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    22CV10A PEEL Search Results

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    ICT 22cv10ap

    Abstract: PEEL programming 22CV10AP ICT Peel 22cv10a PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22cv10aj 22cv10 PEEL 22CV10ASI-10 18CV8
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial PEEL 22CV10A-7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features • High Speed/Low Power - Speeds ranging from 7ns to 25ns - Power as low as 30mA at 25MHz ■ Electrically Erasable Technology - Superior factory testing

    22CV10A-7/-10/-15/-25 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22CV10ASI-15 22CV10AT-15 22CV10ATI-15 22CV10AP-25 22CV10API-25 22CV10AT-25 ICT 22cv10ap PEEL programming 22CV10AP ICT Peel 22cv10a PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22cv10aj 22cv10 PEEL 22CV10ASI-10 18CV8 PDF


    Abstract: 22cv10aj 22cv10ap-25 22CV10API-25 22cv10aj-15 22CV10AJ-25 PEEL programming 22CV10AP-10 PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22CV10
    Text: PEEL 22CV10A-7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features • High Speed/Low Power - Speeds ranging from 7ns to 25ns - Power as low as 30mA at 25MHz ■ Electrically Erasable Technology - Superior factory testing - Reprogrammable in plastic package

    22CV10A-7/-10/-15/-25 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22CV10ASI-15 22CV10AT-15 22CV10ATI-15 22CV10AP-25 22CV10API-25 22CV10AT-25 22CV10AP 22cv10aj 22cv10ap-25 22CV10API-25 22cv10aj-15 22CV10AJ-25 PEEL programming 22CV10AP-10 PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22CV10 PDF


    Abstract: PEEL 22CV10AP-10 PEEL 22CV10AP-25 PEEL22CV10A 18CV8 22CV10A 22cv10 DSA0022083
    Text: PEEL 22CV10A -7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features High Speed/Low Power - Speeds ranging from 7ns to 25ns - Power as low as 30mA at 25MHz Architectural Flexibility - 132 product term X 44 input AND array - Up to 22 inputs and 10 outputs

    22CV10A 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22V10 22CV10AP PEEL 22CV10AP-10 PEEL 22CV10AP-25 PEEL22CV10A 18CV8 22cv10 DSA0022083 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Not recommended for New designs contact factory for availability PEEL 22CV10A -7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features High Speed/Low Power - Speeds ranging from 7ns to 25ns - Power as low as 30mA at 25MHz Architectural Flexibility

    22CV10A 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22V10 PDF


    Abstract: 22cv10aj PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22CV10API-25 22CV10AP-10 PEEL programming PEEL22CV10AP-7
    Text: Not recommended for New designs contact factory for availability PEEL 22CV10A -7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features High Speed/Low Power - Speeds ranging from 7ns to 25ns - Power as low as 30mA at 25MHz Architectural Flexibility

    22CV10A 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22CV10AP 22cv10aj PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22CV10API-25 22CV10AP-10 PEEL programming PEEL22CV10AP-7 PDF


    Abstract: PEEL 22CV10AP-10 PEEL programming 22CV10AP* PEEL 22CV10AP-10 PEEL 22CV10AP-15 peel22cv10ap PEEL 22CV10ASI-25 18CV8 22CV10A
    Text: PEEL 22CV10A -7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features High Speed/Low Power - Speeds ranging from 7ns to 25ns - Power as low as 30mA at 25MHz Architectural Flexibility - 132 product term X 44 input AND array - Up to 22 inputs and 10 outputs

    22CV10A 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22V10 22cv10ap PEEL 22CV10AP-10 PEEL programming 22CV10AP* PEEL 22CV10AP-10 PEEL 22CV10AP-15 peel22cv10ap PEEL 22CV10ASI-25 18CV8 PDF

    22CV10AP* PEEL

    Abstract: 22cv10a S24IC 22cv10ap
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial PEEL 22CV10A-5/-7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features • High Speed/Low Power − Speeds ranging from 5ns to 25ns − Power as low as 67mA at 25MHz ■ Electrically Erasable Technology − Superior factory testing

    22CV10A-5/-7/-10/-15/-25 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin VV10AT-15 22CV10ATI-15 22CV10AP-25 22CV10API-25 22CV10AT-25 22CV10ATI-25 22CV10AP* PEEL 22cv10a S24IC 22cv10ap PDF


    Abstract: 22V10 complete details 22CV10AZ 22CV10A PAL22V10 PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PEEL22CV10AZP-25 PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 PEEL22CV10AZT-25
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial PEEL 22CV10AZ -25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features • Ultra Low Power Operation - VCC = 5 Volts ±10% - Icc = 10 µA typical at standby - Icc = 2 mA (typical) at 1 MHz - tPD = 25ns. ■ CMOS Electrically Erasable Technology

    22CV10AZ 22V10 outpuPEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 24-pin PEEL22CV10AZT-25 PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 28-pin ICT 20 PIN PLASTIC 300 MIL DIP 22V10 complete details 22CV10A PAL22V10 PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PEEL22CV10AZP-25 PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 PEEL22CV10AZT-25 PDF

    variable frequency drive block diagram

    Abstract: PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PLD 22V10 22CV10A 22CV10AZ-25 PAL22V10 PEEL22CV10AZP-25 PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 PEEL22CV10AZT-25
    Text: PEEL 22CV10AZ-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features • Ultra Low Power Operation - VCC = 5 Volts ±10% - Icc = 10 µA typical at standby - Icc = 2 mA (typical) at 1 MHz - tPD = 25ns. ■ CMOS Electrically Erasable Technology

    22CV10AZ-25 22V10 28-pin PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 24-pin PEEL22CV10AZT-25 PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 variable frequency drive block diagram PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PLD 22V10 22CV10A 22CV10AZ-25 PAL22V10 PEEL22CV10AZP-25 PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 PEEL22CV10AZT-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To Notfind recommended out if the package for New you designs need isavailable, contactcontact factoryCustomer for availability Service PEEL 22CV10AZ -25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Architectural Flexibility - 133 product terms x 44 input AND array

    22CV10AZ PDF

    22v10 pal

    Abstract: PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 PEEL22CV10AZTI-25 22CV10A PAL22V10 PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PEEL22CV10AZP-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 PEEL22CV10AZT-25
    Text: PEEL 22CV10AZ -25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Architectural Flexibility - 133 product terms x 44 input AND array Features Ultra Low Power Operation - VCC = 5 Volts ±10% - Icc = 10 µA typical at standby - Icc = 2 mA (typical) at 1 MHz

    22CV10AZ 24-pin 28-pin 22v10 pal PEEL22CV10AZPI-25 PEEL22CV10AZTI-25 22CV10A PAL22V10 PEEL22CV10AZJ-25 PEEL22CV10AZP-25 PEEL22CV10AZS-25 PEEL22CV10AZT-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To Notfind recommended out if the package for New you designs need isavailable, contactcontact factoryCustomer for availability Service PEEL 22CV10AZ -25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Architectural Flexibility - 133 product terms x 44 input AND array

    22CV10AZ Sync1-9600 PDF


    Abstract: 22CV10A PAL22V10 PEEL22LV10AZJ-25 PEEL22LV10AZP-25 PEEL22LV10AZS-25 PEEL22LV10AZT-25
    Text: PEEL 22LV10AZ -25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features Low Voltage, Ultra Low Power Operation - Vcc = 2.7 to 3.6 V - Icc = 5 µA typical at standby - Icc = 1.5 mA (typical) at 1 MHz - Meets JEDEC LV Interface Spec (JESD8-A) - 5 Volt tolerant inputs and I/O’s

    22LV10AZ 22CV10 22CV10A PAL22V10 PEEL22LV10AZJ-25 PEEL22LV10AZP-25 PEEL22LV10AZS-25 PEEL22LV10AZT-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data INTERNATIONAL CMOS TECHNOLOGY, INC. INTERNATIONAL C M O S 37E D H March 1991 4640707 0D0043T 1 IS ICT PEEL 22CV10A CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Featu res ^ ^ ^ ~<^~7 Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term x 44 input AND array

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    0D0043T 22CV10A 12-configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information INC. PEEL 22CV10A-7 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term x 44 input AND array — Up to 22 inputs and 10 outputs — Variable product term distribution 8 to 16 per output for greater logic flexibility

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    22CV10A-7 110mA 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial INC. PEEL 22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Features • ■ High Speed/Low Power Architectural Flexibility - S p e e d s ra n g in g fro m 5 n s to 2 5 n s - P ow er as low as 6 7 m A at 2 5 M H z

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    22CV10A 22CV10ATI-15 22CV10AP-25 22CV10API-25 22CV1 OAT-25 22CV10ATI-25 22CV10AJ-25 22CV10AJI-25 22CV10AS-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial INC, PEEL 22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Features • High Speed/Low Power — Speeds ranging from 5ns to 25ns — Power as low as 67mA at 25MHz ■ Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term X 44 input AND array

    OCR Scan
    22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin PEEL22CV10ASI-15 PEEL22CV10AS-15 PEEL22CV10AP-10 PEEL22CV1OASI-7 PEEL22CV1OAPI-25 PDF

    PEEL programming

    Abstract: PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22CV10AP* PEEL l22c PEEL22CV EL22C PEEL Gate Array Logic 22cv10ap PEEL 22CV10AJ-10 PEEL 22CV10API-25
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial INC. PEEL 22CV1OA -5/-7/-10/-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Features • ■ High Speed/Low Power Architectural Flexibility - Speeds ranging from 5ns to 25ns - Power as low as 67m A at 25M H z - Electrically Erasable Technology

    OCR Scan
    22CV1OA 24-pin 28-pin 22CV10ATI-15 22CV1OAPI-25 22CV1 OAT-25 22CV10ATI-25 22CV10AJ-25 22CV10AJI-25 PEEL programming PEEL 22CV10AP-10 22CV10AP* PEEL l22c PEEL22CV EL22C PEEL Gate Array Logic 22cv10ap PEEL 22CV10AJ-10 PEEL 22CV10API-25 PDF


    Abstract: OAPI 22CV10A PEEL18CV8 PEEL22CV10AZ PEEL programming PEEL22CV10AJ-15 22CV PEEL22CV L1575
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial INC. PEEL 22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Features High Speed/Low Power — Speeds ranging from 5ns to 25ns — Power as low as 67mA at 25MHz Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term X 44 input AND array

    OCR Scan
    22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22CV10AJ-15 PEEL22CV1 OAJI-15 OAS-15 PEEL22CV10A OAPI PEEL18CV8 PEEL22CV10AZ PEEL programming PEEL22CV10AJ-15 22CV PEEL22CV L1575 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ET Commercial INC. PEEL 22CV1 OA -7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features • Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term X 44 input AND array — Up to 22 inputs and 10 outputs — Up to 12 configurations per macrocell

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    22CV1 -7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 24-pin 28-pin 25MHz 22V10 PEEL22CV10A+ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Commercial/ Industrial INC. PEEL 22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Features High Speed/Low Power — Speeds ranging from 5ns to 25ns — Power as low as 67mA at 25MHz Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term X 44 input AND array

    OCR Scan
    22CV10A -5/-7/-10/-15/L-15/-25 25MHz 24-pin 28-pin 22V10 Enhanc28) 0G01bfi3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Commercial INC. PEEL 22CV10A -5 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term X 44 input AND array — Up to 22 inputs and 10 outputs — Up to 12 configurations per macrocell — Synchronous preset, asynchronous clear

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    22CV10A 28-pin 22V10 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iET , INC. PEEL 22CV1 OA-10/PEEL22CV1 OA-15 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features Architectural Flexibility — 132 product term x 44 input AND array — Up to 22 inputs and 10 outputs — Variable product term distribution 8 to

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    22CV1 OA-10/PEELâ OA-15 110mA 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: 22cv10 nte quick cross ict peel 18CV8J palce programmer schematic blackjack vhdl code PA7140J-20 INTEL PLD910 PALCE610
    Text: Data Book General Information PEEL Arrays PEEL Devices Special Products and Services Development Tools Application Notes and Reports Package Information PLACE Users Manual_ Introduction to PLACE PLACE Installation Getting Started with PLACE Operation Reference Guide

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