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    ic 8284

    Abstract: s8204 S6285 S6264 CL 8264
    Text: / i ^ -i ¿ 7 / 0 5 1 5 Am8284/8285 Binary Hexadecimal/BCD Decade Synchronous Up-Down Counters Description: Th e Am 8264 B in a ry H e xadecim al and the Am8285 BC D D ecade S y n ch ro n o u s U p /D o w n C o unters are fu n c tio n a lly , e le c tric a lly , and p in -fo r-p in an e q u iv a ­

    OCR Scan
    Am8284/8285 Am8285 10-339TELEX: 34Advancad ic 8284 s8204 S6285 S6264 CL 8264 PDF