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    39C60B Search Results

    39C60B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IME D INTEGRATED DEVICE • 4Ö2S771 0003^22 1 ■ 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT MICROSLICE PRODUCT FEATURES: • • ■ T -¥ £ -/7 Pin-compatible to all versions of the 2960 • Military product available compliant to MIL-STD-883, Class B

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    2S771 16-BIT MIL-STD-883, 100mA IDT39C60 39C60-1 39C60A 39C60B IDT39C60A: IDT39C60B: PDF

    7 bit hamming code

    Abstract: IDT39C60 4 bit parity generator using gates AMD2960 IDT39C60B 39C60 hamming code cd 4847 dl411 IDT74FCT244
    Text: 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A 39C60B FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • The IDT39C60 family are high-speed, low-power, 16-bit Error Detection and Correction Units which generate check­

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    16-BIT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A IDT39C60B IDT39C60B: IDT39C60A: IDT39C60-1: IDT39C60: 7 bit hamming code 4 bit parity generator using gates AMD2960 39C60 hamming code cd 4847 dl411 IDT74FCT244 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE 3flE D Q *4025771 QOOSGSa 2 S I D T r- HS-17 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT FEATURES IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A 39C60B • Standard Military Drawing #5962-88613 available for this function • Low-power CEMOS — Military: 100mA max.

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    HS-17 16-BIT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A IDT39C60B 100mA IDT39C60B: IDT39C60A: IDT39C60: PDF


    Abstract: 2595D IDT39C60B IDT39C60 AM01B IDT39C60A
    Text: INTEGRATED DEVICE SflE D 4025771 QGl[H3fl 034 • IDT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A 39C60B 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT FEATURES • Standard Military Drawing #5962-88613 available for this function • Low-power CEMOS — Military: 100mA max.

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    IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A IDT39C60B 16-BIT 100mA IDT39C60B: IDT39C60A: T39C60-1: IDT39C60: AMD2960 2595D IDT39C60B AM01B PDF


    Abstract: 39c60
    Text: 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A 39C60B FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • T h e ID T 3 9C 60 fa m ily are h igh -spe ed, lo w -p ow er, 16-bit E rror D ete ction and C o rre ctio n U nits w h ic h g e n e ra te che ckbits on a 16-bit d a ta fie ld a cco rd in g to a m o d ifie d H am m ing

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    16-BIT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A IDT39C60B IDT39C60M/A/B MIL-STD-883, 39c60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT FEATURES IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A 39C60B • Standard Military Drawing #5962-88613 available for this function • Low-power CEMOS — Military: 100mA max. — Commercial: 85mA (max.) • Fast — Da1a in to Error Delect

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    16-BIT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A IDT39C60B 100mA IDT39C60B: IDT39C60A: T39C60-1: IDT39C60: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16-BIT CMOS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION UNIT Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A 39C60B FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • The IDT39C60 family are high-speed, low-power, 16-bit Error Detection and Correction Units which generate checkbits on a 16-bit data field according to a m odified Hamming

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    16-BIT IDT39C60 IDT39C60-1 IDT39C60A IDT39C60B IDT39C60 16-bit IDT39C60S PDF