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    07SA142 Search Results

    07SA142 Datasheets Context Search

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    27e transistor

    Abstract: IBM "embedded dram" SA-27E SA-27 epbga ibm sram
    Text: Standard cell/gate array value ASIC for high-function, high-density applications Blue Logic SA-27E ASIC Highlights Embedded DRAM with integrated built-in self test and redundancy Copper metallurgy for price/ performance in sub-0.18 µm logic process 0.11 µm effective channel length

    SA-27E SA-27 07SA14218301* SA14-2183-01 27e transistor IBM "embedded dram" epbga ibm sram PDF

    ibm ASIC SRAM

    Abstract: xnor cmos SA-12E ccga IBM IBM ccga
    Text: Value ASIC for high function and price-performance applications ASIC SA-12E Standard Cell/Gate Array Highlights Extensive portfolio of cores 0.18 µm effective channel length high performance Designs of up to 10 million gates 0.05 µW/MHz/gate power dissipation

    SA-12E 07SA14217302* SA14-2173-02 ibm ASIC SRAM xnor cmos ccga IBM IBM ccga PDF


    Abstract: SA-27 SA-27E xnor cmos IBM ASIC Products SA-12
    Text: Premium ASIC for high performance, high density, and low power applications ASIC SA-12 Standard Cell/Gate Array Highlights 0.18 µm effective channel length high performance Up to 3.4 million wireable gates in production today Optimized for low 2.5 volt operation

    SA-12 07SA14216503* SA14-2165-03 SA-12E SA-27 SA-27E xnor cmos IBM ASIC Products PDF

    ibm ASIC SRAM

    Abstract: IBM "embedded dram" IBM supports ccga
    Text: Standard cell/gate array ASIC for high-function, high-density applications Blue Logic Cu-11 ASIC Highlights 0.11-µm L drawn enables designs of up to 40 million gates Advanced technologies include copper metallurgy and low-k dielectric Choice of packaging options

    Cu-11 07SA14245100* SA14-2451-00 ibm ASIC SRAM IBM "embedded dram" IBM supports ccga PDF

    cmos XOR Gates

    Abstract: IBM ccga
    Text: IBM Microelectronics ASIC 5SE Standard Cell/Gate Array Value ASIC for high function and price-performance applications Highlights • Extensive portfolio of cores for your data processing, communications, and consumer applications • Designs up to 2.8 million gates

    07SA14217401* SA14-2174-01 cmos XOR Gates IBM ccga PDF


    Abstract: ibm ASIC SRAM IBM ASIC 0.03 um CMOS technology
    Text: ASIC for high performance and high density applications ASIC SA-27 Standard Cell/Gate Array Highlights 0.12 µm effective channel length high performance Designs of up to 12 million gates Copper metallurgy for high performance in sub-quartermicron technology

    SA-27 07SA14217201* SA14-2172-01 ibm ASIC SRAM IBM ASIC 0.03 um CMOS technology PDF


    Abstract: 405LP SA-27E 0.18-um CMOS Flash technology 404 MIPS
    Text: TM PowerPC 405LP Embedded Processor Highly integrated device offering high-performance at ultra-low power PowerPC 405D4 Embedded Core Highlights Offers high performance, ultra-low power, and a rich peripheral mix for a wide variety of power sensitive embedded applications,

    405LP 405D4 64-Bit 32-Bit 07SA142 SA14-2610-03 SA-27E 0.18-um CMOS Flash technology 404 MIPS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PowerPC ' TM P relim inary D ata PowerPC 603e RISC Microprocessor 150,160,166,180,200MHz Product Description Highlight s The PowerPC 603e m icro p ro ce sso r is a Pow er M a n a g e m e n t Uni t • Static lo w -po w e r design • D ynam ic pow er m a n ag em en t

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    200MHz 603eTM 07SA14203200 SA14-2032-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM Microelectronics AAMJ SA-12 Standard Cell/Gate Array Premium ASICfor high performance, high density,; and low power applications H ig h lig h ts • 0.18 ¡jm effective c h a n n e l le ng th high industry requirem ents. Use SA-12 ASIC ga te ASICs and exte nsib le enough to

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    SA-12 07SA14216502 SA14-2165-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PowerPC ' TM P relim inary D ata PowerPC 604e RISC Microprocessor 166,180 and 200 MHz Product Description > Highlights The PowerPC 604e microprocessor is a D is p a t e h U ni t 1512-entry branch history table 32-bit implementation of the PowerPC™ family of Reduced Instruction Set Computer

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    604eTM 1512-entry 64-entry 32-bit 07SA14205800 SA14-2058-00 IBM25PPC604 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM Microelectronics ¿Æ i.I h!$& ¡Standard Cell/Gate Array Value ASICfor highjunction and price-performance applications P ro d u c t S p e c ific a tio n s H ig h lig h ts • Extensive portfolio o f cores for your data processing, communications, and

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    07SA14217401 SA14-2174-01 PDF