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    5011CN Search Results

    5011CN Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    lty 817

    Abstract: 5011CN AH5017CN 5009CN 5009C ah5020 AH5012CN AH5009 N15V AH5012
    Text: Analog S w itches LYIS A H 5 0 0 9 series low c o st a n alo g c u rre n t s w itc h e s general description features The A H 5 0 0 9 series is a versatile fam ily of analog switches designed to economically fu lfill a wide variety of multiplexing and analog switching appliĀ­

    OCR Scan
    AH5009 5020CN 5021CN 5022CN AHS023CN 5024CN 16-Channel lty 817 5011CN AH5017CN 5009CN 5009C ah5020 AH5012CN N15V AH5012 PDF