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    29V160 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: BV EI 301
    Text: PRELIM INARY KM 29V16000ATS/RS FLASH M EM O RY 2M x 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Single 3.3 - volt Supply • Organization • - Memory Cell Array : 2M +64K bit x 8bit - Data Register : (256 + 8)bit x 8bit • Automatic Program and Erase

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    KM29V16000ATS/RS 250us KM29V16000A Figure15 0D242fl2 ti77 BV EI 301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY 29V16000ATS/RS 2Mx8Bit FLASH MEMORY NAND Flash Memory FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Single 3.3 - volt Supply The KM 29V 16000A T S /R S is a 2 M 2,09 7 ,1 5 2 x8 b it N AND • Organization Flash m em ory w ith a spare 64K (6 5 ,5 3 6 )x8 bit.

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    KM29V16000ATS/RS 6000A 264-byte 250ns 0D242Ã Figure15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29V16000AT, 29V16000AIT FLASH MEMORY Document Tillo 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory Revision History Revision No. History Draft Date 0.0 Data Sheet, 1997. April 10th 1997 1.0 Data Sheet, 1998. 1. Changed tBER S p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —> 2ms(Typ.). 2. Removed reverse type package.

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    KM29V16000AT, KM29V16000AIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM29N16000ATS FLASH MEMORY Document Tillo 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory Revision History Revision No. History Draft Date 0.0 Data Sheet, 1997. April 10th 1997 1.0 Data Sheet, 1998. 1. Changed tBER S p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —> 2ms(Typ.). 2. Removed reverse type package.

    OCR Scan
    KM29N16000ATS PDF


    Abstract: 29V160
    Text: KM29N16000AT, KM29N16000AIT FLASH MEMORY Document Title 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory Revision History Revision No. H istory Draft Date 0.0 Data Sheet, 1997. April 10th 1997 1.0 Data Sheet, 1998. 1. Changed tBER S p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —> 2ms(Typ.).

    OCR Scan
    KM29N16000AT, KM29N16000AIT 29W16000 29V160 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29V16000ATS ELECTRO NICS Flash 2M x 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Single 3.3 - volt Supply The 29V16000ATS/RS is a 2M 2,097,152 x8 bit NAND • Organization - Memory Cell Array : (2M +64K)bit x 8bit - Data Register : (256 + 8)bit x 8bit

    OCR Scan
    KM29V16000ATS KM29V16000ATS/RS 264-byte 250ps -TSOP2-400F -TSOP2-400R 0031flfll PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM29N16000AT, KM29N16000AIT FLASH MEMORY Document T ills 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory R evision H istory Revision No. H istory Draft Date 0.0 Data Sheet, 1997. April 10th 1997 1.0 Data Sheet, 1998. 1. Changed tBER S p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —> 2ms(Typ.).

    OCR Scan
    KM29N16000AT, KM29N16000AIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29V16000AT, 29V16000AIT FLASH MEMORY Document Title 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory Revision History Revision No. H istory Draft Date 0.0 Data Sheet, 1997. April 10th 1997 1.0 Data Sheet, 1998. 1. Changed tBER S p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —> 2ms(Typ.).

    OCR Scan
    KM29V16000AT, KM29V16000AIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FLASH MEMORY KM29N16000ATS Document Title 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory Revision History Revision No. History Draft Date 0.0 Data Sheet, 1997. April 10th 1997 1.0 Data Sheet, 1998. 1. Changed tBER S p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —> 2ms(Typ.). 2. Removed reverse type package.

    OCR Scan
    KM29N16000ATS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29V16000AT, 29V16000AIT FLASH MEMORY Document Tills 2M x 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory Revision History Draft Date Revision No. History 0.0 Data Sheet, 1.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.1 1997. Data Sheet, 1998. Changed I b e r s p a ra m e te r: 5ms Typ. —» 2ms(Typ ).

    OCR Scan
    KM29V16000AT, KM29V16000AIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM29W16000AT, KM29W16000AIT FLASH MEMORY Document T ills 2M x 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory R evision H istory Revision No. History Draft Date Remark 0.0 Initial issue. ApriM 0th 1998 Preliminary 1.1 Data Sheet 1998. July 14th 1998 Final The attached datasheets are prepared and approved by SAMSUNG Electronics. SAM SUNG Electronics CO., LTD. reserve the right

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    KM29W16000AT, KM29W16000AIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FLASH MEMORY KM29W16000ATS Document T ills 2M x 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory R evision H istory Revision No. History Draft Date Remark 0.0 Initial issue. ApriM 0th 1998 Preliminary 1.1 Data Sheet 1998. July 14th 1998 Final The attached datasheets are prepared and approved by SAMSUNG Electronics. SAM SUNG Electronics CO., LTD. reserve the right

    OCR Scan
    KM29W16000ATS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM29V 16000ATS ELECTRONICS Flash 2M X 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Single 3.3 - volt Supply • Organization - Memory Cell Array : 2M +64K bit x 8bit - Data Register : (256 + 8)bit x 8bit • Automatic Program and Erase - Page Program : (256 + 8)Byte

    OCR Scan
    KM29V 250us 16000ATS -TSOP2-400F -TSOP2-400R KM29V16000ATS 7Tb4142 KM29V16000ATS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MEM ORY ICS FUNCTION GUIDE 2. PRODUCT GUIDE Density 4M bit Org. rower Supply 512Kx 8 5V ±10% 3.3V±10% 16M bit 2M x 8 5V ±10% Part Number KM29N040T Features Package 32B Page Mode 4K B Block size 44 40 T S O P II tR C = 120ns = 20us tRC=80ns 256B Page Mode

    OCR Scan
    512Kx KM29N040T KM29V040T 16000T/R KM29N16000TS/RS KM29N16000ET/ER 29N16000ETS/ERS 120ns KM29N16000AT/AR KM29N16000ATS/ARS PDF