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    Advanced Cable Ties Inc AL-11-50-6-C

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AL-11-50-6-C Bulk 9,200 100
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $0.0953
    • 1000 $0.08095
    • 10000 $0.0688
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    Powell Electronics AL-11-50-6-C 660 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.0824
    • 10000 $0.0824
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    GCT Semiconductor Inc BK015-06-C-E

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BK015-06-C-E Tube 2,988 1
    • 1 $1.58
    • 10 $1.58
    • 100 $1.58
    • 1000 $0.96928
    • 10000 $0.82402
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    Analog Devices Inc LT1506CR-PBF

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey LT1506CR-PBF Tube 1,958 1
    • 1 $12.76
    • 10 $8.927
    • 100 $12.76
    • 1000 $12.76
    • 10000 $12.76
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    GCT Semiconductor Inc BH015-06-C-E

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BH015-06-C-E Tube 887 1
    • 1 $1.51
    • 10 $1.51
    • 100 $1.51
    • 1000 $0.92793
    • 10000 $0.78887
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    Century Spring Corp 71506CS

    COMP MUSIC WIRE 0.480" 0.750"
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 71506CS Box 726
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    1506C Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    1506-C Davies Molding Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories - Knobs - KNOB SMOOTH SKIRT 0.253" POLYPRO Original PDF

    1506C Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 1004C 1002c 2502c 2501C 10005C
    Text: GBU10/15/25 C SERIES REVERSE VOLTAGE FORWARD CURRENT SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIERS - 50 to 1000Volts - 10/15/25 Amperes GBU-C FEATURES ●Surge overload rating -240~400 amperes peak .437(11.1) .430(10.9) ●Ideal for printed circuit board .156(3.95) .126(3.2)*45° .148(3.75)

    GBU10/15/25 1000Volts GBU25C GBU15C GBU10C 1502c 1004C 1002c 2502c 2501C 10005C PDF

    GR 733

    Abstract: SONY 1412 CM500S CXD3400N ICX411AQ V41A image sensor pal tf 164 ICX411
    Text: ICX411AQ Diagonal 8.98mm Type 1/1.8 Frame Readout CCD Image Sensor with a Square Pixel for Color Cameras Description The ICX411AQ is a diagonal 8.98mm (Type 1/1.8) interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array and 3.98M effective pixels. Frame readout

    ICX411AQ ICX411AQ AS-B6-04 GR 733 SONY 1412 CM500S CXD3400N V41A image sensor pal tf 164 ICX411 PDF


    Abstract: YT-30194 LA1260 TN-10896 IC LA1260 YT30194 TSD 2DI YT30112 YT-30112 AOl31
    Text: □ — KNo. N1506D NO.1506C t n i ' À T < C S v » < LA1260- F M / A M f 2 - mm F M : IF 7 > 7 , 9 * K 9 f fà ì$ L ,A F '7 V T > •/, [p P ^ A M ; R F T > 7“ , M I X , O S C A L C o è ), I F 7 > 7", • * f g Ì* t t ì* > o AGC, P ]P ^ > v * - ? M

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    N1506D 1506D LA1260 130mV TaS70Â 108MHz; YT-40003 YT-40004 1S553 YT-30194 LA1260 TN-10896 IC LA1260 YT30194 TSD 2DI YT30112 YT-30112 AOl31 PDF


    Abstract: MA40S-3irn A3144 D 3141 transistor SENSITIVE HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES A3141 A3143 RFT hall UGN 3141 D5DM
    Text: l i i i i SEN SITIVE HALL-EFFECT SW ITCH ES FOR H IG H - TEM PERATURE OPERATIO N These Hall-effect switches are monolithic integrated circuits with tighter magnetic specifications, designed to operate continuously over extended temperatures to +1506C, and are more stable with both

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    PH-003A DS0433Ã MA40S MA40S-3irn A3144 D 3141 transistor SENSITIVE HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES A3141 A3143 RFT hall UGN 3141 D5DM PDF


    Abstract: dual high side MOSFET driver with charge pump Si9978 Si9978DW H-bridge Mosfet Driver PWM DIR
    Text: Tem ic SÌ9978DW Siliconix Configurable H-Bridge Driver Features • Cross-Conduction Protected • Current Limit • Undervoltage Lockout • H-Bridge or Dual Half-Bridge Operation • 20- to 40-V Supply • Static dc Operation ESD Protected Fault Output

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    9978dw Si9978DW P-34668â 625473S p-34668 p3466 dual high side MOSFET driver with charge pump Si9978 H-bridge Mosfet Driver PWM DIR PDF


    Abstract: 2N3330 2N3331 2N3332 2N2843 "Analog Multipliers" 2N2608 2N2608JAN
    Text: S Siliconix P erform ance C u rves PC Se e Section 5 2N3330 • Small-Signal Amplifiers ■ Analog M u ltip liers ■ M odulators b e n e f it s Ease of Am plifier Design I q SS & Gfs Closely Specified 2N3331 ♦ABSO LUTE M A X IM U M R A TIN G S 25°C 2N3329

    OCR Scan
    2N3329 2N3330 2N3331 2N3332 2N3329 2N3330 2N3331 2N3332 2N2843 "Analog Multipliers" 2N2608 2N2608JAN PDF

    mfm controller

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MA2490 MFM/2,7 Data Separator/ Encoder-Decoder FAIRCHILD A Schlum berger C om pany Linear Division Disk Drives Description Connection Diagram 28-Lead DIP Top View The /¿A2490 Data S eparator/E ncoder-D ecoder chip pro­ vides a convenient, high perform ance means of converting

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    MA2490 A2490 ST506 JUA2490 mfm controller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON SENSORS INC TS 5 F J Û H S 3 T 2 S □□□□3bb h NPN SILICON PHOTO DETECTOR Silicon Sensors SPT 15 is a high sensitivity N P N Planar Silicon Photo Transistor expressly designed for convenient application in th e tap e and card leaders, ch aracter recognition, industrial inspec­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: September 1994 3 ^ , M icro Linear M L4642 A U I Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4642 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 2 port M AU when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip which has a standard 802.3 AUI interface. In addition, the

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    L4642 ML4642 ML4642s ML4642CR 28-Pin PDF


    Abstract: M1507 m1511 BYR29F BYR29F-600 ML508
    Text: - N AMER PHILIPS/ D I S C R E T E 25E D • Il fafaS3*i31 0052435 A S ■ bYH29F SERIES - 7 ^ 0 3 ^ 7 ULTRA FAST RECOVERY ELECTRICALLY-ISOLATED RECTIFIER DIODES Glass-passivated, high-efficiency epitaxial rectifier diodes in SOT-186 full-pack envelopes, featuring

    OCR Scan
    G0S2435 YH29F OT-186 BYR29F-600 Repetitive02 bbS3131 G0B2443 ABYR29F T-03-17 M1R19 M1513 M1507 m1511 BYR29F ML508 PDF


    Abstract: CA5010HN CA5010KT CA5010 CA5010LN CA5010MT CA5010NT MP5010
    Text: CALOGIC CORP 5 1E D 1Ö4 4 3 2 5 OOQOOCH Ö caloric CORPORATION ~ r-5% '01 CA5010 o PRELIMINARY DATA 1.2V Band-Gap Reference FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 50 ppm /0 C Temperature Coefficient ■ ADC and DAC Reference ■ 2 5 /iA to 10mA Operating Current Range

    OCR Scan
    CA5010 25/iA CA5010 50ppm/Â MP5010 50/iA- CA5010GN CA5010HN CA5010KT CA5010LN CA5010MT CA5010NT PDF

    transistor tt 2170

    Abstract: TT 2170 30014 SOt23-5 footprint wave soldering EL2170C EL2170CN EL2170CS EL2176C EL2270C EL2276C
    Text: f c lllt f P f E L 2 I 7 0 C / E L 2 2 7 0 C / E L '2 4 7 0 C TO WHz 1 m 1 'u r n n t Wtulf b m lb a vk A m pfifitri* HiGH PERFORMANCEANALOGINTEGRATEDCtàCUfTS . Features General Description • Single (EL2170C , dual (EL2270C) an d quad (EL2470C) topologies

    OCR Scan
    EL2170C/EL2270C/EL2470C EL2170C) EL2270C) EL2470C) OT23-5 150fl transistor tt 2170 TT 2170 30014 SOt23-5 footprint wave soldering EL2170C EL2170CN EL2170CS EL2176C EL2270C EL2276C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10 - 700 MHz Standard Hybrid Amplifier Parameters 10-700 M H z bandwidth +25 dB +0.5/-I.0 dB Max Gain flatness 1.0 1.0 dB Max p-p Reverse isolation 13 13 dB Min 2.0:1 2.0:1 Max 2.0:1 2.0:1 Max +25 +24 dBm Min 3rd Order +37 + 35 dBm Min 2nd Order +45 +41 dBm Min

    OCR Scan
    1506C H91-01S3 PDF


    Abstract: TP50981A TP50981N TP50982N TP50982A TP50981AN TP50982 H00KSW
    Text: TP50981/TP50981 A, TP50982/TP50982A, TP50985/TP50985A Push Button Puise Dialer Circuits General Description Features TP50981 /TP50981 A, TP50985/TP50985A for pulsing loop in shunt with speech network TP50982/TP50982A for pulsing loop in series with speech network

    OCR Scan
    TP50985/TP50985A TP50981/TP50981 TP50982/TP50982A, TP50985/TP50985A selP509B5A. TP50981, TP50985 TP50981 /TP50981A, TP50981A TP50981N TP50982N TP50982A TP50981AN TP50982 H00KSW PDF


    Abstract: 78HV24CU HV24C 24V 13,8V 15A v06c 78HV05CDA
    Text: mA78H V 00/SA 78H V 00/78M H V 00/78M H V 00C -D A ,D B ,U DESCRIPTION The 78HVOO series o f m o n o lith ic ThreeT e rm ina l P ositive V oltage R egu lators em ­ p lo y 60 v o lt in p u t b reakdo w n, th e rm a l s h u t­ do w n and safe-area c o m pensa tion, m aking

    OCR Scan
    mA78H 00/SA 00/78M 78HVOO 78HV00 78MHVOO 78M00C) 78M00) SA78HV15CDA 78HV24CU HV24C 24V 13,8V 15A v06c 78HV05CDA PDF


    Abstract: G-424 g424 lg diode 923 TC1602e 384F IRFF130 IRFF9230 IRFF9231 IRFF9232
    Text: HE D I 4055452 □□0C!44E ? | Data Sheet No. PD-9.384F INTERNATIONAL R E C T IFIE R INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER T -3 9 -1 9 HEXFET TRANSISTORS P-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETs TO-39 PACKAGE IRFF9231 G IRFFS232 ^—6s -200 Volt, 0.8 Ohm HEXFET Features: The HEXFET® technology is the key to International Rectifier’s

    OCR Scan
    T-39-19 IRFFS230 IRFF9233 G-424 g419 G-424 g424 lg diode 923 TC1602e 384F IRFF130 IRFF9230 IRFF9231 IRFF9232 PDF

    Analog Voltage Comparators

    Abstract: s6527 SE/NE527
    Text: siynotics ANALOG VOLTAGE COMPARATOR 527 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The SE/N E 527 is a high speed analog voltage com parator w h ich, fo r the fir s t tim e mates s ta te -o f-th e -a rt S c h o ttk y diode technology w ith the conventional linear process. This

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    SE527 NE527 Analog Voltage Comparators s6527 SE/NE527 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q— Technical Data FileNumber 1640 CD54/74HC534, CD54/74HCT534 CD54/74HC564, CD54/74HCT564 HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 4302271 DÜ17ÖB1 1 El HAS 2?E D High-Speed CMOS Logic Do— Di — d2— 03— °4 — d5— d6— d7-CP-_ —Qfl — 0, —02 —55 —04 —05

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74HC534, CD54/74HCT534 CD54/74HC564, CD54/74HCT564 54/74HOT 54/74HC 54/74HCT CD74HCT564 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A Q U 5 - 1 0 0 MHz Standard Hybrid Amplifier Parameters 5 - 1 0 0 M H z bandwidth • Specification limit Temperature +25 Frequency range • Low noise figure Small signal gain High reve rs e isolation Units -55 to + 100 5- °c 00 MHz 20.0 ± 0.5 dB Gain vs. temperature

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    1506C H91-0224 D00052Û PDF

    15 amp 1000 Volt Diode

    Abstract: 80 Amp current 100 volt diode 50 Amp current 100 volt diode 10 Amp current 1000 volt diode VSK30100T 10 amp diode 1000 volt 100 Amp current 1000 volt diode 150 VOLT 12 AMP diode VSK3050T VSK3060T
    Text: NICR0SEMI C0RP/ MICRO 5bE D • Q 0 D m S 3 25b ■ M Û L bll 7^ M IC R 0 Q U A L IT Y / 713—0 -7 S E M IC O N D U C TO R , INC 30 Amp Center-Tapped HV Schottky Rectifier 50 Volt, 60 Volt, 80 Volt & 100 Volt V RRM 0.82 Volts VF at lF = 15 Amps Low Leakage at High Temperature

    OCR Scan
    Q0014S3 VSK30100T VSK3080T VSK3060T VSK3050T 15 amp 1000 Volt Diode 80 Amp current 100 volt diode 50 Amp current 100 volt diode 10 Amp current 1000 volt diode 10 amp diode 1000 volt 100 Amp current 1000 volt diode 150 VOLT 12 AMP diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M 37702E4LXXXGP PROM VERSION of M 37702M 4LXXXG P DESCRIPTION • Low power dissipation At 3V supply voltage, 8M H z frequency ••• 12mW (Typ.) The M37702E4LXXXGP is a single-chip 16-bit microcompu­ (At 5V supply voltage, 8M H z frequency) •■■30mW (Typ.)

    OCR Scan
    37702E4LXXXGP 37702M M37702E4LXXXGP 16-bit 80-pin M37702M4LXXXGP 32K-byte b24Tfi2fl 16VCc. 37702E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTECHNOLOGY ir m LTKOOl Thermocouple Cold Junction Compensator and Matched Amplifier F€ATUR€S and extremely low input bias currents <600pA to allow • 0 .75 °C Initial Accuracy (A Version) offset voltage or drift. high impedance input filters to be used without degrading

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    480jiA 600pA) LTKQ01 1506CAV LTKA00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lTECHNOLOGY im LT1130A/LT1140A Series Advanced Low Power 5V RS232 Drivers/Receivers with Small Capacitors F€RTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOil • ESD Protection over±10kV ■ Uses Small Capacitors: 0.1 nF, 0.2|iF ■ 1pA Supply Current in SHUTDOWN ■ Operates to 120k Baud

    OCR Scan
    130A/LT1140A RS232 LT1130A/LT1140A LT1I30A LT1137A LT1130A-TA03 PDF


    Abstract: VM28 VM08S
    Text: MICRO QUALITY / DIB SEM IC O N D U C TO R , INC. 1 Amp Dual In-Line Bridge, Surface Mount VM-S Series For Surface Mount Applications 50V, 100V, 200V, 400V, 600V, 800V and 1000V V RRM Ratings 25 Amps Peak One Half Cycle Surge Current Glass Passivated Diodes

    OCR Scan
    Cu70V VM28S VM48S VM68S VM88S VM108S 1506C VM28 VM08S PDF