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    2N1770 Price and Stock

    NJ SEMI 2N1770

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics 2N1770 2,075 1
    • 1 $13.656
    • 10 $13.656
    • 100 $12.6045
    • 1000 $11.1979
    • 10000 $11.1979
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    NJ SEMI 2N1770A

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics 2N1770A 865 1
    • 1 $13.656
    • 10 $13.656
    • 100 $12.6045
    • 1000 $11.1979
    • 10000 $11.1979
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    Others 2N1770A

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics 2N1770A 3 1
    • 1 $15
    • 10 $15
    • 100 $15
    • 1000 $15
    • 10000 $15
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    Quest Components 2N1770A 2
    • 1 $20
    • 10 $20
    • 100 $20
    • 1000 $20
    • 10000 $20
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    General Electric Company 2N1770A

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics 2N1770A 1
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Quest Components 2N1770A 1
    • 1 $20
    • 10 $20
    • 100 $20
    • 1000 $20
    • 10000 $20
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    New Jersey Semiconductor Products Inc 2N1770

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components 2N1770 1,660
    • 1 $14.794
    • 10 $14.794
    • 100 $14.794
    • 1000 $11.949
    • 10000 $11.38
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    2N1770 Datasheets (31)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N1770 Central Semiconductor Leaded Thyristor SCR Original PDF
    2N1770 Advanced Semiconductor General Purpose Rectifiers / TRIACs Scan PDF
    2N1770 General Electric Semiconductor Data Book 1971 Scan PDF
    2N1770 General Electric Semiconductor Data Handbook 1977 Scan PDF
    2N1770 Loras Industries SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER,600V V(DRM),8A I(T),TO-202 Scan PDF
    2N1770 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N1770 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N1770 Unknown Semiconductor Devices, Diode, and SCR Datasheet Catalog Scan PDF
    2N1770 Unknown Shortform Electronic Component Datasheets Short Form PDF
    2N1770 Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N1770 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    2N1770 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    2N1770 Powerex Phase Control SCR, 4.7 Amp, 25-600 Volts Scan PDF
    2N1770 Semitronics Silicon Controlled Rectifiers - Thyristors and Triggers Scan PDF
    2N1770 Semitronics Thyristors and Triggers / Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Scan PDF
    2N1770 Silec Semiconductors Shortform Data Book 1976 Short Form PDF
    2N1770 STMicroelectronics Shortform Data Book 1988 Short Form PDF
    2N1770 Texas Instruments Semiconductor and Components Data Book 1967/8 Scan PDF
    2N1770 Thomson-CSF Condensed Data Book 1977 Scan PDF
    2N1770 Thomson-CSF Shortform Semiconductor Catalogue 1982 Short Form PDF

    2N1770 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2N1776A JANTX 2N1770A-2N1777A 2N1777A 2N1774A 2N1772A JANTX thyristor st 108 2n1772a 2N1776A 2N1772A JAN
    Text: Discrete Semiconductors C10 Series: 2N1770A-2N1777A Semitronics Description Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices designed for power switching and phase control applications. They are all-diffused devices backed by

    2N1770A-2N1777A MIL-PRF-19500/108 2N1770A 2N1771A 2N1772A 2N1773A 2N1774A 2N1775A 2N1776A 2N1777A 2N1776A JANTX 2N1770A-2N1777A 2N1777A 2N1772A JANTX thyristor st 108 2N1772A JAN PDF


    Abstract: 2N1772 2N2619 2N1771 2N1770 2N1773 2N1774 2N1775 2N1776 2N1778
    Text: SCRs Continued IT (AMPS) 8.0 10 12 @ TC (oC) ITSM (AMPS) 90 100 100 90 90 90 100 100 100 120 CASE TO-220 TO-64 TO-220* VRRM (VOLTS) 25 2N1770,A 2N4167 50 2N1771,A 2N4168 100 2N1772,A 2N4169 150 2N1773,A 200 CS220-8B 2N1774,A 2N4170 250 2N1775,A 300 2N1776,A

    O-220 O-220* 2N1770 2N4167 2N1771 2N4168 2N1772 2N4169 2N1773 CS220-8B 2N1777 2N2619 2N1774 2N1775 2N1776 2N1778 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS 2N1770A-2N1777A, 2N2619A PHASE CONTROL SCR Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    2N1770A-2N1777A, 2N2619A MIL-PRF-19500, 2N1770A 2N1771A 2N1772A 2N1773A 2N1774A 2N1775A 2N1776A PDF


    Abstract: 2N1777 2N4172 2N1771 2N4170 2N1774 2N1772 cs220 2N1776 2N1770
    Text: SCRs Continued IT (AMPS) @ TC (oC) 10 12 90 100 8.0 100 90 90 ITSM (AMPS) 90 100 100 100 120 CASE TO-220 TO-64 TO-220 VRRM (VOLTS) 25 2N1770,A 2N4167 50 2N1771,A 2N4168 100 2N1772,A 2N4169 150 2N1773,A 200 CS220-8B 2N1774,A 2N4170 250 2N1775,A 300 2N1776,A

    O-220 2N1770 2N4167 2N1771 2N4168 2N1772 2N4169 2N1773 CS220-8B 2N4171 2N1777 2N4172 2N4170 2N1774 cs220 2N1776 PDF


    Abstract: D29A4 C13P ring COUNTER SCR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS scr triggering 2N1770-8 C13F C13Y scs thyristor
    Text: SCR I e« I C11 S E R IE S SE E 2N1770-8 PAG E 322 The General Electric C13 Complementary Silicon Controlled Rectifier CSCR is a threeterminal, planar-passivated PN PN device in the standard, low-cost plastic TO-98 JE D E C pack­ age. As CSCR’s, the C13P and the C13Y offer greater flexibility in circuit design through the

    OCR Scan
    2N1770-8 D29A4 2N34I5 3n84 D29A4 C13P ring COUNTER SCR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS scr triggering C13F C13Y scs thyristor PDF


    Abstract: 2N4172 12n 1000 2N4170 2N2619 2N1772 2N4168 CS220-10B 2n1772a 2N1771
    Text: SCRS Continued It (AMPS) 8.0 10 12 @ Tc (°C) 90 100 100 90 90 ITSM(AMPS) 90 100 100 100 120 f J1 rS ) III CASE T0-220 T0-220 TO-64 VRRM (VOLTS) 25 2N1770.A* 2N4167* 50 2N1771 ,A* 2N4168* 100 2N1772.A* 2N4169* 150 2N1773.A* 200 CS220-8B 2N1774.A* 2N4170*

    OCR Scan
    O-220 O-220 2N1770 2N4167* 2N1771 2N4168* 2N1772 2N4169* 2N1773 CS220-8B 2N1777 2N4172 12n 1000 2N4170 2N2619 2N4168 CS220-10B 2n1772a 2N1771 PDF

    SCR C220D

    Abstract: scr C10 C220B C220D C126M C15U C123 SCR 2n1602 c220f C220E
    Text: jemitronicr discrete devices SEMICONDUCTORS Semitronics Corp. silicon rectifiers cont’d PHASE CONTROL SCR’s TYPE JEOEC 7.4 TO 25 AMPERES C10 C11 C15 C220-2 C126 C36 C37 2N1770A 77A 2N 1770-78 2N2619 2N 1600A2N1604A - - 2N 1842-50 - 25*400 25-600 25-600

    OCR Scan
    2N1770A 2N2619 1600A2N1604A C220-2 1N1770 2N1771 2N1772 2N1773 2N1774 2N1775 SCR C220D scr C10 C220B C220D C126M C15U C123 SCR 2n1602 c220f C220E PDF

    SCR GE C20F

    Abstract: scr c20d GE C20B GE C1220 scr GE scr C20f GE C33B C20D C32H GE SCR c20b scr C20F
    Text: PH ASE C O N T R O L SCR’ s M EDIUM C U R R E N T 7.5 TO 25 A M P E R E S CIO G E T YPE CM 2N1770A-77A* 2N1770-78 JED EC C3Q-32 C37 Cl 22 — — — 2N1842-50 — — — C20-22 C36 C31 -33 C15 E L E C T R IC A L S P E C IF IC A T IO N S V O LTA G E RANGE

    OCR Scan
    C20-22 C30-32 C31-33 2N1770A-77A* 2N1770-78 2N1842-50 Z4XL12 Z4XL14 Z4XL16 Z4XL18 SCR GE C20F scr c20d GE C20B GE C1220 scr GE scr C20f GE C33B C20D C32H GE SCR c20b scr C20F PDF

    General electric SCR C220E

    Abstract: General electric SCR C220 C123 SCR CI23 C122D GE C122D SCR thyristor GE type thyristor drive 3 phase dc motor speed control DC motor speed control circuit with SCR GE C220B scr driver dc motor speed control
    Text: GETYPE JED EC E LE C TR IC A L SPECIFICATIONS | VO LTAGE RANGE C10 2N1770A77A C11 C15 C116 2N1770-78 - - 25-400 25-600 25-600 i C l 22-3* 50-600 25-600 C220-2 C126 C36 C37 - - 2N 1842-50 - 25-600 25 600 25-600 25-800 j 2b I { FORWARD CONDUCTION I t r m s Max* RM S on-state current (A)

    OCR Scan
    C220-2 2N1770A-77 2N1770-78 2N1842-50 General electric SCR C220E General electric SCR C220 C123 SCR CI23 C122D GE C122D SCR thyristor GE type thyristor drive 3 phase dc motor speed control DC motor speed control circuit with SCR GE C220B scr driver dc motor speed control PDF


    Abstract: 2N1776A 2N1777A 2N1170 scr C10 2N1772A 2N1774A JAN 2N2619A 2N1771A 2N1776A JANTX
    Text: Discrete Semiconductors C10 Series: 2N1770A-2N2619A Semitronics Description Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices designed for power switching and phase control applications. They are all-diffused devices

    OCR Scan
    2N1770A-2N2619A MIL-PRF-19500/108 2N1778A 2N1776A 2N1777A 2N1170 scr C10 2N1772A 2N1774A JAN 2N2619A 2N1771A 2N1776A JANTX PDF

    Transistor C107m

    Abstract: t25000 SCR TRANSISTOR 8TA41600B T106F1 SCR SC160D TIC106M SCR SC136B Triac Q2006R5 BTA417008
    Text: "'ART VJMEEF INDEX Part No. 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N40Q7 1N4622 1N4732 1N4733 1N4744 1N5225 1N5400 1N5401 1N5402 1N5404 1N5405 1N5625 1N750 2N0918 2N1770 2N1771 2N1772 2N1773 2N1774 2N1775 2N1776 2N1777 2N1778 2N1842 2N1843 2N1844 2N1845

    OCR Scan
    1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N40Q7 1N4622 1N4732 1N4733 Transistor C107m t25000 SCR TRANSISTOR 8TA41600B T106F1 SCR SC160D TIC106M SCR SC136B Triac Q2006R5 BTA417008 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1777 SCR Applications Handbook 2N1774 2N1771 2N1772 2N2619 2N1776 SCR C116 C11U
    Text: r 3TE D P O U E R E X INC • 000531b 7 H P R X w m m x C11 T -7 S -13 2N1770-78, 2N2619 Powerex, Inc., Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107,72003 Le Mans, Fiance (43) 41.14.14 P tlB S B

    OCR Scan
    000331b 2N1770-78, 2N2619 Amperes/25-600 BP107 2N1770-2N1778, 2N2619 2N1778 2N1777 SCR Applications Handbook 2N1774 2N1771 2N1772 2N1776 SCR C116 C11U PDF


    Abstract: 2N1770A-2NI777A 2N2619 C15C C15P TO-44 C16B C15E C15G C15B
    Text: DIGITRON ELECTRONIC CORP 3bE 1 • aflMSbD? OOGOOCH T ■ DGE T 3 ¿7 No. SAO • 1 ^ 2 , 3 .-.B S S P SCR " ñ Cl 5 SERIES OUTLINE DRAWING Compilai wllh JEDÍC rtglilirad T 044 outUnt) CIO (2N1770A-2N1777A) (Pub. #150.20)—'T, = 160*0, up to 400V PRV (JAN Types 2N1770A-2N1777A to MIL-S-19500/168B also available)

    OCR Scan
    45tiD7 2N1770A-2N1777A) 2N1770A-2NI777A MIL-S-19500/168B 2N1770-2N1778 2N2619) C1ea 2N2619 C15C C15P TO-44 C16B C15E C15G C15B PDF

    scr types

    Abstract: C220-2 GE C220B Thyristor C220 A c15d ge c15c C122D SCR thyristor GE type C2202 C126A 2N1770
    Text: GETYPE JEDEC C10 C11 C15 C 116 2N1770A77A 2N1770-78 - - 25-400 25-600 25-600 C l 22-3* C220-2 C126 C36 C37 - - 2 N 1842-50 - 25-600 25 600 25-600 25-800 j I E L E C T R IC A L S P E C IF IC A T IO N S | VO LTAG E RANGE i 50-600 25-600 { F O R W A R D C O N D U C T IO N

    OCR Scan
    C220-2 2N1770A-77 2N1770-78 2N1842-50 scr types GE C220B Thyristor C220 A c15d ge c15c C122D SCR thyristor GE type C2202 C126A 2N1770 PDF

    2N1777A JANTX

    Abstract: 2N1777A 2N1770 2N1774A 4212 triode
    Text: Discrete Semiconductors C10 Series: 2N1770A-2N1777A Semitronics Description Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR are reverse blocking triode thyristor sem iconductor devices designed for power switching and phase control applications. They are all-diffused devices

    OCR Scan
    2N1770A-2N1777A IL-PRF-19500/168 AT10H 2N1777A JANTX 2N1777A 2N1770 2N1774A 4212 triode PDF


    Abstract: 2N1777 2N1772 2N1770-2N1778 4212 DT 2N1778 2n2619 2A101 C11U
    Text: r 3TE D POUEREX INC • 000531b 7 H P R X w m m x C11 T -7 S -13 2N1770-78, 2N2619 Powerex, Inc., Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107,72003 Le Mans, Fiance (43) 41.14.14 P tlB S B C O P tlX )!

    OCR Scan
    000531b BP107 2N1770-78, 2N2619 Amperes/25-600 2N1774 2N1777 2N1772 2N1770-2N1778 4212 DT 2N1778 2n2619 2A101 C11U PDF

    SCR GE C20F

    Abstract: scr C20F scr c20d ge c30b GE C20F GE C20B GE scr C20f GE SCR c20b GE C1220 scr GE C33B
    Text: PHASE CONTROL SCR’s MEDIUM CURRENT 7.5 TO 25 AMPERES CIO GE TYPE CM 2N1770A-77A* 2N1770-78 JED EC C36 C31 -33 C l 22 — — — 2N1842-50 — — — C20-22 C3Q-32 C37 C15 E L E C T R IC A L S P E C IF IC A T IO N S V O LTA G E RANGE 25-400 25-600 25-600

    OCR Scan
    C20-22 C30-32 C31-33 2N1770A-77A* 2N1770-78 2N1842-50 2n1847 2N1776A 2N1776 2n1848 SCR GE C20F scr C20F scr c20d ge c30b GE C20F GE C20B GE scr C20f GE SCR c20b GE C1220 scr GE C33B PDF

    triode rn 1016

    Abstract: 2N1778A thyristor st 103
    Text: Discrete Semiconductors C10 Series: 2N1770A-2N2619A Semitronics Phase Control SCR 4.7 Amps 125-600 Volts Description Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SCR are reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor devices designed for power switching and phase control

    OCR Scan
    2N1770A-2N2619A MIL-PRF-19500/168 2N1770A triode rn 1016 2N1778A thyristor st 103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continued IT (AMPS) 8.0 10 12 TC (°C ) 90 100 100 90 90 ITSM (AMPS) 90 100 100 100 120 CASE TO-220 TO-220 TO-64 - 1 VRRM (VOLTS) 25 2N1770,A* 2N4167* 50 2N1771.A* 2N4168* 100 2N1772,A* 2N4169* 150 2N1773.A* 200 CS220-8B 2N1774,A* 2N4170* 250 2N1775.A*

    OCR Scan
    O-220 2N1770 2N4167* 2N1771 2N4168* 2N1772 2N4169* 2N1773 CS220-8B 2N4170 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jG/nitronicr discrete devices SEMICONDUCTORS Semitronics Corp. silicon rectifiers cont’d PHASE CONTROL SCR’s TYPE JE D E C 7.4 TO 25 AMPERES C10 C11 C15 C220-2 C126 C36 C37 2N1770A 77A 2N1770-78 2N2619 2N1600A2N1604A - - 2N1842-50 - 25-400 25-600 25-600

    OCR Scan
    C220-2 2N1770-78 2N2619 2N1600A2N1604A 2N1842-50 2N1770A 2N1846 2N1847 2N1603 C126C 2n2619 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCRS Continued It (AMPS) 8.0 10 12 @ Tc (°C) 90 100 100 90 90 ITSM(AMPS) 90 100 100 100 120 CASE i1 f 6 T0-220 TO-64 T0-220 VRRM (VOLTS) 25 2N1770.A* 2N4167* 50 2N1771 ,A* 2N4168* 100 2N1772.A* 2N4169* 150 2N1773.A* 200 CS220-8B 2N1774.A* 2N4170* 250 2N1775.A*

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 2N1770 2N4167* 2N1771 2N4168* 2N1772 2N4169* 2N1773 CS220-8B 2n2619 PDF

    C10A series

    Abstract: GFM 15A 2N1777A solid state c10a RECTIFIER
    Text: SCR CIO SERIES 2N1770A-2N1777A CIO Series 2N1770A-2N1777A Silicon Controlled Rectifier is a reverse blocking triode thyristor semiconductor for use in low power switching and phase control applications requiring blocking voltages up to 400 volts, and RMS load

    OCR Scan
    2N1770A-2N1777A 2N1770A-2N1777A) 2N1770A) C10A series GFM 15A 2N1777A solid state c10a RECTIFIER PDF

    c 337 25

    Abstract: SC160D tic 2160 triac V130HE150 General electric SCR C220 ES5449 4533 gem 2n4401 2n3904 2222a 1N21 es5451

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N1777 SCR C116 2N1778 circuit GE C220B c220m 2N1849 C122D TEST C126A 2N1770
    Text: GETYPE JEDEC C10 C11 C15 C 116 2N 1770A 77A 2N 1770-78 - - 25-400 25-600 25-600 C l 2 2 -3 * C220-2 C126 C36 C37 - - 2 N 1842-50 - 25-600 25 600 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS | VOLTAGE RANGE i 50-600 25-600 { 25-600 25-800 j 2b I FORWARD CONDUCTION It r m s

    OCR Scan
    C220-2 2N1770A-77 2N1770-78 2N1842-50 2N1772 2N1777 SCR C116 2N1778 circuit GE C220B c220m 2N1849 C122D TEST C126A 2N1770 PDF