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    Siemens 3SU10507BB880AA0

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    DigiKey 3SU10507BB880AA0 Box 1
    • 1 $224.33
    • 10 $224.33
    • 100 $224.33
    • 1000 $224.33
    • 10000 $224.33
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    Mouser Electronics 3SU10507BB880AA0
    • 1 $206.92
    • 10 $184.35
    • 100 $171.81
    • 1000 $171.81
    • 10000 $171.81
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    Wima SNMPTA31507BB8KS00

    SNUBBER MKP 0.15 F 1700 VDC 11X2
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    DigiKey SNMPTA31507BB8KS00 Bulk 714
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    • 1000 $5.67934
    • 10000 $5.67934
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    Mouser Electronics SNMPTA31507BB8KS00
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    • 1000 $5.67
    • 10000 $5.67
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    Wima SNFPT021507BB8MS00

    SNUBBER FKP 0.015 F 1600 VDC 11X
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    DigiKey SNFPT021507BB8MS00 Bulk 714
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    • 1000 $6.43898
    • 10000 $6.43898
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    Wima SNFPX021507BB8MS00

    SNUBBER FKP 0.015 F 4000 VDC 11X
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    DigiKey SNFPX021507BB8MS00 Bulk 714
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    Mouser Electronics SNFPX021507BB8MS00
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    • 1000 $5.36
    • 10000 $5.36
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    Wima SNFPJ031507BB8MS00

    SNUBBER FKP 0.15 F 630 VDC 11X22
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    DigiKey SNFPJ031507BB8MS00 Bulk 714
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    • 1000 $6.70668
    • 10000 $6.70668
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    507BB Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0283; Rev 1; 3/95 > k iy j x i> k i Low-Cost, 2-Channel, ± 14-Bit S erial ADCs F e a tu r e s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ Single +5V Supply MAX111 Two Differential Input Channels 14-Bit Resolution Plus Sign and Overrange 0.03% Linearity (MAX110)

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    14-Bit MAX111) MAX110) MAX111 50Hz/60Hz 16-Pin 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0478; Rev 0; 3/96 > k ly a x i> k l Dual-Output C h a rg e Pum p w ith Sh u td o w n The M AX864 CMOS, c h a rg e -p u m p , D C -D C vo lta g e converter p ro du ces a positive and a negative o utp ut from a sin g le p o sitive inp ut, and re q u ire s o nly fo u r

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    AX864 185kHz, MAX864 1-0055A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0273; Rev 0; 7/94 V M ^X IV M 3 V to 5.5V, 3-Driver/5‘Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver Using Four 0 .1\iF Capacitors The MAX3241 is ideal for 3.3V-only systems, mixed 3.3V and 5.0V systems, or 5.0V-only systems that require true RS-232 performance. Features

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    RS-232 MAX3241 RS-232 EIA/TIA232 MAX218 MAX560 MAX213 MAX561 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0122; Rev 3; 4/94 y M X X IV M Low-Power, Slew -R ate-Lim ited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers These transceivers draw between 120 iA and 500jiA of supply current. Additionally, the MAX481, MAX483, and MAX487 have a low-current shutdown mode in which they consume only 0.1nA. All parts operate from a single

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    RS-485/RS-422 500jiA MAX481, MAX483, MAX487 372mm) 032mm) 481/M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0350; Rev 0; 12/94 Precision, Dual-Supply, SPST Analog Switches G eneral Description The MAX320 series, powered from ±5V supplies, offers 3512 max o n -re s is ta n c e R o n , 2 f l m ax m atching between channels, and 4i2 max Ron flatness. _ Features

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    MAX320 150ns, 100ns MAX322 MAX321ESA MAX321EJA MAX321MJA MAX322CPA MAX322CSA MAX322CUA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4526; Rtv2 6/96 /U I/JX I/U I 8th-Order, Lowpass, S w itched-C apacitor Fitters The MAX291 /MAX295 Butterworth filters provide maxi­ mally flat passband response, and the MAX292/MAX296 Bessel fillers provide low overshoot and fast settling. All four filters have fixed responses, so the design task is

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    MAX291 /MAX295 MAX292/MAX296 16-pin 00132Gfl PDF


    Abstract: A1v9
    Text: 19-0371; R e v 1; 7/95 N iC d /N iM H B a tte r y F a s t-C h a rg e C o n tro lle rs The MAX2003/MAX2003A are fast-charge battery charg­ ers with conditioning for NiCd (nickel cadmium) or NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable batteries. The MAX2003A has the same features as the MAX2003 with

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    MAX2003/MAX2003A MAX2003A MAX2003 5fl7bb51 0D11305 AX2003 A1v9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1132; Rev 0: 10/96 •«SS3T- 12-B it, lO M sps, TTL-O utput A DC L o g ic inputs a n d outputs are T T L co m p atib le. A n o ve r­ ra n g e o utput s ig n a l is p ro v id e d to in d ic a te overflow co nd ition s. O utput d ata form at is straight binary. Pow er

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    12-Bit, 10Msps 32-lead 507bbSl PDF


    Abstract: zener t2d 70 zener t2d 74 T2D zener max17415
    Text: y i/i> jx iy i/i 19-2765,Rev2,2/93 Industry Standard Com plete 12-Bit A/D Converters The M AX174/MX574A/MX674A use standard m icropro­ cessor interface architectures and can be interfaced to 8-, 12- and 16-bit w ide buses Three-state data outputs are controlled by CS, CE and R/C logic inputs

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    12-Bit 150mW MAX174) MX674A) MX574A) 10ppm 150ns MAX174 X574A/MX674A X674A zener t2d 70 zener t2d 74 T2D zener max17415 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0252; Rev 2; 5/96 Low-Cost, Triple, 8-B it Voltage-O utput DACs w ith S erial In te rfa c e _ Features ♦ Operate from a Single +5V MAX512 or +3V (MAX513) Supply, or from Bipolar Supplies ♦ Low Power Consumption 1mA Operating Current

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    MAX512) MAX513) 14-Pin MAX512CPD MAX512CSD MAX512C/D MAX512CPD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1240: Rev 0; 6/97 JVXA'AAJVX Sw itched-Capacitor Voltage Inverters _ Applications Local -5V Supply from 5V Logic Supply Features ♦ 5-Pin SOT23-5 Package ♦ 99% Voltage Conversion Efficiency ♦ Invert Input Supply Voltage ♦ 0.7mA Quiescent Current MAX870

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    OT23-5 MAX870) MAX870C/D MAX870EUK MAX871 MAX871EUK OT23-5 5fi7bb51 PDF

    duracell mn 1300

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0371; Rev 2; 7/96 N iCd/N iM H B a tte ry Fast-Charge Controllers The MAX2003/MAX2003A are fast-charge battery charg­ ers with conditioning for NiCd (nickel cadmium) or NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable batteries. The MAX2003A has the same features as the MAX2003 with

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    MAX2003/MAX2003A MAX2003A MAX2003 Sfl7bb51 duracell mn 1300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0238, Rev 0, 3/94 jv \ jyxajv\ Low-Noise, R egulated, N eg ative Charge-Pump Pow er Supplies for GaAs FET Bias _ Features ♦ Fixed -4.1V or Adjustable -0.5V to -9V Output at 5mA ♦ 4.5V to 10V Input Voltage Range The M AX850-M AX852 offer both preset -4.1V and

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    AX850-M AX852 MAX853 100kHz MAX850/MAX851/MAX853) MAX853 MAXB50/853) AXB51) AX852) 5fi7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1246; Rev 0: 7/97 A M X IÆ Low-Cost, High-Speed, SOT23\ Single-Supply Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail Outputs The MAX4012 single, MAX4016 dual, MAX4018 triple, and MAX4020 quad op amps are unity-gam-stable devices that combine high-speed performance with Rail-to-Rail outputs. The MAX4018 has a disable fea­

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    MAX4012 MAX4016 MAX4018 MAX4020 200MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19- 1245; Rev 0; 7/97 > M / X I A I Adjustable-Output, Switch-Mode Current Sources with Synchronous R ectifier _ Applications Battery-Powered Equipment Laptop, Notebook, and Palmtop Computers Features ♦ 95% Efficiency ♦ +5.5V to +26V Input Supply Range

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    500kHz 16-Pin MAX1641) MAX1640) MAX1640EEE MAX1641 MAX1641EEE MAX1640C/D 567bb51 MAX1640/MAX1641 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4728; Rev 1; 3/94 y P L d X IV M Improved, Quad, SPST Analog Switches N e w Features ♦ Plug-In Upgrade for Industry-Standard DG411/DG412/DG413 ♦ Improved ids ON Match Between Channels (3£1 max) ♦ Guaranteed rFLAT(ON) Over Signal Range (A4U) ♦ Improved Charge Injection (10pC max)

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    DG411/DG412/DG413 DG411/DG412/DG413 DG411 DG412 DG413 150ns 100ns 507bbSl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jv w v x a / sa 19-0129; Rev. 3; 7/94 S in g le /D u a l/Q u a d H ig h •Speed, U ltra L o w -P o w e r, S in g le • S u p p ly T T L C o m p a ra to rs Because they are micropower, high-speed com para­ tors that operate from a single +5V supply and include

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    MAX907/MAX908/MAX909 MAX907; MAX908: MAX909ESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 79-0306; Rev 3; 3/96 JV X JY X A JW 1fjA S u p p ly C u rre n t, True + 3 V to +S .S V R S -2 3 2 T ra n s c e iv e rs w ith A u to S h u td o w n _ General Description The MAX3221/MAX3223/MAX3243 transceivers are 3Vpowered EIA/TIA-232 and V.28/V.24 communications

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    MAX3221/MAX3223/MAX3243 EIA/TIA-232 RS-232 120kbps MAX3221 /MAX3223/MAX3243 1-0043A DD137Q1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All information in this data sheet Iw w L iis o p preliminary i ^ i n i in i a i y and subject to change. 6/95 jj I |I I il H»" H Dual, PFM, Step-Up DC-DC Controller Features ♦ Smallest Dual Boost Controller Each output can be set to any boosted voltage using

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    300kHz, MAX863 MAX863 507bb51 GG11751 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0306; Rev 1; 3/95 V M ^ X IV M 1pA Supply Current, True + 3V to + 5 .5 V R S-232 Transceivers w ith AutoShutdown The MAX3223/MAX3243 transceivers are 3V-powered EIA/TIA-232 and V.28/V.24 communications interfaces intended for notebook computer applications. A propri­

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    S-232 MAX3223/MAX3243 EIA/TIA-232 RS-232 120kbps T10UT R20UTB T20UT| R10UT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4672,Rev2,2/93 >i/iyjxi>i/i +5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-Mode DC-DC Converters G e n e ra l D e s crip tio n The MAX731 and MAX752 are fixed and adjustable CMOS, step-up, DC-DC switch-m ode regulators The MAX731 a cce p ts a positive input voltage between +2 5V

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    MAX731 MAX752 200mA, 200mA MAX731 MAX752cpa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0147; Rev. 1; 4/94 M icroprocessor and N on-Volatile M em ory Supervisory Circuits _ Features ♦ Manual-Reset Input 1 p.P reset: Assertion of RESET and RESET outputs dur­ ing power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions. RESET is guaranteed valid for Vcc down to 1V.

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    MAX792/MAX820 120mV 16-PIN PDF

    7 segment led display SIEMENS

    Abstract: MAX138CPL L7106
    Text: 19-0805; Rev 1; 12/94 y n y j x i y i / i 3V2 D ig it A /D C o n v e rte rs w ith B an d g ap R e fe re n c e a n d C h arg e -P u m p V o lta g e C o n v e rte r _F e a tu r e s ♦ Single Supply +2.5V to +7,0V Operation MAX 140 is a low segm ent-current version of the MAX 139

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    138/MAX MAX138) MAX139) MAX138/MAX139 MAX138/M ICL7136 ICL7137 7 segment led display SIEMENS MAX138CPL L7106 PDF

    25B SOT23-3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0344: Rev 1; 2/95 y w y ix iv M 3-P in M ic ro p ro c e s s o r R e s e t C irc u it These circuits perform a single function: They assert a reset signal whenever the Vcc supply voltage declines below a preset threshold, keeping it asserted for at least

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    MAX809/MAX810 140ms MAX809 MAX809L/T MAX810L/T 25B SOT23-3 PDF