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    6a3 diode

    Abstract: 2SD1553 2482 npn
    Text: 2SD1553 SILICON NPN TRIPLE DIFFUSED MESA TYPE COLOR TV HORIZONTAL OUTPUT APPLICATIONS. Unit in ram FEATURES: 15.5±0l5 .#3,6±a3 . High Voltage 3,0±a3 : Vcjjo=1500V . Low Saturation Voltage: VcE sat =5V(Typ.)(Ic=2A,IB=0.6A)| . Highspeed : tf=1.0ns(Max.)(IcP=2A, Ifil(end)=0.6A)

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    2SD1553 200mA, 10Oil 6a3 diode 2SD1553 2482 npn PDF


    Abstract: pin diagram of lt 542 ym3623 yamaha ym3623 DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE RECEIVER
    Text: YAMAHA*LSI YM 3623B D i g i t a l A u d io I n t e r f a c e R e c e iv e r DIR • O U T L IN E The Y M 3 6 2 3 B is an L S I device, developed by Y A M A H A , which receives and plays hack the D igital A u d io Interface Form at signals that arc transferred between digital audio equipment.

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    YM3623B YM3623B CA95112 3K-1010 pin diagram of lt 542 ym3623 yamaha ym3623 DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE RECEIVER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Or, Call Customer Service at 1-800-548-6132 USA Only B U R R -B R O W N OPA621 OPA621 |E » | APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • LOW NOISE: 2.3nV/VHz LOW DIFFERENTIAL GAIN/PHASE ERROR HIGH OUTPUT CURRENT: 150mA FAST SETTLING: 25ns (0.01%)

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    OPA621 150mA 500MHz OPA621 17313b5 PDF


    Abstract: MAX4105
    Text: 19-4757; R ev 3 ; 10/98 J V W Y X A J V X 740MHz, L o w -Noise, L o w - D i s t o r t i o n Op A m p s in SOT23-5 The MAX4104/MAX4105/MAX4304/MAX4305 op amps feature ultra-high speed, low noise, and low distortion in a SOT23 p a c k a g e . The u n ity -g a in -s ta b le M AX4104

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    740MHz, OT23-5 MAX4104/MAX4105/MAX4304/MAX4305 AX4104 MAX4304, MAX4105 400V/sec MAX4305 OT-23 MAX4304 PDF


    Abstract: AD7523
    Text: fS ! H A R R I S 43E D Hi 4 3 05 2 7 1 QDBbSHS D « H A S ~ s i-o q -o s AD7523 8 -B it Multiplying D /A Converter S E M I C O N D U C T O R GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The AD7523 is a monolithic, low cost, high performance, 10 bit accurate, multiplying digital-to-analog converter

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    AD7523 16-pin 10-bit 613H PDF

    a0l marking SOT23

    Abstract: marking A0L 5pin

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    -95dBc 400MHz OT23-5 12-BIT OPA642 a0l marking SOT23 marking A0L 5pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HFA1130/883 H A R R IS a S E M I C O N D U C T O R Output Clamping, Ultra High Speed Current Feedback Amplifier November 1993 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to Mil-Std883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1.

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    HFA1130/883 Mil-Std883 HFA1130/883 -84dBc 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF

    CRT Drivers

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM2427 National Semicondu ;tor LM2427 Triple 80 MHz CRT Driver General Description Features The LM2427 is a high performance triple CRT driver for simplifying color monitor designs. The device contains three large signal transimpedance amplifiers, and provides direct

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    LM2427 LM2427 LH2426 CR5527. CR5527 LM2427, CRT Drivers PDF


    Abstract: 32P541 SSI 32P541 32r510 1N619
    Text: SILICON SYSTEMS I NC 4 bE D ¿iiconsiiskms' • assaibs 0004322 q m S IL SSI 32P541 Read Data Processor A TDK Group f Company T-52-3S February, 1990 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32P541 is a bipolar integrated circuit that provides all data processing necessary for detection

    OCR Scan
    32P541 T-52-3S 32P541 32P541-P 28-Lead 32P541-CH 24-Lead 32P541-CL 32P541-CH SSI 32P541 32r510 1N619 PDF

    Burr-Brown Application Note AN-165

    Abstract: 1N414S ppmc101 pfr 852 diode BB REF200 350JLA PPMC-101 PWS740 Lm324 window comparator REF200
    Text: For Immediate Assistance, Contact Your Local Salesperson B U R R -B R O W N « REF200 DUAL CURRENT SOURCE/CURRENT SINK FEATURES APPLICATIONS • COMPLETELY FLOATING: No Power Supply or Ground Connections • HIGH ACCURACY: 100|^A ±0.5% • LOW TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT:

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    REF200 25ppm/Â REF200 100pA R-75kii) 100pF 1N4148 VLMT-100nA-R) 50kii) Burr-Brown Application Note AN-165 1N414S ppmc101 pfr 852 diode BB REF200 350JLA PPMC-101 PWS740 Lm324 window comparator PDF


    Abstract: CLC430 CLC430AJE CLC430AJP smd A8b
    Text: & April 1998 National Semiconductor CD IS CO w General Description Features The CLC430 is a low-cost, wideband monolithic amplifier for general purpose applications. The CLC430 utilizes National’s patented cu rrent feedback circu it topology to provide an op amp with a slew rate

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    CLC430 100MHz LC430 CLC430. CLC430A8B CLC430AJE CLC430AJP smd A8b PDF


    Abstract: DS90C031TM DS90C032 41LG DS26C31 DS90C031 M16A
    Text: October 1994 S e m i c o n d u c t o r i * DS90C031 LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Driver General Description Features The DS90C031 is a quad CMOS differential line driver de­ signed for applications requiring ultra low power dissipation and high data rates. The device is designed to support data

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    DS90C031 DS90C031 20-3A VIC3166 t3929 MB571 DS90C031TM DS90C032 41LG DS26C31 M16A PDF


    Abstract: CLC412A8B CLC412A8L-2A CLC412AIB CLC412AJE CLC412AJP CLC412ALC CLC412AMC
    Text: CLC412 National Semiconductor Comlinear CLC412 Dual Wideband Video Op Amp General Description Features The Comlinear CLC412 combines a high-speed complementary bipolar process with Comlinear's current-feedback topology to produce a very high-speed dual op amp. The CLC412 provides a

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    CLC412 CLC412 250MHz 30MHz -76dB 10MHz. CLC412A8B CLC412A8L-2A CLC412AIB CLC412AJE CLC412AJP CLC412ALC CLC412AMC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m a S í Í992 HI-7153 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8 Channel 10 Bit High Speed Sampling A/D Converter September 1992 Description Features The HI-7153 is an 8 channel high speed 10 bit A/D converter which uses a Two Step Flash algorithm to achieve through-put

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    HI-7153 HI-7153 200kHz. 20kHz 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: RS-423 ds3691n
    Text: DS1691A/DS3691 National Semiconductor DS1691A/DS3691 RS-422/RS-423 Line Drivers with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description Features The DS1691A/DS3691 are low power Schottky TTL line drivers designed to meet the requirements of EIA standards RS-422 and RS-423. They feature 4 buffered outputs with

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    DS1691A/DS3691 RS-422/RS-423) DS1691A/DS3691 RS-422 RS-423. RS-423 DS1691AJ, RS423 RS-423 ds3691n PDF

    K 3264 fet transistor

    Abstract: LF400 lm4105
    Text: LH4105/LH4105C a PRELIMINARY National Semiconductor LH4105/LH4105C Precision Fast Settling High Current Operational Amplifier General Description Features The LH4105 is a fast settling high current Bi-Fet op amp designed for applications that require a fast settling time of

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    LH4105/LH4105C LH4105/LH4105C LH4105 TL/K/9159-6 TL/K/9159-7 TL/K/9159-B TL/K/0159-9 TL/K/9159-11 K 3264 fet transistor LF400 lm4105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: + July 1997 National Semiconduc 0 r D S 9 0C R 21 3/D S 9 0C R 2 1 4 2 1 - B it C h a n n e l L i n k — 66 M H width, which provides a system cost savings, reduces con­ nector physical size and cost, and reduces shielding require­ ments due to the cable’s smaller form factor.

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    DS90CR213 DS90CR214 l2888 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F I M 5964-HC Internally Matched Power ìaAs E E l s ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Am bient Temperature Ta=25°C Item Symbol Condition Drain-Source Voltage vds Gate-Source Voltage VGS Tc = 25°C Total Power Dissipation Pt Storage Temperature Tstg Channel Temperature

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    5964-HC 10OiL 2200mA 31dBm 27dBm 23dBm FLM5964-8C PDF

    top marking 6z 8pin

    Abstract: GOOA marking
    Text: H T M L [R iiL iM s i Final E le ctrica l S p e c ific a tio n s LTC1690 Differential Driver and Receiver Pair with Fail-Safe Receiver O utput S e p te m b e r 1998 F€RTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOfl • No Damage or Latchup to ±15kV ESD Human Body M odel , IEC1000-4-2 Level 4 (+8kV) Contact and

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    LTC1690 IEC1000-4-2 52Mbps, RS485 LTC485 LTC490/LTC491 top marking 6z 8pin GOOA marking PDF

    33 1004

    Abstract: S2000A
    Text: Tem perature Sensors HEL-700 Platinum RTDs FEATURES • Linear resistance vs temperature • Accurate and Interchangeable Excellent stability Small for fast response Wide temperature range 3-packaging options HEL-700 Thin Film Platinum RTDs Re­ sistance Temperature Detectors provide

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    HEL-700 HEL-700 33 1004 S2000A PDF

    fiberglass insulation

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Solid State Sensors HEL-700 Series Temperature Sensors FEATURES • Linear resistance vs temperature • Accurate and Interchangeable • Excellent stability • Teflon or fiberglass lead wires • Wide temperature range • Ceramic case material HEL-700 Series elements are fully assem­

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    HEL-700 HEL-705 HEL-707 HEL-711 fiberglass insulation PDF


    Abstract: LH0033G-MIL LH0033CG LH0033G R05B AN-48 G12B LH0033C LH0033J LH0063
    Text: LH0033/LH0063 National Semiconductor LH0033/LH0063 Fast and Ultra Fast Buffers General Description LH0063C are specified from - 2 5 ”C to + 85°C. The LH0033 is available in either a 1.5W metal TO-8 package or an 8-pin ceramic dual-in-line package. The LH0063 is available in a

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    LH0033/LH0063 LH0033 LH0063 500V/jus. 000V/jxs. TL/K/5507-18 TL/K/5507-19 LH0033G-MIL LH0033CG LH0033G R05B AN-48 G12B LH0033C LH0033J PDF


    Abstract: PREAMP circuit diagram
    Text: LM1211 03 National M m Semiconductor LM1211 Broadband Demodulator System General Description Features The LM1211 is a high performance IF amplifier and product detection system for operation in the 2 0 -8 0 MHz frequency range. It is suitable for data or video recovery from broad­

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    LM1211 LM1211 adjI20 V17111 PREAMP circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 57E D • b .50112b DübbSbfl 324 « N S C 3 NATL SEMICOND MEMORY Sem iconductor DS1692/DS3692 TRI-STATE Differential Line Drivers DS1692/DS3692 gn ÆM National G eneral Description The DS1692/DS3692 are low power Schottky TTL line driv­ ers electrically similar to the DS1691A/DS3691 but tested

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    50112b DS1692/DS3692 DS1692/DS3692 DS1691A/DS3691 MIL-STD-188-114A AN-216) MIL-STD-188-114A DS3692/1692. DS3692/1692 PDF