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    2SC3675 Search Results

    2SC3675 Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SC3675 Sanyo Semiconductor High-Voltage Transistors Original PDF
    2SC3675 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3675 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SC3675 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC3675 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SC3675 Sanyo Semiconductor Sanyo Datasheets, Cross References and Circuit Examples Scan PDF
    2SC3675 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for Very High Definition CRT Display Scan PDF
    2SC3675 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for Very High Definition CRT Display Scan PDF
    2SC3675 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for TV / CRT Applications Scan PDF

    2SC3675 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 2sC3675 SC46
    Text: Ordering number:EN1800E NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3675 900V/100mA High-Voltage Amplifier High-Voltage Switching Applications Applications Package Dimensions • High voltage amplifiers. · High-voltage switching applications. · Dynamic focus applications.

    EN1800E 2SC3675 00V/100mA 2010C 2SC3675] O-220AB 2SC3675 TRANSISTOR 2sC3675 SC46 PDF


    Abstract: ITR05786 ITR05787 ITR05788 ITR05789
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1800E NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3675 900V/100mA High-Voltage Amplifier High-Voltage Switching Applications Applications Package Dimensions • High voltage amplifiers. · High-voltage switching applications. · Dynamic focus applications.

    ENN1800E 2SC3675 00V/100mA 2010C 2SC3675] O-220AB 2SC3675 ITR05786 ITR05787 ITR05788 ITR05789 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC3675 Transistors Si NPN Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)900 V(BR)CBO (V)1.5k I(C) Max. (A)100m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)10 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)10uØ @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    2SC3675 PDF

    transistor NEC K2500

    Abstract: nec k2500 NEC K2500 Transistor component NEC K2500 mosfet CD4558 cq met t3.15A 250V k2500 N-Channel MOSFET c5042f TO-92 78L05 voltage regulator pin configuration i ball 450 watt smps repairing
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    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 UPC2581V PAL005A FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 UPC2581V PAL005A FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: 2Sa1872 2sc6093 2SC4943 2sa1970 2SK3850 2SK1597 TT2084 2sc5267 2sk3744
    Text: Ordering number : E I 0 1 3 8 Announcement Regarding Discontinuation and Limited Availability of Discrete Devices Thank you for using SANYO semiconductor products. The following SANYO semiconductor products will be available to existing customers on a limited basis

    TND023F FX504 CPH5504 MCH5805 FX505 HPA72R TND024F FX506 MCH3301 TND024MP 2sk3436 2Sa1872 2sc6093 2SC4943 2sa1970 2SK3850 2SK1597 TT2084 2sc5267 2sk3744 PDF


    Abstract: d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878
    Text: 型号 2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 2N2166 2N2219A 2N2222A 2N2223 2N2223A 2N2243A 2N2369A 2N2857 2N2894 2N2905A 2N2906A 2N2907A 2N2917 2N2926 2N2955 2N3019 2N3053 2N3054 2N3055 2N3055 2N3055H 2N3251 2N3375 2N3439 2N3440

    2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 TRANSISTOR DATASHEET D1555 d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF

    motorola to-202

    Abstract: 2SC685 2SC2241
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number 10 15 20 25 30 fT hFE Min I C 5 V(BR)CEO Manufacturer Max (Hz) t, ICBO Max (A) Max 8) tf Max (8) PD Max (W) Toper Max °C) Package Style < 1 A, (Co nt' d) 100m 100m 100m 100m .10 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 300 300 300

    O-202 T0-226 T0-66 O-226 O-202var motorola to-202 2SC685 2SC2241 PDF


    Abstract: 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016
    Text: ТРАНЗИСТОРЫ БИПОЛЯРНЫЕ ИМПОРТНЫЕ Наименование 2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 Metal 2N2222A 2N2222Aмет 2N2369 2N2369A 2N2646 2N2905A 2N2905Aпластик 2N2907 2N2907(Metal) 2N3055 2N3055 2N3440 2N3773

    2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2369 2N2369A FN1016 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc6093 2Sa1872 2SK1597 2SK3850 2SC5269 TT2084 2SC4943 2SC5793 2sa1970
    Text: 注文コード No. I 0 1 3 8 ディスクリートデバイス製品 保守品・廃止品に関するお知らせ いつも半導体製品をご使用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 このたび、下記三洋半導体製品を保守品または廃止品と致します。

    40610HKPC TC-00002289 CPH5815 MCH5815 MCH6629 MCH6649 CPH6610 CPH6614 SCH1411 SCH1436 2sk3436 2sc6093 2Sa1872 2SK1597 2SK3850 2SC5269 TT2084 2SC4943 2SC5793 2sa1970 PDF


    Abstract: STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020
    Text: 2N3054 TO-66 2N32741 TO-66 2N4240 TO-66 2N4908 TO-3 2N3054A TO-66 2N3766 TO-66 2N4273 TO-66 2N4909 TO-3 2N3055 TO-3 2N3767 TO-66 2N4298 TO-66 2N4910 TO-66 2N3171 TO-3 2N3771 TO-3 2N4347 TO-3 2N4911 TO-66 2N3172 TO-3 2N3772 TO-3 2N4348 TO-3 2N4912 TO-66 2N3173

    2N3054 2N32741 2N4240 2N4908 2N3054A 2N3766 2N4273 2N4909 2N3055 2N3767 STRS6307 STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020 PDF


    Abstract: transistor TT2140 TT2190 transistor horizontal TT2190 TT2170 TT2190 DATASHEET tt2140 equivalent tt2170 equivalent 2sd2689 inverter transistor TT2140
    Text: Ordering number: EP106A Discrete Devices for Video Equipment '04-08 TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN Telephone: 81- 0 3-3837-6339, 6340, 6342, Facsimile: 81-(0)3-3837-6377 ●SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor company Homepage

    EP106A O-220FI5H TT2140 transistor TT2140 TT2190 transistor horizontal TT2190 TT2170 TT2190 DATASHEET tt2140 equivalent tt2170 equivalent 2sd2689 inverter transistor TT2140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 1800E _ 2SC3675 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor High-Voltage Amp, High-Voltage Switching Applications A p p licatio n s • High-voltage amplifiers. • High-voltage switching applications. • Dynamic focus applications.

    OCR Scan
    1800E 2SC3675 2010C T0220AB 8-9202/4237AT/3195KI PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3479 2SC3675 2SC3676
    Text: 2SC3675 2 SCI 7 5 5 2 SCI 7 5 6 2 SCI 7 5 7 2SC367 6 2 SB 1 0 3 7 2 SDÌ 4 5 9 2 SAI 0 1 1 2SC2344 2 SD3 8 6A 2 SD3 8 7A 2SD 38 6 2 SD3 8 7 2 SD 8 23 2 SDÌ 1 5 9 2SC 3 18 9 2SC3173 2SC 3 174 2 SC 3 175 2SC 3176 2SC3589 2SC3590 2SC3591 10220 10220 10220 10220

    OCR Scan
    2SC3675 2SC1755 2SC1756 2SC1757 2SC3676 2SB1037 2SD1459 2SA1011 2SC2344 2SD386A 2SC3480 2SC3479 PDF

    High-Voltage Amplifiers

    Abstract: 2SC3675
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN1800E 2SC3675 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor High-Voltage Amp, High-Voltage Switching Applications Applications • High-voltage amplifiers. • High-voltage switching applications. • Dynamic focuB applications. Features

    OCR Scan
    EN1800E High-Voltage Amplifiers 2SC3675 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC3597
    Text: Horizontal deflection output composite transistor Absolute maximum ratings _ . I Package . Application T IT Vcbo Vcbo nn (V) HPA72R* T03PBL °"!fk (wilh high-speed damper diode) HPA100R T03PBL “ H PA.M T03PBL * “ “ “ Ä T Vceo Vceo lc >c Electrical characteristics (T, = 25 deg. C)

    OCR Scan
    HPA72R* T03PBL HPA100R 2SC4256 2SC4257 2SC3675 2SC3676 2SC4450 2SC3953 TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC3597 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S4ÜV0 T r a n s i s t o r s for V e r y H i g h - D e f i n i t i o n C R T D i s p l a y H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t Use 3 otc D y n a m i c s F o c u s U s e (No picture ever out of focus with better focus c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s )

    OCR Scan
    Ratings/Ta-25t 2SC4572 2SC4578 2SC4579 T0-220MFs MT950112TR 2sc4710 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SÂmo VI DEO O U TPUT ADOPTION OF F B E T PRO CESS Absolute M aximum Ratings/Ta = 2 5 t! Type Number Case Applications VcBO Vceo ic Electrical C h a r a c te r is t ic s ^ = 2 5 °C Pc T] *TC=•2&V hps fr EVI m lA] m I t"CJ m m {A] m ÎA] 2SC3595 T0126

    OCR Scan
    2SC3595 2SC3600 2SC3601 2SA14 2SC3596 2SC3598 2SC3599 2SC3597 2SC4271 2SC3650 T0126M PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical characteristics Ta = 25 Absolute maximum ratings Package type Device Applications VCBO (V VCEO (V) Vebo (V) ic (mA) PC <W) Icbo max @ Vcb A Icbo max (HA) Vcb (V) C) hFE @ VCE ' Ic h FE »T @ VcE * Ic fr VcE (V) ic (mA) (MHZ) VcE (V) Ic (mA) 2SC3954

    OCR Scan
    2SC3954 T0126ML 2SA1537 2SC3952 2SC4636 T0220FI 2SC4637 PDF

    electron gun CRT

    Abstract: dyna image 2SC3676 TRANSISTOR T0220 CRT electron gun 2SC3675 2SC4256 2SC4257 2SC471 2SC4451
    Text: Transistors for Very High-Definition CRT Display H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t U s e 3 ale D yr'ia.m i cs F o o u s UseNo picture ever out of focus with better focus characteristics High reliability and high breakdown voltage (HVP technology) make it possible to make the grid voltage higher and

    OCR Scan
    T0-220FI T0-220. T0220FI MT931223TR electron gun CRT dyna image 2SC3676 TRANSISTOR T0220 CRT electron gun 2SC3675 2SC4256 2SC4257 2SC471 2SC4451 PDF

    horizontal section in crt television

    Abstract: Electron Tubes crt DEPLETION electron gun CRT
    Text: ^ 5 1?' 1* 5 1 ° .- J È 1 ° 7i -Q 33-C& ° w 30^ ¥ . • V No p ic Ì & ^ ^ g ig vb |ii.’Qf fo c u s ,';! arriicFocus Transistor M § fe 3 i ; Dynamic focuè' transistor^chip "1; transistors, with Very high withstand, voltage, by HVP process " - . •’

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ultrahigh-resolution Display Video Output Transistors FBET Absoluto maximum ratings Type No. Packag* Ha* Bad iteli characteristics (Ta •25 TC) ICBO mut VCB Applications VCBO Veto VEBO 1C cw (V) (V) (mA) PC (W) db ICBOmax O.A) bFESVCE ■1C Vca (V) hFE

    OCR Scan
    T0126 T0126ML OI26ML T0I26M 2SC4633 PDF