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    Powerex Power Semiconductors 2N1792

    SCR 50V 110A TO94
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    DigiKey 2N1792 Bulk 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $61.875
    • 1000 $61.875
    • 10000 $61.875
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    Newark 2N1792 Bulk 30
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    Rectron Semiconductor 2N1792

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    Quest Components 2N1792 3
    • 1 $117.36
    • 10 $111.492
    • 100 $111.492
    • 1000 $111.492
    • 10000 $111.492
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    Others 2N1792

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    Chip 1 Exchange 2N1792 8
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    Infineon Technologies AG 2N1792

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    Chip 1 Exchange 2N1792 8
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    2N1792 Datasheets (18)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N1792 Advanced Semiconductor General Purpose Rectifiers / TRIACs Scan PDF
    2N1792 General Electric Semiconductor Data Handbook 1977 Scan PDF
    2N1792 General Electric Semiconductor Data Book 1971 Scan PDF
    2N1792 International Rectifier 110 Amp RMS SCRs Scan PDF
    2N1792 International Rectifier Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N1792 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N1792 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N1792 Unknown Semiconductor Devices, Diode, and SCR Datasheet Catalog Scan PDF
    2N1792 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    2N1792 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    2N1792 Powerex Phase Control SCR 70 Amoeres Average(110 RMS) 600 Volts Scan PDF
    2N1792 Semitronics Silicon Controlled Rectifiers - Thyristors and Triggers Scan PDF
    2N1792 Semitronics Thyristors and Triggers / Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Scan PDF
    2N1792+JAN Defense Electronics Supply Center 60V V[drm] Max., 70A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N1792+JANTX Defense Electronics Supply Center 60V V[drm] Max., 70A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N1792+JANTXV Defense Electronics Supply Center 60V V[drm] Max., 70A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N1792M International Rectifier 50V V[drm] Max., 70A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    2N1792 Series International Rectifier 110 Amp RMS SCRs Scan PDF

    2N1792 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    IN1190A diode

    Abstract: an 80771 hfa30pa60 SCR gate drive circuit A6F diode HFA120FA60 HF50A060 IN1190 DT93-1 HFA16PB120
    Text: Revised 5/11/99 Rectifiers / Thyristors Catalog of Available Documents IR ProCenter Fax-On-Demand 310 252-7100 Standard Recovery Diodes Description Datasheets 1N1183 - IN1190 Series 1N1183A - IN1190A Series 1N1199A - 1N1206A Series 1N2054 thru 1N2068 Series

    1N1183 IN1190 1N1183A IN1190A 1N1199A 1N1206A 1N2054 1N2068 1N3085 -1N3092 IN1190A diode an 80771 hfa30pa60 SCR gate drive circuit A6F diode HFA120FA60 HF50A060 DT93-1 HFA16PB120 PDF


    Abstract: 2SF102B CW12B 2N50S1 E0102FB FBase-F Package SFOR3B
    Text: SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS Item Number Part Number 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 2N88S 2N4333 2N5724 GA10l GA200 GA200A GB200 GB200A AAl00 AA107 2N3031 AA114 2N3028 MCR203 E0100FD E0102FA E0102FB E0102FD 10101 MMBS50S1 BRX45 BRX45 C203YY SlYY BRY55-S0 BRY55SS0

    2N88S 2N4333 2N5724 GA10l GA200 GA200A GB200 GB200A AAl00 AA107 Sfor1b42 2SF102B CW12B 2N50S1 E0102FB FBase-F Package SFOR3B PDF


    Abstract: 2SF102B E0102FB cw12b 2N691 SFOR1B42 2N685AS
    Text: DISCONTINUED PART NUMBERS Part Number Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Manufacturer Manufacturer lB15CL05 lB15Cl10 lB15CL20 lB15CL30 lB15CL40 lB40CL05 lB40CL10 lB40CL20 lB40CL30 lB40CL40 lN3300 lN3300A lN3301 2N490 GnrlElec/GE Texas Inslr Unilex 2N490A

    lB15CL05 lB15Cl10 lB15CL20 lB15CL30 lB15CL40 lB40CL05 lB40CL10 lB40CL20 lB40CL30 lB40CL40 ln393 2SF102B E0102FB cw12b 2N691 SFOR1B42 2N685AS PDF


    Abstract: GE C150e GE C150 ge c46b C145T GE C150M C45U scr c52u C60M C150 SCR
    Text: PHASE CONTROL S C R ’s HIGH CURRENT 55 TO 200 AM PERES C45, 46 GE T Y P E C145 C50, Ü2 C150, 152 2N1909-1 G 2N1792-98 JEDEC C60, 62 C350 C178 2N2023-30 ELEC TR IC AL SPECIFICATIONS 25*600 VOLTAGE RANGE 500-1200 25-800 500-1300 25-600 500-1300 500-1300 110

    OCR Scan
    2N1909-1 2N1792-98 2N2023-30 fus62H 2N1915 2N1797 2N2029 C350C 2N1916 2N1798 C60N GE C150e GE C150 ge c46b C145T GE C150M C45U scr c52u C60M C150 SCR PDF

    T 955 200 20

    Abstract: 2N3094 2N1798 70RIA60 2n1794 2N1800 ST080S12P 2N2029 2N3096
    Text: tu — loiiului Thyristors x^ K i n e c u n e r P h a s e 110-125 C o n troAmps 1 T yrms pe Part Number Vd RM V 2N1792 2N1793 2N1794 2N1795 2N1796 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 2N1801 2N1802 2N1803 2N1804 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

    OCR Scan
    2N1792 2N1793 2N1794 2N1795 2N1796 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 2N1801 T 955 200 20 2N3094 70RIA60 ST080S12P 2N2029 2N3096 PDF


    Abstract: 50-20UNF-2A 2N1792 2N1795 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 2n203 2N1792 JAN
    Text: MIL SPECS I C B 00001ES 0002331 L> • MIL-S-19500/204F i i w f 9 R 2 '' MIL-S-19500/204E 19 August 1975 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, THYRISTOR, REVERSE BLOCKING, SILICON, TYPES 2N1792 2N1793, 2N1795, 2N1797, 2N1798, 2N1799, 2N1800, 2N1805,

    OCR Scan
    00001ES 00D2331 MIL-S-19500/204F MIL-S-19500/204E 2N1792 2N1793, 2N1795, 2N1797, 2N1798, 2N1799, 2N1793 50-20UNF-2A 2N1795 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 2n203 2N1792 JAN PDF


    Abstract: 2N1798F 2N1800F
    Text: Dim Inches Minimum A B C D E F G H J K M N P R S T U T h- r ly ^ \ 1 1 M 1 4 CM K E D T0-208AD TO-83 1 Note 1: 1/2-20 UNF-3A Note 2: Full thread within 2 1/2 threads Catalog Number Forward & Reverse 2N1792F 2N1793F 2N1795F 2N1797F 2N1798F 2N1799F 2N1800F

    OCR Scan
    O-208AD T0-83) 2N1792F 2N1793F 2N1795F 2N1797F 2N1798F 2N1799F 2N1800F 2N1794 PDF


    Abstract: C147
    Text: ‘ 7294621 POWEREX INC 74 DE | 72TMb21 0GD1112 M | 5.2 Condensed Electrical and Thermal C haracterises and Ratings GETYPE JEDEC C147 — C45/C46 _ C60/C62 C50/C52 C l 50/C 152 — 2N2023-30 2N1909-16 2N1792-98 Voltage Range Forward Conduction Max. RMS on-state current A

    OCR Scan
    2T4b21 C45/C46 C60/C62 C50/C52 C150/C152 2N2023-30 2N1909-16 2N1792-98 C147 PDF


    Abstract: 71RIA40 70RIA60 T 955 200 20 80RIA60 2N1915 2n2027 2n3096 70RIA80 to-208ad
    Text: Thyristors Internatiçnal Phase Control Type iO R R e c tifte r 1 1 0 -1 2 5 Am ps Part Number Vr r m Vd r m V 2N1792 2N1793 2N1794 2N1795 2N1795 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 2IM1801 2N1802 2N1803 2N1804 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

    OCR Scan
    2N1792 2N1793 2N1794 2N1795 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 2IM1801 2N3094 71RIA40 70RIA60 T 955 200 20 80RIA60 2N1915 2n2027 2n3096 70RIA80 to-208ad PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D im In c h e s M inim um A B C D E F G H J K M N P R S T U TO-208AD T O -8 3 Note 1: 1 / 2 - 2 0 UN F-3A Note 2: Full thread within 2 1 /2 threads Catalog Number Forward & Reverse 2N1792F 2N1793F 2N1795F 2N1797F 2N1798F 2N1799F 2N1800F 50V 100 V 200V 300V

    OCR Scan
    O-208AD 00V/uS 00V/usec. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SS INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER V ö 55^5T INTERNAT[ONAL D E I 4 flS S 4 5 2 0 D G 4 Ö 2 3 55C R E C T I F 1ER 04823 Ü Data Sheet No. PD-3.082 I« R IN T E R N A T IO N A L . R E C T I F I E R T = - 3 .^ - n 2N1792, SN1805, 2N1909, 2N2Q23 SERIES 11 O A m p R M S

    OCR Scan
    2N1792, SN1805, 2N1909, 2N2Q23 volta04828 2N1805 2N2023 2N1803 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ‘ 7294621 POWEREX INC 74 DE | 72TMb21 0GD1112 M | 5 .2 Condensed Electrical and Thermal C h a ra c te ris e s and Ratings GETYPE JEDEC C147 — C45/C46 _ C60/C62 C50/C52 C l 50/C 152 — 2N2023-30 2N1909-16 2N1792-98 Voltage Range Forward Conduction Max. RMS on-state current A

    OCR Scan
    72TMb21 0GD1112 non50 C45/C46 C60/C62 C50/C52 2N2023-30 2N1909-ion MAX/10 PDF


    Abstract: 99003-2N1911 1 TO83 2n1605 99003-2N1792 99003-2N1793 99003-2N1795 99003-2N1797 99003-2N1799 99003-2N1910
    Text: Silicon Controlled Rectifier DSCC Series 9 9 0 0 3 Dim. Inches Minimum A B C D E F G H J K M N P R S T U V W X Y Z AA 1i k »1 1 I! TO-209AC TO-94 (TO-83) Note 1: 1 /2 - 2 0 UNF-3A Note 2: Full thread within 2 1 /2 threads Catalog Number TO-83 9 9 0 0 3 -2N1792

    OCR Scan
    99003-2N1792 99003-2N1910 99003-2N1793 99003-2N1911 99003-2N1795 99003-2N1913 99003-2N1797 99003-2N1915 99003-2N1798 99003-2N1916 2n1606 99003-2N1911 1 TO83 2n1605 99003-2N1799 PDF

    2N2024 JAN

    Abstract: 2N1909-16 CUBF 2N2023-30 F20JC 2N2027 JAN 2N2030 JAN 2N1792 2N1804 2N1807
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-3.082 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER I R 2N1792, 21X11805, 21X11909, 2N2023 SERIES HOAm p RMS SCRs Major Ratings and Characteristics 't r m s 70 - 'T (A V ) @ TC |JSM 50 Hz @ 60 Hz |2 t @ 50 Hz @ 60 Hz <GT dv/dt d i/d t Tj 70* 70* A 65 *

    OCR Scan
    2N1792 2N1804 2N1909 2N1916 2N1805 2N1807 2N2023 2N2030 2N1803 2N1804 2N2024 JAN 2N1909-16 CUBF 2N2023-30 F20JC 2N2027 JAN 2N2030 JAN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon Controlled Rectifier DSCC Series 9 9 0 0 3 Dim Inches Minimum A B C D E F G H J K M N P R S T U V W X Y Z AA TO-209AC TO-94 Note 1: 1 /2 - 2 0 UNF-3A Note 2: Full thread within 2 1 /2 threads T 0 -9 4 99003-2N1792 99003-2N1793 99003-2N1795 99003-2N1797

    OCR Scan
    O-209AC 99003-2N1792 99003-2N1793 99003-2N1795 99003-2N1797 99003-2N1798 99003-2N1799 99003-2N1800 00V/usec. PDF


    Abstract: TO-209AE 2N3094 70RIA60
    Text: SbE D IN TER NATIONAL RECTIFIER • 4055455 Q0107G5 1 ■ International Iio r IRectifier Phase Control Thyristors 110 TO 125 AMPS RMS Part number RRM 2N3091 2N3092 2N3093 2N3094 2N3095 2N3096 2N3097 2N3098 2N1909 2N1910 2N1911 2N1912 2N1913 2N1914 2N1915 2N1916

    OCR Scan
    Q0107G5 2N1792 2N1793 2N1794 2N1795 2N1796 2N1797 2N1798 2N1799 2N1800 70RIA40 TO-209AE 2N3094 70RIA60 PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: jantx2n1800 JAN2N1793 2N6849 2N1915 2n6845 563 j 400v JAN2N3095 T0-209AC IRFF9120
    Text: Government/ Space Products bitematinnai ¡¡¡F te S ? H E X F E T , Mil-Qualified N-Channel Types JEDEC 2N6782 2N6784 2N6786 2N6788 2N6790 2N6792 2N6794 2N6796 2N6798 2N6800 2N6802 Part Numbers JANTX JANTX2N6782 JANTX2N6784 JANTX2N6786 JANTX2N6788 JANTX2N6790

    OCR Scan
    JANTX2N6782 JANTX2N6784 JANTX2N6786 JANTX2N6788 JANTX2N6790 JANTX2N6792 JANTX2N6794 JANTX2N6796 JANTX2N6798 JANTX2N6800 1RF9130 jantx2n1800 JAN2N1793 2N6849 2N1915 2n6845 563 j 400v JAN2N3095 T0-209AC IRFF9120 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4146 2N4148
    Text: discrete devices | jEmitronicr hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 thyristors and triggers silicon controlled rectifiers Type •Note 1 Forward Current If (Amps) Max. Forward M ai. Reverie Voltages Vfom /V rom (volts) (Note 2) Maximum Junction Temperature

    OCR Scan
    2N681 2N682 2N683 2N684 2N685 2N686 2N687 2N688 2N689 2N690 2N3106 2N4146 2N4148 PDF


    Abstract: 99003-2N1799 99003-2N1798 99003-2N1792 2 99003-2N1911 1 PFR 215 N 99003-2N1792 99003-2N1793 99003-2N1795 99003-2N1797
    Text: Silicon Controlled Rectifier DSCC Series 9 9 0 0 3 Dim Inches Minim um A B C D E F G H J K M N P R S T U V W X Y Z AA TO-209AC TO-94 (TO-83) Note 1: 1 /2 - 2 0 UNF-3A Note 2: Full thread within 2 1 /2 threads Catalog Number TO-83 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

    OCR Scan
    99003-2N1792 99003-2N1910 99003-2N1793 99003-2N1911 99003-2N1795 99003-2N1913 99003-2N1797 99003-2N1915 99003-2N1798 99003-2N1916 99003-2N1799 99003-2N1792 2 99003-2N1911 1 PFR 215 N PDF


    Abstract: 2n1910 2N1794 2N1911 2N1798 SCR 30A 100V 2N1792 2N1800 2N1909 2N1912
    Text: POWEREX 2 N 1 9 0 9 -2 N 1 7 9 2 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 P tlQ S G C O f i t TO I S C R Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 ^ Amperes A verage (110 RMS)

    OCR Scan
    2N1909-2N1792 BP107, 2N1909-2N1792 2N1800 2N1793 2n1910 2N1794 2N1911 2N1798 SCR 30A 100V 2N1792 2N1909 2N1912 PDF


    Abstract: C10601 SC141D IN5829 IN3492 in540i IN1190 IN3493 IN1183A IN1184
    Text: G EN ERA L PURPOSE R ECTIFO SS 0 2 5 8 3 5 4 ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR 82 ÍE1 02553511 n""""35 11 I 820 00035 o r~ Of-o / lo AVERAGE RECTIFIED FORWARD CURRENT AMPERES VRRM 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 IFSM VFM Ca s é 3 3 5 6 MR500

    OCR Scan
    DDQD035 MR500 IN5400 IN1612 IN1341A MR750 IN1199A IN3208 IN248B IN1191A TIC2260 C10601 SC141D IN5829 IN3492 in540i IN1190 IN3493 IN1183A IN1184 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1800 JAN TRANSISTOR D1651 2N1792 2N1804 2N1805 2N1807 2N1909 2N1792 Series 2N2023
    Text: S S INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 4855^5^"INTERNATIONAL DE | 4 A S S 4 5 5 RECTIFIER 55C 0 D G 4 ñ 2 3 CH823 Ü Data Sheet No. PD-3.082 in t e r n a t io n a l r e c t if ie r 2 N 1 7 9 2 , S N S 1 N 8 Q 5 , S S O S 3 H O A m p Major Raxings and Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    4flSS45E 2N1792 2N1804 2N1909 2N1916 2N1805 2N1807 2N2023 2N2030 2N1803 2N2023-30 2N1800 JAN TRANSISTOR D1651 2N1792 Series PDF


    Abstract: UZ1084-3.3V ET5201C-3.3V LM117-3.3V 2N1887 2n3886 2n388b 2n3035 2R2505 CX9162B-3.3v
    Text: jcmitronicr discrete devices SEMICONDUCTORS Semitronics Corp. high current silicon controlled rectifiers TO -83 V *" 110 A m p e re s @ Tc Noted TV« Tc lor RATED CURRENT RRV and VBO 1 CYCLE CURRENT SURGE PEAK AMPS @ T j <°C) 50 100 150 200 250 65 65 65

    OCR Scan
    2N1792' 2N1793 2N17S5 ZN1780 150mA, 150mA 2N3886 UZ1084L-3.3V UZ1084-3.3V ET5201C-3.3V LM117-3.3V 2N1887 2n388b 2n3035 2R2505 CX9162B-3.3v PDF