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    512 X 4 BIPOLAR PROM Search Results

    512 X 4 BIPOLAR PROM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    GT30J110SRA Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation IGBT, 1100 V, 60 A, Built-in Diodes, TO-3P(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    512 X 4 BIPOLAR PROM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 82S130A 82S131A
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military Bipolar Memory Products 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 4 82S131A DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S130A and 82S131A are field-programmable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by following the

    OCR Scan
    82S130A 82S131A -150pA 82S130A: 82S131A: 270ft 82S131 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 PDF

    Bipolar PROM programming

    Abstract: AM27S13A
    Text: Am27S12/13 2,048-Bit 512 x 4 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • High speed Highly reliable,ultra-fast programming Platinum-Silickle fuses • High programming yield • Low-current PNP inputs • High-current open-coilector and three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am27S12/13 048-Bit Am27S12 Am27S13 BD006400 Am27S12A Am27S13A Bipolar PROM programming PDF


    Abstract: 512 x 4 bipolar prom am27s13adc
    Text: Am27Sl2/13 Am27S12/13 2,048-Bit 512 x 4 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • High speed Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming Platinum-Silicide fuses High programming yield • • • Low-current PNP inputs High-current open-collector and three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am27Sl2/13 048-Bit Am27S12/13 27Sl2/13 Am27Sl2 MIL-STD-883, AM27S13 512 x 4 bipolar prom am27s13adc PDF


    Abstract: AM27S13 512 ttl prom
    Text: Am 27S12/13 2,048-Bit 512 x 4 Bipolar PROM • • • High speed Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming Platmum-SilickJe fuses High programming yield • • Low-current PNP inputs High-current open-collector and three-state outputs • Fast chip select

    OCR Scan
    Am27S12/13 048-Bit Am27S12 Am27S13 BD006400 Am27S12A AM27S13A 512 ttl prom PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27Sl2/13 a 2,048-Bit 512 x 4 Bipolar PROM > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ro •«j • • • High speed Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming Platinum-Silicide fuses High programming yield • • • Low-current PNP inputs High-current open-collector and three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am27Sl2/13 048-Bit Am27S12/13 Am27S12 Am27S13 BD006400 Am27S12A Am27S13A PDF


    Abstract: MM5231 MM4203Q MM5203Q MM5203 MM523 J24CQ TTL dm7400
    Text: MM4203/MM5203 MOS EPROMs National Semiconductor MM4203/MM5203 2048-Bit 256 x 8 or 512 x 4 UV Erasable PROM General Description The M M 420 3 /M M 5 2 03 is a 204 8 -b it static read­ o n ly m em ory w hich is e lectrically programmable and uses silicon gate technology to achieve bipolar

    OCR Scan
    MM4203/MM5203 2048-Bit 2048-bit 256-8-bit 512-4-bit mm5213 MM5231 MM4203Q MM5203Q MM5203 MM523 J24CQ TTL dm7400 PDF


    Abstract: MM5204Q-1 description of power saver block diagram electric power saver circuits power saver circuits J24CQ power saver ac MM5204 MM5204-1
    Text: MM5204-1 National Semiconductor MOS EPROMs MM5204-14096-Bit 512 x 8 UV Erasable PROM General Description Th e MM5204-1 is a 4 096-bit static Read O n ly M emory w hich is e le ctrically programmable and uses silicon gate technology to achieve bipolar co m p atib ility. T h e device

    OCR Scan
    MM5204-14096-Bit MM5204-1 4096-bit MM5204-1 PR06RAM MM4204/MM5204 MM5204Q MM5204Q-1 description of power saver block diagram electric power saver circuits power saver circuits J24CQ power saver ac MM5204 PDF


    Abstract: 82s141 82S140 N82S140 N82S140F N82S141 S82S140 S82S141 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 82S141/8708+prom
    Text: Signetics Memories - Bipolar Proms N82S140, N82S141 - 4 0 9 6 Bit Field Programmable Prom 512 x 8 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M 13 G E N E R A L D E SC R IPTIO N The 82S 140 and 82S141 are fie ld program m able. The standard 82S140 and 82S141 are supplied w ith all outputs

    OCR Scan
    N82S140, N82S141 82S140 82S141 N82S140/ N82S141F N82S140 N82S140F S82S140 S82S141 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 82S141/8708+prom PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Bipolar Memory Products Product specification 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150jiA max • Control store

    OCR Scan
    82S141 -150jiA 82S141 1002b 711002b 82S141/8708+prom PDF

    8 bit ttl mux

    Abstract: SIGNETICS prom ttl 512
    Text: Signetics 82S147 82S147A 4K-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM Military Bipolar Memory Products Product Specification DESCRIPTION FEATURES APPLICATIONS Th e 8 2 S 1 4 7 and 8 2 S 1 4 7 A are field-pro­ • Address access time: 75ns max • Prototyping/volume production

    OCR Scan
    82S147 82S147A 82S147, 8 bit ttl mux SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 PDF

    SIGNETICS 82S141

    Abstract: SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 IC TTL 4700 82S141/BJA 82S141
    Text: Signetics 82S141 4K-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM Military Bipolar Memory Products Product Specification DESCRIPTION FEATURES APPLICATIONS The 82S141 is field programmable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by following the Signetics Generic I fusing procedure. The

    OCR Scan
    82S141 82S141 1000ft SIGNETICS 82S141 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 IC TTL 4700 82S141/BJA PDF


    Abstract: 82S147 82S147A f0035 AS016 33-OS
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Military Bipolar Memory Products 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82SH7A FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Address access time: 75ns max The 82S147 and 82S147A are field-programmable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by following the

    OCR Scan
    82S147 82S147A w82S147A 500ns AS-016 f0035 AS016 33-OS PDF


    Abstract: GDFP2-F24 82S141/BJA 1000U 82S141 philips ue-12
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M ilitary B ipo la r Memory P roducts P roduct sp ecifica tio n 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150|iA max • Control store

    OCR Scan
    82S141 24-pin 600mil-wide) 82S141/BJA GDIP1-T24 82S141/BKA GDFP2-F24 1000U. 82s141 GDFP2-F24 1000U 82S141 philips ue-12 PDF


    Abstract: 512 ttl prom 1000U GDIP1-T24 82S141 philips 82S141/BJA
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M ilitary B ipo la r Memory P roducts P roduct sp ecifica tio n 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150|iA max • Control store

    OCR Scan
    82S141 24-pin 600mil-wide) 82S141/BJA GDIP1-T24 82S141/BKA GDFP2-F24 1000U. 82s141 512 ttl prom 1000U GDIP1-T24 82S141 philips PDF

    82s131 programming

    Abstract: rom 512x4 512 x 4 PROM SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 512x4 2041b 82S131 825131 82s130 programming 82S130
    Text: B g g n o ticB 2041-BIT BIPOLAR PROGRAMMABLE ROM 512x4 PROM FEBRUARY 1975 825130 825131 DIGITAL 8000 SERIES TTL/M EM ORY D E S C R IP T IO N The 82S130 (Open Collector Outputs) and the 82S131 (Tri-State Outputs) are Bipolar 2048-Bit Read O nly Mem­ ories, organized as 512 words by 4 bits per word. They

    OCR Scan
    2041-BIT 512x4 82S130 82S131 2048-Bit 82S130 82S131 82s131 programming rom 512x4 512 x 4 PROM SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 2041b 825131 82s130 programming PDF


    Abstract: strobe
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-0106 ECN No. 86487 Date of Issue November 11, 1986 Status Product Specification 82S115 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Memory Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S115 is field programmable and includes on-chip decoding and 2 chip

    OCR Scan
    82S115 82S115 N82S115N strobe PDF


    Abstract: SIGNETICS prom N82S147 512 PROM 82s
    Text: S ign etics Memories - Bipolar Prom 512 x 8 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M N82S146, N82S147 - 4096 Bit Bipolar Prom (512 x 8) G E N E R A L D E S C R IP TIO N T he 82S 146 and 82S147 are fie ld program m able. The standard devices are supplied w ith all o u tp u ts at logical

    OCR Scan
    N82S146, N82S147 82s146 82s147 n82s146/147. N82S147N SIGNETICS prom 512 PROM 82s PDF

    512 PROM 82s

    Abstract: prom 82s
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics ECN No. 9 6054 Date of Issue M arch 14, 1989 825130 825131 Status P roduct S p ecification 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Document No. 8 5 3 -0 1 4 3 M em ory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S 130 and B2S131 are fie ld

    OCR Scan
    B2S131 82S131 82S130 82S131 600il, 750ii, 512 PROM 82s prom 82s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WS57C51C MILITARY HIGH SPEED 16Kx 8 CMOS PROM/RPROM KEY FEATURES • Pin Compatible with Am27S51 and N82HS1281 • Ultra-Fast Access Time — 45 ns • Immune to Latch-Up • Low Power Consumption • Fast Programming — Up to 200 mA • ESD Protection Exceeds 2000 V

    OCR Scan
    WS57C51C Am27S51 N82HS1281 WS57C51C WS57C51C-45DMB MIL-STD-883C WS57C51C-45TMB PDF

    bipolar PROM

    Abstract: plhs18p8 S4LS04 82HS641 PLHS18 54175 82s137a 82S191 68172 54F04
    Text: Signetics I Alphanumeric I Index Military Products H LM119 LM124 LM139 Vol. 1 17 Dual Voltage Comparator Vol.2 22 26 26 Low Power Quad Op Amp LM139A Qual Voltage Comparator Qual Voltage Comparator PLC18V8Z Zero Standby Power Universal PAL -Type Device PLC415

    OCR Scan
    LM119 LM124 LM139 LM139A PLC18V8Z PLC415 PLHS18P8A PLHS473 PLHS501 PLS105 bipolar PROM plhs18p8 S4LS04 82HS641 PLHS18 54175 82s137a 82S191 68172 54F04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WS57C51C MILITARY HIGH SPEED 16Kx 8 CMOS PROM/RPROM KEY FEATURES • Ultra-Fast Access Time • Pin Compatible with Am27S51 and N82HS1281 — 45 ns • Low Power Consumption • Fast Programming • Immune to Latch-Up — UPt0 200 mA • ESD Protection Exceeds 2000 V

    OCR Scan
    WS57C51C Am27S51 N82HS1281 S57C51C WS57C51C MIL-STD-883C PDF


    Abstract: XB102 1024X4 AM27S30
    Text: Bipolar PROM Bipolar PROM Functional Index and Selection Guide Part Number Access Time Icc COM'L/MIL COM'L/MIL Organization Max Max Output Number of Pins Packages 80/80 oc 16 D.P.F.L d ,p , f ,l AIH27LS181 32x8 A m 27LSl91 32x8 50/65 80/80 3S 16 Am 27Sl8 32x8

    OCR Scan
    256x4 512x4 512x8 AM27lS08 XB102 1024X4 AM27S30 PDF

    X 1077 CE

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M ilitary B ipo la r Memory P roducts P roduct sp ecifica tio n 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150|iA max • Control store

    OCR Scan
    82S141 82S141 X 1077 CE PDF


    Abstract: prom 82S147 82S147 82S147A 512 ttl prom
    Text: Product •pacification Philips Semiconductors Military Bipolar Memory Products OOS1A7 82S147A 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 5 1 2 x 8 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S147 and 82S147A are field-programmable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by following the

    OCR Scan
    82S147 82S147A 82S147A 500ns S5NS prom 82S147 512 ttl prom PDF