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    2.0 K MEF 250 Search Results

    2.0 K MEF 250 Datasheets Context Search

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    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: 1K250 1.0 k mef 400 MEF 250 capacitor 0.01 k 630 MKT MEF 250 1.0 J paccom capacitor 1.5 k mef 250 2.0 k mef 250 2.2 k mef 250
    Text: Rev: 6/98 MEF Series Metallized Polyester Film Non-inductive, Radial Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company MEF Series Metallized Polyester Film ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Radial Metallized Polyester Film ▼ MEF Series Capacitors Features:

    1K250 1.0 k mef 250 1.0 k mef 400 MEF 250 capacitor 0.01 k 630 MKT MEF 250 1.0 J paccom capacitor 1.5 k mef 250 2.0 k mef 250 2.2 k mef 250 PDF

    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: MEF 250 MEF 400 1.0 k mef 400 2.0 k mef 250 MEF 0.47 1.5 k mef 250 10MAX MEF 250 1.0 J 2.2 k mef 250
    Text: METALIZED POLYESTER FILM CAPACITORS MEF Series INTRODUCTION : MEF Series capacitor are constructed with metalized polyester film dielectric, copper-ply lead and epoxy resin coating. MEF Series capacitor are ideal for use in telecommunication equipment, data


    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: MALLORY polyester CAPACITORS capacitor 0.01 k 630 MKT MEF 250 MALLORY POLYESTER MEF 400 2.0 k mef 250 1.0 k mef 400 capacitor 250 r60 mkt
    Text: Rev: 6/98 MES Series Metallized Polyester Film Non-inductive, Radial Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company MES Series Small Metallized Polyester Film ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Radial Metallized Polyester Film ▼ MES Series Capacitors Features:



    Abstract: 104J 100V capacitor 104J FILM capacitor 104j 100v CAPACITOR 104j 100v 0.1 J 250 MKT capacitor 0.33 k 630 MKT x2 le 224 0,22 1.5k mef 400 1K250
    Text: Rev: 6/98 Series CHE Metallized Polyphenylene Sulfide PPS Non-Inductive, SMT Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company CHE Series Metallized Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Chip Metallized PPS Film Chip ▼ CHE Series

    Tape/Ree813 2A104J 104J 100V capacitor 104J FILM capacitor 104j 100v CAPACITOR 104j 100v 0.1 J 250 MKT capacitor 0.33 k 630 MKT x2 le 224 0,22 1.5k mef 400 1K250 PDF

    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: A r60 mkt 400 22 CAPACITOR paccom capacitor paccom capacitor 0.01 k 630 MKT Paccom Electronics phillips 2.2uf 22uf Ceramic Disc Capacitors PHILLIPS 250 MKT 15K250
    Text: Rev: 6/98 PPM Series Metallized Polypropylene Non-Inductive, Radial Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company PPM Series Metallized Polypropylene Film ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Radial Metallized Polypropylene Film ▼ PPM Series Capacitors

    5K250 1.0 k mef 250 A r60 mkt 400 22 CAPACITOR paccom capacitor paccom capacitor 0.01 k 630 MKT Paccom Electronics phillips 2.2uf 22uf Ceramic Disc Capacitors PHILLIPS 250 MKT 15K250 PDF

    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: B 103 K 1KV SEC ceramic capacitor 152K, 1KV 1.5k mef 400 capacitor 0.015 k 400 MKT capacitor 0.01 k 250 MKT paccom capacitor capacitor 0.022 k 400 MKT r60 mkt 400 300 uF 450 VDC Mallory Capacitor
    Text: Rev: 6/98 PPH Series Polypropylene Extended Film-Foil High Voltage, Non-inductive, Radial Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company PPH Series Polypropylene Film/Foil ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Radial Polypropylene Film/Foil ▼ PPH Series Capacitors


    panasonic ge series capacitors

    Abstract: paccom capacitor
    Text: Rev: 6/98 60 Series Metallized Polyester Box Film 10~27.5mm Leadspace, Radial Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company 60 Series Metallized Polyester Film ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Radial Metallized Polyester Film ▼ 60 Series Capacitors

    50Vdc panasonic ge series capacitors paccom capacitor PDF

    capacitor 0.01 k 400 MKT

    Abstract: PHILLIPS 250 MKT 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors paccom capacitor MPR 18-02 1.0 k mef 250
    Text: Rev: 6/98 67 Series Metallized Polyester Box Film 7.5mm Leadspace, Radial Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company 67/84 Series Metallized Polyester Film ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Radial Metallized Polyester Film ▼ 67/84 Series Capacitors


    paccom capacitor

    Abstract: nissei capacitor amz NISSEI MMH Paccom Electronics MEF 250 1k paccom nissei capacitor nissei capacitor APS Nichicon py series Z5U 1KV
    Text: Rev: 6/98 PK Series Class II, High K Dielectric Radial Disc Ceramic Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company PK Series Ceramic Disc ▼ High Dielectric Constant K ▼ EIA Class II ▼ Radial Class II Ceramic Disc ▼ PK Series Capacitors Features: • Excellent temperature stability over a wide ambient temperature range



    Abstract: nissei capacitor APS r60 mkt MEF 250 1k MALLORY 150 CAPACITORS nissei capacitor amz NISSEI ELECTRONIC MMT 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors LDE nissei capacitor Cross Reference MALLORY CAPACITORS N750
    Text: Rev: 6/98 PC Series Class I, Temperature Compensating Radial Disc Ceramic Capacitors An ISO 9002 Registered Company PC Series Ceramic Disc ▼ Temperature Compensating ▼ EIA Class I ▼ Radial Class I Ceramic Disc ▼ PC Series Capacitors Features: • High capacitance stability for temperature


    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: capacitor 0.01 j 100 MKT capacitor 0.47 j 100 MKT 0.047 M Phillips paccom capacitor capacitor 0.01 j 400 MKT MPR 18-02
    Text: Rev: 6/98 CPE Series Metallized Polyethylene Naphtalate PEN Non-Inductive, SMT Plastic Film Capacitor An ISO 9002 Registered Company CPE Series Metallized PEN Stacked Film ▼ Non-Inductive Winding ▼ Chip M etallized PEN Film Chip ▼ CPE Seri es Capacitors



    Abstract: TXC-06010AIBG TXC-06010-MB K4S283232E 0X0076 cesopsn TXC-06010
    Text: PacketTrunk-4 Plus Device TDM-over-Packet Gateway Device TXC-06010 DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY TXC-06010- MB, Ed. 6 December 2009 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Four T1/E1/Serial or one T3/E3 TDM interfaces • One 10/100 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 MAC interface via MII/RMII/SMII/SSMII;HDX or

    TXC-06010 TXC-06010- TXC-06010-MB, RFC-5087 TXC-06010AIBG TXC-06010-MB K4S283232E 0X0076 cesopsn TXC-06010 PDF


    Abstract: CD12 MN1959041 dram structure programmable pipeline microcode memory MEF 250 1k
    Text: Communication Equipment LSI MN1959041 Commercial MPEG-4 Video Codec IC for W-CDMA Mobile Visual Terminals M Di ain sc te on na tin nc ue e/ d • Overview ■ Features ue pl d in an c se ed lud pl vi an m m es si tf ed ain ai fo ol t n l ht low disc dis ena ten low

    MN1959041 MN1959041 CD10 CD12 dram structure programmable pipeline microcode memory MEF 250 1k PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PacketTrunk-4 Plus Device TDM-over-Packet Gateway Device TXC-06010 DATA SHEET PRELIMINARY TXC-06010- MB, Ed. 5 January 2008 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Four T1/E1/Serial or one T3/E3 TDM interfaces • One 10/100 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 MAC interface via MII/RMII/SMII/SSMII;HDX or

    TXC-06010 TXC-06010- TXC-06010 PDF


    Abstract: CD12 MN1959041 rgb to ycbcr arithmetic shift right dram structure programmable pipeline microcode memory
    Text: Communication Equipment LSI MN1959041 Commercial MPEG-4 Video Codec IC for W-CDMA Mobile Visual Terminals • Overview MN1959041 is an image-processing DSP that adopts a vector pipelined architecture. It provides an extensive set of features that allow it to implement the high-efficiency image and video encoding and decoding required for image

    MN1959041 MN1959041 CD10 CD12 rgb to ycbcr arithmetic shift right dram structure programmable pipeline microcode memory PDF


    Abstract: TXC-06010 samsung Capacitance lables transwitch packettrunk fifo synchronus asynchronus PacketTrunk
    Text:  PacketTrunk-4 Plus Device TDMoIP/MPLS Gateway Device TXC-06010 DATA SHEET PRODUCT PREVIEW TXC-06010-MB, Ed. 2 June 2006 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Four T1/E1/Serial or one T3/E3 TDM interfaces • One 10/100 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 MAC interface via MII/RMII/SMII/SSMII; HDX or

    TXC-06010 TXC-06010-MB, TXC-06010-MB TXC-06010 samsung Capacitance lables transwitch packettrunk fifo synchronus asynchronus PacketTrunk PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4750; Rev 1; 7/11 DS34S132 32-Port TDM-over-Packet IC General Description The IETF PWE3 SAToP/CESoPSN/HDLC-compliant DS34S132 provides the interworking functions that are required for translating TDM data streams into and out of TDM-over-Packet TDMoP data streams

    DS34S132 32-Port DS34S132 100/1000Mbps 64Kbps 048Mbps PDF

    DBX 202

    Abstract: MD7144 HD2554 440FX 82371SB 82441FX 82442FX AD11 AD12 intel 440FX
    Text: E PRELIMINARY INTEL 440FX PCISET 82441FX PCI AND MEMORY CONTROLLER PMC AND 82442FX DATA BUS ACCELERATOR (DBX) Supports the Pentium Pro Processors at Bus Frequencies Up To 66 Mhz  Supports 32-Bit Addressing  Optimized in-Order and Request Queue  Full Symmetric Multi-Processor

    440FX 82441FX 82442FX 32-Bit 64/72-Bit x-222 DBX 202 MD7144 HD2554 82371SB AD11 AD12 intel 440FX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Communication Equipment LSI MN1959041 Commercial MPEG-4 Video Codec IC for W-CDMA Mobile Visual Terminals • Overview M Di ain sc te on na tin nc ue e/ d MN1959041 is an image-processing DSP that adopts a vector pipelined architecture. It provides an extensive set of

    MN1959041 MN1959041 PDF


    Abstract: MEF 250 2.0 k mef 250
    Text: TMCF03 Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor MEF F e a tu r e s • W id e c a p a c it a n c e r a n g e , s m a ll size • Long life d ue to s e lf -h e a lin g e ffe c t • S u ita b le for b lo c k in g , b y - p a s s and c o u p lin g o f Dc a n d s in g le to V H F range

    OCR Scan
    TMCF03 GB7335-87 100/160V s7500MQ MEF 250 2.0 k mef 250 PDF

    82430 PCIset EISA Bridge

    Abstract: "network interface cards"
    Text: INTEL 440FX PCISET 82441FX PCI AND MEMORY CONTROLLER PMC AND 82442FX DATA BUS ACCELERATOR (DBX) • Supports the Pentium Pro Processors at Bus Frequencies Up To 66 MHz — Supports 32-Bit Addressing — Optimized in-Order and Request Queue — Full Symmetric Multi-Processor

    OCR Scan
    440FX 82441FX 82442FX 32-Bit 64/72-Bit x-222 82430 PCIset EISA Bridge "network interface cards" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY intel INTEL 440FX PCISET 82441FX PCI AND MEMORY CONTROLLER PMC AND 82442FX DATA BUS ACCELERATOR (DBX) Supports the Pentium Pro Processors at Bus Frequencies Up To 66 Mhz — Supports 32-Bit Addressing — Optimized in-Order and Request Queue

    OCR Scan
    440FX 82441FX 82442FX 32-Bit 64/72-Bit x-222 PDF


    Abstract: BEDO RAM 16kbx4
    Text: PRELIMINARY in te i INTEL 440FX PCISET 82441FX PCI AND MEMORY CONTROLLER PMC AND 82442FX DATA BUS ACCELERATOR (DBX) Supports the Pentium Pro Processors at Bus Frequencies Up To 66 Mhz — Supports 32-B it Addressing — Optim ized in-O rder and Request Queue

    OCR Scan
    440FX 82441FX 82442FX 64A72-Bit x-222 compal BEDO RAM 16kbx4 PDF

    scr C106

    Abstract: C106Y1 equivalent equivalent SCR c106 c106b1 equivalent SCR C106Y1 SCR TRIGGER circuit dc charger ge c106b1 c106 scr SCR C203 SCR 406J
    Text: C 103 C203 - 2 N 50 6 0-64 30-200 3 0 400 ?5 400 05 0.8 0 .3 2 * 85 C 0.50 @ 25’ C tlllS lIlt 0 50 @ 2 5 3C- 1.0 < 85° C C3 GE TYPE 2 N 8 7 7 -8 1 "1 JEDEC C5 2N 2322-29 C6 07 - 2N 2 344-48 25-400 25-200 - C106 C107 C 108 - - - 50 4 00 15-600 1 *« K .

    OCR Scan
    2N877-81 2N5060-64 2N2322-29 2N1595-99 X45-REF scr C106 C106Y1 equivalent equivalent SCR c106 c106b1 equivalent SCR C106Y1 SCR TRIGGER circuit dc charger ge c106b1 c106 scr SCR C203 SCR 406J PDF