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    ROHM Semiconductor 2SD1963T100R

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    DigiKey 2SD1963T100R Reel 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.29453
    • 10000 $0.22268
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    Mouser Electronics 2SD1963T100R 964
    • 1 $0.8
    • 10 $0.56
    • 100 $0.382
    • 1000 $0.276
    • 10000 $0.228
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    ROHM Semiconductor 2SD1963T100S

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    DigiKey 2SD1963T100S Reel 1,000
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.26285
    • 10000 $0.1974
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    ROHM Semiconductor 2SD1963T100Q

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    DigiKey 2SD1963T100Q Reel
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    2SD1963 Datasheets (12)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SD1963 Kexin Power Transistor Original PDF
    2SD1963 ROHM Power Transistor (-50V, -3A) Original PDF
    2SD1963 ROHM Power Transistor(50V, 3A) Original PDF
    2SD1963 TY Semiconductor Power Transistor - SOT-89 Original PDF
    2SD1963 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD1963 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SD1963 ROHM Transistor Selection Guide Scan PDF
    2SD1963T100Q ROHM Power Transistor (50 V, 3 A) Original PDF
    2SD1963T100R ROHM Power Transistor (50 V, 3 A) Original PDF
    2SD1963T100R ROHM Transistors (BJT) - Single, Discrete Semiconductor Products, TRANSISTOR NPN 20V 3A SOT-89 TR Original PDF
    2SD1963T100S ROHM Power Transistor (50 V, 3 A) Original PDF
    2SD1963T100S ROHM Transistors (BJT) - Single, Discrete Semiconductor Products, TRANSISTOR NPN 20V 3A SOT-89 TR Original PDF

    2SD1963 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2SD1963 T100
    Text: 2SB1308 Transistors Power transistor −50V, −3A 2SB1308 zFeatures 1) Low saturation voltage, typically VCE(sat) = −0.45V (Max.) at IC/IB = −1.5A / −0.15A. 2) Excellent DC current gain characteristics. 3) Complements the 2SD1963. zExternal dimensions (Unit : mm)

    2SB1308 2SD1963. 2SB1308 2SD1963 T100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors IC SMD Type Product specification 2SD1963 Features Low saturation voltage. Excellent DC current gain characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector-base voltage VCBO 50 V Collector-emitter voltage VCEO

    2SD1963 -50mA, 100MHz PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1308 2SD1963 rohm d204 D204
    Text: Transistors 2SB1308 2SD1963 94S-166-B204 (94S-342-D204) 290 Appendix Notes No technical content pages of this document may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission of ROHM CO.,LTD. The contents described herein are subject to change without notice. The specifications for the

    2SB1308 2SD1963 94S-166-B204) 94S-342-D204) B204 2SB1308 2SD1963 rohm d204 D204 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1963 RC244
    Text: SPICE PARAMETER 2SD1963 by ROHM TR Div. * 2SD1963 NPN BJT model * Date: 2006/11/14 .MODEL 2SD1963 NPN + IS=700.00E-15 + BF=239.68 + VAF=3.5571 + IKF=15.353 + ISE=700.00E-15 + NE=1.6035 + BR=88.202 + VAR=100 + IKR=.35583 + ISC=228.00E-12 + NC=1.6682 + NK=.81465

    2SD1963 Q2SD1963 00E-15 00E-12 000E-3 476E-3 22E-12 29E-12 BF239 2SD1963 RC244 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1308 T100 RS Marking
    Text: 2SD1963 Transistors Power transistor 50V, 3A 2SD1963 zFeatures 1) Low saturation voltage, typically VCE(sat) = −0.45V (Max.) at IC/IB = −1.5A / −0.15A. 2) Excellent DC current gain characteristics. 3) Complements the 2SB1308. zExternal dimensions (Unit : mm)

    2SD1963 2SB1308. 2SD1963 2SB1308 T100 RS Marking PDF


    Abstract: B204 2SB1308 94S-166-B204 D204
    Text: Transistors 2SB1308 2SD1963 94S-166-B204 (94S-342-D204) 290

    2SB1308 2SD1963 94S-166-B204) 94S-342-D204) 2SD1963 B204 2SB1308 94S-166-B204 D204 PDF

    transistor marking DG

    Abstract: 2SD1963 low power TRANSISTOR SMD
    Text: Transistors SMD Type Power Transistor 2SD1963 Features Low saturation voltage. Excellent DC current gain characteristics. Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector-base voltage VCBO 50 V Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 20 V Emitter-base voltage

    2SD1963 -50mA, 100MHz transistor marking DG 2SD1963 low power TRANSISTOR SMD PDF

    113 marking code transistor ROHM

    Abstract: DTDS14GP DTB133HKA rkm transistor 2SC5274 datasheet FMC1A rkm 33 transistor FMC1A rkm 24 DTD133HKA
    Text: Abbreviated markings on mini-mold transistors Transistors Abbreviated markings on mini-mold transistors !MPT3 labels The label on the MPT3 packages indicates the product, hFE rank, and month of manufacture using 4 letters. Codes B and AF indicate products.



    Abstract: BSTC1026 BSTD1046 BTB04-600SAP STF6A80 BSTD1040 TO510DH BSTC1040 TO812NJ BTB15-700B
    Text: Cross Reference For the most up to date cross reference, go to the product portal: Manufacturer type number Manufacturer Philips type number Page number Manufacturer type number Manufacturer

    02CZ10 02CZ11 02CZ12 02CZ13 02CZ15 02CZ16 02CZ18 02CZ2 02CZ20 STF12A80 BSTC1026 BSTD1046 BTB04-600SAP STF6A80 BSTD1040 TO510DH BSTC1040 TO812NJ BTB15-700B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .$/ T ransistors 2SD1963 h -7 > V 7 I 9 w w Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor Ü ÎJ i  ïi2 J * lltiÆ l/L o w Freq. Power Amp. ^ h P # 7 7 7 v a ffl/S tr o b o Flash. • W f*\T jS 0 /D im e n s io n s Unit : mm) 1 ) VcE (sat) A ' f t l / 'o V c e (sat)=0.45V (Max.)

    OCR Scan
    2SD1963 2SD1963 PDF


    Abstract: D401 -y 2SD1963 D4011
    Text: h 7 > S' 7 $ /Transistors O “ C m Q A * • ^ w w 2SD1963 it f ^ ^ '> 7 ^ y u - ^ 0 N P N y ,; n > K 7 > y ^ ^ Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor fé S â fc ï^ J iflte ffl/L o w Freq. Power Amp. 7 s h P ? K 7 7 7 V j- f f l/S t r o b o Flash. • 51-JB‘T a i a / Dimensions Unit : mm)

    OCR Scan
    2SD1963 SC-62 7fl26Tn G011115 TRANSISTOR D401 D401 -y 2SD1963 D4011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SB1308 2SD1963 Transistors Power Transistor —50V> —3A 2SB1308 •Features •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta=25'C ) 1 ) Low V ce(m i). (M ax. —0.45Vm ax. a t Ic/I b = - 1 . 5 A / —0.15A) 2 ) Excellent DC curre nt gain characteristics. 3 ) C om plem ents the 2S D 1963.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1308 2SD1963 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF


    Abstract: BCX53 Rohm RXT-A28 2SD2170 2SB1132 2SB1181 2SB1182 2SB1184 2SB1188 2SB1189
    Text: R OH M ESE D CORP Tr • ?Ö 2Ö^ GOGEÒ^ fl ■ T - A l ’ Ol Transistors- • MPT SOT-89 , OPT (DPAK) Types Ty 3 6 MPT 2SB1132 — — Driver — 2SD1760 2SD17S8 2S01733 2SD1918 2SD2126 2SD2167 2SB1424 2SD2150 2SB1308 2SB1386 2SD1963 2SD2Q98 2SB1427

    OCR Scan
    OT-89) 25iCi 2SB1132 2SB1184 2SB1188 2SB1182 2SB1189 2SB1260 2SB1181 2SB1275 2SA1690 BCX53 Rohm RXT-A28 2SD2170 2SB1132 2SB1181 2SB1182 2SB1184 2SB1189 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SB1308 2SD1963 Transistors I Power Transistor — 50V ^ -3 A 2SB1308 •F eatu res 1 ) Low V c E ( sa i). (M a x .— 0.45Vmax. at Icyfe 5— 1.5A/— 0.15A) 2 ) Excellent D C current gain characteristics. 3 ) Complements the 2 S D 1 963. • A b so lu te maximum ratings (T a = 2 5 ‘C )

    OCR Scan
    2SB1308 2SD1963 45Vmax. 2SB1308 Wr1c PDF


    Abstract: 2sb2025 d1830 2SD1963 2sd1633 2SD1292 2SD1612 2sd1587 2sd1932 2sd1944
    Text: « Type No. 2SD 1 586 2SD 1 587 0^ 2SD 1588 f 2SD 1 589 s 2SD 1590 2SD 1592 2SD 1593 ^ 250 1594 ^ 2SD 1595 ✓ 2SD 1598 2SÖ 1599 2SD 1600 2S0 1601 tt M anuf. € a • B B 1a B m. b 2SC4500L/S a b B tL fö T B tL B tL i CD ^ 2SD 1612 2SD 1613 2SD 1 6 1 4

    OCR Scan
    2SD1586 2SD1587 2SD1588 2SD1589 2SD1590 2SD1592 2SD1593 25D1594 2SD1595 2SD1598 2SC3444 2sb2025 d1830 2SD1963 2sd1633 2SD1292 2SD1612 2sd1932 2sd1944 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RDNITI MPT • CPT F5 • PSD Application MPT CPT F5 PSD lc A VcEO (V) *VcB*VcER -3 2 -1 - 2* - 82—390 P Q R -3 -1 0 0 - -5 0 -1 -2 2* - 82—390 P Q R -3 -5 0 0 - 2SB1184 - -5 0 -3 - - 15 82—390 P Q R -3 -5 0 0 - 2SB1182 - -3 2 -2 - 2* 10 82—390

    OCR Scan
    Ta-25 2SB1132 2SA1900 2SB1184 2SB1182 2SB1181 OT-89) PDF


    Abstract: RTIN141C RTIN141S 2SD947 equivalent 2SD612K equivalent of transistor 2SA1115 RTIN241C rtip241 2sd880 equivalent RTIN140C
    Text: m&ttm -urn h "7 > v X £ /T ra n sisto rs ddp h 7> y of Transistor Equivalent Products S M t r o iS H li, L T 2 fiJffl< t £ £ i \ LT IS * * * ' 6 S & It should be borne in mind that following listings are made according to the transistors’ maximum ratings.

    OCR Scan
    2SB1186 2SB1186A 2SA1304 2SA1306 2SA1305 2SB1274 2SB1015 2SB1133 2SB1287 2SB1185 RTIP144C RTIN141C RTIN141S 2SD947 equivalent 2SD612K equivalent of transistor 2SA1115 RTIN241C rtip241 2sd880 equivalent RTIN140C PDF

    KY 719

    Abstract: 122JK TB163TK TB143TK
    Text: MZ-um ransistors M % i— M ü / T y p e Number List POWER MOSFET 2SK1973F5 .70 2SK2041 . 74 2SK2042 . 75

    OCR Scan
    2SK1973F5 2SK2041 2SK2042 2SK2094F5 2SK2103 2SA1036K 2SA1037AK 2SA1037AKLN 2SA1455K RU101 KY 719 122JK TB163TK TB143TK PDF

    rkm 33 transistor

    Abstract: bkd transistor DTD133HKA BKD C6 DTB133HKA Transistor BJD 2SA1885 rkm 20 transistor 2SC5274 rkm transistor
    Text: Transistors Abbreviated label symbols on mini molded type Abbreviated label symbols on mini molded type •E M T 3 and UMT3 labels On general transistors, the product and hpE rank are in­ dicated by 2 or 3 letters. On digital transistors, the product type is indicated by a 2-digit number.

    OCR Scan
    FMA10A FMA11A IMB10A IMB11A IMB16 IMB17A IMD10A IMD14 IMD16A IMH10A rkm 33 transistor bkd transistor DTD133HKA BKD C6 DTB133HKA Transistor BJD 2SA1885 rkm 20 transistor 2SC5274 rkm transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2SD 647 transistor TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 C4672 144EK 113ZE Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD 114EU TC114EKA TA123JE
    Text: b ÿ > y Z ? W & - 1èm h "7 > y Z > £ /Transistors h ”7 > y Z p n — H ^ / T r a n s i s t o r s S u m m a r y • POWER MOSFET Part No. A p p lica tio n V d s s V PD(W) I d (A) P a cka ge VGS(th)(V) V d s (V) Page i D(mA) 2SK1973F5 60 2 10 2 .0 - 4 .0

    OCR Scan
    2SK1973F5 2SK2041 2SK2042 2SK2094F5 2SK2103 RU101 RU201 RU901 TA143E 2SD 647 transistor TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 C4672 144EK 113ZE Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD 114EU TC114EKA TA123JE PDF


    Abstract: MARKING CODE f5 2SA1812 113 marking code transistor ROHM 2SA1690 2SD1788 2SD2211 2SK2041 F5 marking code 2SB1181
    Text: Tran.qi.stnrs< S u rfa c e M ounted T v d r r > ROHM CO LTD SbE D • 7flE5cn ti D O O b ^ a 03S ■ RHPI ■MPT • CPT F5 • PSD Application MPT — F 3 S - 17 Package CPT F5 Type | 2S81132 2S81182 Ic A Ic Max (A) - -3 2 -1 - -5 0 -3 hpE W T tTa=2ST)

    OCR Scan
    2SB1132 2S81184 2S81182 2S81189 2SB1260 2SB1181 2S81275 2SC4132 2sd198 MARKING CODE f5 2SA1812 113 marking code transistor ROHM 2SA1690 2SD1788 2SD2211 2SK2041 F5 marking code PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1807 2SA1812 2sc4939 2SD2170 2SA1900 2SB1132 2SB1182 2SB1188 2SB1189
    Text: 7 0 2 0 ^ 0007372 noNin IRM I bTO MPT • CPT F5 • PSD Package Application MPT CPT F5 PSD VcEO V *VCES*VCEH Part No. lc (A) Pc (W) ic Max. (A) MPT {Ta=25‘C) hFE VCE (V) Ic (mA) Circuit 2SB1132 - - -3 2 -1 - 2* - 82— 390 -3 -1 0 0 E 3 ! f 2SA1900 -

    OCR Scan
    2SB1132 2SA1900 2S61184 2SB1188 2SB1182 2SB1189 2SB1260 2S81181 2SB1275 2SB1516 2SA1807 2SA1812 2sc4939 2SD2170 PDF

    2SB600 NEC

    Abstract: 2SD965 2SD966 2SD2061 2SB600 1951b 2sc3677 2SC3421 2SD1483 2sd1944
    Text: - m % tt Type No. 2S0 1951 2SD 1952 ^ 2SD 1953 ^ 2SD 1955 2S0 1956 2SD 1957 2SD 1958 2SD 2SD 2SD 2SD 2 so « 0 S ft Z SANYO 2SDS79 2SD15Z4 * $ TOSHIBA 2SC3266 H ft iL m NEC tL HITACHI 2SC2873 2SD1887 2SC3299 2SD1548 1953 □— A 2SD1145 2SD1628 2SD 1964 .

    OCR Scan
    2SD879 2SC3266 2SD965 2SD1624 2SC2873 2SD1119 2SD1963 2SD1692 2SD1233 2SC4339 2SB600 NEC 2SD965 2SD966 2SD2061 2SB600 1951b 2sc3677 2SC3421 2SD1483 2sd1944 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc3246 2SC4159 4392 DTC143ES 2SC3296 2sc3374 DTC114EU 2sc4368 DTC144EU
    Text: - m £ T y p e No. tt « Manuf. SANYO 2SC 4357 h m ¿ÚUi0¿0 2SC 4359 T 2SC3458 2SC 4351 = m 2SC 4362 = # Hi ^ TOSHIBA B V NEC HITACHI tL £ 2SC 4366 S 4 2SC3661 2SC 4367 a s 2SC3776 2SC 4368 tö T MA T S U S H I T A h m MITSUBISHI □ — A ROHM U N221F

    OCR Scan
    2SD1623 2SC2873 2SC3458 N221F RT1N432C DTC143XK UN4216 RT1N432S DTC143XS RN1401 RT1N241M 2sc3246 2SC4159 4392 DTC143ES 2SC3296 2sc3374 DTC114EU 2sc4368 DTC144EU PDF