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    Skyworks Solutions Inc CY28400OC

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    Skyworks Solutions Inc CY28400OCT

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    Cypress Semiconductor CY28400OC

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    ep 1387

    Abstract: Ta2O5 phase diagram 10uf elco TPSD107K010R0100 D100 D330 LTC1159 TPS 20V 10 10uF LOW ESR 476 Tantalum Capacitor silver phase diagram band gap
    Text: AVX TPS Series III NEXT GENERATION LOW ESR MnO2 CAPACITORS T. Zednicek, I. Horacek AVX Czech Republic s.r.o., Dvorakova 328, 563 01 Lanskroun, Czech Republic Phone: +420 467 558 126 Fax: +420 467 558 128 W. A. Millman AVX Limited, Long Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7ER, United Kingdom

    h-1496 S-TPSIII00M-N ep 1387 Ta2O5 phase diagram 10uf elco TPSD107K010R0100 D100 D330 LTC1159 TPS 20V 10 10uF LOW ESR 476 Tantalum Capacitor silver phase diagram band gap PDF


    Abstract: 1794-PS13 Allen-Bradley 1794-irt8 manual Allen-Bradley 1794-irt8 1794-IRT8 specification 1794-TB3G WIRING DIAGRAM 1794-IRT8 1794-IE8 Allen-Bradley 1794-of4i manual Allen-Bradley 1794-ie8 manual
    Text: Technical Data FLEX I/O and FLEX Integra 1794 Series and 1793 Series Flexible, Inexpensive, / ; ,270 DQG )/(; ,QWHJUD70 DUH IOH[LEOH ORZFRVW PRGXODU ,2 V\VWHPV and Compact IRU GLVWULEXWHG DSSOLFDWLRQV WKDW RIIHU DOO WKH IXQFWLRQV RI ODUJHU UDFNEDVHG ,

    QWHJUD70 1794-VHSC 1794-PS13 Allen-Bradley 1794-irt8 manual Allen-Bradley 1794-irt8 1794-IRT8 specification 1794-TB3G WIRING DIAGRAM 1794-IRT8 1794-IE8 Allen-Bradley 1794-of4i manual Allen-Bradley 1794-ie8 manual PDF

    Pt 100 sensor probe ABB

    Abstract: ABB SCR abb electrode ABB thermocouple boiler tube az1 ABB cut-out switch oxygen analyzer zirconia oxygen BS4937
    Text: Data Sheet SS/AZ100_6 Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer for Small Boiler Applications AZ100 Series  Ideal for small gas/oil fired boilers  Cost-effective solution – for OEM outlets with a quick return on end-user investment  Continuous on-line measurement

    SS/AZ100 AZ100 EN14001 SS/AZ100 Pt 100 sensor probe ABB ABB SCR abb electrode ABB thermocouple boiler tube az1 ABB cut-out switch oxygen analyzer zirconia oxygen BS4937 PDF


    Abstract: ISL6605CB ISL6605CB-T ISL6605CR ISL6605CR-T ISL6605IB MO-220 TB363
    Text: ISL6605 Data Sheet August 2003 FN9091.2 Synchronous Rectified MOSFET Driver Features The ISL6605 is a high frequency, MOSFET driver optimized to drive two N-Channel power MOSFETs in a synchronousrectified buck converter topology. This driver combined with

    ISL6605 FN9091 ISL6605 HIP63xx ISL65xx 300il ISL6605CB ISL6605CB-T ISL6605CR ISL6605CR-T ISL6605IB MO-220 TB363 PDF


    Abstract: 1771RTP4 1771-NT1 1771-RTP 1771-niv LOGO AM2 rtd 1771-NR 1771-RTP4 IET Labs 1771 rtp3
    Text: AllenĆBradley High Resolution Isolated Analog Modules Cat. No. 1771ĆN Series User Manual Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of these products must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been

    1771N 1771UM127B-EN-P 1771-NOC 1771RTP4 1771-NT1 1771-RTP 1771-niv LOGO AM2 rtd 1771-NR 1771-RTP4 IET Labs 1771 rtp3 PDF


    Abstract: FIP200220240 FIP500550590 FIP200240280 FIP600660710 FIP100110125 2400nm FIP-100 FIA100011001300 FIP150165195
    Text: FI • Ultra Low OH Fibers SILICA/SILICA Optical Fiber Characteristics ❍ Step Index ❍ Numerical Aperture: 0.22 ± 0.02 Full Acceptance Cone: 25.4 degrees ❍ Vis-NIR Transmission, 380nm to 2,400nm ❍ Radiation Resistant ❍ High Laser Damage Threshold

    380nm 400nm 300oC 400oC 100kpsi FIP100110125* FIP150165195 FIP200220240 FIP050070085 FIP100140170 FIP400440480 FIP200220240 FIP500550590 FIP200240280 FIP600660710 FIP100110125 2400nm FIP-100 FIA100011001300 FIP150165195 PDF

    Displacer Liquid Level Transmitter

    Abstract: KFD2-STC3-Ex1 MTL5042 MTL*706 MTL3046B displacer level transmitter displacer LF1045 MTL706 TP5041
    Text: ZUT Intelligent Displacer Liquid Level Transmitter Description ZUT intelligent displacer level transmitter adopts stress measuring method by applying the lever principle to acquires the signal being consistent with fluid level change and being measured through high

    4-20mA adjust27343 Displacer Liquid Level Transmitter KFD2-STC3-Ex1 MTL5042 MTL*706 MTL3046B displacer level transmitter displacer LF1045 MTL706 TP5041 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HV841 High Voltage Dual EL Lamp Driver General Description Features Independent input control for lamp selection Split supply capability Patented output timing One miniature inductor to power both lamps Low shutdown current Wide input voltage range 2.0 to 5.8V

    HV841 10-Lead HV841 DSFP-HV841 A110308 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HV839 High Voltage Dual EL Lamp Driver IC Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► The Supertex HV839 is a high voltage driver designed for driving two EL lamps with a combined area of 3.5in2. The input supply voltage range is from 2.0V to 5.8V. The device is designed to

    HV839 10-lead DSFP-HV839 B091007 B0910 PDF

    OC-106 94V0 C

    Abstract: olin 7025 CDA 194 Tamac4 eftec 7025 alloy lead frame sn 8400 Au Sn eutectic thermal conductivity Eftec 64t
    Text: 2 5 Physical Constants of IC Package Materials 1/16/97 3:41 PM CH05WIP.DOC INTEL CONFIDENTIAL until publication date 2 CHAPTER 5 PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF IC PACKAGE MATERIALS The Table 5-1 through Table 5-5 list typical values for selected properties of materials used in

    CH05WIP 300oC OC-106 94V0 C olin 7025 CDA 194 Tamac4 eftec 7025 alloy lead frame sn 8400 Au Sn eutectic thermal conductivity Eftec 64t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BULLETIN NO. IMT-B DRAWING NO. LP0196 REVISED 3/97 RED LION CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS 20 Willow Springs Circle, York, Pa. 17402, 717 767-6511 FAX: (717) 764-0839 Web site- E-mail- [email protected]

    LP0196 IMT00030 IMT00060 IMT00032 IMT00062 IMT02030 IMT02060 IMT02031 IMT02061 IMT02032 PDF

    Ta2O5 phase diagram

    Abstract: graphite 7650 silver phase diagram band gap TPS capacitor 220K10 Tantalum phase diagram band gap silver band gap kemet TPS Series elco capacitor uf Ta2O5
    Text: IMPROVED ESR ON MnO2 TANTALUM CAPACITORS AT WIDE VOLTAGE RANGE I. Horacek, T. Zednicek, M. Komarek, J. Tomasko, S. Zednicek AVX Czech Republic s.r.o., Dvorakova 328, 563 01 Lanskroun, Czech Republic Phone: +420 467 558 126 Fax: +420 467 558 128 W. A. Millman

    IMPESR00M-R Ta2O5 phase diagram graphite 7650 silver phase diagram band gap TPS capacitor 220K10 Tantalum phase diagram band gap silver band gap kemet TPS Series elco capacitor uf Ta2O5 PDF


    Abstract: 1794-OB8EP 1794-ADN Allen-Bradley 1794 ADN MANUAL 1794-IE8 1794-IR8 1794-IT8 1794-IB10XOB6 1794-IB16 1794OB8EP
    Text: AllenĆBradley DeviceNet Adapter Module Cat. No. 1794ĆADN Series B User Manual Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been

    1794ADN 1794-ow8 1794-OB8EP 1794-ADN Allen-Bradley 1794 ADN MANUAL 1794-IE8 1794-IR8 1794-IT8 1794-IB10XOB6 1794-IB16 1794OB8EP PDF


    Abstract: silvaco SPT400 RS-397 SPT407
    Text: APPLICATION NOTES - Clarification of Non-repetitive On-state Surge Current Ratings - Insight Into Proposed Ratings for Pulse Power Applications - SPT400 Series 125mm Thyristors I. INTRODUCTION A. Need for Highest Power Thyristors There is a growing need in the market for thyristors of the highest

    SPT400 125mm semiconductors silvaco RS-397 SPT407 PDF


    Abstract: 1794-IV16 1794-OV16 1794IB8 Sprecher Schuh LE 2-20 1794-IRT8 1794-OF4I 1794-IB8 1794-IF2XOF2I Sprecher Schuh LE 2-12
    Text: AllenĆBradley PROFIBUS Adapter Module Cat. No. 1794-APB Series B User Manual Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been

    1794-APB 1794-UM057B-EN-P 1704-UM056B-EN-P PN957491-86 1794-IF4I 1794-IV16 1794-OV16 1794IB8 Sprecher Schuh LE 2-20 1794-IRT8 1794-OF4I 1794-IB8 1794-IF2XOF2I Sprecher Schuh LE 2-12 PDF


    Abstract: FVP100110125 FVP200240280 FVP200220240 FVA100010501250 FVP050055065 FVP100120140 FVP150165195 180NM FVA8008801100
    Text: FV • High OH • UV Enhanced Fibers SILICA/SILICA Optical Fiber Characteristics ❍ Step Index ❍ Numerical Aperture: 0.22 ± 0.02 Full Acceptance Cone: 25.4 degrees ❍ UV-Vis-NIR Transmission, 180nm to 1,150nm ❍ Superior Radiation Resistant ❍ High Laser Damage Threshold

    180nm 150nm 300oC 400oC 100kpsi FVP050055065* FVP1001lad 1000nm. PT-FV/10-98 FVP400440480 FVP100110125 FVP200240280 FVP200220240 FVA100010501250 FVP050055065 FVP100120140 FVP150165195 FVA8008801100 PDF

    Allen-Bradley 1794-ie8 manual

    Abstract: Allen-Bradley 1794-ib16 Allen-Bradley 1794-ob16 Allen-Bradley 1794-it8 WIRING 1794-IE8 1794 oe4 1794 IE8 1794-IE8 1794IE8 connection 1794-IB16
    Text: Allen-Bradley FLEX I/O PROFIBUS Adapter User Manual Cat. No. 1794-APB –2 Important User Information Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. “Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls”

    1794-APB) Allen-Bradley 1794-ie8 manual Allen-Bradley 1794-ib16 Allen-Bradley 1794-ob16 Allen-Bradley 1794-it8 WIRING 1794-IE8 1794 oe4 1794 IE8 1794-IE8 1794IE8 connection 1794-IB16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HV841 High Voltage Dual EL Lamp Driver Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► The Supertex HV841 is a high voltage driver designed for driving two EL lamps with a combined area of 3.5 square inches. The input supply voltage range is from 2.0V to 5.8V.

    HV841 10-Lead DSFP-HV841 A093008 h841 PDF


    Abstract: G-1010 BAS211 SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge schematic diagram for 220 to 120v ca tip 222 TRANSISTOR MO-229 dual 7 segment common anode pin configuration el 34 led lamp INDUCTOR
    Text: HV841 High Voltage Dual EL Lamp Driver Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► The Supertex HV841 is a high voltage driver designed for driving two EL lamps with a combined area of 3.5 square inches. The input supply voltage range is from 2.0V to 5.8V.

    HV841 HV841 DSFP-HV841 A110308 MO-187 G-1010 BAS211 SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge schematic diagram for 220 to 120v ca tip 222 TRANSISTOR MO-229 dual 7 segment common anode pin configuration el 34 led lamp INDUCTOR PDF


    Abstract: AT-42000 AT-42000-GP4 S21E AT42000-GP4 AV02-1002EN 42000
    Text: AT-42000 Up to 6 GHz Medium Power Silicon Bipolar Transistor Chip Data Sheet Description Features Avago’s AT-42000 is a general purpose NPN bipolar transistor chip that offers excellent high frequency performance. The 4 micron emitter-to-emitter pitch enables this transistor to be used in many different functions. The 20 emitter finger interdigitated geometry yields a medium sized

    AT-42000 AT-42000 5965-8909E AV02-1002EN 8909E AT-42000-GP4 S21E AT42000-GP4 42000 PDF


    Abstract: calibration procedure for thermocouple Digital temperature controller with PT100 DTC410-01-230 Digital temperature controller with PT100 rtd PT100 table EN50081-1 4 digit lcd 4-20mA input how to install the temperature control sensor Tempatron F Series
    Text: Tempatron Limited., 5 Darwin Close, Reading, Berks, RG2 0TB. Tel: 0118 9750099 Fax: 0118 9750057 DTC410 Series On/Off Temperature Controllers The DTC410 is a Digital On/Off Temperature or Process Controller designed to provide the functionality of general

    DTC410 PT100 PT100 120Vac 1500Vac EN50081-1 4-20mA calibration procedure for thermocouple Digital temperature controller with PT100 DTC410-01-230 Digital temperature controller with PT100 rtd PT100 table 4 digit lcd 4-20mA input how to install the temperature control sensor Tempatron F Series PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

    OCR Scan

    din 43760

    Abstract: Pt-100-DIN 43760 PT-100 RTD 3 wire PT 100 DIN 43760 43760 EMA i-i OC70 Pt/PT 100 DIN 43760
    Text: Analog Signal Conditioners EMA/PT 100 RTD/Thermocouple 3-wire EG Housing Schematic Circuit Diagram Ordering Data Type G a l. No. Type C a t No. Type C a t No. EMA/PT 100 with 0.5% accuracy EMA/PT 100-U 116546 EMA/PT 100-1 116556 EMA/PT 100-1 116566 EMA/PT 100 with 0.1% accuracy

    OCR Scan
    100-U 100-U/0 100mC2 24VDC, 400oC din 43760 Pt-100-DIN 43760 PT-100 RTD 3 wire PT 100 DIN 43760 43760 EMA i-i OC70 Pt/PT 100 DIN 43760 PDF


    Abstract: A476 A480S Al203 A473 Z201N 0 280 130 023 A459 A479 F1120
    Text: KyD C ERa T h e N e w V a l u e F r o n t ie r C h a r a c t e r is t ic s o f M a te ria l A445 W Â ÎB -§ - M ateriaIC ode 7tJl'XT 7 # F0RSTERITE 2Mg0-Si02 A L U M IN A (Al20 3) U n it M a te ria l I A459 I A473 I A476 I A479 I A479S^ I A480S I F1120

    OCR Scan
    2Mg0-Si02) Mg0-Si02) -2Si02) A479SS A480S F1023 F1120 Z201N ML652 Al203 A476 A480S A473 0 280 130 023 A459 A479 F1120 PDF