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    19J CASE Search Results

    19J CASE Result Highlights (5)

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    CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 9-Pin (DB9) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 2.5ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 25ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 25-Pin (DB25) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 37-Pin (DB37) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 2.5ft Datasheet
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    19J CASE Price and Stock


    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 16V 2.2uF X5R 0805 10% AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MCASE219JB5225KTNA01
    • 1 $0.21
    • 10 $0.117
    • 100 $0.071
    • 1000 $0.048
    • 10000 $0.034
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    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 16V 2.2uF X5R 0805 10% JIS StD Not AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MCASE219JB5225KTNA1J
    • 1 $0.21
    • 10 $0.117
    • 100 $0.071
    • 1000 $0.048
    • 10000 $0.034
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    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 16V 2.2uF X5R 0805 20% AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MCASE219JB5225MTNA01
    • 1 $0.22
    • 10 $0.125
    • 100 $0.076
    • 1000 $0.051
    • 10000 $0.037
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    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 16V 2.2uF X5R 0805 20% JIS StD Not AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MCASE219JB5225MTNA1J
    • 1 $0.22
    • 10 $0.125
    • 100 $0.076
    • 1000 $0.051
    • 10000 $0.037
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    19J CASE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TLC20CN TLC20 tlc10 MF10ACFN
    Text: TLC10/M F10A. TLC20/MF10C UNIVERSAL DUAL SWITCHEO-CAPACITOR FILTER D 2 95 2 , AUGUST 1 9 8 0 -R E V IS E D NOVEMBER 1988 N DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE Maximum Clock to Center-Frequency Ratio Error TLC10 . . . ±0.6% TLC20 . . . ±1.5% TOP VIEW 1 Ü2LP 2 19J 2BP

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    TLC10/M TLC20/MF10C TLC10 TLC20 LTC1060 TLC20/MF1 TLC10CN TLC20CN TLC20 tlc10 MF10ACFN PDF


    Abstract: r02f TH7864A
    Text: • ^ Q S b ö 7 2 o o o n a b a ? o TH 7864A FRAME TRANSFER CCD IMAGE SENSOR 576 x 550 PIXELS WITH ANTIBLOOMING Fully Compatible with CCIR TV Standard VDD tl,R |20] 19J |1SJ Ü2J V[ R VS vOS V* 11^ |f£l '"iM '■’îM [13| [JE] 111J 2/3" Optics Compatible Image Format (11 mm

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    02ba72 00D2001 7864AVCDFA TH7864AVCH 7864ACC 7864AVC 7864a r02f TH7864A PDF


    Abstract: 7864A
    Text: ^02bß?2 0002003 55Ö • TH 7866A FRAME TRANSFER CCD IMAGE SENSOR 488 x 550 PIXELS WITH ANTIBLOOMING Fully Compatible with EIA RS170 TV Standard V DD [20j R VDR VS <t> v VOS ~A VA <t> <t> ~2M [19J H8J 117J [16J H5] 114J 113J <I> ~1M ~3M Llä lüJ 2/3” Optics Com patible Im age Format 11 mm

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    RS170 TH7864AVCH 7864ACC 7864AVC iD2bfl72 7866A 7864A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A dvanced P o w er Te c h n o l o g y P O W E R M A P T 200V 2 0 M 19J 112A V R 0.01 9CÌ O S V Power MOS V is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V™

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    OT-227 APT20M19JVR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    TT192-131 1479-1S 12392 PDF


    Abstract: Las series current regulators circuit las19u las19up 1905B LAS19A12 voltage regulators 10 amp to3 voltage regulators 20 amp to3 TN60 1915B
    Text: SEMTECH CORP S&E J> LAS 1900 Q0D317E 5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS •X' PARAMETER SYMBOL Input Voltage FEATURES MINIMUM V|N Power Dissipation Pd Thermal Resis­ tance Junction To Case 0JC Operating Junction Tem­ perature Range

    OCR Scan
    Q0D317E O-247 00D3177 LAS19XX LAS19U 19XXP LAS19UP LAS19U Las series current regulators circuit las19u las19up 1905B LAS19A12 voltage regulators 10 amp to3 voltage regulators 20 amp to3 TN60 1915B PDF

    high frequency amplifier

    Abstract: 2N918 MHQ918 to-116
    Text: MHQ918 silicon QUAD DUAL IN-LINE NPN SILICON HERMETIC ANNULAR HIGH FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS QUAD DUAL IN-LINE NPN SILICON HIGH FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS . designed fo r low-level, high-gain a m plifier Applications. • L ow Noise Figure — @ l c = 1.0 mAdc

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    MHQ918 2N918 O-116 400Ohms, high frequency amplifier 2N918 MHQ918 to-116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M54HC4028 M74HC4028 f Z J S G S -T H O M S O N ^ 7 # ffiÆ0 K Q 0E[L I(O T M 10(ê§ BCD-TO-DECIMAL DECODER • HIGH SPEED tPD = 25 ns (TYP.) at VCc = 5V ■ LOW POWER DISSIPATION lCC = 4 (¿A (MAX.) at TA = 25°C 16 n . - V ■ HIGH NOISE IMMUNITY V NIH = V NIL = 2 8 % V q c (MIN.)

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    M54HC4028 M74HC4028 4028B M54HC4028 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM715 National mm Semiconductor LM715 High Speed Operational Amplifier General Description Features The LM715 is a high speed, high gain, monolithic operation­ al amplifier intended for use in a wide range of applications where fast signal acquisition or wide bandwidth is required.

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    LM715 LM715 TL/H/10059-10 TL/H/10059-13 TL/H/10059-11 TL/H/10059-12 PDF


    Abstract: 1.0KE14 1.0KE12 1.0KE24A 10ke6
    Text: Microsemi Corp. The äKxJe e*perts SANTA ANA, CA SCOTTSDALE, A Z 1.0 K E 5 thru 1.0 K E 1 7 0 A For m ore inform ation call: 602 941-6300 FEATURES • AVAILABLE IN RANGES FROM 5.0 TO 170 VOLTS • AVAILABLE IN BIDIRECTIONAL FOR AC APPLICATIONS • LOW CLAMPING RATIO

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    integr151 0KE170. 1.0KE70 1.0KE14 1.0KE12 1.0KE24A 10ke6 PDF

    lcm 116

    Abstract: LCM 553
    Text: SANTA ANA. CA SCOTTSDALE, AZ For more information call: , <602 941-6300 FEATURES This series employs a standard TAZ in series with a rectifier with the same transient capabilities as the TAZ. The rectifier is used to reduce the effective capacitance up thru 100 MHz with a minimum amount of signal loss or

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    LC150 LC15AA LC140A LC170 LC170A 000373H lcm 116 LCM 553 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY S IN G L E S U P P LY I " PECl./TTL -TO-PECl. C ioch vVorns 3Y100S811 S E M IC O N D U C T O R FEATURES • PECL version of popular ECLinPS El 11 ■ Low skew ■ Guaranteed skew spec ■ V s b o u tp u t ■ TTL enable input ■ Selectable TTL or PECL clock input

    OCR Scan
    3Y100S811 1Q0S811 811ZC J28-1 Z28-1 Z28-1 PDF


    Abstract: M54820P M54820 M54451 M5482 m53290 M54812L M53290P 74ls931 5hz frequency GENERATOR
    Text: MITSUBISHI BIPOLAR DIGITAL ICs M54820P FREQUENCY COUNTER W IT H 5 -D IG IT LED D R IVER DESCRIPTION The M54280P is an l 2 L semiconductor integrated circu it PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW consisting o f a frequency counter and a 5-digit LED driver, for use in driving 7-segment LED display elements.

    OCR Scan
    M54820P M54280P 74LS93 M54451P 135MHz M54451P M54820P M54820 M54451 M5482 m53290 M54812L M53290P 74ls931 5hz frequency GENERATOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 82C87H HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Octal Inverting Bus Transceiver August 1996 Features • Operating Temperature Range - C82C87H. 0°C to +70°C • Full Eight Bit Bi-Directional Bus Interface

    OCR Scan
    82C87H C82C87H. 82C87H 47ki2 100kHz 00bfib03 00bflb04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H A -24 00/88 3 ffl h a r r i s PRAM Four Channel Programm able O perational Amplifier January 1989 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed In Accordance to Mil-Std883 and Is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The HA-2400/883 is a four channel programmable amplifi­

    OCR Scan
    Mil-Std883 HA-2400/883 PDF


    Abstract: MC10905 MC10H181 MC10H304 rc 3150 FI154
    Text: M O T O R O L MC10H304 A A d v a n c e I nf or ma t io n L SUFFIX CERAM IC PACKAGE CASE 620 8-BIT/DUAL 4-BIT PARITY CHECKER P SUFFIX The MC10H304 produces a fast, 8-bit parity checker including a 4-bit parity check on each of the two 4-bit nibbles. This device

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    MC10H304 MC10H304 96-bit 7-MC10905 16-bit 6-MC10H304 1-MC10H301. MC10905 10K-CompatMENT H301 MC10H181 rc 3150 FI154 PDF

    4 digit counter circuit diagram max plus

    Abstract: 7207a ICM7208 decade counter display multiplex 1mhz Ultrasonic generator schematic circuit Ultrasonic generator schematic circuit ICM7207 ICM7208IPI Ultrasonic power generator schematic MHz frequency counter
    Text: IC M 7 2 0 8 D IM Ü ^ O IL CMOS 7 Decade Counter FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • • • Low operating power dissipation < 10mW Low quiescent power dissipation < 5mW Counts and displays 7 decades Wide operating supply voltage range 2V l . V+ •_ 6V Drives directly 7 decade multiplexed common

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    ICM7208 ICM7208 ICM7209 4 digit counter circuit diagram max plus 7207a decade counter display multiplex 1mhz Ultrasonic generator schematic circuit Ultrasonic generator schematic circuit ICM7207 ICM7208IPI Ultrasonic power generator schematic MHz frequency counter PDF


    Abstract: M5482 m54822 455KH
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I B IP O L A R D IG ITA L IC s M54822P MITSUBISHI D6TL LOGIC 31E » • (324=1027 DDlMböM 2 ■ MIT3 F R E Q U E N C Y C O U N T E R W IT H 4 - D IG IT F L U O R E S C E N T D R IV E R 3 - 2 -1 D ESC R IPT IO N PIN C O N FIG U R A T IO N (TOP VIEW )

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    M54822P 220pF M54822P M5482 m54822 455KH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M O T O R O L A Wideband FSK Receiver The M C 3356 includes Oscillator, Mixer, Lim iting IF Am plifier, Q uadrature D etector, Audio Buffer, S quelch, M e te r D rive, Squelch Status output, and Data S haper com parator. The M C 3356 is desig n ed fo r use in d igital data

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    MC3356 PDF


    Abstract: LU59002 CSB455E SI 01007
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC iS E D IV D I a ia a v ia a c m i? ^ Remote Control Receiver LSI a LU59002 T-77-11 LU59002 • Remote Control Receiver LSI Description Pin Connections T he LU59002 is a CMOS LSI developed for in­ frared remote contorol receivers. Used together with the LR3715M transmitter, a

    OCR Scan
    LU59002 T-77-11 LU59002 LR3715M 56-channel 455kHz 20-pin CSB455E SI 01007 PDF

    transistor A6A6

    Abstract: SM64C64
    Text: SM64C64, SMJ64C64 16,384-WORD BY 4-BIT STATIC RAMS JU LY 1 987 - 16.384 x 4 Organization JD PACKAGE Common I/O {TOP VIEW Military Temperature Range . . . - 5 5 ° C to 125°C M Suffix) Fast Static Operation 19 ] A 2 18 ] A 1 17 ] A 0 16 ] D Q 4 A1 0 [ 6

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    SM64C64, SMJ64C64 384-WORD 64C64-25 64C64-35 64C64-45 transistor A6A6 SM64C64 PDF

    HT 3786 d

    Abstract: HT 3786 PBL3786 Ericsson PBL HT 12E APPLICATION 100-P 891135A
    Text: ERICSSON COMPONENTS INC IbE D • 3373t.a0 GDPlbflO ERICSSON á T ■ September 1989 _ T - lS - C n - tK PBL 3786/02 Voice-switched Speakerphone Circuit Description Key features The PBL 3786/02 contains all the necessary circuitry, amplifiers, detectors, compara­

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    3373bà T-75-à 3786/02N HT 3786 d HT 3786 PBL3786 Ericsson PBL HT 12E APPLICATION 100-P 891135A PDF

    diode zener ZD H2

    Abstract: BTS410 bts410 siemens BTS 410 E2 E3043 235L 410E2 410H BTS410H2 ZD11 Q67060-S6105
    Text: û235hD5 QOfilbOl T7fl S IE M E N S PROFET BTS410H2 Smart Highside Power Switch F eatures • • • • • • • • Overload protection Current limitation Short circuit protection Thermal shutdown Overvoltage protection including load dump Fast demagnetization of inductive loads

    OCR Scan
    235hD5 BTS410H2 TQ-220AB/5 O-220AB/5, E3043 Q67060-S6105 E3043 Q67060-S6105-A3 O-22QAB/5, diode zener ZD H2 BTS410 bts410 siemens BTS 410 E2 E3043 235L 410E2 410H BTS410H2 ZD11 PDF

    M 14606

    Abstract: BZV55C6V1 MLL5221B mlu714 BZV55C4V3
    Text: MOTOROLA sc DIODES/OPTO b4E » • b3L7ESS 00 8 54 37 S3T SECTION 4.2.4 DATA SHEETS ZËNER VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES — continued Section 4 .2 A 2 Surface Mounted — continued SECTION 4.2A 2.2 500 mW LEADLESS (DO-34 BODY SIZE) MULTIPLE PACKAGE QUANTITY (MPQ)

    OCR Scan
    DO-34 DCWUCT10M UUC291S M 14606 BZV55C6V1 MLL5221B mlu714 BZV55C4V3 PDF