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    1D JFET Search Results

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    ISL28210FBZ-T13 Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Low Noise JFET Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28210FBZ-T7A Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Low Noise JFET Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28210FBZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Low Noise JFET Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28110FBZ-T7A Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Low Noise JFET Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL28110FBZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Precision Low Noise JFET Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    1D JFET Datasheets Context Search

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    Motorola transistor smd marking codes

    Abstract: SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c SMD code smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F toshiba smd marking code transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1P smd transistor 5c Diode SOT-23 marking 15d SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6B TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1d
    Text: Eugene Turuta 2 - pins SOT - 89 databook 3 - pins Acti ve Activ SMD components mar king codes marking Introduction SMD-codes for semiconductor components in 3-pins cases SMD-codes for semiconductor components in SOT-89 cases SMD-codes for semiconductor components in BGA and LPP cases

    OT-89 OT-223 C-120, 2001MD, Motorola transistor smd marking codes SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c SMD code smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F toshiba smd marking code transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1P smd transistor 5c Diode SOT-23 marking 15d SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 6B TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1d PDF

    STK and STR integrated circuits

    Abstract: transistor smd zG 1e STR-Z4579 Turuta 6 pin TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PA transistor 5d smd ELM85361A STK and STR integrated circuits, 2011 edition 5g smd transistor 15D diode smd code
    Text: SMD-codes DATABOOK Active SMD semiconductor components marking codes • 235.000 SMD-codes for active semiconductor components: • Diodes, Transistors, Thyristors, Integrated Circuits • Case pin assignment • Pinout • Marking style • Schematic diagram

    OD-80 OT-223 OT-89 STK and STR integrated circuits transistor smd zG 1e STR-Z4579 Turuta 6 pin TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PA transistor 5d smd ELM85361A STK and STR integrated circuits, 2011 edition 5g smd transistor 15D diode smd code PDF

    operational amplifier

    Abstract: tone Dialer power amplifier tone control tl082cd "tone dialer" Telephone Dialer Circuit MC34012-3D MC34013AFN MC34074D MC34060AD
    Text: Motorola Bipolar Integrated Circuits Group continued Package Device MC34012-3D MC34013AFN MC34014FN MC34017-1D MC34017-2D MC34017-3D MC34018FN MC34060AD MC34071D MC34072D SO-8 PLCC-28 PLCC-20 SO-8 SO-8 SO-8 PLCC-28 SO-14 SO-8 SO-8 Function Telephone Tone Ringer

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    MC34012-3D MC34013AFN PLCC-28 MC34014FN PLCC-20 MC34017-1D MC34017-2D MC34017-3D MC34018FN operational amplifier tone Dialer power amplifier tone control tl082cd "tone dialer" Telephone Dialer Circuit MC34074D MC34060AD PDF


    Abstract: TONE DIALER operational amplifier MC34012-3D MC34074D MC34012 MC3423D Telephone Dialer Circuit MC34013AFN MC34018FN
    Text: Motorola Bipolar Integrated Circuits Group continued Package Device MC34012-3D MC34013AFN MC34014FN MC34017-1D MC34017-2D MC34017-3D MC34018FN MC34060AD MC34071D MC34072D SO-8 PLCC-28 PLCC-20 SO-8 SO-8 SO-8 PLCC-28 SO-14 SO-8 SO-8 Function Telephone Tone Ringer

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    MC34012-3D MC34013AFN PLCC-28 MC34014FN PLCC-20 MC34017-1D MC34017-2D MC34017-3D MC34018FN MCI741 TONE DIALER operational amplifier MC34074D MC34012 MC3423D Telephone Dialer Circuit PDF


    Abstract: J177 equivalent SST174
    Text: Tem ic J/SST174 Series Siliconix P-Channel JFETs SST174 SST175 SST176 SST177 J174 J175 J176 J177 Product Summary P a rt N u m b e r v GS off (V) J/SST174 5 to 10 J/SST175 3 to 6 J/SST176 1 to 4 J/SST177 0.8 to 2.25 1d (oH) iy p (pA) toN iy p (n s) 85 -1 0

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    J/SST174 SST174 SST175 SST176 SST177 J/SST175 J/SST176 J/SST177 J/SST176, EQUIVALENT FOR J175 J177 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D Ë | 3M22blfl □□D47tfl 7 E X AR CORP Tl S 3422618 EXAR CORP 9 1D 0 4 7 6 8 XR-V100 Master-Chip Chip Size: 113 x 146 mils NPN Transistors Total Components: 740 Small Signal: 140 Bonding Pads: 28 Large: 4 Max. Operating Voltage: 36V PNP Transistors Lateral: 56

    OCR Scan
    3M22blfl D47tfl XR-V100 443kO XR-1568M XR-1568/XR-1468C XR-1468/1568 PDF


    Abstract: SST4860 Siliconix JFET Duals MARKING J1A 2N4859 2N5564 PN4091 SST4859 C6t SOT23
    Text: SILICONIX INC 18E 1 • Ô25M735 0013155 0 ■ SST4859 SERIES .BlSSSSiS T -Z S -Z S , N-Channel JFET The SST4859 Series is the surface mount equivalent of our 2N4859 device types. Its low cost and ros on) make It a good choice for an all-purpose analog switch, while Its high gfs and

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    SST4859 ES4735 0Q13TSS 2N4859 OT-23 PN4091 2N5564 2N485XCHP SST4861 SST4860 Siliconix JFET Duals MARKING J1A C6t SOT23 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4857A 2N4858A 2N4861A 2N4859A 2N4860A 2N48
    Text: Datasheet Central 2 N4 85 6A THRU 2 N4861A N-CHANNEL JFET Semiconductor Corp. JEDEC T O - 18 CASE 145 Adam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N4856A s e r i e s

    OCR Scan
    2N4856A 2N4861A 2N4856A 2N4859A 2N4857A 2N4860A 2N4858A 2N4856A, 2N4857A 2N4858A 2N4859A 2N4860A 2N48 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICONIX INC IflE D • A5S473S D D I B I S I A ■ SST5912 ja rs s ö ä N-Channel JFET Pair / The SST5912 Is a monolithic pair of JFETs mounted In a single SO-8 package. The SST5912 features high speed amplification slew rate , high gain (typically > 6 mS), and low gate leakage (typically

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    A5S473S SST5912 SST5912 M5911 PDF

    switch wy 15D

    Abstract: DG126BP DG129AP/DG129 DG126 DG126AP DG129 DG129AP DG129BP DG140
    Text: y y Æm siiiconix incorporated DG126/129/140 Dual DPST JFET Analog Switches FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONS • < 1 m W S tandby Power • Minim izes Standby Power R eq uirem ents • • C onstant r D S O N O ver Signal Range • • • OFF Isolation > 60 dB

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    DG126/129/140 DG126, DG129 DG140 switch wy 15D DG126BP DG129AP/DG129 DG126 DG126AP DG129AP DG129BP PDF


    Abstract: NVA2CHP U290
    Text: NVA N-Channel JFETs fT-Sificonix in c o rp o ra te d DEVICE TYPE PACKAGE Single TO-92 TO-226AA • J105, J106, J107 Single TO-52 (TO-206AC) • U290, U291 Single Chip • Available as NVA1CHP, NVA2CHP, NVA3CHP TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS On-Reslstance & Drain Current

    OCR Scan
    O-226AA) O-206AC) to-206ac NVA2CHP U290 PDF


    Abstract: 2n5462 2N5461
    Text: Data Sheet 2N546Ö 2N5461 2N5462 Ul P-CHANNEL JFET S e m ic o n d u c to r C o rp . JEDEC T O -92 CASE 145 Adam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 Manufacturers of W orld C lass Discrete Semiconductors m I • v u

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    2N5k62 to-92 2N5460 2N5h60 2N5461 100Hzl 100Hz 2n5462 2N5461 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ N-Channel JFET Switch :alodlc CORPORATION \J J111-J113/SST111-SST113 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • Analog Switches • Choppers • Commutators Low Cost Automated Insertion Package Low Insertion Loss No Offset or Error Voltage Generated By Closed Switch

    OCR Scan
    J111-J113/SST111-SST113 300ns, DD0CH54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APT10043JVR AD VANCED P o w er Te c h n o l o g y ’ iooov 22A 0.43012 PO W ER M O S V M Power MOS V is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V™

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    APT10043JVR OT-227 MIL-STD-750 OT-227 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5115 2N5114 2N5114-16 X2N5114-16
    Text: P-Channel JFET Switch calodic CORPORATION 2N5114-2N5116 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS T a = 25°C unless otherwise noted Ideal lor inverting switching or "Virtual Gnd” switching into inverting input of Op. Amp. No driver is required and ±10VAC

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    2N5114 2N5116 10VAC 500pA 10sec) S-20V 2N5116 2N5115 2N5114-16 X2N5114-16 PDF


    Abstract: fs211
    Text: SILICONIX INC IflE D • 6254735 0013T14 & M5911 SERIES JUi in c o rp o ra te d N-Channel JFET Pairs The M5911 Series are monolithic pairs of JFETs mounted In a single TO-78 package. The M5911 features high speed amplification slew rate , high gain (typically > 6 mS), and low gate leakage

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    0013T14 M5911 MIL-S-19500. fs211 PDF


    Abstract: u443
    Text: SILICÔNIX INC 1ÛE D • ¿Tg£5!& Ö254735 0013^12 4 M440 SE R IE S N-Channel JFET Pairs The M440 Series are monolithic pairs of JFETs mounted in a single TO-71 package. The M440 features high speed amplification slew rate , high gain (typically > 6 mS), and low gate leakage

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500. 7m440 u443 PDF


    Abstract: 900sl marking s14 sot23 2N5114 s14 sot-23 marking s16 sot-23
    Text: SILICONIX INC 1ÔE D • Ô254735 0013=157 4 ■ SST5114 SERIES 1R53& P-Channel JFETs 'P - ^ '7 '" 2 . 5 The SST5114 Series is a p-channel JFET analog switch designed to complement our n-channel SST4391 Series, They feature low on-resistance and good off-isolation as well as the fast switching

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    SST5114 SST4391 OT-23 SST5115 SST5116 OT-23 1R53 900sl marking s14 sot23 2N5114 s14 sot-23 marking s16 sot-23 PDF

    2N5640 equivalent

    Abstract: SILICONIX 2N4391 2N5638 2N5638 equivalent Siliconix JFET Duals
    Text: SILICONIX INC UE • Ö554735 QQ13ÖS7 □ ■ 2N5638 SERIES C T 'S ilic o n ix incorporated T-ZS - Z - 5 N-Channel JF E T The 2N5638 Series is a multi-purpose n-channel JFET designed to economically enhance circuit performance, These devices are especially well

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    2N5638 2N5639 2N5640 2N5640 equivalent SILICONIX 2N4391 2N5638 equivalent Siliconix JFET Duals PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APT10M25SVR A dvanced P o w er Te c h n o l o g y 100V 75A 0.025Í2 POWER MOS V Power MOS V is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APT20M22LVFR A dvanced P o w er Te c h n o l o g y P O W E R M O S 200V V 100A 0. 022Í 2 FREDFET Power MOS V is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V™

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    APT20M22LVFR O-264 APT20M22LVFR MIL-STD-750 500nH, 00A/HS, O-264AA PDF


    Abstract: 2N5046 2N5047
    Text: designed for 2N 5047 Silicon ix . Performance Curves NNR See Section 5 • High Gain Differential Amplifiers BEN EFITS • Minimum System Error and Calibra­ tion 5 m V Offset Maximum 2N5Ö45 2N5045 2N5046 a monolithic dual n-channel JFETs • Low D rift

    OCR Scan
    2N5045) IVGS1-VGS21 50juA 90S1-90S21 2N5045 2N5046 2N5047 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICONIX INC lfiC D • 2N5460 SERIES fSTSiliconbc JtJm Ö2S473S QQ13ÖSQ fl in c o rp o ra te d P-Channel JFETs _r-'^S-25 The 2N5460 Series are low cost p-channel JFETs designed to provide all-around performance in a wide range of amplifier and analog , switchapplications. This series features two ranges of

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    2S473S 2N5460 2N5461 2N5462 2N5463 2N5464 300Ms PDF


    Abstract: J305 j305 siliconix SST5484
    Text: J304/305 Vishay Siliconix N-Channel JFETs PRODUCT SUMMARY Part Number 9 fs Min mS Id s s Min (mA) V GS < o ff) ( V ) V (B R )G S S M i n ( V ) J304 -2 to -6 -3 0 4.5 5 J305 -0 .5 to - 3 -3 0 3 1 FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONS • Excellent High Frequency Gain: J304,

    OCR Scan
    J304/305 J304/305 S-04028-- 04-Jun-01 J304 J305 j305 siliconix SST5484 PDF