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    Syfer Technology 0805J2500300JUT

    CAP CER 30PF 250V C0G/NP0 0805
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    DigiKey 0805J2500300JUT Reel 6,000
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    • 10000 $0.22638
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    Syfer Technology 1111Y5000300JUT

    CAP CER 30PF 500V C0G/NP0 1111
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    DigiKey 1111Y5000300JUT Reel 2,000
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    • 10000 $0.97561
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    KEMET Corporation CGP5C300JUSDAAWL50

    CER DISC 30PF 4000 SL 5%
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    DigiKey CGP5C300JUSDAAWL50 Bag 20,000
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    KEMET Corporation C901U300JUSDCAWL50

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    DigiKey C901U300JUSDCAWL50 Bag 10,000
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    Avnet Americas C901U300JUSDCAWL50 Bulk 15 Weeks 1,755
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    • 10000 $0.08889
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    KEMET Corporation CGP1C300JUSDCA7317

    CER DISC 30PF 4000 SL 5%
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    DigiKey CGP1C300JUSDCA7317 Ammo Pack 10,000
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    • 10000 $0.81958
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    300JU Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r r i m ü TECHNOLOGY LTC490 Differential Driver and Receiver Pair FCATURCS D €SC M PTIO n • Low Power: Ice = 300juA Typical ■ Designed for RS485 or RS422 Applications ■ Single 5V Supply ■ -7V to 12V Bus Common-Mode Range Permits ±7V Ground Difference Between Devices

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    LTC490 300juA RS485 RS422 SN75179 LTC49ted 100kbs) 120ft PDF

    UC3861 application note

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 1 |application INFO available | UNITRODE UC1861-1868 UC2861-2868 UC3861-3868 Resonant-Mode Power Supply Controllers FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Controls Zero Current Switched ZCS or Zero Voltage Switched (ZVS) Quasi-Resonant Converters The UC1861-1868 family of ICs is optimized for the control of Zero Cur­

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    UC1861-1868 UC2861-2868 UC3861-3868 10kHz UC3861-3868 UC3861 application note PDF


    Abstract: NR041
    Text: sa NATL S E M I C O N D { D I S C R E T E } 650 1130 2T 0 . NATL SEMICOND, bsoiiao D0 3 Sb0 h dëT| DISCRETE 28C 35605 r- National Semiconductor D * o fiC NR041(NPN) low-level signal switching transistor features | 1 | package and lead coding • 40mV guaranteed V c e (sat) characteristics at

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    LS01130 D03Sb0h NR041 NR041X bSG113Q 35606 NR041 PDF

    Transistor 3TY

    Abstract: CLED400 CLT4140 CLT4150 CLT4160
    Text: CLT4140 CLT4150 CLT4160 Silicon NPN Planar Epitaxial Phototransistors GENERAL DESCRIPTION — The CLT4000 series are phototransistors molded in a clear epoxy package. Lead frame construction allows direct soldering into circuit board or socket mounting. All 3 types have guaranteed

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    CLT4140 CLT4150 CLT4160 CLT4000 CLED400 300jusec. 214E711 70-c/i Transistor 3TY CLT4160 PDF


    Abstract: 250M SSP4N55 diode lo2a 120Vn
    Text: N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS SSP4N60/55 FEATURES • • • • • • • Lower R d s <o n Im proved inductive ruggedness Fast switching times Rugged polysilicon gate cell structure Lower input capacitance Extended safe operating area Improved high temperature reliability

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    SSP4N60/55 SSP4N60 SSP4N55 71b4142 120Vn Voss300V 250M diode lo2a PDF


    Abstract: 250JUA 250M IRFS340 IRFS341 Tj-25DC
    Text: N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS IRFS340/341 FEATURES • Lower R d s i o n • Improved inductive ruggedness • Fast switching times • Rugged polysilicon gate cell structure • Lower input capacitance • Extended safe operating area • Improved high temperature reliability

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    IRFS340/341 IRFS340 IRFS341 71b4142 2ti35ti D0233 250JUA 250M Tj-25DC PDF


    Abstract: DIODE T25 IRFY230 LE17 mosfet 100a 200v

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    IRFY230 T0220 T0220M T0220SM 00A//iS 300/us, 04NG DIODE T25 IRFY230 LE17 mosfet 100a 200v PDF


    Abstract: told 9211
    Text: X T L I f l C A E TECHNOLOGY _ LT1110 Micropower DC-DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 5V, 12V F€RTUR€S D C S C R IPTIO n • Operates at Supply Voltages From 1,0V to 30V ■ Works In Step-Up or Step-Down Mode ■ Only Three External Off-the-Shelf Components

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    LT1110 LT1110 0105-470M OLD-9211 262LYF-0076M 1S12LS-473 TOLD-9211 told 9211 PDF


    Abstract: BFW transistors bfw 10 transistor BFW43
    Text: BFW 43 BFW 44 SILICON PLANAR PNP HIGH V O L T A G E AM PLIFIERS T he BFW 43 and B F W 4 4 are silico n p lanar e p ita x ia l PNP tran sisto rs in Jedec T O -1 8 B F W 4 3 and Jedec T O -3 9 (B F W 4 4 ) m etal cases. B o th devices are designed fo r use in a m p lifie rs w here high voltage and high gain are necessary.

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    BFW44 BFW44 BFW43) BFW transistors bfw 10 transistor BFW43 PDF


    Abstract: IRFP 450 application IRFP451 IRFP450 POWER IRFP452 IRFP453 P452 application IRFP450 IQR 2400 JVM RELAY
    Text: -Standard Power MOSFETs IRFP450, IRFP451, IRFP452, IRFP453 50 75 100 125 T q . C A S E T E M P E R A T U R E °C Fig. 12 — T yp ica l O n-R e sistance V s. D rain C urrent Fig. 13 — M a x im u m D ra in C u rre n t V s. Case Tem perature T E l * 0.5 B V q S S

    OCR Scan
    IRFP450, IRFP451, IRFP452, IRFP453 IRFP450 IRFP 450 application IRFP451 IRFP450 POWER IRFP452 IRFP453 P452 application IRFP450 IQR 2400 JVM RELAY PDF


    Abstract: jca amplifier
    Text: BFR18 SILICON PLANAR NPN H IG H -VO LTA G E , H IG H -C U R R E N T A M PLIFIER The BFR 18 is a silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistor in Jedec TO-18 metal case. This device is designed for amplifier applications over a wide range of voltage and current.

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    BFR18 BFR18 20MHz 300jus, jca amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON PLANAR NPN B F X 17 CLA SS C V H F A M P L IF IE R The BFX 17 is a silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistor in Jedec TO-39 metal case, designed for high-voltage, high-current class C VHF amplifier applications. A B S O L U T E M A X I M U M R A T IN G S

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    BFX17 O-391 BFX17 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2sc 18 2SC2522 transistor 2sc pnp fujitsu ring emitter 2sc2523 high power switching transistor 2sc
    Text: SILICON HIGH SPEED POWER TRANSISTOR 2SC 2522 2SC 2523 S e p te m b e r 19 79 SILICON NPN RING EMITTER TRANSISTOR RET T he 2 S C 2 5 2 2 /2 S C 2 5 2 3 are silicon NPN general purpose, high pow er switching transistors fabricated w ith Fujitsu's unique Ring E m itter Transistor (R E T ) tec h ­

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    2SC2522 2SC2523 50jU-A, 300jus TRANSISTOR 2SC transistor 2sc 18 transistor 2sc pnp fujitsu ring emitter 2sc2523 high power switching transistor 2sc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMELAB LTD 37E D • Û1331Ô7 GOODBll fl J AN 0 5 1988 <y\ 1 SEMELAB 2N 6793 2N 6794 MOS POWER MECHANICAL DATA N-Channel Enhancement Mode Dimensions in mm I 1 ìi APPLICATIONS T • FAST SWITCHING 8.5 max. 1 • MOTOR CONTROLS k - 5 .H • POWER SUPPLIES

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    2N6793 2N6794 2N6794 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC2525 TRANSISTOR 2Sc 2525 TRANSISTOR 2SC TRANSISTOR 2SC2525 2SA1076 LC 311 TRANSISTOR 2sc2526 "ring emitter" 2SC25
    Text: F U J IT S U SILICON HIGH SPEED POWER TRANSISTOR 2SC 2525 2SC 2526 S epte m be r 19 79 SILICON NPN RING EMITTER TRANSISTOR RET The 2 S C 2 5 2 5 /2 S C 2 5 2 6 are silicon NPN general purpose, high pow er switching transistors fabricated w ith Fujitsu's unique Ring E m itter Transistor (R E T ) tec h ­

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    2SC2525 2SC2526 50juA 300jus 2SC2526 TRANSISTOR 2Sc 2525 TRANSISTOR 2SC TRANSISTOR 2SC2525 2SA1076 LC 311 TRANSISTOR 2sc2526 "ring emitter" 2SC25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / T u n e A ß _LTC1292 T E C H N O LO G Y Single C h ip 12-Bit D a ta A cq u isitio n System F€flTUR€S DcscniPTion • B u ilt-In S a m p le and Hold ■ S ingle S u p p ly 5V O peration ■ D irect 3 -W ir e Interface to M o s t M P U Serial P o rts and

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    LTC1292 12-Bit LTC1292. LT1025A LTC1292BMJ8 PDF


    Abstract: M2FM m2fm data format crystal quartz 24mhz floppy controller pinout 8X300 8x300 Signetics Application Notes transistor WC 8T32 N8X330
    Text: Signetics 8X330 Floppy Disk Formatter/ Controller Product Specification Microprocessor Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics 8X330 Floppy Disk For­ matter/Controller is a monolithic periph­ eral device of the 8X300 Family. The chip uses Bipolar-Schottky/12L-Techno

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    8X330 8X330 8X300 Bipolar-Schottky/12L-Techno N8X330 500mA 500mA/lB M2FM m2fm data format crystal quartz 24mhz floppy controller pinout 8x300 Signetics Application Notes transistor WC 8T32 N8X330 PDF

    Laser Diode for cr rw

    Abstract: b0711 tsz02201 BU9390FV BU9390FV-1 BU9390FV-1-2 TSZ22111
    Text: RDNm PRODUCTS TYPE Sem iconductor IC BU9390FV STRUCTURE - Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit PRODUCT SERIES •' 4CH Laser Diode Driver fo r CD-R/RW TYPE : BU9390FV PACKAGE OUTLINES : Figure. 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure. 2 APPLICATION Figure. 3 TEST CIRCUIT

    OCR Scan
    BU9390FV TSZ02201-BU9390FV-1 TSZ22111 Laser Diode for cr rw b0711 tsz02201 BU9390FV BU9390FV-1 BU9390FV-1-2 PDF


    Abstract: SGSD00037 SGSD00038 SGSD00039 SGSD00040 SGSD00041 Lb 598 d transistor* SGSD00038
    Text: S G S-THOHSON G7E D I 7121237 GGlflTMB 1 73C 18771 D Z ? - t * SGSD00036/38 SGSD00037/39 SGSD00040/41 MULTIEPITAXIAL MESA HOLLOW EMITTER NPN A D V A N C E D AT A H IGH V O LT A G E FAST SW ITCHING POWER T R A N SIST O R S The SGSD00036 and SGSD00038, the SGSD00037 and SGSD00039, the SGSD00040 and

    OCR Scan
    7121S37 SGSD00036/38 SGSD00037/39 SGSD00040/41, SGSD00036 SGSD00038, SGSD00037 SGSD00039, SGSD00040 SGSD00041, SGSD00038 SGSD00039 SGSD00041 Lb 598 d transistor* SGSD00038 PDF

    Reeves Hoffman 101

    Abstract: EL4585 video genlock pll soic 8 EL4583 EL4583C EL4584 EL4585C EL4585CN EL4585CS
    Text: EL4585C EL4585C LPicflMANCEAN4Lfl&.NTEGRTOCDcu:Ts Hovizotltol GcTllock, 8 Fg J Features General Description • 36 M H z, general purpose P L L • 8 F s c tim ing. (Use th e EL4584 for 4 F s c • C om patible w ith EL4583C Sync S eparator • VCXO, X tal, or LC ta n k

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    EL4585C EL4584 EL4583C Outlin16 3121S57 Reeves Hoffman 101 EL4585 video genlock pll soic 8 EL4583 EL4585C EL4585CN EL4585CS PDF


    Abstract: up 5135 50v 200a G10 SC4 A00E pace1750 mil-std-1750a 1f44 ior 5130 f10 SC4 PIC Design
    Text: PACE1752/1754 SINGLE CHIP, 40 MHz CMOS PROCESSOR INTERFACE CIRCUIT PIC IP IB IIL O IM IO N IA H V FEATURES • The RftCE1752/1754 (PIC) is a support chip for the RACE1750A Processor. It eliminates the SSI/MSI Logic and external system functions required in

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    PACE1752/1754 PACE1750A RACE1753 Pro470 1F42 up 5135 50v 200a G10 SC4 A00E pace1750 mil-std-1750a 1f44 ior 5130 f10 SC4 PIC Design PDF

    display 7 segmento sm 4105

    Abstract: NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871
    Text: MOS/LSI DATABOOK NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR i Edge Index by Product Family Clocks Counters/Timers Electronic Organ Circuits TV Circuits Analog to Digital A /D Converters Communications/CB Radio Circuits Watches Calculators Controller Oriented Processor Systems (COPS)

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    MM5309 MM5311 J28592 IM-CP70M17/PRINTED display 7 segmento sm 4105 NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Miniature Type Crystal Resonators AT-49, AT-38 • Features • Crystal resonators with superior frequency stability for standard clock oscillation for microprocessors. • A T -49 type also works well for visual applications. ■ Series Resistance Type Frequency

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    AT-49, AT-38 300juW 58iPer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: “BIG IDEAS IN BIG POWER ” • ■ ■ PowerTech ■ 40 AMPERES PT-3526 HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON NPN TRANSISTOR FEATURES V c E s a t . 0.5V @ 20A h p E . 5 m in. @ 4 0 A I s / B .

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    PT-3526 300jusec 100/iA PDF