Summary Overvoltage protection Operating voltage On-state resistance Load current ISO Overload protection

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SAB82289 SAB 80286 16 N 82288
    Text: SIEM ENS 47E D • A23SbDS 0 0 3 i n b 3 ■ SIEG SIEMENS AKTI ENGESELLSCHAF " P c Q '3 5 r ö 5 Bus Controller for SAB 80286 Processors SAB 82288 Preliminary SAB 82288-6 up to 12 MHz SAB 82288 up to 16 MHz • Provides com m ands and control fo r local and system bus

    OCR Scan
    A23SbDS P-DIP-20 20-pin SAB82288 T-52-33-55 sab82288 SAB82289 SAB 80286 16 N 82288 PDF

    siemens sab 82538

    Abstract: 3tb siemens T-0657 SiEMENS PM 350 98 SAB 80188 QD70 SIEMENS ESCC8 1fa MARKING processor hbt 00 04 g Q67100-H6441
    Text: SIEM ENS Enhanced Serial Communication Controller ESCC8 SAB 82538 SAF 82538 Preliminary Data 1 CMOS 1C General Features Serial Interface • Eight independent full duplex serial channels - On chip clock generation or external clock source - On chip DPLL for clock recovery of each

    OCR Scan
    CRC-32 fl23Sb05 siemens sab 82538 3tb siemens T-0657 SiEMENS PM 350 98 SAB 80188 QD70 SIEMENS ESCC8 1fa MARKING processor hbt 00 04 g Q67100-H6441 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Standard EEPROM ICs SLx 24C01/02 1/2 Kbit 128/256 x 8 bit Serial CMOS-EEPROM with I2C Synchronous 2-Wire Bus Data Sheet 1998-07-27 • BEBSbDS Q i n M E b 3bb SLx 24C01/02 Revision History: Current Version: 1998-07-27 Previous Version: 06.97 Page

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    24C01/02 0535b05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BCR 512 NPN Silicon Digital Transistor >Switching circuit, inverter, interface circuit, drive circuit >Built in bias resistor R-|=4.7kfl, R2=4.7kfl 13 ET Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration BCR 512 XFs Q62702-C2445 1= B Package 2=E 3=C SOT-23

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-C2445 OT-23 023SbD5 G120a 015D677 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 8M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 328020S/GS-50/-60 Advanced Information • • SIM M module with 8 388 608 words by 32-bit organization for P C main memory applications Fast access and cycle time 50 ns access time 90 ns cycle time -50 version

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 328020S/GS-50/-60 0235bD5 G1235M2 32-Bit L-SIM-72-15 01E3EM3 G1235 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon PIN Diode BA 586 Preliminary Data • Current-controlled RF resistor for switching and attenuating applications. • Frequency range above 1 MHz • Designed for low IM distortion Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BA 586 white P Q62702-A930

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A930 OD-123 CHA07001 0535b05 00bbS71 PDF

    71001 EB

    Abstract: siemens ecu Q67120-C771 CMO 765 RC fet marking code P2 SAB-80C517A-N18-T3 SIEMENS 80515 siemens ecu ems bsy 28-90 Changing from the 80C537
    Text: Device Specification SIEM EN S High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5 Preliminary SAB 83C517A-5 SAB 80C517A Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Microcontroller for external ROM • SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5,

    OCR Scan
    80C517A/83C517A-5 83C517A-5 80C517A 80C517A/83C517A-5, 80C51 16-bit S23SbDS P-LCC-84 71001 EB siemens ecu Q67120-C771 CMO 765 RC fet marking code P2 SAB-80C517A-N18-T3 SIEMENS 80515 siemens ecu ems bsy 28-90 Changing from the 80C537 PDF

    siemens ad14

    Abstract: SZ-3 C161 C161V C1645 cn/P1H-6400P
    Text: SIEMENS 19 Device Specification / C161 Device Specification The device specification describes the electrical parameters of the device. It lists DC characteristics like input, output or supply voltages or currents, and AC characteristics like timing characteristics

    OCR Scan
    12/BHE/WRH 7/AD15 13/SCLK 6/AD14 0/A16 5/AD13 1/A17 4/AD12 2/A18 3/AD11 siemens ad14 SZ-3 C161 C161V C1645 cn/P1H-6400P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BCR 146W NPN Silicon Digital Transistor • Switching circuit, inverter, interface circuit, driver circuit • Built in bias resistor Ri=47k£2, R2=22k£2 FL U TT Pin Configuration Ordering Code WLs UPON INQUIRY Package UJ II CM Marking BCR 146W

    OCR Scan
    OT-323 0535b05 PDF

    diode smd marking BUZ

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 023 3010 Q67040-S4003-A2 G1337 diode smd m7 BUZ111S E3045 TRANSISTOR AO SMD MARKING smd code book smd marking ACH
    Text: BUZ 111S Infineon t«chnologi«$ SIPMOS Power Transit Product Summary Features V 55 • N channel Drain source voltage Vds • Enhancement mode Drain-Source on-state resistance • Avalanche rated Continuous drain current fîDS on> 0.008 i i 80 A b • dv/df rated

    OCR Scan
    BUZ111S P-T0220-3-1 Q67040-S4003-A2 E3045A P-T0263-3-2 Q67040-S4003-A6 E3045 diode smd marking BUZ TRANSISTOR 023 3010 G1337 diode smd m7 TRANSISTOR AO SMD MARKING smd code book smd marking ACH PDF

    smd transistor marking a2h

    Abstract: RRP12
    Text: SIEMENS Stand Alone Full CAN Controller SAE 81C90/91 P r e lim in a r y D a ta • • • • • • • • • • • • Full CAN controller for data rate up to 1 Mbaud Com plies with CAN specification V2.0 part A part B passive Up to 16 messages simultaneous

    OCR Scan
    81C90/91 P-LCC-44-1 81C90 A235b05 smd transistor marking a2h RRP12 PDF


    Abstract: TAA 761 siemens Package Outlines P-LCC DATE CODE 3535B aop 741 5MXE siemens lsl siemens 58 295 84 pin intel 80 B209 B-209
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications ISDN Echocancellation Circuit IEC-Q PEB 2091 Version 5.3 PEF 2091 Version 5.3 Data Sheet 01.99 DS 2 • flE3ShDS 013751t, b77 B PEB/F 2091 Revision History: Current Version: 01.99 Previous Version: None Page in previous Version

    OCR Scan
    PEB2091 PEF2091 013751t, flE35b05 m43of TAA 761 siemens Package Outlines P-LCC DATE CODE 3535B aop 741 5MXE siemens lsl siemens 58 295 84 pin intel 80 B209 B-209 PDF

    ssl 110 sn

    Abstract: sda 9205 DG533 ELLS 110
    Text: bSE T> m ÖS3SbüS DG53351 130 « S I E G SIEM ENS SIEMENS AKT IENG ES ELLS CH AF Triple 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter SDA 9205 CMOS 1C Preliminary Data Features • Three equivalent CMOS A/D converters on chip • 30-MHz sample rate • 8-bit resolution

    OCR Scan
    DG53351 30-MHz Q67100-H5029 PL-CC-68 235b05 0GS3371 D0S3372 ET021I ssl 110 sn sda 9205 DG533 ELLS 110 PDF

    AA S50

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM EN S 4M x 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 324020S/GS-50/-60 Advanced Information • 4 194 304 words by 32-bit organization alternative 8 388 608 words by 16-bit • Fast access and cycle tim e 50 ns access time 90 ns cycle tim e (-50 version) 60 ns access tim e

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 324020S/GS-50/-60 16-bit) 324020S/GS-50) 324020S/GS-60) fiS35bD5 32-Bit L-SIM-72-12 AA S50 PDF

    marking bt5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BCR 148S SIEMENS NPN Silicon Digital Transistor Array • Switching circuit, inverter, interface circuit, driver circuit • Two galvaniv internal isolated Transistors driver circuit • Built in bias resistor (R1=47kiì, R2=47Kfl) 02 fi Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    47Kfl) Q62702-C2417 BCR148S r998-11-01 6235bQ5 01207bb 0E35b05 marking bt5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFP 180W NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low-power amplifiers in mobile communication systems pager at collector currents from 0.2 to 2.5mA f j = 7GHz • F = 2 .1 d B at 900MHz ESP: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!

    OCR Scan
    900MHz Q62702-F1500 BFP180W OT-343 fl235bOS D1E1B71 23SbG5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS S ilic o n S w itc h in g D io d e A rray B A W 100 ♦ • For high-speed switching • Electrically insulated diodes Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAW 100 JSs Q62702-A376 Pin Configuration Package1) SOT-143 o- KJ- o

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A376 OT-143 flE35bQ5 Q1E043Ã aiSD43T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ta0 E J> • aS3Sb05 D D M ^ ci37 ST1 « S I E G SIEMENS SIEMENS AKTIEN GESELLSCH AF T - 'f H Æ - i o Single Operational Amplifiers TAA 762 TAA 765 Features Bipolar 1C • W ide common-mode range • Large supply voltage range • Large control range • W ide temperature range TAA 762

    OCR Scan
    aS3Sb05 Q67000-A2271 Q67000-A2273 Q67000-A524 Q67000-A599-G403 1235b05 PDF


    Abstract: D1557 MARKING DIAGRAMS sob 214 intel schematics 150N150A intel 80386 SL MARKING CODE CKQ TI e7f01 J027 TDA 2035
    Text: SIEM ENS Multichannel Network Interface Controller for HDLC MUNICH32 PEB 20320 CMOS 1C Version 3.4 1.1 Features • Serial Interface - Up to 32 independent communication channels. - Serial multiplexed full duplex input/output for 2048-, 4096-, 1544- or 1536-Kbit/s PCM

    OCR Scan
    MUNICH32 1536-Kbit/s 24-channel 32-channel q1257 D1557 MARKING DIAGRAMS sob 214 intel schematics 150N150A intel 80386 SL MARKING CODE CKQ TI e7f01 J027 TDA 2035 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Device Specification SIEMENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5 Preliminary SAB 83C517A-5 SAB 80C517A Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Microcontroller for external ROM • SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5,

    OCR Scan
    80C517A/83C517A-5 83C517A-5 80C517A 80C517A/83C517A-5, 83C517A-5 80C51 16-bit fi23SbDS P-MQFP-100-2 PDF


    Text: SIEM EN S 2-Phase Stepper-Motor Driver TLE 4728 G Overview Bipolar-IC Features • 2 x 0.7 amp. full bridge outputs • Integrated driver, control logic and current control chopper • Fast free-wheeling diodes • Max. supply voltage 45 V • Output stages are free of crossover current

    OCR Scan
    P-DSO-24-3 IQ67006-A9077 235bOS 0103bM5 H-HlTC2l24x 023Sb05 0103b4b TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE XI 2l TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 4728 stepper 434 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 Lxx 05 smd TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 7A IED01890 IEP01211 IET01883 PDF