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    40NSTYP Search Results

    40NSTYP Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2SK453 2SK625 2SJ123 2SK459 2SK470 2SK438 2SK441 2SK447 2SK437
    Text: - 50 - ft f m £ tt £ * V * it k K V m * fé "Æ: » * (V) ^ xi 4M m i* X P d /P c h (A) » * (W) Ig s s (max) (A) Vos (V) ft S (min) (max) V d s (A) (A) (V) (Ta=25*C) tfe (min) (max) V d s (V) (V) (V) g (min) (S) Id (A) Vds (V) W 1d (A) 2SK437(H) fôT

    OCR Scan
    2SK437 2SK438 25X439 2SK440 2SK441 40mVmax 2SK625 2SK456 10dBtyp 2SK457 2SK477 2SK453 2SJ123 2SK459 2SK470 2SK447 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1708 2SK1702 2SK1700 2SK1705 2SK1720 2SK1701 2SK1718 2SK1719 2SK1699
    Text: - 118 - « tt « ffl jS mm ft 'Æ f M ? V 1 K v m * * Vg s * I * * V 1* (A) « [x P d / P c h * ♦ ÍW) less (max) (A) Vg s (V) (Ta=25eC ) ft 35 Id s (min) (max) V d s (A) (A) (V) tit (V) ff) (max) V d s (V) (V) S w (inin) (S) Id (A) Id (A) Vd s (V) 2SK1698

    OCR Scan
    2SKX698 2SK1699 1699S 2SK1700 ZSK1701 2SK1702 2SK1703 1703S 50nstyp 2SK1724 2SK1723 2SK1708 2SK1705 2SK1720 2SK1701 2SK1718 2SK1719 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1601 2SK1606 2SK1580 2SK1582 2SK1583 2SK1584 2SK1585 2SK1586 2SK1588
    Text: - 112 - ft f M £ tí: ffl € & m £ A £ 1 % E ft K V * (V) fr fê fr (A) % 3 P d /P c h (max) (A) (W) fö 4# 14 (Ta=25t3) (min) (V) (max) (V) Vd s I gss Vg s (VÏ (min) (A) (max) V d s (A) (V) Id (A) (V) (min) (S) %? Vds (V) 1d (A) 2SK1580 NEC SW MOS

    OCR Scan
    2SK1580 2SK1S81 2SK1582 2SK1583 2SK1584 2SK1603 35nstyp 2SK1605 50nstyp 2SK1606 2SK1603 2SK1601 2SK1606 2SK1585 2SK1586 2SK1588 PDF


    Abstract: K818A K809A 2SK834 2SK828 2SK813 2SK814 2SK817 S09A 2SK810
    Text: - 70 - ito Hi M tt m € & m m 1 5e! V * S ?£ P d /P c h m * K A (V) * (A) * (W) Ig s s (max) (A) Vg s (V) te % (rain) (max) V d s (A) (A) (V) (min) (V) (Ta=25?C) (max) V d s (V) (V) (min) (S) Id (A) Vd s (V) Id (A) 2SK805 DDC, Motor-D MOS N E 200 DSS

    OCR Scan
    2SK805 2SK806 2SK807 2SK808 2SK809, 175nstyp 2SK826 2SK827 165nstyp 2SK839 K818A K809A 2SK834 2SK828 2SK813 2SK814 2SK817 S09A 2SK810 PDF


    Abstract: 3SK14 NEC 3sk21 3SK20 3sk30 3SK30A 2SK2132 3SK30A D,S,G1,G2 3SK33 LM 1011
    Text: - 128 - H f m £ tt ffl « & m & vm * K V A £ Vos* m * (V) X fr * fê S l* IS P d /P c h (A) 1* (W) loss (max) (A) Vg s (V) W (Ta=25*C) 14 (min) (max) V d s (V) (V) (V) (min) (max) V d s (A) (A) (V) 9m (min) (S) { \ l f Id (A) Vd s (V) Id (A) HS SW MOS

    OCR Scan
    2SK2044 2SK2045 2SK2053 2SK2054 2SK2055 3SK16 3SK17 20nsmax. 25nsmax 3SK18 3SK164 3SK14 NEC 3sk21 3SK20 3sk30 3SK30A 2SK2132 3SK30A D,S,G1,G2 3SK33 LM 1011 PDF

    4424 mosfet

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MV 2 2 1993 ^TELEDYNE COMPONENTS TC4423 TC4424 TC4425 3A DUAL HIGH-SPEED MOSFET DRIVERS FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Tough CMOS7" Construction Latch-Up Protected: Will Withstand 1.5A Reverse Current Logic Input Will Withstand Negative Swing Up

    OCR Scan
    TC4423 TC4424 TC4425 40nsTyp 4424 mosfet PDF

    NEc hemt

    Abstract: 2SK1953 2SK1963 2SK2043 2SK1951 2SK1952 2SK1954 2SK1958 2SK1959 2SK1960
    Text: - 126 - H f m £ ít % m m « it i A A 5È 1 K V m * * * (V) « fér , R, L (A) * :t * less (max) (A) (W) Vg s (V) (min) (A) SE W (Ta=25‘ C) (min) (max) V d s (V) (V) (V) (max) Vd s (A) (V) (min) (S) (t$ Id (A) Vd s ’ (V) Id (A) 2SK1951 B Ì 'HS PSW, DDC

    OCR Scan
    2SK1951 2SK1952 2SK1953 2SK1954, 1954-Z 2SK195T 90nstyp 2SK1991 2SK1992 NEc hemt 2SK1963 2SK2043 2SK1954 2SK1958 2SK1959 2SK1960 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK794 2sk792 2SK777 2sk718 2SK775 2SK791 k796a 2SK790 2SK786
    Text: Üi f m. s *± ffl € iâ m ü Y % % a . Ÿâ îÈ . K V m * % * (V) (A) s : P d /Pc h ! * * (W) ÍG S S (max) (A) Vg s (V) 6<i (min) (max) Vd s (A) (V) (A) tt ^ (13=25*0 (min) (max) Vd s (V) (V) (V) (min) (S) % ? Id (A) Vd s (V) Id (A) 2SK774 NEC SW

    OCR Scan
    2SK774 2SK775 2SK776 2SK777 2SK778 40nstyp K796A 2SK796, 180ns, 650nstyp 2SK779 2SK794 2sk792 2sk718 2SK775 2SK791 2SK790 2SK786 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1002 2SK918 2SK990 2SK994 2SK1000 2SK962 2SK976 2SK987 2SK989
    Text: - 78 - f m s tt £ m m m ^ * K 2SK962 £: ft V* V fe i* * (V) ft * (A) M S X P d /P c h ft * (W) (¿E? (A) Vg s (V) W s wiy (A) (min) (max) Vd s (V) (V) (V) sm (min) Vd s (S) {\ l f (V) 1d (A) SW-Reg, USP, DDC MOS N E 900 DSS ±30 S 8 D 2SK963 n r DDC, Motor-D

    OCR Scan
    2SK962 2SK963 2SK968 2SK970 2SK971 220nstyp 2SK992 230nstyp 2SK993 2SK1001 2SK1002 2SK918 2SK990 2SK994 2SK1000 2SK962 2SK976 2SK987 2SK989 PDF


    Abstract: 2sk1029 2SK1026 2SK1025 2SK1016 2SK1010 2SK1015 2sk1018 2SK1032 2SK1006
    Text: f € m. % tt m € m m % it ü 3: * V* * K V * (V) ft fé i* (A) ^ *» X P d /P c h ft * (W) I gss (max) (A) Vg s (V) W Id s (min) (max) V d s (A) (V) (A) ft (Ta=25°C) 14 g (min) (max) V d s (V) (V) (V) (min) (S) Id (A) Vds (V) Id (A) SW-Reg, USP, DDC

    OCR Scan
    2SK1006 2SK1007 500/i 2SK1008 2SK1009 2SK1010 2SK1026 160ns. 280nstyp 2SK1027 2SK1011 2sk1029 2SK1026 2SK1025 2SK1016 2SK1015 2sk1018 2SK1032 2SK1006 PDF


    Abstract: C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 MC10114 MC10115
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA M C 10 ,1 0 0 /1 0 ,2 0 0 Series -3 0 to + 8 5 °C WIC10 ,5 0 0 /1 0 ,6 0 0 Series (-5 5 to + 1 2 5°C ) C irc u it design w ith M E C L 1 0 ,0 0 0 is u nusually con­ venient. The d iffe re n tia l a m p lifie r in p u t and e m itte rfo llo w e r o u tp u t p e rm it high fa n o u t, th e w ired-O R o p tio n ,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: K762A 2SK751 2SK749 2SK750 2SK754 2SK746 2SK748 2sk758 NEC 765A
    Text: - 66 - JS m s 7^ fë /Ë t! tí: « ffl & m % K 2SK744 fô T 2SK745 V * (V) * (A) m m P d/ P c h & * (W) Ig s s (max) (A) Vg s (V) W (min) (max) V d s (A) (A) (V) (Ta=25°C) 14 (min) (V) (max) Vd s (V) (V) (min) (S) Id (A) Vd s (V) Id (A) RF PA. SW MOS

    OCR Scan
    2SK744 2SK745 2SK746 2SK747 2SK748 2SK749 90nstyp K764A 2SK764, 2SK752 K762A 2SK751 2SK750 2SK754 2SK748 2sk758 NEC 765A PDF