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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P LE SS EY [ S E M I C O N D U C T O R S I 3 0 2 6 - 1.0 ZNREF040 4V LOW POWER PRECISION REFERENCE SOURCE The ZNREF040 is a m onolithic integrated circuit providing a precise stable reference voltage of 4.01V at 500fjA. The c ircu it features a knee current of 150/jA and operation

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    ZNREF040 ZNREF040 500fjA. 150/jA PDF


    Abstract: 62002ap 62003AP 62004A TD62003AP 62003a
    Text: Technical Data Silicon Monolithic Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit TD62001AP/AF TD62002AP/AF TD62003AP/AF TD62004AP/AF 7-channel Darlington Sink Driver The TD62001AP/AF Series features high-voltage, high current Darlington drivers composed of seven NPN Darlington pairs.

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    TD62001AP/AF TD62002AP/AF TD62003AP/AF TD62004AP/AF TD62001AP TD62002AP TD62003AP TD62004AP 500mA 62004AP 62002ap 62003AP 62004A 62003a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H iE X28C010 1M K 128K x 8 Bit 5 Volt, Byte Alterable E2PROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Access Time: 120ns • Simple Byte and Page Write — Single 5V Supply — No External High Voltages or V PP Control Circuits — Self-Timed — No Erase Before Write — No Complex Programming Algorithms

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    X28C010 120ns 500fjA X28C010 fabricated2-8634 PDF

    Samsung 546

    Abstract: marking JB Transistor 547 MMBT5088 100khz 5v transistor npn transistor C 548 B transistor 548 T600 JB marking transistor JB SOT23 transistor
    Text: SAMSUNG INC_ SEMICONDUCTOR MMBT5088 IME D | 7 ^ 4 1 4 5 Ü00727b T § NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR T-^q-iq - LOW NOISE TRANSISTOR ~ SO T-23 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta=25°C Characteristic Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage

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    MMBT5088 000727b OT-23 100fjA. L4142 Samsung 546 marking JB Transistor 547 MMBT5088 100khz 5v transistor npn transistor C 548 B transistor 548 T600 JB marking transistor JB SOT23 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 80C86/883 2} HARRIS CMOS 16 Bit Microprocessor ju n e 19 8 9 Features D escription • T h is C irc u it is P ro c e s s e d in A c c o rd a n c e to M il-Std 8 8 3 an d is F u lly C o n fo rm an t U n d e r the P ro v isio n s of P arag rap h 1 .2 .1 . The Harris 8 0 C 86/8 83 high performance 16 bit CM O S

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    80C86/883 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL5221C T X * « —! T 'I I T T F » ¥ î* ~ ï _ U - « ^ f T . ^ / I . ,/._ . _ . ^ | > . . /Y *rLL^ UUOl I2M UZ KOÜ-tO-KüU lnpUt‘ JUtpUt BUjJBT HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features General Description • 12M H z-3dB bandwidth The EL5221C is a dual, low power, high voltage rail-to-rail input-output buffer. O perating on supplies ranging from 5V to 15V, w hile

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    EL5221C EL5221C 12MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r a E O M a m im f r r m i N LTC1348 L TECHNOLOGY 3 3.3V Low Power RS232 Driver/5-Receiver Transceiver Decem ber 1993 K O T U IK S D C S C ftlP T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT C 13 4 8 is a 3-driver/5-receiver R S232 transceiver with very low supply current. The charge pum p only

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    LTC1348 RS232 500pA PDF

    flyback transformer construction

    Abstract: THOMSON B2 ferrite material MOSFET IRF 540 AS A SWITCH AN4001 orega transformer SMT4 E-4215A Thomson capacitors lcc 28V to 110V transformer c4460 MC44603
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Order this document as AN4001/D A N 4 0 0 1 /D MC44603 in a 110W output SMPS application 80-140Vrms and 180-280Vrms mains voltages by Joel Turchi Power Management Products Operation Application Laboratory, Motorola, Toulouse, France

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    AN4001/D MC44603 80-140Vrms 180-280Vrms 110Vrms 220Vrms MC44603. XM41-2447 flyback transformer construction THOMSON B2 ferrite material MOSFET IRF 540 AS A SWITCH AN4001 orega transformer SMT4 E-4215A Thomson capacitors lcc 28V to 110V transformer c4460 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ultra High Efficiency 93-95% Ultra Small Size, Step-Down Non-lsolated Type DC-DC Converter Bellnix 40 watt BSl-POWER Series BSI-40W Series is an ultra small size, light, and large capacity non-isolated type step-down DC-DC converter, which has achieved ultra high efficiency 93-95% by the latest synchronous rectification circuit technology. It has also achieved the surprising 40W

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    BSI-40W Over-Curr000hrs. 1000hrs 100cycles 30min. 1000hrs. 10sec. 5-10Hz 10-55Hz PDF


    Abstract: EV-KIT max713 Transformer 220 to16v MAX722 MAX717 33z3 Y711 0-9v 500ma transformer MAX753
    Text: Power Management Multi-Function Supplies MAX845 750mW isolated transfoimer driver High-Side MOSFET Drivers MAX620 (quad driver) MAX622 (VouT = V|N + 11V) t * MAX848 (2.7V to 5V step-up, with A/D battery monitoring, 200mA, 3.3V out) MAX849 (2.7V to 5V step-up,

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    MAX845 750mW MAX620 MAX622 MAX890L 90mfl, MAX891L/892L 150/300mQ, 500/250mA, MAX894L/895L cl7663a EV-KIT max713 Transformer 220 to16v MAX722 MAX717 33z3 Y711 0-9v 500ma transformer MAX753 PDF


    Abstract: MAX680EPA MAX681 MAX666 MAX680 MAX680CSA MAX680EJA MAX680ESA
    Text: +5V to +10V Voltage C onverters G en e ra l D e sc rip tio n The MAX680/MAX681 are m onolithic CM OS dual charge pum p voltage converters; th a t.p ro vid e ± 10 V outputs from a +5V input voltage. The MAX680/MAX681 provide both a positive stepup charge pum p to develop

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    MAX680/MAX681 MAX681 MAX680 typically150a MAX680/MAX681. MAX664 tL07r 146------SV\ MAX680CPA MAX680EPA MAX666 MAX680CSA MAX680EJA MAX680ESA PDF


    Abstract: LC 5121 DI-2060 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS di4044
    Text: TRANSISTOR CHIPS 4 < 100% Probe Tested to These Parameters @ 25°C Matched C haracteristic* l c= 1 0 ^ A ; Vce=5V DC Gain VBE Dlff. V b e i - V bej Ratio hFEi/hFE2 mV Max. VcBO Volta Min. @ lc” 1 0 pA l E= 0 VcEO Volts Min. @ lc — 1 mA 18=0 V EB0 Volts Min.

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    lc-10, VCE-10V NPN MATCHED PAIRS LC 5121 DI-2060 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS di4044 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIM INARY PRELIM f j j P iiiiiiiiiii E R INUMIMI I C O MMMMMI M PI6C105 IMMMMM MMMMMI . Precision Clock Synthesizer for Mobile PCs Description Features Two copies of CPU clock with VDD of 2.5V±5%

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    28-pin PI6C105 PI6C105 PS8316 PI6C105H PDF