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    4N27 OPTO ISOLATOR Search Results

    4N27 OPTO ISOLATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DCL541A01 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Digital Isolator / VDD=2.25~5.5V / 150Mbps / 4 channel(F:R=3:1) / Default Output Logic: Low / Input disable Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DCL542H01 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Digital Isolator / VDD=2.25~5.5V / 150Mbps / 4 channel(F:R=2:2) / Default Output Logic: High / Output enable Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DCL541B01 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Digital Isolator / VDD=2.25~5.5V / 150Mbps / 4 channel(F:R=3:1) / Default Output Logic: High / Input disable Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DCL542L01 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Digital Isolator / VDD=2.25~5.5V / 150Mbps / 4 channel(F:R=2:2) / Default Output Logic: Low / Output enable Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DCL540H01 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Digital Isolator / VDD=2.25~5.5V / 150Mbps / 4 channel(F:R=4:0) / Default Output Logic: High / Output enable Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    4N27 OPTO ISOLATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    TSOP1738 sensor

    Abstract: hp 4503 opto HP 2231 opto coupler TSOP1738 ir sensor HP 2400 OPTO TSOP1738 PIN CONFIGURATION TLP540 hcpl 3121 HEDS 5300 HP HEDS 5300
    Text: OPTO -DEVICE Vishay Receivers for IR-Remote Control PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TYPE DIM. FIG. IR Receiver for Standard Applications TSOP1730 TSOP1733 TSOP1736 TSOP1737 TSOP1738 TSOP1740 TSOP1756 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 30 33 36 36.7 38 40 56 Internal filter for PCM Frequency

    TSOP1730 TSOP1733 TSOP1736 TSOP1737 TSOP1738 TSOP1740 TSOP1756 TSOP1230 TSOP1233 TSOP1236 TSOP1738 sensor hp 4503 opto HP 2231 opto coupler TSOP1738 ir sensor HP 2400 OPTO TSOP1738 PIN CONFIGURATION TLP540 hcpl 3121 HEDS 5300 HP HEDS 5300 PDF

    MOC7811 optocoupler

    Abstract: MOC7811 QTC 4N35 working of MOC7811 QTC 4N25 OMRON 1230 opto moc7811 speed sensor NEC PS2001B MOC7811 PIN DETAILS MOC7811 pin diagram with smoke detector
    Text: Optocouplers Data Book 1996 Contents General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selector Guide – Alphanumeric Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    TCST1103 TCST2103 TCST2000 TCST2300 TCST1300 MOC7811 optocoupler MOC7811 QTC 4N35 working of MOC7811 QTC 4N25 OMRON 1230 opto moc7811 speed sensor NEC PS2001B MOC7811 PIN DETAILS MOC7811 pin diagram with smoke detector PDF


    Abstract: triac driver opto moc3021 opto d207 MCT2E soic D217 OPTO IC 4N25 triac 730A-04 a4n33 opto triac moc3010 MOC3041 opto isolator
    Text: Optoelectronic Devices In Brief . . . Motorola’s families of optoelectronic components encompass red and infrared GaAs emitters and silicon detectors that are well matched for a variety of applications. Optoisolators Motorola’s “Global” 6–Pin Dual In–line Package DIP

    MOC2A60-5 MOC2A60-10 02/Style 01/Style MOTOROLA OPTOELECTRONIC ic pin diagram triac driver opto moc3021 opto d207 MCT2E soic D217 OPTO IC 4N25 triac 730A-04 a4n33 opto triac moc3010 MOC3041 opto isolator PDF

    transistor mosfet buv18a

    Abstract: M143206EVK MMBF4856 lm358 IC 68hc05sc24 telephone line interface circuit bc517 MC68B54 XC68HC705P9 MPX100ap BUV18A
    Text: Device Index and Subject Index In Brief . . . Page Device Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1–1 General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2–1 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2–9


    TEMIC K153P

    Abstract: TSHF5471 tfmw5380 dn1328 tdsr5156 dn904 TDSR5153 HS0038 IR sensor TLVD4900 TCDF1910
    Text: Quality and Reliability Report 1997 TEMIC Semiconductors 07.97 Table of Contents TEMIC Quality Policy .1 Quality System .2

    WN1053 WN1087-18R WN1087-TR1 WN1090 WN1125 WN1142 WN1158-TA WN1165-TR1 WN1170 WN934 TEMIC K153P TSHF5471 tfmw5380 dn1328 tdsr5156 dn904 TDSR5153 HS0038 IR sensor TLVD4900 TCDF1910 PDF

    P521 OPTO

    Abstract: p181 opto P521 opto coupler Opto Coupler p181 opto P181 p421 opto opto coupler P521 opto coupler P421 opto p521 cosmo 2010 4N35
    Text: 2010-3 PRODUCT GUIDE Photocouplers and Photorelays h t t p : / / w w w. s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / e n g Preface As a type of isolator favored by manufacturers, photocouplers now serve as noise protectors in many electronic devices. Toshiba’s photocouplers consist of either a GaAs or

    TLP521-1 BCE0034E P521 OPTO p181 opto P521 opto coupler Opto Coupler p181 opto P181 p421 opto opto coupler P521 opto coupler P421 opto p521 cosmo 2010 4N35 PDF


    Abstract: p181 opto TLP185 TLP785 Opto Coupler p181 toshiba smd marking code transistor opto P181 opto coupler TLP250 opto coupler P421 P181 Photocoupler
    Text: 2011-3 PRODUCT GUIDE Photocouplers and Photorelays SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w . s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / e n g Preface Extensive Line of Products As a type of isolator favored by manufacturers, photocouplers now serve as noise protectors in many electronic devices.

    BCE0034F P620 PHOTOCOUPLER p181 opto TLP185 TLP785 Opto Coupler p181 toshiba smd marking code transistor opto P181 opto coupler TLP250 opto coupler P421 P181 Photocoupler PDF


    Abstract: VOM1271
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . Optocouplers Complete Product Por tfolio Optoelectronics - Complete Product Portfolio Optocoupler Product Portfolio TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. 2

    Lin9337-2726 VMN-PL0475-1404 CNY65S VOM1271 PDF


    Abstract: SMD a7 S smd code A7 smd Optocoupler 601
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . Optocouplers Complete Product Por tfolio Optocoupler Product Portfolio TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. 2

    VMN-PL0475-1410 TCLT1103 SMD a7 S smd code A7 smd Optocoupler 601 PDF


    Abstract: CNY62 sharp pc613 CNY63 CNY57 QTC 4N35 MOC7811 sensor MOC7811 QTC 4N25 hafo 3c63b
    Text: Tem ic Semiconductors Cross Reference List Opto Corapetltwn-Type Isolators 3C63B 3C63C 3C91B 3C91C 3C92B 3C92C 3N243 3N244 3N245 3N281 4N25, 25A 4N26 4N27 4N28 4N29 4N29A 4N30 4N31 4N32 4N33 4N35 4N37 4N38 CLA7 CLA7AA CNX21 ' CNX35 ; CNX36 CNX38 1CNX82 i CNX83

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    3C63B 3C63C 3C91B 3C91C 3C92B 3C92C 3N243 3N244 3N245 3N281 CNY57A CNY62 sharp pc613 CNY63 CNY57 QTC 4N35 MOC7811 sensor MOC7811 QTC 4N25 hafo 3c63b PDF


    Abstract: c1116 a4n25 C1119 C1116 transistor C1117 C1118 C1114 C1124 MAC111
    Text: I Monsanto II PHOTOTRANSISTOR 4N25 4N26 OPTO-ISOLATORS 4N27 4N28 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION T he 4 N 2 5 , 4 N 2 6 , 4 N 2 7 and 4 N 2 8 series o f o p to is o la to rs have a NPN silic o n p lan ar p h o to tra n s is to r o p tic a lly coupled to a g a lliu rr arsenide d io d e . Each is m o u n te d in a six-lead p lastic D IP package.

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    L14F1 npn photo transistor

    Abstract: 4n26 opto isolator 4n27 opto isolator L14F1 phototransistor 4N25-4N26-4N27 4N25-4N26-4N27-4N28 2N5777 2N5780 transistor 531 ge 4n25
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS INFRARED EMITTERS G E TYPE PAGE NO. LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F 134] 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 FALL R IS E M AX. MIN. M AX. P E A K E M IS S IO N W AVELENGTH T IM E T IM E Vp @ Pd PO@ lp=100m A lp= 100mA TYP. n. M E T E R S TYP. n. SEC. TYP. n. SEC. mW

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    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 L14F1 npn photo transistor 4n26 opto isolator 4n27 opto isolator L14F1 phototransistor 4N25-4N26-4N27 4N25-4N26-4N27-4N28 2N5777 2N5780 transistor 531 ge 4n25 PDF


    Abstract: Ex-90C
    Text: J TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 4ME D HH fi^GO^ti 001117= T E i ALG6 Optocouplers ' T ' H I - $ "J? Standard Opto Isolators w ith Transistor Output Package Type C haracteristics UL-recognized: CTR File No. E 76414 Dimensions see page 56 - _ i j bW 1T T m N ; liJ

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    TCHT1130 0806/IE 601-0860/IEC TCHT1130 Ex-90C PDF

    L14F1 phototransistor

    Abstract: L14F1 npn photo transistor T1 L14F1 TRANSISTOR 2n5777 phototransistor 340 opto isolator LED55B 2N5777 A3-H11 2N5778 L14G3
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS INFRARED EMITTERS G E TYPE PAGE NO. LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F 134] 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 FALL R IS E M AX. MIN. M AX. P E A K E M IS S IO N W AVELENGTH T IM E T IM E Vp @ Pd PO@ lp=100m A lp= 100mA TYP. n. M E T E R S TYP. n. SEC. TYP. n. SEC. mW

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    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 L14F1 phototransistor L14F1 npn photo transistor T1 L14F1 TRANSISTOR 2n5777 phototransistor 340 opto isolator 2N5777 A3-H11 2N5778 L14G3 PDF

    2n5777 phototransistor

    Abstract: L14F1 PHOTOTRANSISTOR 2n5779 Phototransistor L14F1 L14F1 npn photo transistor LED55B photo transistor L14F1 L14G3 phototransistor npn photo transistor H11A2
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS INFRARED EMITTERS G E TYPE PAGE NO. LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F 134] 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 FALL R IS E M AX. MIN. M AX. P E A K E M IS S IO N W AVELENGTH T IM E T IM E Vp @ Pd PO@ lp=100m A lp= 100mA TYP. n. M E T E R S TYP. n. SEC. TYP. n. SEC. mW

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    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 2n5777 phototransistor L14F1 PHOTOTRANSISTOR 2n5779 Phototransistor L14F1 L14F1 npn photo transistor photo transistor L14F1 L14G3 phototransistor npn photo transistor H11A2 PDF


    Abstract: H15A1 opto L14F1 npn photo transistor h15a2 L14F1 phototransistor ge H15A1 photo transistor L14F1 opto h15a2 LED56 L14F2
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS INFRARED EMITTERS G E TYPE PAGE NO. LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F 134] 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 FALL R IS E M AX. MIN. M AX. P E A K E M IS S IO N W AVELENGTH T IM E T IM E Vp @ Pd PO@ lp=100m A lp= 100mA TYP. n. M E T E R S TYP. n. SEC. TYP. n. SEC. mW

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    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 H15A1 H15A1 opto L14F1 npn photo transistor h15a2 L14F1 phototransistor ge H15A1 photo transistor L14F1 opto h15a2 L14F2 PDF

    Phototransistor L14G3 application

    Abstract: L14F1 npn photo transistor L14G2 application note L14F1 phototransistor 2N5777 circuit using l14f1 H11A520 340 opto isolator L14F1 photo transistor 2n5777
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS GE TYPE PAGE NO. LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F 134] 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 MIN. PO@ lp=100mA 5.4mW 3.5mW 1.5mW 5.4mW 3.5 mW 1.5mW INFRARED EMITTERS FALL MAX. PEAK EMISSION RISE TIME Vp @ WAVELENGTH TIME lp= 100mA TYP. n. METERS TYP. n. SEC. TYP. n. SEC.

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    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 Phototransistor L14G3 application L14F1 npn photo transistor L14G2 application note L14F1 phototransistor 2N5777 circuit using l14f1 H11A520 340 opto isolator L14F1 photo transistor 2n5777 PDF

    opto isolator 4n35

    Abstract: GE 4N35 l14f1 ir phototransistor L14F1 npn photo transistor 537 opto isolator L14F1 phototransistor 4N35-37 l14h4 LED55B L14G1 phototransistor
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS INFRARED EMITTERS GE TYPE FALL R IS E MAX. M IN . M A X . P E A K E M IS S IO N W AVELENGTH T IM E T IM E Vp @ Pd PO@ NO. lp = 1 0 0 m A l p = 1 0 0 m A T Y P . n. M E T E R S T Y P . n. S E C . T Y P . n. S E C . m W PAGE M A X . Ip CONT.

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    100mA LED55C LED55B LED56 LED55CF LED55BF LED56F l14g1 l14g2 opto isolator 4n35 GE 4N35 l14f1 ir phototransistor L14F1 npn photo transistor 537 opto isolator L14F1 phototransistor 4N35-37 l14h4 L14G1 phototransistor PDF


    Abstract: H74AI h11m BPW3 H1IJ H11M4 photo darlington L14F2 HIIAAI M0C3010 MC726
    Text: Quick-Reference Product Guide Selection Charts INFRARED EMITTERS j ß /> * ff /' //* * ,y / TYPE NO. PAGE NO. MIN. PQ @ lF = 100mA MAX. VF@ lp= 100«iA PEAK EMISSION WAVELENGTH TYP. n METERS RISE TIME TYP. mSEC FALL TIME TYP./zSEC MAX. PD mW MAX. If CONT.

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    100mA 25mW/sr 28mW/sr H21L1 H21L2 H22L1 H22L2 H23A2 H23B1 H23L1 M0C3011 H74AI h11m BPW3 H1IJ H11M4 photo darlington L14F2 HIIAAI M0C3010 MC726 PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845
    Text: MASTER SELECTION GUIDE EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT This is the European supplement to the USA edition of the Master Selection Guide, SG73/D REV 3. It should be read along with the USA edition. The supplement carries amendments to sections 1 and 5 in the USA edition.

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    SG73/D triac zd 607 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845 PDF


    Abstract: TIL701 TIL393-9 til78 phototransistor TIL81 til312 7 segment display TIL78 TIL393 TIL313 TIL393-6
    Text: m The Optoelectronics Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IMPORTANT NOTICES Texas Instruments reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. Tl cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or

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    LCC4230-D EPN4050 TIL702 TIL701 TIL393-9 til78 phototransistor TIL81 til312 7 segment display TIL78 TIL393 TIL313 TIL393-6 PDF

    IRFD1Z3 equivalent

    Abstract: 8N60 equivalent TP8N20 TP8N10 siemens semiconductor manual What is comparable with IRF 3205 2N6823 irf8408 MTM5N90 designers datasheet smps cook circuit
    Text: The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Motorola reserves the right to make changes with­ out further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not

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    VP1204N TP8P08 5001D VP1206N 1208N 5002D 1209N VP1209N IRFD1Z3 equivalent 8N60 equivalent TP8N20 TP8N10 siemens semiconductor manual What is comparable with IRF 3205 2N6823 irf8408 MTM5N90 designers datasheet smps cook circuit PDF

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    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
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    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

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