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    256KX1 DRAM Search Results

    256KX1 DRAM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPD48011318FF-FH16-FF1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Latency DRAM, T-LBGA, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD48011436FF-FH12-FF1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Latency DRAM, T-LBGA, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD48011336FF-FH16-FF1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Latency DRAM, T-LBGA, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD48011418FF-FH12-FF1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Latency DRAM, T-LBGA, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD48288218AFF-E24-DW1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Latency DRAM, T-TFBGA, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    256KX1 DRAM Datasheets Context Search

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    256Kx1 dram pinout

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM536256 August 1994 Rev 2 SMART Modular Technologies SM536256 1MByte 256K x 36 CMOS DRAM Module General Description Features The SM536256 is a high performance, 1-megabyte dynamic RAM module organized as 256K words by 36 bits, in a 72-pin, leadless, single-in-line memory module

    SM536256 SM536256 72-pin, 256Kx4 256Kx1 70/80/100ns 256Kx1 dram pinout PDF

    27c eeprom

    Abstract: AS27C256 92132 eeprom dip 36 uv 4lc eeprom 4Mx1 sram FPM DRAM MT42C4256 256Kx4 ZIP FLASH MEMORY 29F

    16MEG 64Kx4) 256Kx1) 256Kx4) 512Kx32 1Mx16, 2Mx32 4Mx16, 1Mx32 2Mx16, 27c eeprom AS27C256 92132 eeprom dip 36 uv 4lc eeprom 4Mx1 sram FPM DRAM MT42C4256 256Kx4 ZIP FLASH MEMORY 29F PDF

    AEG DD 31 n 1200

    Abstract: aeg dd 55 n 1200
    Text: 256KX1BASED Dense-Pac Microsystems, Inc. C M O S SR A M FAM ILY -PREUMINARYDPS25616 DPS20482 DESCRIPTION: The Dense-Pac 256KX1 Based Family modules consists of very high speed 256KX1 based static RAMs which have been configured in the organizations described

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    256KX1BASED -PREUMINARYDPS25616 DPS20482 256KX1 DPS10241 DPS2564 DPS2564 DPS10241 1024KX AEG DD 31 n 1200 aeg dd 55 n 1200 PDF


    Abstract: HY53C256LS
    Text: HYUNDAI HY53C256 Series 256Kx1-bit CMOS DRAM DESCRIPTION The HY53C256 is fast dynamic RAM organized 262,144 x 1-bit. The HY53C256 utilizes Hyundai’s CMOS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques to provide wide operating margins to the users.

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    HY53C256 256Kx1-bit 300mil 16pin 330mil 18pin standbY556) HY53C256LS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADV MICRO {MEMORY} Tb dË | 0557550 Am90CL256 005L.3ÖM is : Low-Pöwer 256Kx1 CMOS Enhanced Page Mode DRAM : OVERVIEW The 256K x 1 CMOS Low-Power fL ' DRAM versions share common functional descriptions, DC and AC characteristics with the corresponding standard CMOS non-'L1) versions. The only additions to these sections are:

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    Am90CL256 256Kx1 100-pF PDF


    Abstract: 256KX1 256KX16 256KX4 S2564 CFT-5 A618
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 0?E D | STSTMIS 0000135 O | 256KX1 BASED Dense-Pac Microsystems, Inc. C M O S SRAM FAM ILY -PRELIM INARYDPS25616 DPS20482 DESCRIPTION: T h e D e n se -P ac 2 56K X1 B ase d Fa m ily m od ules con sists o f v e ry high sp eed 256K X1 b a sed static R A M s w h ic h

    OCR Scan
    256KX1 DPS2564 256KX4 DPS10241 1024KX DPS25616 256KX16, 512KX8, 1024KX4 30A008-00 256KX16 S2564 CFT-5 A618 PDF

    synchronous sram

    Abstract: 4Kx1 DRAM SRAM 6T SRAM DRAM 64kx16 edi8832
    Text: ^EDI_ Electronic DMlgrw Inc. ^ by Part Number _ _ _ Part No. Tvoe Density Ora EDH816H64C EDI2018QC EDI20181C EDI20182C EDI20183C EDI20184C EDI20185C EDI2040C EDI2041C EDI2042C SRAM Module Synchronous SRAM, Latched I/O, 1CLK Synchronous SRAM, Registered I/O, 1CLK

    OCR Scan
    EDH816H64C EDI2018QC EDI20181C EDI20182C EDI20183C EDI20184C EDI20185C EDI2040C EDI2041C EDI2042C synchronous sram 4Kx1 DRAM SRAM 6T SRAM DRAM 64kx16 edi8832 PDF


    Abstract: EDI88130 32 PIN edi84256
    Text: moi Selector Guide ELECTRONIC DESIGNS INC. Density Oraanization Part No. Speed ns Max Current (mAl Packaae Paae x32 Flash 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 128KX32 4 Megabits 4 Megabits 128KX32 128Kx32 EDI7C32128C-JM EDI7M32128C-GB 120-200 120-200 250 250 68 lead JLCC

    OCR Scan
    128KX32 EDI7C32128C-JM EDI7M32128C-GB EDI5C32128C-JM EDI5M32128C-GB 64KX32 128KX32 128kx8 EDI88130 32 PIN edi84256 PDF

    64kx4 DRAM

    Abstract: SRAM 6T PS-136 4Kx1 DRAM EDI8F8512LP MILITARY 4Kx1 SRAM 5962-89598 EDI8833LP 32kx8 bit low power cmos sram edi84256
    Text: EDI8833C/LP/P ^E D I Electronic Designs Inc. High Speed 256K Monolithic SRAM 32Kx8 Static RAM CMOS, Monolithic u m m Features The EDI8833C/LP/P is a high speed, high perform­ ance, low power, 262,144bit C M O S Static R A M orga­ 32Kx8 bit C M O S Static

    OCR Scan
    EDI8833C/LP/P 32Kx8 EDI8833C/LP/P 144bit 32Kx8. MIL-STD-883, 64Kx4 EDI8466CB. 256Kx1 EDI81256C/LP/P. 64kx4 DRAM SRAM 6T PS-136 4Kx1 DRAM EDI8F8512LP MILITARY 4Kx1 SRAM 5962-89598 EDI8833LP 32kx8 bit low power cmos sram edi84256 PDF

    dram zip 256kx16

    Abstract: I8833C
    Text: Electronic Design* Inc. Table of Contents Page Letter from the Table o f Contents . 2

    OCR Scan

    256Kx1 dRAM

    Abstract: UPD424256 dram memory 256kx4
    Text: TOYOCOM U S A INC 37F » _ ti i Q E!Q7a a o a o s m 3 . TOYOCOM Is Quality! •»*, % •Xa*" • . .yt.ivX: -"■ "■ ■ ■ ;. sv.% ' ■ " '' , , , , ' ' ^ i<j/ff *■ *■ ' ' /vw ■ ■ ■ ■ , *• ■'' ^ W.J^^38£*S y , ^ U :J

    OCR Scan
    TH2G1P2508A TH3G1P2508A 097K-bit TH2G1P25G9A/B TH3C1P2509A/B 359Kblt 258Kx 09G-024 256Kx1 dRAM UPD424256 dram memory 256kx4 PDF


    Abstract: tms4256 256Kx1 dRAM
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION TM4256GP9, TM4256GV9 262.144 BY 9-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULES OCTOBER 1 9 8 5 - • 2 6 2 .1 4 4 X 9 Organization • Single 5-V Supply 10% Tolerance V SINGLE-IN-LINE PACKAG E f ITOP VIEW) 30-Pin Single-in-Line Package (SIP) —Pinned Module for Through-Hole

    OCR Scan
    TM4256GP9, TM4256GV9 30-Pin 4256G TM4256GP9) TMS4256FML tms4256 256Kx1 dRAM PDF


    Abstract: A10q
    Text: Part Number Guide Electronic Designs Inc. Modules Monolithics EDI 8 8 12& P 100 F B EDI 8 M 4 257 Ç 35 L 1 B P re fix -Product Group 8 = SRAM 9 = Special/Custom Substrate -M = Ceramic F = FR4 Epoxy Laminate Word W id th -1 = 1 bit wide

    OCR Scan
    EDI81257CA A10q PDF

    ic CV 203

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS 512K X 36-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 365120S-80 Advanced Information • 524 288 words by 36-bit organization • Fast access and cycle time 80 ns access time 150 ns cycle time • Fast page mode capability with 55 ns cycle time • Single + 5 V ± 10 % supply

    OCR Scan
    36-Bit 365120S-80 L-SIM-72-1000) 256Kx 365120S-80 512Kx 36-Bit ic CV 203 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 256K X 36-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 362500S-80 Advanced Information • 262 144 words by 36-bit organization • Fast access and cycle time 80 ns access time 150 ns cycle time • Fast page mode capability with 55 ns cycle time • Single + 5 V ± 10 % supply

    OCR Scan
    36-Bit 362500S-80 L-SIM-72-1000) 362500S-80 256Kx 36-Bit PDF

    1mx1 DRAM

    Abstract: AA2035 UM82C380 256KB static RAM 6182s UM82152 UM82C384 AADS PA10 Unicorn Microelectronics
    Text: UNICORN MICROE LE CTRON ICS E4E D • =1270700 QOQOTOH T ■ UM82C389 Austek Cache Interface I General Description The UM82C389 Cache Interface Chip is one of the UMC UM82C380 series High End AT HEAT chip set. As a DRAM controller, UM82C389 works in tandem with

    OCR Scan
    UM82C389 UM82C389 UM82C380 UM82152 UM80386 UM82C384 256Kx1 1mx1 DRAM AA2035 256KB static RAM 6182s AADS PA10 Unicorn Microelectronics PDF

    Deico Electronics

    Abstract: delco SIMM 30-pin 30-pin simm memory 30-pin simm memory dynamic Delco Electronics DD0256P8 256k x 8 dram 4 pin Single-in-Line Package
    Text: DEICO EL EC T RO NI C S INC nE » 2757715 ÜDa OGlS 5 DEICO ELECTRONICS, 5NC. '. 2800 Bayview Dr. Fremont, CA 94537 Telephone 415 651-7800 Telex 176427 » FAX (415) 651-6109 Vdd • Vss ■ T 256k X 8 DRAM S in g le-In -lin e M em ory M odule rM k-rs-is

    OCR Scan
    DD0256P8 30-Pin Deico Electronics delco SIMM 30-pin 30-pin simm memory 30-pin simm memory dynamic Delco Electronics 256k x 8 dram 4 pin Single-in-Line Package PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDÌ DRAM Test Enable Function E lectronic D « «tg n i Inc. EDI411024CXXQB Functional Description The T e s t E nable Function im plem entation on E lectronic D esigns' 1M x 1 dynam ic RAM allow s te st tim e reduction by use o f a parallel test algorithm . By asserting the TE pin, the

    OCR Scan
    EDI411024CXXQB 256Kx1 PDF

    cmos dynamic ram 256kx1

    Abstract: 256Kx1 dram pinout SQ721 KM4216C528
    Text: DENSE-PAC /U-Dcnstos High Density Memory Device M IC R O SYSTEM S 8 Megabit CMOS VIDEO RAM DP0512X16MGY5-CM PRELIM IN ARY D ESC R IPTIO N : P IN -O U T D IA G RA M The D P0 5 1 2X16MCY5-CM is a 512Kx16 bit Dual Port Dynamic RAM module that utilize the new and

    OCR Scan
    DP0512X16MGY5-CM DP0512X16MCY5-CM 512Kx16 256Kx16 DP051 30A209-00 cmos dynamic ram 256kx1 256Kx1 dram pinout SQ721 KM4216C528 PDF


    Abstract: TMS4256 TMS4256-12 TMS4256-20 AZ31
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION TM4256GP8, TM4256GV8 262,144 BY 8-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULES OCTOBER 1 9 8 5 - V SINGLE-IN-LINE PA C K A G Er 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 X 8 Organization TOP VIEW Single 5 -V Supply {1 0 % Tolerance) 30-Pin Single-in-Line Package (SIP) — Pinned Module for Through-Hole

    OCR Scan
    TM4256GP8, TM4256GV8 30-Pin TM4256GV8) TM4256GP8) TMS4256 TM4256G TMS4256FML TMS4256-12 TMS4256-20 AZ31 PDF


    Abstract: HM53861J M51419 16M dram dram zip 256kx16 m514280 hn27c1024hg 4M DRAM EDO M5241605 HM534253BT
    Text: Memories Dynamic RAMs DRAM Access time ns 60 80 {HM5116100AS/ATS J F.P. 4k refresh -4Mx4 - {HM5116400AS/ATS ] F.P. 4k refresh 1HM51W16400AS/ATS ] F.P. 4k refresh 1HM5117400AS/ATS ] F.P. 2k refresh -3.3V operation- 16M- 70 -16Mx1 -3.3V operation— 2Mx8 -3.3V operation-

    OCR Scan
    -16Mx1 operation60 HM5116100AS/ATS HM5116400AS/ATS 1HM51W16400AS/ATS 1HM5117400AS/ATS HM51W17400ATS HM5117800BJ/BTT HM5117805BJ/BTT HM51W17800BJ/BTT HM62V8512LFP HM53861J M51419 16M dram dram zip 256kx16 m514280 hn27c1024hg 4M DRAM EDO M5241605 HM534253BT PDF


    Abstract: CM511000 256Kx1 dRAM MCM511000 MCM511000BZ80 mcm511000bj L1219
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM511000B MCM51L1000B 1Mx1 CMOS Dynamic RAM Page Mode The M C M 511000B is a 0.8p CMOS high-speed, dynamic random access memory. It is organized as 1,048,576 one-bit words and fabricated with CMOS silicon-gate process

    OCR Scan
    511000B MCM511000B 300-mi! 100-mil MCM51L1000B MCM511000BJ60 MCM5110OOBJBO MCM51L1000BJ60 CM511000 256Kx1 dRAM MCM511000 MCM511000BZ80 mcm511000bj L1219 PDF

    1mx1 DRAM DIP

    Abstract: 1mx1 DRAM 1MX1
    Text: D A LLA S s e m ic o n d u c t o r FEATURES • Provides 3-wire serial acoess to DRAM • Converts DRAM into nonvolatile memory using external backup supply • Addresses up to 16Mx1 of memory • Data can be read from or written to DRAM via single or multi-bit transfers

    OCR Scan
    16Mx1 28-pin DS1262S) DS1262 1mx1 DRAM DIP 1mx1 DRAM 1MX1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS DS1262 Serial DRAM Nonvolatizer Chip s e m ic o n d u c to r PIN DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Provides 3-wire serial access to DRAM • Converts DRAM into nonvolatile memory using external backup supply • Addresses up to 16Mx1 of memory • Data can be read from or written to DRAM

    OCR Scan
    DS1262 16Mx1 DS1262 PDF