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    47C400A Search Results

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    Abstract: EPR-83 KBR-480B
    Text: TOSHIBA U C /U P SHE D • T0 T 7 2 4 T DDSG12Ö S2T « T 0 S 3 T O S H IB A TM P47C452A /952A C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF The 4/J£452A is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-47 CMOS series. And

    OCR Scan
    DDSG12Ö P47C452A /952A TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF TLCS-47 47C452A TMP47C452AF 952a EPR-83 KBR-480B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO S H IB A TMP47C454A CMOS 4-BIT M ICROCONTROLLER TMP47C454AN The 47C454A is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-47 CMOS series w ith a DTMF generator and a large-capacity RAM for repertory dialing applications, and w hich is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C454A TMP47C454AN 47C454A TLCS-47 SDIP30 47C400A. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMP47C451A TOSHIBA CM O S 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C451 AN The 47C451A is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-47 CM OS series with a DTMF generator and a large-capacity RAM for repertory dialing applications, and which is highly suitable

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C451A TMP47C451 47C451A TLCS-47 5D1P30 480KHz) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t TO SH IB A UC/UP S i)E D • 0Q2Dlflfl 7T4 « T 0 S 3 TOSHIBA T M P 47C 456A /956A ► CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER T w TMP47C456AF I The 47C456A is a high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip m icrocom puter based on th e TLCS-47 CMOS series. The 47C 456A has LCD driver, D TM F g e n e ra to r and large-capacity RAM fo r reperto ry dial, which

    OCR Scan
    /956A TMP47C456AF 47C456A TLCS-47 QFP80 TMP47C956AG Q020223 TMP47C456A/956A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IBA TM P47 C440A/940A C M O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C440AN TMP47C440AF The 47C440A has 8-bit A/D converter and w atchdog tim er based on the TLCS-47 CM OS series. PART No, ROM RAM PACKAGE PIGGYBACK SDIP42 TMP47C940AE QFP44 TMP47C940AG

    OCR Scan
    C440A/940A TMP47C440AN TMP47C440AF 47C440A TLCS-47 SDIP42 TMP47C940AE QFP44 TMP47C940AG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C460A/960A CM O S 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C460AN TMP47C460AF The 47C460A is a high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-47 CM OS series w ith expansion input and o u tput ports. ROM PART No. TMP47C460AN

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C460A/960A TMP47C460AN TMP47C460AF 47C460A TLCS-47 SDIP64 TMP47C960AE QFP67 PDF


    Abstract: 47C400 TMP47C940AE TMP47c440AN QFP44 SDIP42 TMP47C440AF TMP47C940AG 47C242A 0p15
    Text: TOSHIBA TM P47 C440A/940A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C440AN TMP47C440AF The 47C440A has 8-bit A/D converter and watchdog timer based on the TLCS-47 CMOS series. ROM PART No. TMP47C440AN 4096 x 8-bit TMP47C440AF RAM PACKAGE PIGGYBACK SDIP42 TMP47C940AE

    OCR Scan
    P47C440A/940A TMP47C440AN TMP47C440AF 47C440A TLCS-47 5DIP42 TMP47C940AE QFP44 47c242 47C400 TMP47C940AE SDIP42 TMP47C440AF TMP47C940AG 47C242A 0p15 PDF

    k72 r4

    Abstract: tmp47c460a VDO RD3 SDIP64 TMP47C460AF TMP47C460AN TMP47C960AE dfc murata si563 k72 R5
    Text: TMP47C460A/960A TOSHIBA CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C460AN TMP47C460AF The 47C460A is a high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer based on the TLCS-47 CMOS series with expansion input and output ports. PART No. TMP47C460AN TMP47C460AF

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C460A/960A TMP47C460AN TMP47C460AF 47C460A TLCS-47 TMP47C460AF SDIP64 TMP47C960AE QFP67 k72 r4 tmp47c460a VDO RD3 TMP47C960AE dfc murata si563 k72 R5 PDF


    Abstract: 953a reset 47C400 QFP44 SDIP42 TMP47C453AF TMP47C453AN TMP47C953AE TMP47C953AG G1142
    Text: TO SH IBA TMP47C453A/953A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C453AN TMP47C453AF The 47C453A is a high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer based on the TLCS-47 CM OS series. And the 47C453A has a built-in large capacity RAM for repertory dial and DTMF generator, which is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    P47C453A/953A TMP47C453AN TMP47C453AF 47C453A TLCS-47 TMP47C453AF SDIP42 953a 953a reset 47C400 QFP44 TMP47C953AE TMP47C953AG G1142 PDF


    Abstract: poe 480B QFP44 SDIP42 TMP47C452AF TMP47C452AN TMP47C952AE TMP47C952AG 1r33 Ci 1r33
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C452A/952A CM OS 4-BIT MICRO CONTRO LLER TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF The 4^C452A is a high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer based on the TLCS-47 CMOS series. And the 47t452A has a built-in large capacity RAM for repertory dial and DTMF generator, which is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    P47C452A/952A TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF C452A TLCS-47 47t452A 47C452A TMP47C452AF SDIP42 poe 480B QFP44 TMP47C952AE TMP47C952AG 1r33 Ci 1r33 PDF


    Abstract: TMP47C952AE QFP44 SDIP42 TMP47C452AF TMP47C452AN TMP47C952AG R42CZ 47C400AN
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C452A/952A CM O S 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF The 4^C452A is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-47 CM OS series. And the 47t452A has a built-in large capacity RA M for repertory dial and DTM F generator, which is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C452A/952A TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF 47/I452A TLCS-47 47t452A 47C452A TMP47C452AF SDIP42 I452A TMP47C952AE QFP44 TMP47C952AG R42CZ 47C400AN PDF

    9 digit display

    Abstract: Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 tl 494 convertor SDIP64 TMP47C475AN CMOS 4-bit Microcontroller
    Text: T O S H IB A TM P47C475A/975A C M O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C475AN The 47C475A is the high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip microcomputer w ith VFT Vacuum Fluorescent Tube Display driver. W atch d o g Timer and 14-bit D/A converter (Pulse w idth m odulation) output.

    OCR Scan
    P47C475A/975A TMP47C475AN 47C475A 14-bit TMP47C475AN SDIP64 TMP47C97SAE 244ns 9 digit display Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 tl 494 convertor CMOS 4-bit Microcontroller PDF

    HL 941

    Abstract: 47C441 Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 QFP44 SDIP42 TMP47C441 TMP47C441AF TMP47C441AN 47C400 TMP47C44
    Text: T O S H IB A TMP47C441 A/941 A CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TM P47C 441 AN TM P 47C 441A F The 47C441A has 8-b it A/D co n ve rte r, w a tc h d o g tim er, an d hig h b r e a k d o w n v o lta g e o u tp u ts based on th e TLCS-47 C M O S series. PA R T N o

    OCR Scan
    P47C441 TMP47C441 TMP47C441AF 47C441A TLCS-47 TMP47C441AN SDIP42 TMP47C94 TMP47C44 QFP44 HL 941 47C441 Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 TMP47C441AF 47C400 PDF


    Abstract: 47C446A ipod ke 400 ca 4.5 QFP64 TMP47C446AF TMP47C946AG TMP47C446
    Text: T O S H IB A TMP47C446A/946A C M O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C446AF T h e 4 7 C 4 4 6 A has LCD d r i v e r , 8 - b i t A / D c o n v e r t e r , a n d w a t c h d o g t i m e r b a s e d o n t h e TLCS-47 C M O S series. T h e 4 7 C 4 4 6 A has t w o o s c i l l a t i o n c i r c u i t .

    OCR Scan
    C446A/946A TMP47C446AF 47C446A TLCS-47 TMP47C446AF QFP64 TMP47C946AG 47C946A 47C400 ipod ke 400 ca 4.5 TMP47C946AG TMP47C446 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IBA TMP47C425A/925A CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C425AF The 47C425A is the high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter w ith LCD driver, based on the TLCS-47 CM O S series. The 47C425A has tw o oscillation circuits. It is possible to switch the operating

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C425A/925A TMP47C425AF 47C425A TLCS-47 244ys 47C925A 47C425A. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IBA TMP47C452A/952A CM O S 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF The 4^C452A is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocomputer based on the TLCS-47 CM OS series. And the 47C452A has a built-in large capacity RA M for repertory dial and DTM F generator, which is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C452A/952A TMP47C452AN TMP47C452AF C452A TLCS-47 47C452A SDIP42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T^HIBA ÜC/ÜP 54E D • T O T T E D D05DÜÔG SES « T 0 S 3 TMP47C446A/946A TOSHIBA C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N TR O L LE R | TMP47C446AF The 47C446A has LCD driver, 8 -b it A/D converter, and w a tch d og tim e r based on th e TLCS-47 CMOS series.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C446A/946A TMP47C446AF 47C446A TLCS-47 QFP64 TMP47C946AG instruction-341 C446A/946A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOS H IB A CUC/UP S4E D • c10c]7H4ci O O n ñ b ñ TOSHIBA STT « T O S a TM P47C 423A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ^ - P - W 9 - I ? . -< f TMP47C423AF The 47C 423A is a h ig h speed a n d h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e 4 - b it sin g le c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te r based o n th e TLCS-47

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C423AF TLCS-47 P47C423AF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMP47C441 A/941 A TO SH IBA CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C441 AN TMP47C441AF T he 47C441A has 8-bit A/D co n ve rte r, w a tc h d o g tim er, an d hig h b re a k d o w n v o lta g e o u tp u ts based o n th e TLCS-47 C M O S series. PART No RAM ROM TMP47C441 AN

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C441 TMP47C441AF 47C441A TLCS-47 SDIP42 TMP47C941AE QFP44 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SH IBA TMP47C423A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C423AF T h e 47C423A is a h ig h speed a n d h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e 4 - b it sin g le ch ip m ic ro c o m p u te r based o n th e TLCS-47 CMOS series w ith LCD d riv e r, H igh Speed Event C o u n te r and Pulse o u tp u t circu it.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C423A TMP47C423AF 47C423A TLCS-47 QFP64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMP47C423A T O SH IBA CM O S 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C423AF The 47C423A is a high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocomputer based on the TLCS-47 CMOS series w ith LCD driver, High Speed Event Counter and Pulse o u tput circuit. PA R T No.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C423A TMP47C423AF 47C423A TLCS-47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SH IBA TM P47C 200A /400A CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C200AN, 47C400AN TMP47C200AF, 47C400AF Th e 47C 200A /400A are h ig h speed an d h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e 4 - b it single c h ip m icro co m p u te rs, in te g ra tin g ROM, R AM , in p u t/o u tp u t po rts, tim e r/c o u n te rs , a n d a se ria l in te rfa c e o n a c h ip .

    OCR Scan
    /400A TMP47C200AN, TMP47C400AN TMP47C200AF, TMP47C400AF /400A TLCS-47 TMP47C200AN TMP47C200AF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMP47C446A/946A TOSHIBA C M O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C446AF The 47C446A has LCD d riv e r, 8 -b it A /D c o n v e rte r, a n d w a tc h d o g tim e r based on th e TLCS-47 CMOS series. The 47C 446A has tw o o s c illa tio n c irc u it. It is possible to sw itc h th e o p e ra tio n m o d e ; h ig h speed o p e ra tio n

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C446A/946A TMP47C446AF 47C446A TLCS-47 QFP64 TMP47C946AG 26029G C446A/946A PDF

    4096 RAM

    Abstract: P140 P141 SDIP30 TMP47C454AN
    Text: TO S H IB A TMP47C454A CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TM P47C454AN The 47C454A is a high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-47 C M O S series w ith a DTMF generator and a large-capacity RA M for repertory dialing applications, and which is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    P47C454A TMP47C454AN 47C454A TLCS-47 TMP47C454AN SDIP30 84MHz) 4096 RAM P140 P141 SDIP30 PDF