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    2501 BRIDGE SMD Search Results

    2501 BRIDGE SMD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCK126BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK127BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, Auto-discharge, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    2501 BRIDGE SMD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COMCHIP Silicon Bridge Rectifiers SMD Diodes Specialist KBPC10005-G Thru. KBPC5010-G Series Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000V Forward Current: 10/15/25/35/50A RoHS Device KBPC Features 0.442 11.23 0.424(10.77) -Surge overload-240~500 Amperes peak 0.921(23.40)

    KBPC10005-G KBPC5010-G 10/15/25/35/50A overload-240 KBPC3502 KBPC5002 KBPC1004-G KBPC1504-G KBPC2504-G KBPC3504-G KBPC3510-G PDF

    marking code EA SMD

    Abstract: 2501 BRIDGE SMD smd marking EA KBPC1006-W KBPC3506W-G KBPC3508-W KBPC15W-G BRIDGE RECTIFIERS kbpc 1510 SMD MARKING CODE 50A KBPC2510W
    Text: COMCHIP Silicon Bridge Rectifiers SMD Diodes Specialist KBPC10005W-G Thru. KBPC5010W-G Series Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000V Forward Current: 10/15/25/35/50A RoHS Device KBPC-W Features -Surge overload-240~500 Amperes peak -Low forward voltage drop -Electrically isolated base -2000 Volts

    10/15/25/35/50A overload-240 KBPC10005W-G KBPC5010W-G 95grams electri08W-G KBPC3508W-G KBPC5008W-G KBPC1010W-G KBPC1510W-G marking code EA SMD 2501 BRIDGE SMD smd marking EA KBPC1006-W KBPC3506W-G KBPC3508-W KBPC15W-G BRIDGE RECTIFIERS kbpc 1510 SMD MARKING CODE 50A KBPC2510W PDF


    Abstract: KBPC10005W-G
    Text: COMCHIP Silicon Bridge Rectifiers SMD Diodes Specialist KBPC10005W-G Thru. KBPC5010W-G Series Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000V Forward Current: 10/15/25/35/50A RoHS Device Features KBPC-W -Surge overload-240~500 Amperes peak -Low forward voltage drop -Electrically isolated base -2000 Volts

    KBPC10005W-G KBPC5010W-G 10/15/25/35/50A overload-240 95grams KBPC2504W-G KBPC3504W-G KBPC5004W-G KBPC1004W KBPC1504W KBPC3506W-G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COMCHIP Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers SMD Diodes Specialist GBPC15005-G Thru. GBPC5010-G Series Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000V Forward Current: 15/25/35/50A RoHS Device Features GBPC -Surge overload-300~450 Amperes peak -Low forward voltage drop METAL HEAT SINK

    GBPC15005-G GBPC5010-G 15/25/35/50A overload-300 57grams 9BPC2502 GBPC3502-G GBPC3502 GBPC5002-G GBPC5002 PDF


    Abstract: GBPC15005W-G
    Text: COMCHIP Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers SMD Diodes Specialist GBPC15005W-G Thru. GBPC5010W-G Series Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000V Forward Current: 15/25/35/50A RoHS Device GBPC-W Features METAL HEAT SINK -Surge overload-300~450 Amperes peak 0.335 8.50 0.295(7.50)

    GBPC15005W-G GBPC5010W-G 15/25/35/50A overload-300 57grams inchePC2502W-G GBPC2502W GBPC3502W-G GBPC3502W GBPC5002W-G GBPC35005W-G PDF


    Abstract: PHB27NQ10T BYC05B-600 PHB23NQ10T pbyr1045 BYV72EW200 Msd119 BYC08B-600 byv26 equivalent bridge rectifier 8341
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Power in Switched Mode Power Supplies SOT 428 DPAK SOT 404 SOT 223 SOT 429 D 2-PAK 1999 TO247 M3D306 TO220AB SOD 59 TO220AC SOT 186A SOD 113 ISOLATED TO22OAB 2-PIN SOT 186A Philips Semiconductors Ð a worldwide company Argentina: see South America

    M3D306 O220AB O220AC O22OAB 30EX-150 BYQ30EX-200 BYV32EX-150 BYV42EX-150 BYV32EX-200 BYV42EX-200 PHP18NQ10T PHB27NQ10T BYC05B-600 PHB23NQ10T pbyr1045 BYV72EW200 Msd119 BYC08B-600 byv26 equivalent bridge rectifier 8341 PDF

    2501 BRIDGE SMD

    Abstract: High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps Electronic ignitors for HID lamp circuits Thermal Shut Down Functioned MOSFET wien bridge SO24 UBA2030T Wien Bridge Oscillator with RC bridge hid lamp ignitor application notes
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UBA2030T Full bridge driver IC Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 1997 Sep 16 File under Integrated Circuits, IC11 1999 Aug 10 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Full bridge driver IC UBA2030T FEATURES

    UBA2030T UBA2030T BCD750 295002/02/pp20 2501 BRIDGE SMD High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps Electronic ignitors for HID lamp circuits Thermal Shut Down Functioned MOSFET wien bridge SO24 Wien Bridge Oscillator with RC bridge hid lamp ignitor application notes PDF


    Abstract: DF1 Pinout
    Text: MLX10420AA 3-channel air-core gauge driver with serial interface Features and Benefits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Supply voltage up to 12 V. Interface directly with 3.3/5 V CMOS logic µP Serial peripheral interface Can drive two air core actuators over the full 360° and one over 90°.

    MLX10420AA SSOP20 MLX10420 AAA-000 123425678529ABC2D9 9E9FB59123425678529E6 29ABC2D9 E9FB59 ISO14001 Jun/12 B93EB DF1 Pinout PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET KMA200 Programmable angle sensor Objective specification Supersedes data of 2000 September 07 2000 Sep 20 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Programmable angle sensor KMA200 FEATURES PINNING • Magnetic field angular sensing

    KMA200 13-bit 613520/02/pp12 PDF

    temperature sensing handbook

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET KMA200 Programmable angle sensor Objective specification 2000 Sep 07 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Programmable angle sensor KMA200 FEATURES PINNING • Magnetic field angular sensing PIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION

    KMA200 13-bit 613520/01/pp12 temperature sensing handbook PDF

    str 5707

    Abstract: 2SC 8050 scr ky 202 TRANSISTOR J 5804 NPN str 6709 TRANSISTOR J 5804 2sc 8188 lr 2905 transistor 2sc 8187 2SD 5703
    Text: PART NUMBERING SYSTEMS ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS IC PART NUMBERS A 1234 E A F-1 Instructions optional; in the order listed . A or -A = (any letter) Revision, see detail specification F = Active pull-down device (BiMOS only) -1 = Selected version, see detail specification

    MS-001, MS-010, MS-011) MS-010) MS-018) str 5707 2SC 8050 scr ky 202 TRANSISTOR J 5804 NPN str 6709 TRANSISTOR J 5804 2sc 8188 lr 2905 transistor 2sc 8187 2SD 5703 PDF

    AH 503 hall sensor

    Abstract: schematic diagram power supply str f6654 schematic diagram power supply str f6656 of AH 503 hall sensor str f6654 STR-F6654 STR-F6656 TRANSISTOR J 5804 STR-S5707 STR-S6708 schematic diagram
    Text: A Sanken Company Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced mixed-signal analog + digital integrated circuits. Allegro, an American-managed, wholly-owned subsidiary of Sanken Electric Co., Ltd., combines 30+ years of

    AMS-127B AH 503 hall sensor schematic diagram power supply str f6654 schematic diagram power supply str f6656 of AH 503 hall sensor str f6654 STR-F6654 STR-F6656 TRANSISTOR J 5804 STR-S5707 STR-S6708 schematic diagram PDF

    spf 9001 sanken

    Abstract: SANKEN power supply sanken transistor Shortform Transistor Guide militar capacitors strs6709 sanken power transistor 2SA1216 semiconductors cross reference power supply SAMSUNG MONITOR str str 6707 diagram guide
    Text: A Sanken Company Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced mixed-signal analog + digital integrated circuits. Allegro, an American-managed, wholly-owned subsidiary of Sanken Electric Co., Ltd., combines 30+ years of

    AMS-127B spf 9001 sanken SANKEN power supply sanken transistor Shortform Transistor Guide militar capacitors strs6709 sanken power transistor 2SA1216 semiconductors cross reference power supply SAMSUNG MONITOR str str 6707 diagram guide PDF


    Abstract: TEA1610T application of Wien Bridge Oscillator AN99011 SH 05.22 Thermal Shut Down Functioned MOSFET PHX80N50E 8N50 tea1610p BEP SMD ZENER
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1610P; TEA1610T Zero-voltage-switching resonant converter controller Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC11 2001 Apr 25 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Zero-voltage-switching resonant converter controller

    TEA1610P; TEA1610T 613502/01/pp20 TEA1610 TEA1610T application of Wien Bridge Oscillator AN99011 SH 05.22 Thermal Shut Down Functioned MOSFET PHX80N50E 8N50 tea1610p BEP SMD ZENER PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD DK QC transistor SMD DK -RN Sanken Schottky Diode Mi 15 spx 3955 SANKEN power supply diode zener smd sg 64 transistor SMD DK qs 301 miniature smd transistor KY smd transistor
    Text: PART NUMBERING SYSTEMS ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS IC PART NUMBERS A 1234 E A F-1 Instructions optional; in the order listed . A or -A = Revision, see detail specification F = Active pull-down device (BiMOS only) -FP = Factory programmed -LC = Radial lead form LT = Tape and reel (package LH only)

    MS-001, MS-010, MS-011) MS-010) MS-018) AMS-127B TRANSISTOR SMD 613 TRANSISTOR SMD DK QC transistor SMD DK -RN Sanken Schottky Diode Mi 15 spx 3955 SANKEN power supply diode zener smd sg 64 transistor SMD DK qs 301 miniature smd transistor KY smd transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1067 Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC03A June 1990 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage versatile telephone

    TEA1067 IC03A OT102 OT163 pcd3320 PDF

    pin configuration transistor BC547 smd

    Abstract: BC547 BC547 smd BSN254 telephone transmission circuit bc547 smd transistor TEA1110A TEA1110AT TEA1110AUH bc547 b 011
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1110A Low voltage versatile telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Apr 22 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 2000 Feb 15 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    TEA1110A 403502/03/pp24 pin configuration transistor BC547 smd BC547 BC547 smd BSN254 telephone transmission circuit bc547 smd transistor TEA1110A TEA1110AT TEA1110AUH bc547 b 011 PDF

    1N4004 MCC SMD

    Abstract: al p53 smd telephone speech circuit TEA1111A TEA1111AT
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1111A Speech circuit with dialler interface, regulated supply and earpiece volume control Product specification Supersedes data of 1999 Sep 28 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1999 Nov 22 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    TEA1111A 465002/02/pp24 1N4004 MCC SMD al p53 smd telephone speech circuit TEA1111A TEA1111AT PDF

    1N4004 MCC SMD

    Abstract: 1N4004 MCC TEA1114A TEA1114AT re22 MGK810
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1114A Low voltage telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface and regulated strong supply Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jun 12 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1999 Sep 14 Philips Semiconductors

    TEA1114A 465002/03/pp24 1N4004 MCC SMD 1N4004 MCC TEA1114A TEA1114AT re22 MGK810 PDF

    philips capacitors 035 GV

    Abstract: 1N4004 MCC SMD MGK806 LN 358
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1111A Speech circuit with dialler interface, regulated supply and earpiece volume control Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1999 Sep 28 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Speech circuit with dialler interface, regulated

    TEA1111A 465002/01/pp24 philips capacitors 035 GV 1N4004 MCC SMD MGK806 LN 358 PDF

    1N4004 MCC SMD

    Abstract: 1N4004 MCC 1N4004 smd TEA1111A TEA1111AT TEA1111AUH
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1111A Speech circuit with dialler interface, regulated supply and earpiece volume control Product specification Supersedes data of 1999 Nov 22 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 2000 Feb 18 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    TEA1111A 403502/03/pp28 1N4004 MCC SMD 1N4004 MCC 1N4004 smd TEA1111A TEA1111AT TEA1111AUH PDF

    al p53 smd

    Abstract: TEA1114AT TEA1114AUH TEA1114A IR413 st 9635 1N4004 MCC SMD resistor re21
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA1114A Low voltage telephone transmission circuit with dialler interface and regulated strong supply Product specification Supersedes data of 1999 Sep 14 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 2000 Mar 21 Philips Semiconductors

    TEA1114A 403502/04/pp28 al p53 smd TEA1114AT TEA1114AUH TEA1114A IR413 st 9635 1N4004 MCC SMD resistor re21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DB 25-005.-16 Dreiphasen-Si-Brfickengleichrichter 3-Phase Si-Bridee Rectifiers Nominal current Nennstrom 25 A Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung 50. 1600 V Plastic case with Al-bottom Kunststoffgehäuse mit Alu-Boden 28.5 x 28.5 x 10 [mm]

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0 R0D1RS14 000017S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KBPC 2500.2516 Silizium-Bruckengleichrichter Silicon-Bridee Rectifiers 25 A Nominal current - Nennstrom 3 5 .,1000 V Alternating input voltage - Eingangswechselspannung Type “W r Type “F” 28.6 X 28.6 X 7.1 [mm] Metal case Metallgehäuse Casting compound has UL classification 94V-0

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0 R0D1RS14 Q0Q0174 000017S BRIDGE RECTIFIERS kbpc 2512 PDF