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    2SC4271 Search Results

    2SC4271 Datasheets (10)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SC4271 Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Defin Original PDF
    2SC4271 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC4271 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC4271 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2SC4271 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SC4271 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for Very High Definition CRT Display Video Output Use Scan PDF
    2SC4271 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors for Video Output A, FBET / LSBT Process Scan PDF
    2SC4271C Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor, High Definition CRT Display Video Output Driver Apps Scan PDF
    2SC4271D Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor, High Definition CRT Display Video Output Driver Apps Scan PDF
    2SC4271E Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor, High Definition CRT Display Video Output Driver Apps Scan PDF

    2SC4271 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4271 ITR06597 ITR06598 ITR06599 ITR06600 ITR06601 ITR06602 ITR06603
    Text: 注文コード No. N 2 7 1 0 A 2SC4271 No. N 2 7 1 0 A 30300 * 半導体ニューズ No.2710 とさしかえてください。 NPN エピタキシァルプレーナ形シリコントランジスタ 2SC4271 用途 高精細度 CRT ディスプレイ ビデオ出力ドライバ

    2SC4271 300mA ITR06601 ITR06602 ITR06603 ITR06604 D229 2SC4271 ITR06597 ITR06598 ITR06599 ITR06600 ITR06601 ITR06602 ITR06603 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4271 ITR06597 ITR06598 ITR06599 ITR06600 2sc7271
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2710A NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4271 High-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Wide-band amplifiers. · High frequency drivers. unit:mm 2009B [2SC7271] Features 8.0 2.7 1.5

    ENN2710A 2SC4271 2009B 2SC7271] 300mA) O-126 2SC727 2SC4271 ITR06597 ITR06598 ITR06599 ITR06600 2sc7271 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2710A NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4271 High-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Wide-band amplifiers. · High frequency drivers. unit:mm 2009B [2SC7271] Features 8.0 2.7 1.5

    ENN2710A 2SC4271 2009B 2SC7271] 300mA) O-126 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4271 EN2710
    Text: Ordering number:EN2710A NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4271 High-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Wide-band amplifiers. · High frequency drivers. unit:mm 2009B [2SC7271] Features · High fT fT=2.2GHz typ

    EN2710A 2SC4271 2009B 2SC7271] 300mA) O-126 2SC727 2SC4271 EN2710 PDF

    smd transistor marking 12W

    Abstract: SMD transistor Marking 13w SMD type Marking 13w SPM5001 SOT89 PNP marking GA ec3h04b smd transistor 12W 52 SMA4205 6c 6pin SGD103
    Text: RF Devices Jun.2006 Hyper Device Business Unit, Semiconductor Company SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. New Products High High Gain,Low Gain,Low Noise Noise SiRF–Bipolar Transistor MCH4009 •Packege : MCPH4 ■Features High Gain・・・|S21e|2=17dB@2GHz 0.3

    MCH4009 17dB2GHz SC-72 SC-43 SC-51 O-226 SC-71 O-126 O-92MOD smd transistor marking 12W SMD transistor Marking 13w SMD type Marking 13w SPM5001 SOT89 PNP marking GA ec3h04b smd transistor 12W 52 SMA4205 6c 6pin SGD103 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN 2710A 2SC4271 NO.2710A NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Definition CRT Display Video Output Applications Applications . Wide-band amplifiers . High frequency drivers Features . High fT fT=2.2GHz typ . High current (Ic=300mA)

    OCR Scan
    2SC4271 300mA) 100mA 2SC4271 O-126 4090MO/4118YT PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4288 2sc4292 2sc429 2SC4278 150D 2SC4248 2SC4249 2SC4250 2SC4251
    Text: - 194 - m % w Ta=25‘C, *Ep(àTc=25tC m î± 2SC4248 2SC4249 2SC4250 MS 2SC4251 MS MS ms MS sm 2SC4252 2SC4253 2SC4255 2SC4256 2SC4257 2SC4258 2SC4259 2SC4260 2SC4261 2SC4262 2SC4263 2SC4264 2SC4265 2SC4266 2SC4269 2SC4270 2SC4271 2SC4272 2SC4273 2SC4274

    OCR Scan
    2SC4248 2SC4249 2SC4250 2SC4251 2SC4252 2SC4253 2SC4255 2SC4256 O-126) 2SC4271 2SC4288A 2SC4288 2sc4292 2sc429 2SC4278 150D 2SC4248 2SC4250 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc497 2SA1849 2SA1752 2SC482 2SC3781 2SA1751 2sc4566
    Text: SA0YO T r a n s i s t o r s for V e r y Hi gh-Def i ni t ion C R T D i s p l a y V i d e o O u t p u t Use Our transistors for CRT display use are fabricated using our original process technology. They are designed to meet the characteristic requirements for CRT use.

    OCR Scan
    O-126 T0-126ML T0-220 T0220ML) T0-220 T0-220ML MT930119TR 40320 2sc497 2SA1849 2SA1752 2SC482 2SC3781 2SA1751 2sc4566 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC3597
    Text: Horizontal deflection output composite transistor Absolute maximum ratings _ . I Package . Application T IT Vcbo Vcbo nn (V) HPA72R* T03PBL °"!fk (wilh high-speed damper diode) HPA100R T03PBL “ H PA.M T03PBL * “ “ “ Ä T Vceo Vceo lc >c Electrical characteristics (T, = 25 deg. C)

    OCR Scan
    HPA72R* T03PBL HPA100R 2SC4256 2SC4257 2SC3675 2SC3676 2SC4450 2SC3953 TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC3597 PDF

    transistor 2SB1142

    Abstract: sanyo transistor tt series 2SB612K 2SB1143 2SA1750 2sc3788
    Text: SA0YO M IC A LE SS T 0-126M L T R A N SIST O R S F e a t u r e s ♦ Reduced cost and man-hour because of no insulator required for mounting ♦ Plastic-covered heat sink facilitating high-density mounting ♦ Increased collector dissipation when a transistor alone is operated

    OCR Scan
    0-126M T0-126ML) T0-126ML O-126 MT950123TR transistor 2SB1142 sanyo transistor tt series 2SB612K 2SB1143 2SA1750 2sc3788 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4117 2sc2060 2SC2553 2SC3170 2SC4258 2SC2242 2SC3536 4181A 2SC3039
    Text: - 184 - a « Type No. tt « Manuf. 2SC 4179 a a 2SC 4180 y s w 2SC 4181 m K ^ 2SC 4181A 2SC 4182 ^ H * SANYO 2SC4400 M TOSHIBA £ NEC B tL HITACHI V ± il F U J ITSU fô T MATSUSHITA 2SC4253 2SC3936 2SC4117 2SD1821 H £ MITSUBISHI 2SC4258 2SC3938 2SC4116

    OCR Scan
    2SC4400 2SC4253 2SC3936 2SC4258 2SC4098 2SC4117 2SD1821 2SC4102 2SC4413 2SD1824 2sc3943 2SC4117 2sc2060 2SC2553 2SC3170 2SC2242 2SC3536 4181A 2SC3039 PDF


    Abstract: 4509 2SC3303 2sc3153 2sd1314 4522 2SC4068 2SC4536 4517A 2SC2555
    Text: - 192 - SU £ Type No. tt £ Manuf. □— A 2SC 4506 H # SANYO M £ TOSHIBA B a NEC 2SC3789 2SC2551 2SC3209 2SC 4507 ✓ 2SC4106 2SC2553 2SC2518 B HITACHI Ai Ä dr ii FUJITSU fâ T MATSUSHITA 2SC 4508 * 2SC4107 2SC3626 2SC4423 2SC3306 2SC 4510 2SC4424 2SD1313

    OCR Scan
    2SC3789 2SC2551 2SC3209 2SC1573A 2SC4106 2SC2553 2SC2518 2SC4107 2SC3626 2SC4423 2SC4542 4509 2SC3303 2sc3153 2sd1314 4522 2SC4068 2SC4536 4517A 2SC2555 PDF

    NEC k 3654

    Abstract: 2SC3536 DTC124ES Hitachi 3640 DTC114ES 2SC 3674 S 2SC3738 2sc3242a 2SC3535 DTC144ES
    Text: - m € T y p e No. £ Manuf. 2SC 3 6 4 0 iE. 2SC 3 6 4 1 H 2SC 3 6 4 2 ^ & H # SANYO TOSHIBA S NEC 2SC3643 2SC3536 2SC3644 2SC3536 tL HITACHI * ± i1 FUJITSU tfi T MATSUSHITA # 2SC3535 2SC3737 H. n 2SC3536 2SC3738 2SC 3 6 4 4 J H n 2SC3536 & 2SC2880 2SC 3 6 4 6

    OCR Scan
    2SC3643 2SC3536 2SC3644 2SC3535 2SC3737 2SC3738 NEC k 3654 2SC3536 DTC124ES Hitachi 3640 DTC114ES 2SC 3674 S 2SC3738 2sc3242a 2SC3535 DTC144ES PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: 4892 2sc3904 2SC3356 2SC3609 2sc3828 2SC4901 2SC3585 2sc3613 2SC4928
    Text: - m £ 2SC 4856 2SC 4857 2 SC 4858 % tt Manuf. T y p e No. = SANYO >¥ =n =# 2 SC 4859 2SC 4860 2SC 4861 2SC 4862 2 SC 4863 2SC 4866 2SC 4867 2SC 4868 2SC 4869 2 m B NEC 2SC3937 2SC4904 2SC3704 2SC3609 2SC4093 2SC4900 2SC3704 2SC4228 2SC4903 2SC3585 2SC4902

    OCR Scan
    2SC4394 2SC4226 2SC49Ã 2SC3937 2SC4470 2SC3356 2SC4904 2SC3704 2SC3609 2SC4093 4892 2sc3904 2sc3828 2SC4901 2SC3585 2sc3613 2SC4928 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3953 2SA1723 2SA1848 2SC3956 2SA1849 2SC482 2SC3595 SANYO SC-62 2sc456
    Text: T r a n s i s t o r s f o r V e r y H i gh-Def in i t i o n C R T D i s p l a y V i d e o O u t p u t Use Our transistors for CRT display use are fabricated using our original process technology. They are designed to meet the characteristic requirements for CRT use.

    OCR Scan
    O-126, T0-126ML T0-220 T0220ML) 100M-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) 2sa1850 2SC3953 2SA1723 2SA1848 2SC3956 2SA1849 2SC482 2SC3595 SANYO SC-62 2sc456 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 2710A I _2 S C 4 2 7 1 NO.2710A NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor High-Defmition CRT Display Video Output Driver Applications Applications . Wide-band amplifiers . High frequency drivers Features . High f^, fT=2.2GHz typ

    OCR Scan
    2SC4271 300mA) 2SC4271 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1380 2SC3503 2sc4675 transistor TO-126 Outline Dimensions 2SA1249 2sa1507 Sanyo Semiconductor 2sc3417
    Text: smvo MICALESS T0-126ML TRANSISTORS F e a t u r e s ♦ Reduced cost and man-hour because of no insulator required for mounting * Plastic-covered heat sink facilitating high-density mounting * Increased collector dissipation when a transistor alone is operated [T0-126ML:1. 3-1.51(18=25^)]

    OCR Scan
    T0-126ML) T0-126ML O-126 2SD826 2SB559 2SD439 2SB632K 2SB612K 2SB986 2SD1348 2SA1380 2SC3503 2sc4675 transistor TO-126 Outline Dimensions 2SA1249 2sa1507 Sanyo Semiconductor 2sc3417 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ultrahigh-resolution Display Video Output Transistors FBET Absoluto maximum ratings Type No. Packag* Ha* Bad iteli characteristics (Ta •25 TC) ICBO mut VCB Applications VCBO Veto VEBO 1C cw (V) (V) (mA) PC (W) db ICBOmax O.A) bFESVCE ■1C Vca (V) hFE

    OCR Scan
    T0126 T0126ML OI26ML T0I26M 2SC4633 PDF


    Abstract: 2sa1752 2SA1852 2SC3781 2SA1474
    Text: SA0YO T r a n s i s t o r s for Ver y Hi gh-Def ini t i on C R T D i s p l a y V i d e o Output Use Our transistors for CRT display use are fabricated using our original process technology. They are designed to meet the characteristic requirements for CRT use.

    OCR Scan
    O-126, T0-126ML, T0-220, T0220ML) T0-220 O-220ML MT941221TR 2SC4566 2sa1752 2SA1852 2SC3781 2SA1474 PDF