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    20100219A Search Results

    20100219A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DSA 120 C 150 QB V RRM = 150 V I FAV = 2x 60 A V F = 0.80 V Schottky Diode Gen ² High Performance Schottky Diode Low Loss and Soft Recovery Common Cathode Part number 1 2 3 Backside: cathode Applications: Features / Advantages: Very low Vf Extremely low switching losses

    O-247 repetiti08 60747and 20100219a PDF


    Abstract: IXYS DSA 75 DSA120C150QB schottky diode low vf IXYS DSA 12 dsa120c diode schottky code 03 marking code QB
    Text: DSA 120 C 150 QB V RRM = 150 V I FAV = 2x 60 A V F = 0.80 V Schottky Diode Gen ² High Performance Schottky Diode Low Loss and Soft Recovery Common Cathode Part number 1 2 3 DSA 120 C 150 QB Backside: cathode Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: ● Very low Vf

    60747and 20100219a IXYS DSA IXYS DSA 75 DSA120C150QB schottky diode low vf IXYS DSA 12 dsa120c diode schottky code 03 marking code QB PDF