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    1N415E DIODE Search Results

    1N415E DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    1N415E DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: mixer diode 1N415e diode DO-23
    Text: 1N415E SILICON MIXER DIODE PACKAGE STYLE DO- 23 DESCRIPTION: The ASI 1N415E is a Silicon Mixer Diode Designed for Applications Operating From 8.0 to 12.4 GHz. FEATURES: • High burnout resistance • Low noise figure • Hermetically sealed package MAXIMUM RATINGS

    1N415E 1N415E mixer diode 1N415e diode DO-23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N415E Diodes General Purpose UHF/MW Mixer Diode Military/High-RelN V RRM (V) Rep.Pk.Rev. Voltage BandX Test Freq9.4G Frequency Min. (Hz) Frequency Max. (Hz) V(FM) Max.(V) Forward Voltage Ct{Cj} Nom. (F) Junction Cap. NR Max. Noise Figure Max. (dB)7.5 Maximum Conversion Loss (dB)

    1N415E Min335 PDF

    1N23 diode

    Abstract: 1N23C 1N23B 1N21C 1N23A case cs101 1N415C diode 1N23WG 1N415H CS100
    Text: Point Contact Diodes Point Contact Diodes: 1N Series S - X Band Point Contact Mixer Diodes Description This MicroMetrics 1N series of Point Contact Mixer diodes is designed for applications from S-Band through XBand. Each device in this series is in a cartridge package specially designed

    CS100 CS101 1N23 diode 1N23C 1N23B 1N21C 1N23A case cs101 1N415C diode 1N23WG 1N415H CS100 PDF


    Abstract: cs-100 1N415C 1N23 diode 1N23B 1N23 1N21E 1N416C cs-101 1N21C
    Text: Point Contact Diodes: 1N Series S - X Band Point Contact Mixer Diodes Description This MicroMetrics 1N series of Point Contact Mixer diodes is designed for applications from S-Band through XBand. Each device in this series is in a cartridge package specially designed

    CS100 CS101 CS100 cs-100 1N415C 1N23 diode 1N23B 1N23 1N21E 1N416C cs-101 1N21C PDF

    ecg rectifier diode

    Abstract: ECG 558 ECG diodes diode ecg 588 ECG555A 110MP
    Text: Microwave Mixer Diodes Type No. Test Freq. MHz Noise Figure (dB) I.F. IMPED. 0 3 0 MHz (Ohms) VSWR Max. Ratio Burn Out (ERGS) Fig. No. 1N415C 9375 9.5 325-475 1.5 2.0 Z64 1N415E 9375 7.5 335-465 1.3 2.0 Z64 1N416C 3060 8.3 300-700 . 2.0 Z64 1N416E 3060

    OCR Scan
    1N415C 1N415E 1N416C 1N416E ECG553 ECG566A ECG571 ECG616A Z13-2 DO-92 ecg rectifier diode ECG 558 ECG diodes diode ecg 588 ECG555A 110MP PDF

    CI 3060 elsys

    Abstract: mav55 ECG592 1N416C microwave diode ecg 588 ci 3060 DIODE Z54 Z11A 1N415C diode Z6 DIODE
    Text: M icrowave Mixer Diodes Type No. Test Freq. MHz Noise Figure (dB) I.F. IM PED. Q 30 MHz (Ohms) VSW R Max. Ratio Burn Out (ERGS) Fig. No. 1N415C 9375 9.5 325-475 1.5 2.0 Z64 1N415E 9375 7.5 335-465 1.3 2.0 Z64 1N416C 3060 8.3 300-700 . 2.0 Z64 1N416E 3060

    OCR Scan
    1N415C 1N415E 1N416C 1N416E ECG553 ECGG66A ECG580 ECG615A Z13-2 ECG615A CI 3060 elsys mav55 ECG592 1N416C microwave diode ecg 588 ci 3060 DIODE Z54 Z11A 1N415C diode Z6 DIODE PDF

    617 varactor diode for radio tuning

    Abstract: 393 DIODE 1N415C microwave
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES VARACTOR DIODES FOR RADIO TUNING Reveres Breakdown Volino« Volti Maximum Forward Currant (m *l Power Dissipation (mW) Minimum Figure of Merit PD 280 Q Ct Cr 200 100 @ 3 V 34 @ 3V 2.5 Min 50 280 150 @ 1V 440 @ 1V 15 NTE Type Number Diagram

    OCR Scan
    100mA 617 varactor diode for radio tuning 393 DIODE 1N415C microwave PDF

    diode ECG125

    Abstract: CI 3060 elsys ECG113A ci 3060 ECG577 Z6 DIODE DIODE GENERAL PURPOSE DET 200 PRV SCR ECG117A ECG576 ECG584 schottky
    Text: PHILIPS E C 6 INC 54E ]> • b b S 3 ti2a Q00720S 535 m i Q G Diodes and Rectifiers General Purpose ECG Type Peak Reverse Voltage PRV Max V Description Average Rectified Forward Current lO Max Forward Current Repetitive Peak IFRM Max Reverse Recovery Time

    OCR Scan
    bb53R2fi ECG109 ECG110A ECG110MP ECG113A ECG114 1N415C 1N415E 1N416C 1N416E diode ECG125 CI 3060 elsys ci 3060 ECG577 Z6 DIODE DIODE GENERAL PURPOSE DET 200 PRV SCR ECG117A ECG576 ECG584 schottky PDF


    Abstract: 1N23G 1N21C 1N21D 1N21E 1N21F 1N21G 1N21WE 1N416G 1N416C
    Text: Point Con tact Diodes: 1 N Series S - X Band Point Contact Mixer Diodes Description This MicroM etrics 1N series of Point Contact Mixer diodes is designed for applications from S-Band through XBand. Each device in this series is in a cartridge package specially designed

    OCR Scan
    CS100 1N23F 1N23G 1N23WG 1N23H CS101 1N415C 1n415c 1N23G 1N21C 1N21D 1N21E 1N21F 1N21G 1N21WE 1N416G 1N416C PDF


    Abstract: 1N23C diode 1N23 Diode Holder 1N23 diode CI 3060 Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes 1n23we 1N21E 1N23CR 1N1132
    Text: 0585443 ALPHA IND/ SEMICONDUCTOR "El D lf| 0SÛS443 Q0DD3fiti E 03E 00386 D T -C>7 _¿> J Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes Features • High Burnout Resistance • Low Noise Figure, even in the Starved L.O. Mode • Hermetically Sealed The matching criteria for mixer diodes are as follows:

    OCR Scan

    1N23C diode

    Abstract: DIODE ku 1490 1N25 diode 1N26A diode DO-37 DO-23 1N415C 1N4294 1N4603R 1N26BR
    Text: SILICON POINT CON TACT MIXER DIODES ASI Point Contact M ixer Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through 26 GHz. The overall noise figure is expressed by the follow ing relationship: NF0 = Lc NR0 + NF if -1 NF„ = overall receiver noise figure

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23 DO-37 ardN21H 1N21HR 1N150 1N160 1N150R 1N160R 1N23C 1N23C diode DIODE ku 1490 1N25 diode 1N26A diode 1N415C 1N4294 1N4603R 1N26BR PDF

    JD 16

    Abstract: ecg rectifier diode ECG605 1N415C diode 1N415C Z41A K596 595-AA 1N416E diode ecg 125
    Text: PHILIPS E C INC G S4E » • IECG bfe5312fl 00D7E05 244 Diode and Rectifier Outlines cont'd 610 611 612 613 614 L . .3 6 0 " _ J9.I4) .t9? .200 (5 ) ( 5 .0 8 ) .18 < 4.6 ) DIA .IB S ( 4 TO ) n COMMON CATHOOC 7 .787 ■M «H ! L _ .4 2 5 "_J .110' k - f K

    OCR Scan
    0007E05 ECG605 ECG113A ECG120 ECG582 ECG581 O-220 1N415C 1N415E 1N416C JD 16 ecg rectifier diode ECG605 1N415C diode Z41A K596 595-AA 1N416E diode ecg 125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES VARACTOR DIODES FOR RADIO TUNING M axim um Forw ard C urre nt m A Reverse B reakdow n Voltage (Volts) M inim um Figure of M erit P ow er D issipation (m W ) M inim um Diode C a pa cita nc e (pF) N TE Type Num ber D iagram Num ber A pplication

    OCR Scan

    Philips ECG125

    Abstract: t75 hv diode ecg125 diode ECG125 ECG605 Z6 DIODE ECG558 ECG156 ECG584 schottky ECG1151
    Text: PHILIPS E C 6 INC 54E ]> • bbS3ti2a Q00720S 535 m i Q G Diodes and Rectifiers General Purpose ECG Type Peak Reverse Voltage PRV Max V Description Average Rectified Forward Current lO Max Forward Current Repetitive Peak IFRM Max Reverse Recovery Time trr

    OCR Scan
    Q00720S ECG109 ECG110A ECG110MP ECG112 ECG113A 72OLARITY OT-23 SP-92 ECG615A Philips ECG125 t75 hv diode ecg125 diode ECG125 ECG605 Z6 DIODE ECG558 ECG156 ECG584 schottky ECG1151 PDF

    Z6 DIODE

    Abstract: z12 diode Z4 diode z11 diode diode ECG125 ECG555 ECG584 schottky ECG117A ecg125 diode ECG178MP
    Text: PHILIPS E C 6 INC 54E ]> • bbS3ti2a Q00720S 535 m i Q G Diodes and Rectifiers General Purpose ECG Type Peak Reverse Voltage PRV Max V Description Average Rectified Forward Current lO Max Forward Current Repetitive Peak IFRM Max Reverse Recovery Time trr

    OCR Scan
    ECG109 ECG110A ECG110MP ECG113A ECG114 DO-27 ECG515 ECG551 ECG117A ECG556 Z6 DIODE z12 diode Z4 diode z11 diode diode ECG125 ECG555 ECG584 schottky ECG117A ecg125 diode ECG178MP PDF


    Abstract: IN415C IN23CR in23we 1N23F 1N3747 IN26 1N21C HP-432A 1n416
    Text: SILICONPOINTCONTACTMIXERDIODES They feature high burnout resistance, low ASI Point Contact Mixer Diodes are designed for applications from UHF through noise figure and are hermetically sealed. They are available in DO-7, DO-22, DO-23 26 GHz. and DO-37 package styles which make

    OCR Scan
    DO-22, DO-23 DO-37 26GHz. 1N26B DO-37 1N26C 30MHz, 1000Hz in23c IN415C IN23CR in23we 1N23F 1N3747 IN26 1N21C HP-432A 1n416 PDF

    1N23 diode

    Abstract: 1N53AR 1N26A diode Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes 1N415 1N832A N178 kaba 1N23WG 1N26BR
    Text: EBAlpha Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes 1N2XX, 1N3205,1N25XX, 1N78X, DMA649X-XXX Series Features • High Burnout Resistance ■ Low Noise Figure, even in the Starved LO Mode ■ Hermetically Sealed Description Alpha’s point contact mixer diodes are designed for

    OCR Scan
    1N3205 1N25XX, 1N78X, DMA649X-XXX 1N23 diode 1N53AR 1N26A diode Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes 1N415 1N832A N178 kaba 1N23WG 1N26BR PDF


    Abstract: 1N21* Diode Detector Holder JAN1N21WE 1N23C 1N23C diode 1N53C JAN1N21WG MA490E MA492C 1N831A

    OCR Scan

    1N23 diode

    Abstract: 1N78 diode 1N23WGMR 1N26A diode 1n21we 1N26B ka2to 1N415 DMA4148-042 1n23 jan
    Text: Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes Features • ■ ■ High Burnout Resistance Low Noise Figure, even in the Starved L.O. Mode Hermetically Sealed * \ / \ Description These specifications allow the noise figure of the re­ ceiver to deteriorate no greater than 0.1 dB due to local

    OCR Scan

    1N21* Diode Detector Holder

    Abstract: MA492C 1N23C diode MA41513 1N493C 1N23G Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes 1n415g jan-1n21we 1N23C

    OCR Scan

    1N23 diode

    Abstract: 1N23 1N53AR 1n3747 1N1132 1N53R 1N415C 1n415 1N26 1N23 ALPHA
    Text: ALPHA IN»/ SEMICONDUCTOR MAE D • 0SAS443 00011b3 447 ■ ALP Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes Description Alpha’s point contact mixer diodes are designed for applications through Ka-band 40 GHz . These diodes employ epitaxial silicon optimized for low noise figure

    OCR Scan

    diac SBS 14

    Abstract: diac 083 NTE6405 IR 944 triac varactor diode bb 205 APPLICATION for NTE 6407 low voltage scr DIAC 502 TVPA TRANSISTOR 2501 lf 113
    Text: N T E ELE CT RONICS INC_ SEE J> • ~ b43125T D002b72 fibE * N T E 1 -Z S SPECIAL DEVI SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRAN SISTO R UJT Maximum Ratings NTE Type Nim ber Diagram Number Case Style RMS Emitter Current (mA) Interbase Voltage (Vote) RMS Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan