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    Rochester Electronics LLC 2SC3752M-CB11

    TRANS NPN 800V 3A TO-220ML
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 2SC3752M-CB11 Bulk 430
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.7
    • 10000 $0.7
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    onsemi 2SC3752M-CB11

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Verical 2SC3752M-CB11 3,116 476
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.7136
    • 10000 $0.7136
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    Rochester Electronics 2SC3752M-CB11 3,116 1
    • 1 $0.6717
    • 10 $0.6717
    • 100 $0.6314
    • 1000 $0.5709
    • 10000 $0.5709
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    2SC3752 Datasheets (19)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SC3752 Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 800V Original PDF
    2SC3752 Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor Original PDF
    2SC3752 Various Russian Datasheets Transistor Original PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3752 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SC3752 Sanyo Semiconductor Switching Regulator Applications Scan PDF
    2SC3752 Sanyo Semiconductor TO-220ML, TO-220MF Type Transistors Scan PDF
    2SC3752 Sanyo Semiconductor Switching Power Transistor Series Scan PDF
    2SC3752K Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3752K Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 800V 3A Scan PDF
    2SC3752L Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3752L Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 800V 3A Scan PDF
    2SC3752M Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3752M Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 800V 3A Scan PDF

    2SC3752 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SC3752
    Text: Ordering number:EN1971A NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3752 800V/3A Switching Regulator Applications Features Package Dimensions • High breakdown voltage and high reliability. · Fast switching speed. · Wide ASO. · Adoption of MBIT process.

    EN1971A 2SC3752 00V/3A 2SC3752] O-220ML 2SC3752 transistor 2SC3752 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC3752 Transistors Si NPN Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)800 V(BR)CBO (V)1.1k I(C) Max. (A)3.0 Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)30 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)10u @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    2SC3752 Freq15M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1971A NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3752 800V/3A Switching Regulator Applications Features Package Dimensions • High breakdown voltage and high reliability. · High-speed switching. · Wide ASO. · Adoption of MBIT process.

    ENN1971A 2SC3752 00V/3A 2SC3752] 2SC3752 PDF


    Abstract: npn 800V
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification 2SC3752 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-220F package ·High breakdown voltage and high reliability. ·Fast switching speed. ·Wide ASO Safe Operating Area APPLICATIONS ·800V/3A switching regulator applications

    2SC3752 O-220F 00V/3A O-220F) 2SC3752 npn 800V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification 2SC3752 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION ・With TO-220F package ・High breakdown voltage and high reliability. ・Fast switching speed. ・Wide ASO Safe Operating Area APPLICATIONS ・800V/3A switching regulator applications

    2SC3752 O-220F 00V/3A O-220F) 2SC3752 PDF

    transistor Electronic ballast

    Abstract: 15A POWER TRANSISTOR FOR SMPS MJE13003 Electronic ballast 11W MJE13005 mje13005 ballast mje13003 ballast MJE13007 electronic ballast MJE13005 electronic ballast with MJE13007
    Text: “Quality First” First” First & Best KEC Power Transistor MJE Series Device APP MKTMKT-G “Quality First” First” First & Best Power Transistor (MJE Series) ▣ Application High Voltage Switch Mode ▣ Feature High Speed Switching High Voltage Capability

    O-126 O-220IS O-220AB O-126 O-220IS O-220AB KTC5027/F STBV32 FJN13003 BUJ100 transistor Electronic ballast 15A POWER TRANSISTOR FOR SMPS MJE13003 Electronic ballast 11W MJE13005 mje13005 ballast mje13003 ballast MJE13007 electronic ballast MJE13005 electronic ballast with MJE13007 PDF


    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 UPC2581V PAL005A FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 UPC2581V PAL005A FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878
    Text: 型号 2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 2N2166 2N2219A 2N2222A 2N2223 2N2223A 2N2243A 2N2369A 2N2857 2N2894 2N2905A 2N2906A 2N2907A 2N2917 2N2926 2N2955 2N3019 2N3053 2N3054 2N3055 2N3055 2N3055H 2N3251 2N3375 2N3439 2N3440

    2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 TRANSISTOR DATASHEET D1555 d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878 PDF


    Abstract: 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016
    Text: ТРАНЗИСТОРЫ БИПОЛЯРНЫЕ ИМПОРТНЫЕ Наименование 2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 Metal 2N2222A 2N2222Aмет 2N2369 2N2369A 2N2646 2N2905A 2N2905Aпластик 2N2907 2N2907(Metal) 2N3055 2N3055 2N3440 2N3773

    2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2369 2N2369A FN1016 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016 PDF


    Abstract: 3020h CE85
    Text: Ordering num ber:EN 1971A 2SC3752 No.1971A NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Silicon Transistor S w i t c h i n g Re g u l a t o r A p p l i c a t i o n s Features . High breakdown voltage and high reliability . Fast switching speed . Wide ASO . Adoption of MBIT process

    OCR Scan
    2SC3752 300ps 2SC3752 3020h CE85 PDF


    Abstract: npn 10a 800v GDB013D
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1971A 2SC3752 N0.1971A I NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor SAiYOi 800V/3A Switching Regulator Applications Features . High breakdown voltage and high reliability . Fast switching speed . Wide ASO . Adoption of MBIT process . Micaless package facilitating mounting

    OCR Scan
    2SC3752 00V/3A 300ps 470fl D0H0131 2SC3752 npn 10a 800v GDB013D PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4429 2sc3990
    Text: S WI TC HI NG POWER TRANSISTOR F e a t u r e s ☆ Short switching time ☆ High br ea kdown voltage ☆ Wide ASO ☆ High reliability because of planar type ate H i g h - S p e e d Type U s e ☆Switching regulators ☆Motor control MBIT P r o c e s s Package

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25t! Ratings/Ta-25 2SC4219 2SC4220 2SC4105 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4164 2SC4160 2SC4161 TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC4429 2sc3990 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3533 2SC3082K 2SC3170 2SC4242 2SC4212 25C2335 2SC3077 2SC3531 2SC3535
    Text: - M % it T y p e No. 2 SC 4 2 1 0 2SC £ Manuf. H b £ SANYO TOSHIBA = n 2SC 4212 ^ te T 2SC 4213 / M £ 2SC 4215 > 2SC 4216 ^ 2SC 4217 J = n 2SC 4218 y H & ÌH 2SC 4219 2SC2621 2SC4181 J 2SC 4221 J 2SC3425 2SC2688 ± FUJITSU ÒS te IE 2SC4400 2SC4415 2SC4178

    OCR Scan
    2SC4210 2SC4211 2SD1328 2SD1935 2SC4116 2SC2621 2SC3425 2SC4181 2SC2688 2SD1781K 2SC3532 2SC3533 2SC3082K 2SC3170 2SC4242 2SC4212 25C2335 2SC3077 2SC3531 2SC3535 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1678 FC102 2SC4449 2SA1416 2SJ193 2sk283 2sC4106 application notes 2SC3383 FC124
    Text: Transistors with Built-in Resistors Absolute maximum ratings Device Package typ» Application te Vcso V Vceo Vebo (V) (V) (mA) Pc (mW) Electrical characteristics (T, = 25 deg. C) IcBQ max # Vc b Ti «les- Ci Ic b o max m hfE & Vce ic Vc b (V) hfH Vce (V)

    OCR Scan
    T0220ML TO-32-070 2SA1678 FC102 2SC4449 2SA1416 2SJ193 2sk283 2sC4106 application notes 2SC3383 FC124 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd1159 hc/2SB824 transistor 2sb507 sanyo 2Sd1666 2sa128 2SB824 transistor 2sd313
    Text: SAfíYO Micaless T0-220ML P a c k a g e Power Transistors F e a t u r e s ♦ Less cost and man-hour because of no insulator required for mounting * High-density mounting available because of plastic-covered heat sink of device ♦ More collector dissipation available when a device alone is used

    OCR Scan
    T0-220ML T0-220 2SA1469 2SC3746 2SA1470 2SC3747 2SA1471 2SC3748 2SB1134 2SD1667 SB145 2sd1159 hc/2SB824 transistor 2sb507 sanyo 2Sd1666 2sa128 2SB824 transistor 2sd313 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4458 transistor 2SC4460 M
    Text: SAfÊYO SWITCHING POWER TRANSISTOR SERI ES Nq 1 e a t u r e s ♦ S h o r t switching time ♦ High breakdown voltage ♦ Hide ASO ♦ High reliability because of planar d U s e ♦ Switching regulators ♦ Motor cont rol type T y p e »sign(Tc-25T! ) Electrical

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25T! ngs/Ta-25 2SC3038 2SC3039 2SC3083 2SC3040 2SC3277 2SC3042 2SC4172 2SC3086 sc3152 2SC4458 transistor 2SC4460 M PDF

    High-speed switching

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continued from previous page Absolute maximum ratings Type No. Package type Applications Electrical characteristics Ta » 25 hFE@VCE • 1C VCBO (V VCE0 (V) W 1C (A) PC (W) (? ) hFE VCE (V) V) f r e v c E ' 1C 1C (A) fr (MHz) VCE (V) Ic (A) tf(toff) max

    OCR Scan
    2SA1936 2SC3646 2SC3647 2SC3042 T03PB 2SC3083 2SC3088 2SC3089 High-speed switching PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: C 4927 2SD2356 2SC4289 2SD1407 4894 4902 2SC3997 2SC4289A 2SC4911K
    Text: - 202 - S € Type No. 4t £ Manuf. -M H SANYO B TOSHIBA m NEC B AL HITACHI « ± a F U JIT S U fâ T MATSUSHITA 2SC3052 2SC 4894 të T 2SC4453 2SC343Î 2SC 4895 □—A 2SD1828 2SD1407 2SC 4896 S tL 2SC 4897 B tL 2SC3997 2SC4290A 2SC 4898 fâ T 2SC3750 2SC3310

    OCR Scan
    2SC4453 2SC343Ã 2SC3052 2SC4911K 2SD1828 2SD1407 2SD2161 2SD2113 2SD1633 2SC4289A 2SC4290A C 4927 2SD2356 2SC4289 4894 4902 2SC3997 2SC4289A 2SC4911K PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3735 2SA1467 2SA1466 2SC3740 2sc3743 2SC3728 2SC3730 2SC3731 2SC3732
    Text: - 170 - m n m ft Ta=25cC, *EPÍÍTc=25Xí 31í S tt & m Hg B3: G PD UHFAHF A HF A/MS SW MS SW MS Stf/HF A HF A/MS SW 2SC3736 BÍL un an BM un an h m 2SC3737 fâ T 2SC3738 ÎfiT 2SC3728 2SC3729 2SC3730 2SC3731 2SC3732 2SC3733 2SC3734 2SC3735 2SC3739 an &

    OCR Scan
    2SC3728 2SC3729 2SC3730 2SC3731 2SC3732 2SC3733 2SC3734 SC-59A) 2SC3757 MP-85) 2SC3735 2SA1467 2SA1466 2SC3740 2sc3743 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4427 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4160 2SC4161 2SC4162 2SC4163 2SC4164 2SC4219
    Text: SWITC H I N G POWER TRANSISTOR SERIES Na2 F e a t u r e s ♦ S h o r t s w i t c h i n g time ♦ High breakdown voltage ♦ Wide ASO ♦ H i g h r e l i a b i l i t y b e c a u s e of p l a n a r ¿ate H i g h — S p e e d 'I'ype U s e * Swit c h i n g regulators

    OCR Scan
    2SC4219 2SC4220 T0-220 2SC4105 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4164 T0-220 2SC4160 2SC4161 2SC4427 2SC4162 2SC4163 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3531 2SC2320 3985 2SC3497 2sc2803 2SC3119 2SC2832 2sc1162 2Sc4692
    Text: - 178 - « tt T y p e No. € Manuf. ® SANYO 2SC 3960 = L - 'J y 2SC 3961 2SC 3962 2SC 3963 y 2SC2832 2SC4205 2SC2816 2SC4026 2SC4205 2SD1609 2SC2803 2SC1162 2SC2497 2SD1694 2SC2482 2SC3209 ¿OV/i out ocMon i oc*r>i nnn \ ¿O^iU IV Vi/ 2SC3119 2SC2758

    OCR Scan
    2SD525 2SC2517 2SD1135 2SD866A 2SC3039 2SC2553 2SC2518 2SC2613 2SC2832 2SC4205 2SC3499 2SC3531 2SC2320 3985 2SC3497 2sc2803 2SC3119 2SC2832 2sc1162 2Sc4692 PDF