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    3S12R0H Search Results

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    Abstract: BSV3 3S12R
    Text: Bellnix High-Speed Response, POL DC-DC Converter U lt r a Small S iz e , Able to d r iv e the La te s t D ig it a l LSI with High-Speed Load Response/ N E W I RoHS BSV-H Series Bellnix HCompliance High-Speed Response POL DC-DC C onverter/BSV-H Series High-Speed Response, POL Converter

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    SS12R0H 3S12R0H 22yiF BSV-3.3S12R0H BSV3 3S12R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ultra High Efficiency 93% High-Speed Response, Step-Down DC-DC Converter Beilnix BSV-H Series BSV-H series is a small size 27,0x16.5x4.2mm size and light weight (3.1g) step-down converter, which has achieved 39.6W. Since it can correspond from ultra low output voltage of 0.8V, it can be used for the latest DSP, ASIC applications. Due to high efficiency and high-speed

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    5x27mm BDD20051014-051005 bsv-3.3s12r0h PDF