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    16 CE 220 LS Search Results

    16 CE 220 LS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN5800 CMOS LSI LC75874E, 75874W 1/4-Duty General-Purpose LCD Display Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LC75874E and LC75874W are 1/4-duty generalpurpose microprocessor-controlled LCD driver that can be used in applications such as frequency display in products

    EN5800 LC75874E, 5874W LC75874E LC75874W PDF

    sanyo lcd driver

    Abstract: EN5800 D-103 d114 D117 LCD duty operation D101 LC75874E LC75874W SQFP80
    Text: Ordering number : EN5800 CMOS LSI LC75874E, 75874W 1/4-Duty General-Purpose LCD Display Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LC75874E and LC75874W are 1/4-duty generalpurpose microprocessor-controlled LCD driver that can be used in applications such as frequency display in products

    EN5800 LC75874E, 5874W LC75874E LC75874W sanyo lcd driver EN5800 D-103 d114 D117 LCD duty operation D101 SQFP80 PDF


    Abstract: CDIP2-T18 CMM5104 CMM5104D1DZ CMM5104D3 CMM5104K1DZ CMM5104K3 r2a5
    Text: CMM5104 Radiation Hardened, High Reliability, CMOS/SOS 4096 Word by 1-Bit LSI Static RAM November 1995 Pinouts Features 18 LEAD CERAMIC DUAL-IN-LINE METAL SEAL PACKAGE SBDIP MIL-STD-1835, CDIP2-T18 TOP VIEW • Radiation Hardened to 10K RAD (Si) • SEP Effective LET No Upsets: >100 MEV-cm2/mg

    CMM5104 MIL-STD-1835, CDIP2-T18 CDFP4-F24 CDIP2-T18 CMM5104 CMM5104D1DZ CMM5104D3 CMM5104K1DZ CMM5104K3 r2a5 PDF


    Abstract: CDIP2-T18 CMM5104 CMM5104D1DZ CMM5104D3 CMM5104K1DZ CMM5104K3
    Text: CMM5104 S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radiation Hardened, High Reliability, CMOS/SOS 4096 Word by 1-Bit LSI Static RAM November 1995 Pinouts Features 18 LEAD CERAMIC DUAL-IN-LINE METAL SEAL PACKAGE SBDIP MIL-STD-1835, CDIP2-T18 TOP VIEW • Radiation Hardened to 10K RAD (Si)

    CMM5104 MIL-STD-1835, CDIP2-T18 100kHz A12/2 200kHz CDFP4-F24 CDIP2-T18 CMM5104 CMM5104D1DZ CMM5104D3 CMM5104K1DZ CMM5104K3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt604 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER inputs ■ Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    125MHz Bt604 350mW 28-pin SY604 SY604 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 125 MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt605 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs

    125MHz Bt605 350mW 28-pin SY605 SY605 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Type / Surface Mount Type Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CE-LS RoHS compliance Low Impedance Long Life Series ● 105℃, 3,000hrs. ● Solvent proof within 2 minutes • Specifications Items Condition Specifications Rated voltage

    000hrs. 120Hz/20â Leaka140 100kHz, PDF

    16 CE 220 LS

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Aluminum Electrolytic Type / Surface Mount Type CE-LS RoHS compliance Low Impedance Long Life Series ・105℃, 3,000hrs ・Solvent proof within 2 minutes Specifications Items Condition

    000hrs 120Hz/20 120Hz, 000hrs. 100kHz, 16 CE 220 LS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Type / Surface Mount Type Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CE-LS RoHS compliance Low Impedance Long Life Series ● 105℃, 3,000hrs. ● Solvent proof within 2 minutes • Specifications Items Condition Specifications Rated voltage

    000hrs. 120Hz/20â 100kHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Communication Equipment LSI MN1959041 Commercial MPEG-4 Video Codec IC for W-CDMA Mobile Visual Terminals • Overview ■ Features di p Pl lan nclu ea e se pla m d m des ne ain ain foll htt visit d te t o p:/ fo /w llo dis disc nan enan wing ww wi co on ce c fo

    MN1959041 MN1959041 G-218 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Surface Mount Type RoHS compliance CE-LSSeries Low Impedance Long Life •105°C, 3000hrs. •Solvent proof within 2 minutes Specifications Items Specifications Rated voltage (V) Category temperature range (°C) Capacitance tolerance

    3000hrs. 120Hz/20 120Hz) C/Z20 100kHz, PDF


    Abstract: LC75827E LC75827W IC d104 sanyo lcd driver SQFP64
    Text: Ordering number : ENN7665 CMOS LSI LC75827E, 75827W 1/3, 1/4 Duty General-Purpose LCD Driver Overview The LC75827E and LC75827W are 1/3, 1/4 duty generalpurpose LCD drivers that can be used for frequency display in electronic tuners under the control of a

    ENN7665 LC75827E, 5827W LC75827E LC75827W LC75827W LC75827E/W LC75827 IC d104 sanyo lcd driver SQFP64 PDF


    Abstract: LM3661TL-1.25
    Text: Il l l SURGE m Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors LSG Features • H as a sn ap-in term inal w h ich can so ld er to P C B directly and n eed not fixture to sa v e p ro cessin g tim e • S u itab le for electro n ic eq u ip m en t w ith m ed iu m -h ig h v o lta g e circu its

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, Cha45 35x35 35x50 220X3OL 22x35 25x25 2U201 LM3661TL-1.25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz DIGITALLY PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR PRELIMINARY SY69604 DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt604 ■ I5ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY69604 125MHz Bt604 28-pin 680mW SY69604 14LSB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt604 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB tim ing accuracy Differential TRIGGER inputs Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz Bt604 28-pin 350mW SY604 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz DIGITALLY PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR PRELIMINARY SY69605 DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt605 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY69605 125MHz Bt605 28-pin 680mW SY69605 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR 125 MHz DIGITALLY PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER PRELIMINARY SY69605 DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrlgger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt605 ■ I5ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY69605 125MHz Bt605 28-pin 680mW SY69605 TQ013 G0014S2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o SY N E R G Y S tM tC O N D U C T O h E ¡25 M H z T R I G G E R P R O G R A M M A B L E T I M INC F T .GF V F R N I F R B • sU B B ■ True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt604 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than + 1 LSB timing accuracy

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz, 4ns/255 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY604. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz TRIGGER P R O G R A M M A B LE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY S E M IC O N D U C T O R SY604 DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt604 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz Bt604 28-pin 680mW SY604 125MHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 125 MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE tim in g e d g e VERNIER s e m 1c o n d u c t o r Y FEATURES DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt605 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    OCR Scan
    125MHz Bt605 28-pin SY605 SY605 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY605JC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY S E M IC O N D U C T O R 125 MHz WRITE P R O G R A MM A B L E TIMING EDGE VERNIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-com patible with Bt605 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB tim ing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER and delay W RITE inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY605 125MHz Bt605 28-pin SY605 125MHz- PDF


    Abstract: SY604 SY604JC SY604JCTR
    Text: 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGEVERNIER * O #fV c n U SEMICONDUCTOR T ° DESCRIPTION FEATURES True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt604 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy Differential TRIGGER inputs Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz Bt604 28-pin 350mW RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY604. bt604 SY604 SY604JC SY604JCTR PDF


    Abstract: SY605 SY605JC SY605JCTR
    Text: 1 2 5 M H z W R IT E PROGRAM M ABLE s Ë tZ ^ D U C T O R T IM IN G E D G E V E R N IE R FEATURES DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt605 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY605 125MHz Bt605 28-pin 350mW RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY605. Bt605 SY605 SY605JC SY605JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 CMM5104 Radiation Hardened, High Reliability, CMOS/SOS 4096 Word by 1-Bit LSI Static RAM November 1995 Pinouts Features 18 LEAD CERAM IC DUAL-IN-LINE METAL SEAL PACKAGE SBDIP) M IL-STD-1835, CDIP2-T18 TOP VIEW • Radiation Hardened to 10K RAD (Si) • SEP Effective LET No Upsets: >100 MEV-cm2/mg

    OCR Scan
    CMM5104 IL-STD-1835, CDIP2-T18 200ns 100kHz A12/2 200kHz PDF