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    Abstract: MAX1402 MAX1402CAI MAX1402EAI PIC16C54
    Text: 19-1423; Rev 0; 3/99 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL +5V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1402 low-power, multichannel, serial-output analog-to-digital converter (ADC) features matched 200µA current sources for sensor excitation. This ADC

    18-Bit, MAX1402 16-bit 480sps. MAX1402 80C51 MAX1402CAI MAX1402EAI PIC16C54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-5332; Rev 0; 6/10 24-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, Delta-Sigma ADCs with GPIO Features The MAX11200/MAX11210 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial output ADCs. These devices provide the highest resolution per unit

    24-Bit, MAX11200/MAX11210 300FA MAX11200/MAX11210 MAX11200EEE PDF


    Abstract: DAC0000 MA 8910 switching regulator MAX14002 MF08 80C51 MAX1400 MAX1400CAI MAX1400EAI PIC16C54
    Text: 19-1430; Rev 0; 2/99 概要 _ 特長 _ MAX1400は16ビット精度を実現するためにディジ タルデシメーションフィルタ付のシグマ・デルタ変調器 を使用した18ビット低電力マルチチャネル、シリアル

    MAX140016 480sps16 MAX1400 18ADC 28V/V MAX1400 4576MHz 024MHz MAX140028SSOP pic16c548 DAC0000 MA 8910 switching regulator MAX14002 MF08 80C51 MAX1400CAI MAX1400EAI PIC16C54 PDF

    50hz notch filter ic

    Abstract: circuit diagram bridge transducer 4-20ma 80C51 MAX1402 MAX1402CAI MAX1402EAI PIC16C54
    Text: 19-1423; Rev 1; 7/02 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL +5V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1402 low-power, multichannel, serial-output analog-to-digital converter (ADC) features matched 200µA current sources for sensor excitation. This ADC

    18-Bit, MAX1402 16-bit 480sps. MO150. 50hz notch filter ic circuit diagram bridge transducer 4-20ma 80C51 MAX1402CAI MAX1402EAI PIC16C54 PDF

    50hz notch filter ic

    Abstract: 50hz notch filter design a 60hz notch filter 80C51 MAX1400 MAX1400CAI MAX1400EAI PIC16C54
    Text: 19-1430; Rev 1; 7/02 +5V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1400 comes in a 28-pin SSOP package. Applications ♦ Low Quiescent Current 250µA (operating mode) 2µA (power-down mode) ♦ 3 Fully Differential or 5 Pseudo-Differential Signal

    18-Bit, MAX1400 28-pin 18-Bit 16-Bit 480sps MO150. 50hz notch filter ic 50hz notch filter design a 60hz notch filter 80C51 MAX1400CAI MAX1400EAI PIC16C54 PDF

    Maxim RS Integrated Products 2012

    Abstract: MAX11200EEE
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11200/MAX11210 24-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, Delta-Sigma ADCs with GPIO General Description Features The MAX11200/MAX11210 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial output ADCs. These devices provide the highest resolution per unit

    MAX11200/MAX11210 24-Bit, 300FA Maxim RS Integrated Products 2012 MAX11200EEE PDF

    rtd with wheatstone bridge- temperature sensor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX11209/MAX11211 18-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and GPIO General Description The MAX11209/MAX11211 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial-output ADCs. These devices provide the highest resolution per unit

    MAX11209/MAX11211 18-Bit, 300FA r8/10 rtd with wheatstone bridge- temperature sensor PDF

    toshiba laptop schematic diagram

    Abstract: acer motherboard circuit diagram MAX1270 C source code MAX11871 mp 9141 es dc-dc lm324 pwm speed motor 220v DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER schematic ACER laptop schematic diagram L-band down converter for satellite tuner wideband acer laptop MOTHERBOARD Chip Level MANUAL acer laptop motherboard circuit diagram
    Text: Welcome to the Maxim Full-Line Data Catalog. We hope you find this CD-ROM a helpful tool for selecting the best Maxim IC for your design. This CD-ROM contains: The Maxim Full-Line Data Catalog The menu to the left of this page lists the available documents. Use the small



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1480; Rev 1; 7/02 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL +3V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC This device offers three fully differential input channels that can be independently programmed with a gain between +1V/V and +128V/V. Furthermore, it can compensate an input-referred DC offset (such as system offset) up to 117% of the selected full-scale range. These

    18-Bit, 28V/V. MAX1401 MO150. PDF


    Abstract: electronic stethoscope circuit diagram Hall sensor 44e digital stethoscope circuit diagram digital pacemaker insulin pump circuit diagram gh 312 gas sensor DS18B20 8051 code circuit diagram digital blood gas analyzer simple microcontroller digital blood pressure cir
    Text: Medical Solutions Guide Edition 1. May 2010 TM Medical: Solutions Guide A message from the CEO A message from the CEO Dear Customers, For over 27 years Maxim’s mission has been to provide our customers with solutions that add value to their systems. My desire is that when you start the design of your next medical product, you will think of



    Abstract: MAX11192 4b25v MAX130 multimeter STK 3 MAX11172 stk 439 BCD Schalter MX7582 MAX1108
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS Datenblätter ANALOG DESIGN GUIDE Anwendungsbeispiele • Kostenlose Muster • 7 abe usg 18. A E NFTIG ZUKÜ DUKTE PRO Weltweit kleinste 8-Bit-ADCs mit niedrigstem Leistungsbedarf ADAPTIVER LEISTUNGSVERBRAUCH VDD SCLK 1000 T23 SO -8 IDD µA

    MAX125/26 4MAX195 4MAX132 4MAX135 4MAX194 4MAX110 4MAX111 MAX121 MAX1271 4MAX146 16-Pin-ADC MAX11192 4b25v MAX130 multimeter STK 3 MAX11172 stk 439 BCD Schalter MX7582 MAX1108 PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 MAX1400 MAX1400CAI MAX1400EAI PIC16C54
    Text: 19-1430; Rev 0; 2/99 +5V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1400 18-bit, low-power, multichannel, serialoutput ADC uses a sigma-delta modulator with a digital decimation filter to achieve true 16-bit accuracy. The user-selectable decimation factor of the digital filter

    18-Bit, MAX1400 16-bit 480sps. MAX1400 VDDMAX1400 80C51 MAX1400CAI MAX1400EAI PIC16C54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-5473; Rev 0; 8/10 18-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and GPIO The MAX11209/MAX11211 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial-output ADCs. These devices provide the highest resolution per unit

    18-Bit, MAX11209/MAX11211 300FA MAX11209 MAX11209/MAX11211 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11203/MAX11213 16-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and GPIO General Description The MAX11203/MAX11213 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial-output ADCs.

    MAX11203/MAX11213 16-Bit, 300FA PDF

    design a 60hz notch filter

    Abstract: MAX1401 MAX1401CAI MAX1401EAI
    Text: 19-1480; Rev 1; 7/02 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL +3V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1401 is available in a 28-pin SSOP package. Applications Portable Industrial Instruments Portable Weigh Scales Loop-Powered Systems

    18-Bit, MAX1401 28-pin 18-Bit 16-Bit 480sps MO150. design a 60hz notch filter MAX1401CAI MAX1401EAI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1423; Rev 2; 1/07 KIT ATION EVALU LE B A IL A AV +5V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1402 low-power, multichannel, serial-output analog-to-digital converter (ADC) features matched 200µA current sources for sensor excitation. This ADC

    18-Bit, MAX1402 16-bit 480sps. MO150. PDF


    Abstract: ltqt H9801 I2C12 max1671 MAX1176 k 3979 MX7582 MAX1108 MAX1109
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS ANALOG 7 DESIGN GUIDE Data Sheets Free Samples • 超低電力の超小型8ビットADC VDD 変換レート 対 消費電力 SCLK ンSOT CH1 10 GND 1 m DOUT m 100 3 .0 MP3プレーヤ ピ CNVST m CH0 23 1000 IDD µA ION DIT 8th E 1 8 RE FUTU CTS

    MAX1115 MAX1116 MAX1117 MAX1118 MAX1119 MAX186 5V128ADC MAX1202 375V128ADC DSP16 MAX11871 ltqt H9801 I2C12 max1671 MAX1176 k 3979 MX7582 MAX1108 MAX1109 PDF

    Data Logger max132

    Abstract: 16-Pin-ADC MAX155 evaluation kit max138 max197 sensor MAX1106 MAX1107 MAX1108 MX7582 MAX1111
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS ANALOG 7 DESIGN GUIDE Data Sheets Applications Notes • • Free Samples RE FUTU CTS U D O R P World’s Smallest 8-Bit ADCs Have the Lowest Power ADAPTIVE POWER CONSUMPTION VDD SCLK T23 SO -8 IDD µA CH1 10 3.0 100 m DOUT m CH0 MP3 PLAYERS



    Abstract: MAX1402 MAX1402CAI MAX1402EAI PIC16C54
    Text: 19-1423; Rev 0; 3/99 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL +5V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC The MAX1402 low-power, multichannel, serial-output analog-to-digital converter (ADC) features matched 200µA current sources for sensor excitation. This ADC

    18-Bit, MAX1402 16-bit 480sps. MAX1402 80C51 MAX1402CAI MAX1402EAI PIC16C54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11206/MAX11207 20-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and GPIO General Description The MAX11206/MAX11207 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial-output ADCs.

    MAX11206/MAX11207 20-Bit, MAX11206/MAX11207 300FA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX11203/MAX11213 16-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and GPIO General Description The MAX11203/MAX11213 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial-output ADCs.

    MAX11203/MAX11213 16-Bit, MAX11203/MAX11213 300FA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-5473; Rev 0; 8/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE AVAILA 18-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, DeltaSigma ADCs with Programmable Gain and GPIO The MAX11209/MAX11211 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial-output ADCs. These devices provide the highest resolution per unit

    18-Bit, MAX11209/MAX11211 300FA MAX11209/MAX11211 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-5332; Rev 0; 6/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE A IL A AV 24-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, Delta-Sigma ADCs with GPIO Features The MAX11200/MAX11210 are ultra-low-power < 300FA active current , high-resolution, serial output ADCs. These devices provide the highest resolution per unit

    24-Bit, MAX11200/MAX11210 300FA MAX11200/MAX11210 PDF

    ba 5835

    Abstract: lssk AX1400C
    Text: 19-1430; Rev0; 2/99 >kiyixi>ki + 5 V , 1 8 - Bi t , L o w - P o w er, M u l t i c h a n n e l , Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADC Description The MAX1400 18-bit, low-power, m ultichannel, serialoutput ADC uses a sigm a-delta modulator with a digital decim ation filter to achieve true 16-bit accuracy. The

    OCR Scan
    18-Bit 16-Bit 480sps MAX1400 MAX1400 18-bit, ba 5835 lssk AX1400C PDF