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    Abstract: Viper L2A schematic diagram offline UPS ZO 103 TRIAC PL3150-L10 Wiegand schematic PL3120-E4T10 upc 3842 SCR C103 TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION DATA BOOK
    Text: PL 3120 / PL 3150® Power Line Smart Transceiver Data Book @ ® Ve r s i o n 2 005-0154-01C Echelon, LON, LONWORKS, LonBuilder, NodeBuilder, LonManager, LonTalk, Neuron, LONMARK, 3120, 3150, the Echelon logo, and the LONMARK logo are registered trademarks of Echelon Corporation. LonMaker, LNS, i.LON, ShortStack, and LonSupport are trademarks of

    005-0154-01C S23-S29, VIPER L2A RoHS Viper L2A schematic diagram offline UPS ZO 103 TRIAC PL3150-L10 Wiegand schematic PL3120-E4T10 upc 3842 SCR C103 TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION DATA BOOK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES APPLICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance Peak, AC voltage 50/60 Hz Dissipation Factor (MAX) 25°C Insulation Resistance @25°C (<70% RH)for 1 minute at 100VDC applied Load Life Damp Heat test Self Inductance Capacitance Drift Factor

    100VDC 104MWS252KO 682MWS632KO 104MWS402KN 682MWS103KT 154MWS252KO 103MWS402KG 17x29 154MWS402KN 103MWS632KO PDF

    BHC ALS 20a

    Abstract: BHC Aerovox BHC Aerovox ALS10 BHC ALS capacitor ALS29 ALS21 aerovox bhc alp 20a BHC Aerovox ALP20 aerovox application notes TD003 BHC AEROVOX ALC20
    Text: INDEX REFERENCE DATA Quick reference guide to Product Range . 2 TECHNICAL DATA Capacitor Construction . 3 Manufacturing Process . 4 Electrical Characteristics . 5-7

    ALS20/21 ALS27/29 ALS30/31 ALS40/41 ALS60/61 BHC ALS 20a BHC Aerovox BHC Aerovox ALS10 BHC ALS capacitor ALS29 ALS21 aerovox bhc alp 20a BHC Aerovox ALP20 aerovox application notes TD003 BHC AEROVOX ALC20 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION DATA BOOK PL3120-E4T10 PL3150-L10 EXL-165S IC A 3120 lm25XX power line carrier communication PL3120 schematic diagram offline UPS
    Text: ® PL 3120 /PL 3150 Power Line Smart Transceiver Data Book Version 1.1 @echelon Corporation 005-0154-01 Echelon, LON, LONWORKS, LonBuilder, NodeBuilder, LonManager, LonTalk, Neuron, LONMARK, 3120, 3150, the Echelon logo, and the LONMARK logo are registered trademarks of Echelon Corporation. LonMaker,



    Abstract: 152MWS103KT 222MWS103KT
    Text: Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors for High Voltage Applications MWS • High Voltage • Voltage Multipliers -55˚C to +105˚C Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage +/- 10% at 1kHz, 20˚C VDC 2500 4000 6300 10000 VAC 500 750 1000

    100VDC 10kHz 682MWS632KO 104MWS402KN 682MWS103KT 154MWS252KO 103MWS252KG 11x29 154MWS402KN 103MWS402KG UL510 152MWS103KT 222MWS103KT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors for High Voltage Applications MWS • High Voltage • Voltage Multipliers -55˚C to +105˚C Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage +/- 10% at 1kHz, 20˚C VDC 2500 4000 6300 10000 VAC 500 750 1000

    100VDC 10kHz 104MWS252KO 682MWS632KO 104MWS402KN 682MWS103KT 154MWS252KO 103MWS402KG 17x29 154MWS402KN PDF


    Abstract: ALS29 BHC ALS27 BHC ALS20 capacitor ALS33 bhc capacitor als31 ALS2-A222NP400 102KD20 ALS3-151DA450 aerovox capacitor 400V
    Text: 15 ALS20/21 SERIES Screw Terminals - Plain and Stud Mountings This range of professional grade components offers Capacitance range . 68µF to 330,000µF high levels of reliability and performance with Capacitance tolerance . -10% +50%

    ALS20/21 140mm ALS20 ALS21 103KF063 ALS6--153MF063 ALS6--223NF063 ALS6--333NP063 36x52 ALS20 ALS29 BHC ALS27 BHC ALS20 capacitor ALS33 bhc capacitor als31 ALS2-A222NP400 102KD20 ALS3-151DA450 aerovox capacitor 400V PDF


    Abstract: PL3120-E4T10 PL3120 ALL TYPE IC DATA AND manual substitution BOOK PL3150 echelon 3120 Echelon MiniGizmo Board 48VPk 47CFR15 PL-20N
    Text: @ECHELON PL DSK 2.1 Power Line Smart Transceiver Development Support Kit User’s Guide 078-0297-01C Echelon, 3120, 3150, NodeBuilder and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or

    078-0297-01C 47CFR15 PL3150-L10 PL3120-E4T10 PL3120 ALL TYPE IC DATA AND manual substitution BOOK PL3150 echelon 3120 Echelon MiniGizmo Board 48VPk PL-20N PDF

    7400 nand gate Fan Out

    Abstract: MCC5411 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F MCC7411
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    s51x60 MCC7473 MCC5473 66x66 MCC7474 MCC5474 65x62 MCC7476 MCC5476 71x65 7400 nand gate Fan Out MCC5411 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F MCC7411 PDF


    Abstract: MCC7423 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F 7400 nand gate Fan Out
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    s71x65 MCC7479 MCC5479 65x62 MCC74107 MCC54107 69x63 MCC5400/7400 MCC7430/MCC5430 34x35 MCC5411 MCC7423 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F 7400 nand gate Fan Out PDF


    Abstract: MCC2018 MCC2162 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    50x52 MCC2073 MCC2173 59x66 MCC2074 MCC2174 MCC2075 MCC2175 56x66 MCC2012 MCC2018 MCC2162 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F master slave jk flip flop 7400 family
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    51x60 MCC7473 MCC5473 66x66 MCC7474 MCC5474 65x62 MCC7476 MCC5476 71x65 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F master slave jk flip flop 7400 family PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o torola now offers a very broad selection o f linear integrated circu it chips. Am ong th e types o f circuits w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    38x40 MCC7460 MCC5460 36x49 MCC7470 MCC5470 56x60 MCC7472 MCC5472 51x60 MCC5401 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F PDF

    AOI gate d flip flop

    Abstract: 2tj transistor suhl 35x42 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    56x66 MCC2076 MCC2176 MCC2078 MCC2178 MCC2000/2050/2100/2150 MCC2023/MCC2073/MCC2123/MCC2173 MCC2024/MCC2074/MCC2124/MCC2174 AOI gate d flip flop 2tj transistor suhl 35x42 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 21 ALS27/29 SERIES Screw Terminals - Plain and Stud Mountings This range of professional grade components offers high Capacitance ra n g e . 68pF to 470,000yF levels of reliability and performance with outstanding Capacitance tolerance.

    OCR Scan
    ALS27/29 000yF 146mm dimension2200 36x43 36x62 36x82 51x62 51x82 51x115 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    53x61 MCC2068 MCC2168 50x52 MCC2073 MCC2173 59x66 MCC2074 MCC2174 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    s0x52 MCC2073 MCC2173 59x66 MCC2074 MCC2174 MCC2075 MCC2175 56x66 MCC2018 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    59x66 MCC2075 MCC2175 56x66 MCC2076 MCC2176 MCC2078 MCC2178 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF

    7400 chip 112

    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F 2AW DC nand 7400
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    36x49 MCC7470 MCC5470 56x60 MCC7472 MCC5472 51x60 MCC7473 MCC5473 66x66 7400 chip 112 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F 2AW DC nand 7400 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    65x62 MCC7476 MCC5476 71x65 MCC7479 MCC5479 MCC74107 MCC54107 69x63 MCC5400 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    MCC2055 MCC2155 34x38 MCC2056 MCC2156 36x38 MCC2057 MCC2157 44x45 MCC2061 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF

    7400 QUAD NAND

    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F
    Text: LIN E A R IN TEG RA TED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. A m o n g the types of circuits w hich com pose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational A m plifiers

    OCR Scan
    66x66 MCC7474 MCC5474 65x62 MCC7476 MCC5476 71x65 MCC7479 MCC5479 7400 QUAD NAND MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC5400 MCC5400F MCC7400 MCC7400F PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 suhl 35x42
    Text: L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    sC2173 59x66 MCC2074 MCC2174 MCC2075 MCC2175 56x66 MCC2076 MCC2176 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 suhl 35x42 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100
    Text: L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    59x66 MCC2075 MCC2175 56x66 MCC2076 MCC2176 MCC2078 MCC2178 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC2000 MCC2001 MCC2100 PDF