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    4 BIT BINARY DECODER Search Results

    4 BIT BINARY DECODER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, SOIC16, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CD4028BKMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS BCD-To-Decimal Decoder Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CD4555BDMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Dual Binary to 1 of 4 Decoder/Demultiplexer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    4 BIT BINARY DECODER Datasheets Context Search

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    7 segment display 6011

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM87P04 4 Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TM87P04 is is an EPROM embedded high-performance 4-bit micro controller with LCD driver. FEATURE 1. Powerful instruction set 100 instructions . z Binary addition, subtraction, BCD adjusts, logical operation in direct and index

    TM87P04 TM87P04 7 segment display 6011 PDF


    Abstract: crystal 3.579545MHZ dtmf dialer 14-DIP-300 KS58015 KS58015D KS58015N
    Text: KS58015 DTMF DIALER FOR BINARY DATA-IN INTRODUCTION 14-DIP-300 The KS58015 is a DTMF dialer for 4 bit binary data input from microprocessor. When the tone enable input low, the oscillator is inhibited and the device is in a low power consumption at standby mode.

    KS58015 14-DIP-300 KS58015 14-SOP-225B 579545MHz) 14-SOP-225B crystal 3.579545MHZ dtmf dialer 14-DIP-300 KS58015D KS58015N PDF

    dtmf dialer

    Abstract: 14-SOP-225B DTMF DEcoder FREQUENCY datasheets tone Dialer S5T0167 S5T0167X01-D0B0 S5T0167X01-S0B0 94-1 transistor
    Text: DTMF DIALER FOR BINARY DATA-IN S5T0167 INTRODUCTION 14−DIP−300 The S5T0167 is a DTMF dialer for 4 bit binary data input from the microprocessor. When the tone enable input is low, the oscillator is inhibited and the device is in a low power consumption at standby

    S5T0167 14-DIP-300 S5T0167 14-SOP-225B 579545MHz) dtmf dialer 14-SOP-225B DTMF DEcoder FREQUENCY datasheets tone Dialer S5T0167X01-D0B0 S5T0167X01-S0B0 94-1 transistor PDF

    tone Dialer

    Abstract: 14-SOP-225B S5T0167 S5T0167X01-D0B0 S5T0167X01-S0B0 94-1 transistor
    Text: DTMF DIALER FOR BINARY DATA-IN S5T0167 INTRODUCTION 14−DIP−300 The S5T0167 is a DTMF dialer for 4 bit binary data input from the microprocessor. When the tone enable input is low, the oscillator is inhibited and the device is in a low power consumption at standby

    S5T0167 14-DIP-300 S5T0167 14-SOP-225B 579545MHz) tone Dialer 14-SOP-225B S5T0167X01-D0B0 S5T0167X01-S0B0 94-1 transistor PDF


    Abstract: CD4028BC CD4028BCM CD4028BCN M16A MS-001 N16E
    Text: Revised January 1999 CD4028BC BCD-to-Decimal Decoder General Description Features The CD4028BC is a BCD-to-decimal or binary-to-octal decoder consisting of 4 inputs, decoding logic gates, and 10 output buffers. A BCD code applied to the 4 inputs, A, B, C, and D, results in a high level at the selected 1-of-10 decimal decoded outputs. Similarly, a 3-bit binary code applied

    CD4028BC CD4028BC 1-of-10 74LS CD4028BCM CD4028BCN M16A MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: Fairchild bcd to decimal 74LS CD4028BCM CD4028BCN M16A MS-001 N16E
    Text: Revised March 2002 CD4028BC BCD-to-Decimal Decoder General Description Features The CD4028BC is a BCD-to-decimal or binary-to-octal decoder consisting of 4 inputs, decoding logic gates, and 10 output buffers. A BCD code applied to the 4 inputs, A, B, C, and D, results in a high level at the selected 1-of-10 decimal decoded outputs. Similarly, a 3-bit binary code applied

    CD4028BC CD4028BC 1-of-10 Fairchild bcd to decimal 74LS CD4028BCM CD4028BCN M16A MS-001 N16E PDF

    ph10 led display 16 x 32

    Abstract: TM2X opa 6111 LED IR RX MTU428 COUNTER LED bcd
    Text: MYSON TECHNOLOGY MTU428 Preliminary 4-Bit Micro-Controller with LCD Driver FEATURES (1) Low power dissipation. (2) Powerful instruction set (148 instructions): • Binary addition, subtraction, BCD adjustment, logical operation in direct addressing mode and index

    MTU428 MTU428 ph10 led display 16 x 32 TM2X opa 6111 LED IR RX COUNTER LED bcd PDF


    Abstract: hexadecimal display Binary to hexadecimal display driver TIL311 equivalent application til311 D1176 SODS001D hexadecimal led display driver TEXAS 16 PIN led display hexadecimal driver
    Text: TIL311 HEXADECIMAL DISPLAY WITH LOGIC SOLID-STATE HEXADECIMAL DISPLAY WITH INTEGRAL TTL CIRCUIT TO ACCEPT, STORE, AND DISPLAY 4-BIT BINARY DATA 7,62-mm 0.300-Inch Character Height Internal TTL MSI Chip With Latch, Decoder, and Driver High Brightness Operates from 5-V Supply

    TIL311 62-mm 300-Inch) TIL311 ODS001D D1176, hexadecimal display Binary to hexadecimal display driver TIL311 equivalent application til311 D1176 SODS001D hexadecimal led display driver TEXAS 16 PIN led display hexadecimal driver PDF


    Abstract: MC10216 MC10194 MC10170 MC10171 MC10172 MC10173 MC10175 MC10176 MC10178
    Text: Function 9 — 2-Bit Parity Generator-Checker Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder Low Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder (High) Quad 2-Input Multiplexer/Latch Dual 4 to 1 Multiplexer Q uint Latch Hex " D " Master-Slave Flip-Flop Triple M E C L to N M O S Translator Binary Counter

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    MC3461 MC10177 MC10177 MC10216 MC10194 MC10170 MC10171 MC10172 MC10173 MC10175 MC10176 MC10178 PDF

    decoder Ic demultiplexer

    Abstract: M74LS155P m74ls156p
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS156P DUAL 2 -B IT BINARY TO 4-LINE DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER W ITH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M74LS156P is a semiconductor integrated circuit containing two 2-bit binary to 4-line decoders/demulti­

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    M74LS156P M74LS156P 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN decoder Ic demultiplexer M74LS155P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M 74LS1SSP DUAL 2 -B IT BINARY TO 4-LIN E DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER W ITH STROBE DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M74LS155P is a semiconductor integrated circuit containing two 2-bit binary to 4-line decoders/demulti­ plexers. IE , _

    OCR Scan
    74LS1SSP M74LS155P b2LHfl27 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN PDF

    8 bit binary to 7 segment

    Abstract: 4 DIGIT DECADE COUNTER 4 digit 7 segment decoder 6-DIGIT DECADE COUNTER 4 bcd digit counter TC5054 TC5032 TC5051 HIGH FREQUENCY DECADE COUNTER BCD counter

    OCR Scan
    TC40103B TC40107B TC40117B TC40161B TC40163B TC40174B TC40175B TC40192B TC40193B TC4502B 8 bit binary to 7 segment 4 DIGIT DECADE COUNTER 4 digit 7 segment decoder 6-DIGIT DECADE COUNTER 4 bcd digit counter TC5054 TC5032 TC5051 HIGH FREQUENCY DECADE COUNTER BCD counter PDF


    Abstract: 4020 divider 74C48 4013 divider 74C151 74c74 74C42 74C107 74c157 HD-74C151
    Text: FUNCTIONAL CROSS REFERENCE OF HD-4000 SE R IES AND HD-54C/74C SERIES ARITH M ETIC FUNCTIONS Four-Bit Binary Full Adder Four-Bit Magnitude Com parator 4000 SE R IE S 54C/74C* SE R IE S H D -4 0 0 8 H D -74 C 8 3 H D -7 4 C 8 5 COUNTERS 7 Stage Binary 12 Stage Ripple-Carry Binary

    OCR Scan
    HD-4000 HD-54C/74C 54C/74C* HD-4008 HD-74C83 HD-74C85 HD-4024 HD-4040 HD-4020 HD-4017 74c83 4020 divider 74C48 4013 divider 74C151 74c74 74C42 74C107 74c157 HD-74C151 PDF


    Abstract: 20-PIN M74LS155P
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS156P DUAL 2 -B IT BINARY TO 4-LINE DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER W ITH OPEN COLLECTOR OUTPUT DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M 74L S 15 6P is containing tw o a semiconductor integrated circuit 2-bit binary to 4-line decoders/dem ulti­

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    M74LS156P M74LS156P 16-PIN 20-PIN M74LS155P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS42 DN74LS42 BCD to Decimal Decoders • Description P -2 D N 7 4 L S 4 2 is a binary-coded decim al to decim al decoder. ■ Features • During invalid in p u t, all inp uts b eco m e HIGH • A lso can be used as 3-bit binary to octal decoder

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    DN74LS DN74LS42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hyòfid Syskofris |~|0 33806 Multiplying, Voltage Output, fxP Compatible 12-Bit DAC FEATURES • 2- and 4-Quadrant Multiplying ■ Coding: Binary; Offset Binary ■ Linearity: ±0.01% ■ Settling Time: 2.5/uS ■ juP Compatible ■ 28-Pin Package ■ CMOS, T T L Compatible

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 28-Pin PDF


    Abstract: 56S7
    Text: TV Circuits LM1017 National Semiconductor LM1017 4-Bit Binary 7-Segment Decoder/Driver General Description Features A dire ct replacem ent fo r S N 2 9 7 6 4 bu t w ith 12V supply ca p a b ility The L M 1 0 1 7 is a m o n o lith ic IC w hich decodes 4-bit

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    LM1017 LM1017 56S7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS155 DN74LS155 Dual 2 -lin e to 4 -lin e Decoders / Demultiplexers • Description P-2 DN74LS155 contains two 2-bit binary to quarternary decoder/demultiplexer circuits. ■ Features • Low output impedance • Enable inputs • Capability for composition o f 8-bit output decoder/

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    DN74LS DN74LS155 DN74LS155 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: DM8123 97C11
    Text: DATA ACQUISITION HANDBOOK DATA ACQUISITION HANDBOOK NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR TABLE OF CONTENTS/INDEX Data Sh eets By Function Analog-to-Digital Converters 9 ADB1200 12-Bit Binary A/D Building Block 11 ADB4500 4-1/2 Digit AID Building Block 19 ADC0800 8-Bit AID Converter

    OCR Scan
    ADB1200 12-Bit ADB4500 ADC0800 ADC0816/ADC0817 ADC1210/ADC1211 ADC3511/ADC3711 ADD2500 ADD3500 LF352 DM8123 97C11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS156 DN74LS156 Dual 2-line to 4-line Decoders / Demultiplexers with Open Colector Outputs • Description P-2 DN74LS156 contains two 2-bit binary to quarternary decoder/demultiplexer circuits with open collector outputs. ■ Features

    OCR Scan
    DN74LS DN74LS156 DN74LS156 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: M74LSI38P demultiplexer demultiplexer ic 20-PIN pin diagram 14 demultiplexer binary decorder decorder 3 line to 8 line
    Text: DESCRIPTION The M74LS138P is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW consisting o f a 3-bit binary-octal decoder/dem ultiplexer w ith enable inputs. FEATURES • 3 classes o f enable inputs • 4 to 16 decorder/dem ultiplexer functions are provided

    OCR Scan
    M74LS138P M74LS138P 16-PIN 20-PIN M74LSI38P demultiplexer demultiplexer ic pin diagram 14 demultiplexer binary decorder decorder 3 line to 8 line PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS139 DN74LS139 Dual 2 -lin e to 4 -lin e Decoders / Demultiplexers H Description P -2 D N 74LS139 contains tw o 2-bit binary to quaternary de­ coder/dem ultiplexer circuits, each w ith independent enable input term inals. • Features

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    DN74LS DN74LS139 74LS139 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS155 DN74LS155 Dual 2 -lin e to 4 -lin e D e c o d e r s / Demultiplexers P-2 • Description DN74LS155 contains two 2-bit binary to quarternary decoder/demultiplexer circuits. ■ Features • Low output impedance • Enable inputs

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    DN74LS DN74LS155 16-pin SO-16D) 03-line PDF


    Abstract: MA161
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS155 DN74LS155 Dual 2 -lin e to 4 -lin e D e c o d e r s / Demultiplexers P-2 • Description DN74LS155 contains two 2-bit binary to quarternary decoder/demultiplexer circuits. ■ Features • Low output impedance • Enable inputs

    OCR Scan
    DN74LS DN74LS155 DN74LS155 16-pin SO-16D) 03-line MA161 PDF