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    175MEG Price and Stock

    Honeywell Sensing and Control 53C17.5MEG

    Res Conductive Plastic POT 7.5M Ohm 20% 2W 1(Elec)/1(Mech)Turn 6.35mm (65.09 X 27.78 X 36.12mm) Solder Lug Panel Mount
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    Master Electronics 53C17.5MEG 9
    • 1 $149.13
    • 10 $32.5
    • 100 $18.27
    • 1000 $12.55
    • 10000 $12.55
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    175MEG Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EL2242 EL2242C EL2242CM EL2242CN MIL-I-45208A QCX0002 "Op Amp" lm 324
    Text: élantec EL2242C MGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features • Inputs and outputs operate at negative supply rail • U nity gain bandwidth—30 M Hz • High slew rate—40 V // as • Settles to 0.01% of a 10V swing in 500 ns • Operates with supplies as low as

    OCR Scan
    EL2242C MIL-STD-883 12-bit EL2242CN MDP0031 EL2242CM 175Meg 800E-18 EL2242 2242 EL2242C MIL-I-45208A QCX0002 "Op Amp" lm 324 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A pplications • Battery-powered instrum ents • 12-bit DAC output amplifiers • Fast-settling instrum entation amplifiers G eneral D escription The EL2242 dual monolithic operational amplifier is as flexible as prior 324 devices but offers 30 times the bandwidth and slewrate. Its inputs and outputs are able to operate down to the

    OCR Scan
    EL2242/EL2242C bandwidth--30 rate--40 gain--110 MIL-STD-883 EL2242 175Meg rpa41 M2242 PDF

    "Op Amp" lm 324

    Abstract: M2242 EL2242CJ EL2242CM EL2242CN EL2242J ELANTEC sz EL2242
    Text: EL2242/EL2242C 5ÖE D p la n te r W Ê Ê U w U m Ê Ê Ê .W k lw Ê 0 m m • 312TSS7 00D22Ô7 47D « E L A EL2242/E L 2242C D u a l F a s t S i n g l e - S u p p l y U n ity - G a in S t a b l e O p A m p HIGH PERFORWANCEANALOG INTEGRATED ORCUfTS ü ELANTEC INC

    OCR Scan
    00D22à EL2242/EL2242C MIL-STD-883 12-bit EL2242C0 175Meg DDD22cà EL2242 "Op Amp" lm 324 M2242 EL2242CJ EL2242CM EL2242CN EL2242J ELANTEC sz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: la n t e c HiGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL2243C é EL2243C Dual Fast Single-Supply Decompensated Op Amp F e a tu r e s G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n • Inputs and outputs operate at negative supply rail • Gain bandwidth product—70 MHz

    OCR Scan
    EL2243C MIL-STD-883 EL2243 175Meg rpa41 312R557 QQQ3077 PDF

    "Op Amp" lm 324

    Abstract: IC LM 317 EL2243CN LM 741 op amp single supply EL2243CJ EL2243CM EL2243J M2243 80 Amp current 100 volt diode Q4743
    Text: EL2243/EL2243C SflE ]> 312TSS7 □ ODSS'ì? 31T H E L A élantec ; H 0H I^HFtAMÀNCÈA^tÖS: IWîeSBATEO0*RÊi»fS EL2243/EL2243C Dual Fast Single-Supply Decompensated Op Amp ELANTEC INC T~'"7CM F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc rip tio n • In p u ts and o u tp u ts operate at

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    312TSS7 EL2243/EL2243C MIL-STD-883 12-bit 175Meg 864e-18 3121S57 00Q53Qb "Op Amp" lm 324 IC LM 317 EL2243CN LM 741 op amp single supply EL2243CJ EL2243CM EL2243J M2243 80 Amp current 100 volt diode Q4743 PDF


    Abstract: 30B4 diode "Op Amp" lm 324 TMAX T7S EL2242 EL2242C EL2242CM EL2242CN MIL-I-45208A QCX0002
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE W A U S INTEGRATED CIRCJITS Features • In p u ts and ou tp u ts operate a t negative supply rail • U n ity gain bandw idth— 30 M H z • H igh slew rate— 40 V //as • Settles to 0.01% of a 10V sw ing in 500 ns • O perates w ith supplies as low as

    OCR Scan
    EL2242C MIL-STD-883 12-bit EL2242CN MDP0031 EL2242CM Cto51 312TSS7 0D030b7 30b4 30B4 diode "Op Amp" lm 324 TMAX T7S EL2242 EL2242C MIL-I-45208A QCX0002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2243/EL2243C élantec HIGH PERFORMANCÉ ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL2243/EL2243C Dual F ast Single-Supply Decompensated Op Amp F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • Inputs and outputs operate at negative supply rail • Gain bandwidth product— 70 MHz

    OCR Scan
    EL2243/EL2243C MIL-STD-883 EL2243 175Meg PDF

    "Op Amp" lm 324

    Abstract: EL2243 EL2243CM EL2243CN MIL-I-45208A UN 1263 4303K m2575 BF125
    Text: éiantec HjGH PERFORMANCE AhALÜG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS P EL2243C to tv3 Dual Fast Single-Supply Decompensated Op Amp 03 o Features General Description • Inputs and outputs operate at n egative su pply rail • G ain bandw idth product— 70 M H z • H igh slew rate— 90 V / jlis

    OCR Scan
    EL2243C MIL-STD-883 12-bit EL2243CN MDP0031 175Meg 800e-18 EL2243 31ETS57 "Op Amp" lm 324 EL2243CM MIL-I-45208A UN 1263 4303K m2575 BF125 PDF