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    3019 NPN TRANSISTOR Search Results

    3019 NPN TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    3019 NPN TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 30191 2SC4412 EN3019
    Text: Ordering number:EN3019 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC4412 TV Camera Deflection, High-Voltage Driver Applications Package Dimensions • High breakdown voltage VCEO≥300V . · Small reverse transfer capacitance and excellent high frequency characteristic (Cre : 1.0pF typ).

    EN3019 2SC4412 VCEO300V) 2018B 2SC4412] 30192 30191 2SC4412 EN3019 PDF


    Abstract: IC 7410 sot-89 A63 CZT900K npn 2907A 2222a A77 SOT23 2222ae A92E 3906 npn
    Text: Small Signal Transistors Surface Mount Packages Actual Size SOD-923 SOT-923 SOT-953 SOD-523 SOT-523 SOT-563 SOD-323 SOT-323 SOT-363 SOD-123 SOD-123F SOT-23 SOT-23F SOT-143 SOT-26 SOT-28 SOT-89 SOT-223 SOT-228 SMA SMB SMC SOIC-16 HD DIP TLP Tiny Leadless

    OD-923 OT-923 OT-953 OD-523 OT-523 OT-563 OD-323 OT-323 OT-363 OD-123 a42e IC 7410 sot-89 A63 CZT900K npn 2907A 2222a A77 SOT23 2222ae A92E 3906 npn PDF


    Abstract: 3019 2N3019 3020 transistor 2n3020
    Text: 2N 3019 2N 3020 SILICON PLANAR NPN HIGH-CURRENT, HIGH-FREQUENCY AMPLIFIERS The 2N 3019 and 2N 3020 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in Jedec T O -39 metal case, designed fo r high-current, high-frequency am plifier applications. They feature high gain and low saturation voltages.

    OCR Scan
    2N3019 2N3019 3020 3019 3020 transistor 2n3020 PDF


    Abstract: 30192 2SC4412
    Text: Ordering number: EN 3019 2SC4412 No.3019 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor SA\YO i TV Camera Deflection, High-Voltage Driver Applications Features . High breakdown voltage Vqeo —300V • Small reverse transfer capacitance and excellent high frequency characteristic (cre: l.OpF typ)

    OCR Scan
    2SC4412 30191 30192 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC D B A23SbDS □ ÜQH'iÜfc» S « S I E G _ „ _ , , J ~ i ' r — t '- S NPN Silicon Planar Transistor 2 N 3019 _ SIEMENS A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F -2 N 3019 is an epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistor in TO 39 case 5 C 3 DIN 41873 .

    OCR Scan
    A23SbDS fl53SbOS PDF


    Abstract: 2N3020 2N3019 and applications 3019
    Text: 2N3019 2N 3020 SILICON PLANAR NPN H IG H -C U R R EN T, H IG H -FR EQ U EN C Y A M PLIFIER S The 2N 3019 and 2N 3CI20 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in Jedec T O -39 metal case, designed fo r high-current, high-frequency am p lifie r applications. They feature

    OCR Scan
    2N3019 3CI20 Therm3020 2N3020 100MA 2N3020 2N3019 and applications 3019 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: |~O rd e rin g n u m b e r: EN 3 0 1 9 2SC4412 No.3019 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor TV Camera Deflection, High-Voltage Driver Applications Features . High breakdown voltage Vceo —300V • Small reverse transfer capacitance and excellent high frequency characteristic (cre : l.OpF typ)

    OCR Scan
    2SC4412 --300V) 3019-l/2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡J8BBBBB88& p |M iwiHBBffi sm ssssP e .rfHHHHHHHHMh. itittnnnnn hhhhhhk-. loniftBHhr. 1m1 IIr ^888o 88% #f 1 l Data S heet No. 2N 3019 $ sdL SEMICONDUCTORS G eneric Part Num ber: 2N3019 Type 2N3019 G eom etry 4500 Polarity NPN Qual Level: J A N -J A N S REF: M IL-P R F -19500/391

    OCR Scan
    J8BBBBB88& 2N3019 MiL-PRF-19500/391 PDF


    Abstract: 200a liu Q68000-A627 transistor buv 90
    Text: 2 S C D • A 2 3 S b D S □ ÜQH'iQfc» S « S I E G ^ > ¡ — Z > 7 '‘ ¿ '• 4 NPN Silicon Planar Transistor _ S I E M E N S 2 N 3019 A K T I E N 6 E S E L L S C H A F - 2 N 3 0 1 9 is an epitaxial N PN silicon planar transistor in TO 3 9 case 5 C 3 D IN 41873 .

    OCR Scan
    A23SbDS Q68000-A627 fl23shas A535bQ5 2N3019 2N3019 200a liu Q68000-A627 transistor buv 90 PDF


    Abstract: tfk 140 3019 npn transistor 554 -1 transistor
    Text: Silizium-NPN-Epitaxial-Planar-Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor Anwendungen: A llgem ein und Verstärker Applications: G eneral and a m plifier Besondere Merkmale: Features: • Hohe Sperrspannung • High reverse voltage • Hohe S trom verstärkung

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2n 3019 transistor 2N 2905a pnp transistor transistor 2N 3020 BSW21 2N 2222 2221-2N 2N2243 BC211 2N2195
    Text: general purpose and fast switching transistor selector guide guide de sélection transistors usage général et commutation rapide 3 a r ^ THOMSON-CSF METAL-CASE/BOITIER METAL Case TO 39 Polarity PIMP NPN ic 12 V PNP NPN 0,6.0,8 A < 0 ,2 A vC E O ^ \^ IS V

    OCR Scan
    BSX52 BSW21 BSW22 BSX51 BSW22 TRANSISTOR BC 313 2n 3019 transistor 2N 2905a pnp transistor transistor 2N 3020 2N 2222 2221-2N 2N2243 BC211 2N2195 PDF


    Abstract: npn 2222 transistor transistor 2n 2222 2907 TRANSISTOR PNP NPN 2904 BSW21 2n 2222 transistor bc 107 transistor BCY 107 2907 pnp transistor
    Text: general purpose and fast switching transistor selector guide guide de sélection transistors usage général et commutation rapide ^ THOMSON-CSF 3 a r M ETAL-CASE/ BOITIER METAL Case TO 39 Polarity PIMP NPN ic PNP NPN 0,6.0,8 A <0,2 A vC EO ^ \^ PNP PNP

    OCR Scan
    BSX52 BSW21 BSW22 BSX51 BSW22 290AL-CASE/BOITIER TRANSISTOR BC 313 npn 2222 transistor transistor 2n 2222 2907 TRANSISTOR PNP NPN 2904 2n 2222 transistor bc 107 transistor BCY 107 2907 pnp transistor PDF

    2222a NPN

    Abstract: 2222 NPN NPN 2N 2219 2222A npn 2907A 2n h 2222a cc 3053 npn 2222 NPN 2904 jedec Package TO-39
    Text: JEDEC TRANSISTORS continued > ~ ir w o > Ui o > a UJ h< cc € X CO ^E c E UJ Ll. < > X CO X CD E _u > _c a. in V) UJ o E o X) o o fT min (MHz) PO LA R IT Y TYPE General purpose amplifiers and switches (»„„„„«u ID 01 II (0 t - LL1 O < CJ < O. @

    OCR Scan

    3055 5C pnp transistor

    Abstract: n3055 2222 NPN 3055 pnp 3055 npn 3055 5c pnp N 2222 N2222 N2905 2N2218
    Text: Switching transistors Continued Maximum ratings Characteristics ' t o t at 'c UC E O A V ^C E sat at V A *FE at / c and ^C E mA V 'o n ns CO (amb = + 4 W s Structure Fig. Nr. 5 Group Type 1q and 7B1: ; B2 mA mA mA 3; 1 2 N 708 NPN 9 0.32 0.2 15 S 0 .4

    OCR Scan
    2N2218 2N2219 3B2DIN41872 3055 5C pnp transistor n3055 2222 NPN 3055 pnp 3055 npn 3055 5c pnp N 2222 N2222 N2905 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P2N3019 CASE 29-03, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AE M A X IM U M R A T IN G S R a tin g Sym bol V a lu e U n it C o lie c t o r - E m it t e r V o lta g e VCEO 80 Vdc C o lle c t o r - B a s e V o lta g e VCBO 120 V dc E m it t e r - B a s e V o lta g e VEBO 7 .0

    OCR Scan
    P2N3019 O-226AE) PDF

    2222 NPN

    Abstract: 2222a NPN 2n h 2222a 2222a 2221A npn 2907A 2N708 2N709 2N753 2369A
    Text: JEDEC TRANSISTORS 2N 706 2N 706A 2N708 2N709 2N 709A 2N 722 2N 743 2N 744 2N753 2N 834 2N 834A 2N 869A 2N 914 2N 995 2N 2205 2N 2218 2N 2218A 2N 2219 2N 2219A 2N 2221 2N 2221A 2N 2222 2N 2222A 2N 2368 2N 2369 2N 2369A 2N 2475 2N 2894 2N 2904 2N 2904A 2N 2905

    OCR Scan
    2N708 2N709 2N753 NPN50 2222 NPN 2222a NPN 2n h 2222a 2222a 2221A npn 2907A 2369A PDF


    Abstract: 2218A 2n h 2222a cc 3053 2N4047 npn 2907A transistor 2N 2297 transistor 3504 npn 2222 NPN
    Text: JEDEC TRANSISTORS continued > o LÜ O > a LU I< oc t/t e X «O e < _u o X SO C E ÜJ Ü. S' < e o > X (O £ +r-e • lA Ui O > ÍT a. X ta £ o o n o o o ir> C-vl II ra h- @ PACKAGE P O L A R IT Y LU a. >1- fT min (MHz) High speed saturated switches f B

    OCR Scan
    T0-18 2219a 2218A 2n h 2222a cc 3053 2N4047 npn 2907A transistor 2N 2297 transistor 3504 npn 2222 NPN PDF

    bc 301 transistor

    Abstract: bc 303 transistor A2N transistor BC 170c transistor TRANSISTOR BC 650 c transistor BSX 82 BC211 transistor TRANSISTOR BC 313 BC211 transistor BC 56
    Text: general purpose and fast switching transistor selector guide guide de sélection transistors usage général et commutation rapide ^ THOMSON-CSF 3 a r METAL-CASE/BOITIER METAL Case TO 39 Polarity PIMP NPN ic PNP NPN 0,6.0,8 A < 0 ,2 A v C E O ^ \^ PNP PNP

    OCR Scan
    BSX52 BSW21 BSW22 BSX51 BSW22 2N706 bc 301 transistor bc 303 transistor A2N transistor BC 170c transistor TRANSISTOR BC 650 c transistor BSX 82 BC211 transistor TRANSISTOR BC 313 BC211 transistor BC 56 PDF

    bc 107 transistor

    Abstract: transistor Bc 540 BC 540 TRANSISTOR 2221-2N 2N 2222 BSX24 BC190 BC 390 Transistor 2907 TRANSISTOR PNP BSV16
    Text: general purpose and fast switching transistor selector guide guide de sélection transistors usage général et commutation rapide 3 a r ^ THOMSON-CSF M ETAL-CASE/ BOITIER M E T A L Case TO 39 Polarity PIMP NPN ic PNP NPN 0,6.0,8 A <0,2 A vC E O ^ \^ PNP

    OCR Scan
    BSX52 BSW21 BSW22 BSX51 BSW22 BSX52 bc 107 transistor transistor Bc 540 BC 540 TRANSISTOR 2221-2N 2N 2222 BSX24 BC190 BC 390 Transistor 2907 TRANSISTOR PNP BSV16 PDF

    BC 2219a

    Abstract: BFX48 transistor 3504 npn 2N3108 2N3109 BFY50 BFY51 BFY56A
    Text: ¿ 7 7 SGS-THOMSON GENERAL PURPOSE & INDUSTRIAL ^ 7# M M I & J O T « ! SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS - TO 39 v CEO V C ER* h FE m in/m ax 3> <C Type mA (V) v CE(sat) m ax Ï ic (mA) (V) Pfot «T min ‘ off* (M H z) (ns) (m W )

    OCR Scan
    BFY51 BFY50 BFY56A BFX48 BC 2219a transistor 3504 npn 2N3108 2N3109 PDF


    Abstract: TIF42C JAPAN transistor TIF41C TIF32C HE9013H transistor EBC 3904 3842P SC2625 BD238 EV
    Text: s * hu tt s o m n iB J U f tic « » * a * B D » o r b d s t » In addition to our own products, we supply the following products in JAPAN. TRANSISTOR, LINEAR 1C ' J M S S M A L L NPN N U M B ER PN P or IVD— SIGNAL TRANSISTORS MAXIMUM R ATIN G S HSM C

    OCR Scan
    BT1815 HMBT1Q15 BT2222A BT2907A HBC807 BC817 BT5087 BT5088 BT8050 BT8550 LB121A TIF42C JAPAN transistor TIF41C TIF32C HE9013H transistor EBC 3904 3842P SC2625 BD238 EV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEW ENGLAND SEMICONDUCTOR SMALL SIGNAL NPN TRANSISTOR TO-5/TO205AD/TO-39 T O -5 TO 205A D t ri T O -3 9 20 @ W ^C m in /m a x D E V IC E su s Ic (m a x ) TYPE VOLTS AM PS @ m A /V 2N 697 40h 0 .8 4 1 0 /1 2 0 @ 150/10 2N 1711 50h 1.0 2N 1613 50h 2N 1893

    OCR Scan
    O-5/TO205AD/TO-39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'JE T> bbSB^l 00E6133 577 2N 3U iy 2N 3020 IAPX SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in TO-39 metal envelopes intended for use as amplifiers and in switching circuits. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Collector-base voltage open emitter

    OCR Scan
    00E6133 2N3019 2N3020 PDF

    tt 2194

    Abstract: LTLS 2n3054 2N5415 2N2243 aa2n BUX54 2N2192 2N2195 2N5416
    Text: metal power transistors O transistors de puissance métalliques Type v CEO •c h21E P to t ! Ic THOMSON-CSF VCE sat 11 / Ib td + tr NPN min PNP (V) (A) max m ax (Al (W) (V) (A) (A) tf ty p * max m ax m ax min M> (us) ip *) (M H z) s w itc llin g tran sisto rs

    OCR Scan
    2N5415 2N5416 tt 2194 LTLS 2n3054 2N2243 aa2n BUX54 2N2192 2N2195 PDF