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    0G01252 Search Results

    0G01252 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: JE 33
    Text: 3M032R7 blE D EUPEC 0G01252 bfl? • l U P E C DD 105 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties M axim um rated values Periodische Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak reverse voltage tv] = - 40',C . tv| m s* Stoßspitzenspannung non repetitive peak

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    0G01S52 32S00 JE 33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MXIC_ _MX25L4004 p m E iim m m y 4M-BIT[4IVI x 11 CMOS SERIAL FLASH EEPROM FEATURES • Low voltage operation: 3.0 + 0.3V • SPI Bus compatible • Sector erase architecture: -1 0 2 4 equal sectors of 536 bytes each - Sector erase time: 8ms typical

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    5L4004 GGD12S7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 4 Megabit High Speed CM OS SRAM D P S 5 1 2 S8 B N DESCRIPTIO N: T he DPS512S8BN is a high speed m ilita ry 512K X 8 high-density, static RAM m od ule comprised o f four high speed ceram ic 128K X 8 m o n o lith ic SRAM's, an advanced high-speed CMOS decoder and de cou pling

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    DPS512S8BN DPS512S8BN 600-mil-wide, 32-pin 512Kx8 125-C 275T41S 30A034-12 PDF