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    4000 SERIES CMOS LOGIC GATE Search Results

    4000 SERIES CMOS LOGIC GATE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4001BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, 2-Input/AND, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC08D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, 2-Input/AND, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC4011BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, 2-Input/NAND, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC4093BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, 2-Input/NAND, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC74HC08AP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Quad 2-Input/AND, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    4000 SERIES CMOS LOGIC GATE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: atmel 424 actel a10v20b fpga da altera Actel Accelerator fpga XC4005E/XC4005 EPM5130 06M7374 Atmel 224 atmel 55000
    Text: CMOS ASIC Converting FPGAs and PLDs to Atmel Gate Arrays Introduction Atmel is one of the only companies that designs and manufactures field programmable gate arrays FPGAs , programmable logic devices (PLDs) and high performance gate arrays. Atmel offers a seamless, direct conversion

    ATL50/4 ATV2500 ATLS60/80 ATL60/4 ATV5000 ATL60/15 ACTEL CROSS REFERENCE atmel 424 actel a10v20b fpga da altera Actel Accelerator fpga XC4005E/XC4005 EPM5130 06M7374 Atmel 224 atmel 55000 PDF

    cypress fpga

    Abstract: atmel 550 epm7064s cross reference XC3042A pinout epm7064 cross reference xilinx XC6216 Actel Accelerator fpga XC7336 cross reference XC4005E PHYSICAL altera PLD cross reference
    Text: CMOS ASIC Converting FPGAs and PLDs to Atmel Gate Arrays Introduction Atmel is one of the only companies that designs and manufactures field programmable gate arrays FPGAs , programmable logic devices (PLDs) and high performance gate arrays. Atmel offers a seamless, direct conversion

    ATL50/4 ATLS60/80 ATL60/4 ATV5000 ATL60/15 ATL50/15 cypress fpga atmel 550 epm7064s cross reference XC3042A pinout epm7064 cross reference xilinx XC6216 Actel Accelerator fpga XC7336 cross reference XC4005E PHYSICAL altera PLD cross reference PDF

    pierce crystal oscillator

    Abstract: Nand gate Crystal Oscillator CMOS 4000 Series family 4000 series logic gate
    Text: AND8053/D Designing Crystal Oscillators with Modern CMOS Gates Prepared by: Fred Zlotnick Applications Manager APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION Theory of operation: in nearly all cases, using a gate as an oscillator entails causing the gate to go into class “A” or biased

    AND8053/D AND8053/D pierce crystal oscillator Nand gate Crystal Oscillator CMOS 4000 Series family 4000 series logic gate PDF

    7400 series CMOS Logic ICs

    Abstract: 1GT66 7400 TTL 1GU04 TTL 2 input 7400 with one input at constant 1 propagation delay SIGNAL PATH DESIGNER IC TTL 7400 free the pin function of ic 7400
    Text: AND8018/D Unique and Novel Uses for ON Semiconductor's New One-Gate Family Prepared By: Fred Zlotnick, Strategic Marketing Jess Diaz, Market Development Standard Logic Business Unit APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION an infrastructure to support rapid design of moderate sized

    AND8018/D 13mm2 7400 series CMOS Logic ICs 1GT66 7400 TTL 1GU04 TTL 2 input 7400 with one input at constant 1 propagation delay SIGNAL PATH DESIGNER IC TTL 7400 free the pin function of ic 7400 PDF


    Abstract: 4000 CMOS 4000L PF100 PF144
    Text: QL16x24BL Wild Cat 4000L Low Power 3.3 Volt Operation, 4K Gate FPGA 2 High Speed – ViaLinkTM metal-to-metal programmable–via antifuse technology, allows counter speeds over 80 MHz at 3.3 Volt operation. 5V Tolerant I/Os – Support interface to 5 Volt CMOS, NMOS and

    QL16x24BL 4000L 16-by-24 84pin 100-pin 144-pin QL16x24B 16x24BL PF144 84-pin PL84 4000 CMOS 4000L PF100 PDF


    Abstract: 74HC74 74HCT-Logic 80C31HB 27C2M EPROM 27C256 interface hardware 74HC cmos family spec
    Text: CHAPTER 7 80C51 Family Designing with the 80C51BH CMOS EVOLVES The original CMOS logic families were the 4000-series and the 74C-series circuits. The 74C-series circuits are functional equivalents to the correspondingly numbered 74-series TTL circuits, but have CMOS logic levels and

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    80C51 80C51BH 4000-series 74C-series 74-series 60c31 74HC74 74HCT-Logic 80C31HB 27C2M EPROM 27C256 interface hardware 74HC cmos family spec PDF

    "16x4 bit RAM"

    Abstract: 35970X F34001PC F34011PC 36M0 F34013PC 4000 series Cmos logic gate F34011 conventional cmos 36001D
    Text: Fairchild Sem iconductors Sem iconductors Integrated Circuits - Digital CMOS 34000 Series CMOS GENERAL DESCRIPTION Fairchild CMOS lo gic com bines the popular 4000 series fun ctions w ith the advanced isoplanar C process. The result is a logic fam ily w ith a superior

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    Is089PC 36009K F340097PC 36M0B F340098PC 3601IX F340160PC 36012R F340161PC F340162PC "16x4 bit RAM" 35970X F34001PC F34011PC 36M0 F34013PC 4000 series Cmos logic gate F34011 conventional cmos 36001D PDF


    Abstract: cd74hct192e C074HC377E CD74HC40S1E C074HC132E CD74HCT4017E CD74HC643E C074HC174E CD74HCT563e rca CD54HCT4094F
    Text: The QMOS Product Line RCA also offers the QM OS series of high-speed CMOS logic integrated circuits which include an extensive line of products that are pin compatible with many existing bipolar 54/74LSTTL and CM OS 4000 series of digital logic types. The new QM OS IC ’s provide high-speed

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    54/74LSTTL 74/54H CD74HCT4051E CD54HCT4051F CO74HCT4062E CD54HCT4052F CD74HCT4053E CD54HCT4053F CD74HCT406QE CD54HCT4060F CD74HC4063E cd74hct192e C074HC377E CD74HC40S1E C074HC132E CD74HCT4017E CD74HC643E C074HC174E CD74HCT563e rca CD54HCT4094F PDF

    4000 series CMOS IC

    Abstract: rca cmos 4000 CMOS 4000 Series family 4000 SERIES cmos logic data logic Ic 74
    Text: RCA High-Speed CMOS Logic Integrated Circuits The RC A H C /H C T series o f high -spe ed C M O S lo g ic in te ­ grated c irc u its in clu d e an extensive line of products that are pin c o m p a tib le w ith many e xisting b ip o la r 54/74 LS TTL and C M O S 4000 series of d ig ita l lo g ic types. The new H C /H C T

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    SSD-290C) 4000 series CMOS IC rca cmos 4000 CMOS 4000 Series family 4000 SERIES cmos logic data logic Ic 74 PDF

    ferranti array

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MH SERIES FERRANTI INTERDESIGN, INC. HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON GATE CMOS ARRAYS FEATURES • Oxide Isolated Polysilicon Gate CM OS Technology. • 3V to 15V Specified Operating Voltage. • Operation up to 40MHz at 15V, 15MHz at 5V. • 8 Arrays Ranging from 70 to 1600 Two Input

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    40MHz 15MHz ferranti array PDF

    cmos 4000 series

    Abstract: mhb 4011 cmos 4016 transistor 2248 CMOS 4024 with truth table working of IC 4017 MH 7400 4017-DECADE COUNTER mhb 4013 MHB 4012
    Text: - ¿V 'V â - -—• c^ö ö 0 0 5388 FERRANTI INTERDESIGN, INC. . " . H I ^^M ffS E R IE S HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON GATE CMOS ARRAYS FEATURES • Oxide Isolated Polysilicon Gate CM OS Technology. • 3V to 15V Specified Operating Voltage. • Operation up to 40MHz at 15V, 15M Hz at 5V.

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    40MHz 15MHz cmos 4000 series mhb 4011 cmos 4016 transistor 2248 CMOS 4024 with truth table working of IC 4017 MH 7400 4017-DECADE COUNTER mhb 4013 MHB 4012 PDF

    4000 series CMOS Logic levels 18 - 24v

    Abstract: PVAPOX
    Text: GENERAL AND APPLICATION INFORMATION INTRODUCING HS-C2 MOS High Speed The rapid advances recently m ade in silicon-gate CM OS technology have lead to the introduction of a logic fam ily that sets new and much higher stand­ ards of performance. This fam ily called HS-C2MOS*, exhibits a greatly

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    4000B 4000 series CMOS Logic levels 18 - 24v PVAPOX PDF


    Abstract: cmos switch Signal path designer DG3xx
    Text: CT*Siliconix in c o r p o r a te d ANALOG SWITCHES AND MULTIPLEXERS Introduction Siliconix is the world's leading supplier of high performance, precision solid-state analog switches and multiplexers. Through the Implementation of state-of-the-art technologies Metal-Gate CMOS, High-Voltage Sllicon-Gate CMOS, and

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    Abstract: dash-1 20998 alu 74181 AM722 amd 2901 alu AM700 A31A MUX21L
    Text: ADV MICRO P LA /P LE /A RRAY S 7 b ]>Ë| Q 2 5 7 5 5 L i G G B G ' m 0257526 ADV M I C R O PL A/ P L E / A R R AY S □ |T 76C 20991 Am7000 Series" T-42-11-09 Silicon-Gate HCMOS Logic Arrays PRELIMINARY > 3 » DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS o Silicon-gate 2.0-micron drawn HCMOS technology

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    Am7000 T-42-11-09 AIS-WCP-12 5M-2/86-0 dash-1 20998 alu 74181 AM722 amd 2901 alu AM700 A31A MUX21L PDF

    fairchild military nand gates

    Abstract: 7400 fan-out cmos
    Text: O T National ÆjA Semiconductor F G C Series Advanced 2-Micron C M O S Gate Array Family Description Array Organization The FGC Series is an advanced, high performance CMOS gate array fam ily designed for LSI implementation of existing discrete logic systems

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    FGC6000 fairchild military nand gates 7400 fan-out cmos PDF

    LSI Product Selector Guide

    Abstract: lsi logic arrays
    Text: LSI LOGIC LL7000 Series Sicon-Gate HCMOS logic Arrays Features LSI Logic Corporation 1551 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA 95035 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 The LL7000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI Logic Corporation exhibits bipolar speeds, while at the same time, offers low power consump­

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    LL7000 LSI Product Selector Guide lsi logic arrays PDF

    IC 74181 application note

    Abstract: cmos logic 7400 series JND03 4ar1
    Text: RAYTHEON/ S E M I CONDUCTOR H E D | ? S c173t.Q Preliminary Product Specifications Configurable Gate Arrays Features • Ultra low power dissipation — 8.0 ¿uW/gate/MHz typical in core cells ■ Silicon-gate 1.0/i ¡-e ffe c tiv e HCMOS technology ■ Speeds higher than 74AS TTL — 0.53 nS for a

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    RL1000 JMX02) 16-Bit IC 74181 application note cmos logic 7400 series JND03 4ar1 PDF

    ALU IC 74181

    Abstract: ALU IC 74181 FUNCTION TABLE IC 74181 BTS18 ALU IC 74181 circuit IC 74181 alu 8 bit barrel shifter 7400 fan-out IC 7400 truth table IC 7400 nand gate
    Text: 7- c o r p o r a t io n c . _ Silicon-Gate L L 5 0 0 0 S e r ie s Loaic Arrays O u ^ •J00941 C -S L- r , General The LL5000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI LOGIC CORPORATION exhibits bipolar speeds, while at the same time, offers low power

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    LL5000 J00941 32-Bit 16-Bit 12x12 ALU IC 74181 ALU IC 74181 FUNCTION TABLE IC 74181 BTS18 ALU IC 74181 circuit IC 74181 alu 8 bit barrel shifter 7400 fan-out IC 7400 truth table IC 7400 nand gate PDF

    CMOS 4000 Logic Family

    Abstract: MN74HC4075 MN74HC4075S CMOS 4000 4000 series Cmos logic gate
    Text: High-Speed CMOS Logic MN74HC Series m N 74H C 4075/ aaN74HC4075S MN74HC4075 MN74HC4075S Triple 3-Input OR Gates • P-1 Description MN74HC4075/MN74HC4075S contain three 3 -input positive isolation OR gate circuits. Adoption o f a silicon gate CMOS process has resulted in low

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    MN74HC mN74HC4075/mn74HC4075S MN74HC4075/ MN74HC4075S MN74HC4075/MN74HC4075S 10-inputs CMOS 4000 Logic Family MN74HC4075 MN74HC4075S CMOS 4000 4000 series Cmos logic gate PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High-Speed CMOS Logic MN74HC Series m N74HC4078/m N 74HC4078S MN74HC4078/MN74HC4078S 8-Input NOR Gate • Description p-1 MN74HC4078/MN74HC4078S contain 8-input positive isolation N O R gate circuits. Adoption of a silicon gate CMOS process has resulted in low

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    MN74HC N74HC4078/m 74HC4078S MN74HC4078/MN74HC4078S MN74HC4078/MN74HC4078S 10-inputs 14-pin DDA005 PDF


    Abstract: 7400 series logic gates IC TTL 7400 quiescent power
    Text: L S I L OGI C CORP TO D E | S3D4ÖD4 0 DQ D Ö 7 0 7 | ' 90D 00870 LSI Logic Corporation 1551 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA 95035 LL9000 Series HCMOS Logic Arrays 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 The LL9000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI Logic Corporation exhibits bipolar speeds,

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    LL9000 C0037 7400 series logic gates IC TTL 7400 quiescent power PDF

    7400 fan-out cmos

    Abstract: 16x4 LL7140 TTL LS 7400 16x16 barrel shifter with flipflop LL7420 8 BIT ALU by 74181 C0036 LSI LOGIC LL7080
    Text: LSI LOGIC LL7000 Seríes Sicon-Gate HCMOS Logic Arrays Description 408.433.8000 Telex 172153 The LL7000 series of silicon-gate HCMOS logic arrays from LSI Logic Corporation exhibits bipolar speeds, while at the same time, offers low power consump­ tion, high noise margins and ease of design. The

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    LL7000 7400 fan-out cmos 16x4 LL7140 TTL LS 7400 16x16 barrel shifter with flipflop LL7420 8 BIT ALU by 74181 C0036 LSI LOGIC LL7080 PDF

    IC 4025

    Abstract: cmos 4000 4001 4002 cmos ic 4001 dc 4025 IC CMOS 4001 cmos nor cmos 4000 series CMOS 4002 4002 ic
    Text: signotiEs 4000 4001 4002 4025 C-MOS NOR GATES C-MOS 4000 SERIES AD VA N C ED INFORM ATION DESC RIPTIO N PIN C O N F IG U R A T IO N S These Signetics Series 4000 C-MOS devices are positive logic NOR gates. Operating voltage range is +3V to +15V. Switching speeds are typically 25ns. Quiescent power dissi­

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    Abstract: RL76 8 bit barrel shifter T-42-11-09 transistor 2N RL7220 8 BIT ALU by 74181
    Text: RAYTHEONi 7597360 SEMICONDUCTOR RAYTHEON» AO De 7ST73bO SEMICONDUCTOR DDDS32T 80C 0 5 3 2 9 Product Specifications Configurable Gate Arrays 5 T-42-11-09 RL7000 Series Raytheon RL7000 Series Silicon-Gate HCMOS Logic Arrays Features • Silicon-gate 2.0/u (drawn HCMOS technology

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    7ST73bO DDDS32T T-42-11-09 RL7000 MUX21LA) 16-Bit RL7320 RL76 8 bit barrel shifter transistor 2N RL7220 8 BIT ALU by 74181 PDF