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    2C3468 Search Results

    2C3468 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2C3468HV Motorola PNP Silicon Small Signal Transistor Original PDF

    2C3468 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: w21 transistor
    Text: MUIMUM .J;$.j,i:?.:.f>;,:$ ,: ,.~.q ,.~ ,~, .,:\\,” ,4:,!. .,~ \ t$:k RATINGS Rating Symbol Valuef:* .:,.,.$ Unit CoIleotor+mRer Voltage vcEO Vdo Colleotor+ase Vokge vcBO v& Emitter+ase Voltage VEBO Vdo ColleotorCurrent Power Dieai~tion @ TA = 25°C

    Derataabove25 ox2091~ 1PHU4101 2C3468HV w21 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2N3244 SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL DICE 2N3467 motorola dice
    Text: MOTOROLA SC - C D I O D E S / O P T O } 34 i 6367255 MOTOROLA SC DE | b3b72S5 D O B ? 1^ <D I O D E S / O P T O 34C SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DICE continued) fi 37983 D T "" 3 7 - / / 2C3468 DIE NO. — PNP LINE SOURCE — DSL337 f4 This die provides performance similar to that of the following device types:

    OCR Scan
    b3b72S5 DSL337 2C3468 2N3244 2N3245 2N3467 2N3468 2N6067 MM3726* SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL DICE motorola dice PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4bE D b3b7254 00^2=153 7 •H 0Tb MOT OROL A SC 1-31-11 XSTRS/R F M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR! T E C H N IC A L DATA 2C3468HV Chip PNP Silicon Small-Signal Transistor DM0 mini Discrete Military Operation . .designed primarily lor high-frequency, high-output switching applications.

    OCR Scan
    b3b7254 2C3468HV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MO T O R O L A SC DIODES/OPTO 3TE D • b3b?2S5 DD617T1 T ■MOT7 Chips Selector Guide ° The following tables list the various Motorola discrete product chips first by specific product categories and then in a logical fashion that permits rapid comparison of the more important

    OCR Scan
    DD617T1 2C3767HV 2C3741HV 2C5339HV 2C3716HV 2C6059HV 2C6193HV 2C3792HV 2C6052HV 750/18k 500t PDF