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    146 TELEFUNKEN Search Results

    146 TELEFUNKEN Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: DO35 DO41
    Text: Vishay Telefunken Taping of Diodes lmax 94 9088 Axial Lead Components Diodes and rectifiers with axial leads are normally delivered in taped form according to IEC 286-1 see figure 14 . The cathode side is designated by a colored tape. Taped devices are normally delivered in


    GBPC 802

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Vishay Telefunken Tape and Reel Standards Surface Mount Avaliable Packaging Tape and Reel Body DO214AC SMA SMB SMC DFS D2PAK Tape Dimensions and Orientation: DO214AC 12mm 7”∅ Quantity 1500 1500 500 – – – 13”∅ Quantity 6K 5K 3K 3K 1.5K 800 ( Dimensions in mm)

    DO214AC DO214AC GBPC 802 PDF

    class D power amplifier 6.78 MHz

    Abstract: S860T
    Text: S860T Vishay Telefunken BIPMIC – Cascadable Silicon Bipolar Amplifier Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications General purpose for narrow and broad band IF and RF amplifiers in commercial and industrial applications

    S860T S860T D-74025 20-Jan-99 class D power amplifier 6.78 MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S860T Vishay Telefunken BIPMIC – Cascadable Silicon Bipolar Amplifier Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications General purpose for narrow and broad band IF and RF amplifiers in commercial and industrial applications

    S860T S860T D-74025 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S860T Vishay Telefunken BIPMIC – Cascadable Silicon Bipolar Amplifier Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications General purpose for narrow and broad band IF and RF amplifiers in commercial and industrial applications

    S860T S860T D-74025 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S860T Vishay Telefunken BIPMIC – Cascadable Silicon Bipolar Amplifier Electrostatic sensitive device. Observe precautions for handling. Applications General purpose for narrow and broad band IF and RF amplifiers in commercial and industrial applications

    S860T S860T D-74025 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: CTR50 CNY75 IC 7402 CNY75GC1 CNY75A CNY75B CNY75C
    Text: CNY75 G Series Vishay Telefunken Optocoupler with Phototransistor Output Description The CNY75(G) series consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infraredemitting diode in a 6-lead plastic dual inline package. The elements are mounted on one leadframe using

    CNY75 CNY75G CTR50 IC 7402 CNY75GC1 CNY75A CNY75B CNY75C PDF


    Abstract: UAA 146 UAA145 UAA145 PINS telefunken U 226 B phase control ic TELEFUNKEN e phase control ic 3 phase AC variable circuit diagram UAA 180
    Text: MME D • '.ftfiaqtnb ooiasts t « a l g g UAA145 146 TELEFUNKEN E L E C T R O N I C PHASE CONTROL CIRCUIT Industrial Applications Technology: Bipolar Features: • Separate pulse outputs for the positive and the negative half-cycle of the sync, signal

    OCR Scan
    UAA145 UAA146 -6-01-K T-65-09 UAA146 UAA 146 UAA145 UAA145 PINS telefunken U 226 B phase control ic TELEFUNKEN e phase control ic 3 phase AC variable circuit diagram UAA 180 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA979.BA979S VISHAV Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Diodes Features • Wide frequency range 10 MHz to 1 GHz Applications Current controlled HF resistance in adjustable attenuators Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = 25°C Parameter Reverse voltage Forward current

    OCR Scan
    BA979 BA979S 50mmx50mmx1 01-Apr-99 PDF

    silicon carbide LED

    Abstract: silicon carbide 146 telefunken
    Text: T e m ic TLHB5400 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors High Efficiency Blue LED, 0 5 mm Tinted Diffused Package Color Blue Technology Type TLHB5400 SiC Angle of Half Intensity 25° Description The TLHB5400 is a silicon carbide LED with 470 nm peak wavelength. It is housed in a 5 mm tinted diffused plastic package.

    OCR Scan
    TLHB5400 TLHB5400 TLHB5490 silicon carbide LED silicon carbide 146 telefunken PDF


    Abstract: K8013
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC W fl^EOO^b QGQ7761 1 • AL66 ì> 'T - m - s ? K 8013 P TTlDJIIFilSNlKlK electronic Crtdtrve Technologies Optically Coupled Isolator Construction: Applications: Emitter; GaAs IR Emitting Diode Detector: Monolithic integrated circuit consists of:

    OCR Scan
    QGQ7761 D--09 0D077 K8013P K8013 PDF


    Abstract: U2829 U2840B U6080B U208B universal motor speed control wash u2227b generator speed control circuit UAA145 TBA120S
    Text: TELEFUNKEN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TO K O 48 T I s 7 > * > ? 4 ' y$ D Manufactured by TELEFUNKEN (Germany 7 1 - 7 ^ ^ 1 0 ^ 5 , 4É& Y iQ JIIFfLD IN liX iM ] electronic Creative Technologien MANUFACTURED BY TELEFUNKEN (GERMANY) fU 7 >*±( k < "y)(r>ixmiSvto

    OCR Scan
    U2200B-FP U2300B-FP U4744B U4477B TDA4426 TDA4439 TDA4452 TDA4453BG TBA120S TBA120T u2829b U2829 U2840B U6080B U208B universal motor speed control wash u2227b generator speed control circuit UAA145 PDF


    Abstract: D0214AC SMA
    Text: VISHAY ▼ Vishay Telefunken Taping of Diodes Im a x Axial Lead Components Diodes and rectifiers with axial leads are normally delivered in taped form according to IEC 286-1 see figure 14 . The cathode side is designated by a colored tape. Taped devices are normally delivered in

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: U2829 U2840B UAA145 TBA120S U208B toko coils fm detector IR GENERATOR AND MODULATOR CIRCUIT u225 U6080B
    Text: TOKO AMERICA INC S4E D • cIOL7h32 DDOIIS? 0T2 ■ TAI TELEFUNKEN INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 7-^-7 m»[ëlï& TO K O 48 Manufactured by TELEFUNKEN (Germany) f u 7 ^ v t ^ 1 1 ^YiQ JIIFQ JM iK lIK ]electronic Creative Technologien 'W MANUFACTURED BY TELEFUNKEN (GERMANY)

    OCR Scan
    0b7b32 U2200B-FP U2300B-FP U4744B U4477B TDA4426 TDA4439 TDA4452 TDA4453BG U4076B u2829b U2829 U2840B UAA145 TBA120S U208B toko coils fm detector IR GENERATOR AND MODULATOR CIRCUIT u225 U6080B PDF


    Abstract: 45ac je4a TELEFUNKEN thyristors
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC T 221 N 41C II • SISOOlb ODDblM? S ■ AL6G Typenreihe/Type ränge T221N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte U drm .U rrm Periodische Vorwärts-und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung I trmsm Effektiver Durchlaßstrom

    OCR Scan
    T221N 45ac je4a TELEFUNKEN thyristors PDF

    marking code SE transistors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 17E » • fl'ÌEDQRb DQÌHS27 è BUT 56 • BUT 56 A mJMFWKIM electronic Crttttv«Ifcfwioiog* T*- 3 3 -Ì2 Silicon NPN Power Transistors Applications: Switching mode power supply Features: • In multi diffusion technique • Short switching times

    OCR Scan
    IAL66 DIN41 15A3DIN marking code SE transistors PDF

    transistor Bc 542

    Abstract: transistor BC 56 transistor bc 144 bc 147 transistor BUT 11 Transistor transistor BC 147 transistor bc 146 c 2665 transistor BUT56 FC4A
    Text: 17E 1> • ô'iëO O 'lL 000*155? TELEFUNKEN ELE CTRONIC BUT 56 • BUT 56 A TTilUlFiyjlìSKiìii electronic Cr*ttve Tèehoo*og*s T*-33-f3 Silicon NPN Power Transistors Applications: Switching mode power supply Features: • In multi diffusion technique • Short switching times

    OCR Scan
    33-r2 a75ttti DIN41 T0126 15A3DIN transistor Bc 542 transistor BC 56 transistor bc 144 bc 147 transistor BUT 11 Transistor transistor BC 147 transistor bc 146 c 2665 transistor BUT56 FC4A PDF

    transistor 13005D

    Abstract: LO 13005D TRANSISTOR 13005D D13005d BR 13005d 13005D TRANSISTOR LO 13005D TR 13005D w 13005d 13004D
    Text: Te m ic TD13004D TD13005D TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN High Voltage Switching Transistor Features • M o n o lith ic in te g ra te d C -E -fre e -w h e e l d io d e V ery low sw itch in g losses • H IG H S P E E D te c h n o lo g y V ery low d y n a m ic satu ratio n

    OCR Scan
    TD13004D TD13005D 13005D transistor 13005D LO 13005D TRANSISTOR 13005D D13005d BR 13005d 13005D TRANSISTOR LO 13005D TR 13005D w 13005d 13004D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CNY75 G Series v rn m Vishay Telefunken tf ▼ Optocoupler with Phototransistor Output Description The CNY75(G) series consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infraredemitting diode in a 6-lead plastic dual inline package. The elements are mounted on one leadframe using

    OCR Scan
    CNY75 CNY75G PDF

    CNY75G Series

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CNY75 G Series VISHAY Vishay Telefunken ▼ Optocoupler with Phototransistor Output Description The CNY75(G) series consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infraredemitting diode in a 6-lead plastic dual inline package. The elements are mounted on one leadframe using

    OCR Scan
    CNY75 CNY75G 11-Ja CNY75G Series PDF

    telefunken ha 680

    Abstract: UA77 lg smd transistor LF
    Text: TFDS4400 VISHAY Vishay Telefunken SIR Transceiver Module 115.2 kbit/s 2.7 V to 5.5 V I L Description The T F D S 44 0 0 is a low -pow er infrared transceiver module compliant to the IrDA 1.2 standard for infrared data communication, supporting IrDA speeds up to

    OCR Scan
    TFDS4400 ay-99 TFDS4400 telefunken ha 680 UA77 lg smd transistor LF PDF

    D0214AC SMA

    Abstract: sot23 TR3 D0-214AC D0214AC
    Text: T em ic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Packing Packing Specification for Axial Lead Components Diodes and rectifiers with axial leads are normally deliv­ ered in taped form according to IEC 286-1 see figure 13 . The cathode side is designated by a colored tape. Taped devices are normally delivered in ammoboxes (Ammopack). Delivery on reels is available on

    OCR Scan

    GP 703

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tem ic S860T Semiconductors BIPMIC - Cascadable Silicon Bipolar Amplifier Applications General purpose for narrow and broad band IF and RF amplifiers in commercial and industrial applications with low power consumption. This allows to build amplifiers Features

    OCR Scan
    S860T 900MHz S860T 09-Apr-97 GP 703 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T em ic BYT08P/600A/800A S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Fast Recovery Silicon Power Rectifier Features • Multiple diffusion • Mesa glass passivated • Low switch on power losses • Good soft recovery behaviour • Fast forward recovery time • Fast reverse recovery time

    OCR Scan
    BYT08P/600A/800A 24-Jun-96 PDF