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    compandor cookbook

    Abstract: AN176 Signetics Application Notes SR00748 AN176 Signetics AN176 SA572 SA571 cookbook 570 compandor Application Notes SA572
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS AN176 Compandor cookbook 1997 Aug 20 Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Application note Compandor cookbook AN176 Compandors are versatile, low cost, dual-channel gain control devices for audio frequencies. They are used in tape decks,

    AN176 SR00751 200pF SR00752 compandor cookbook AN176 Signetics Application Notes SR00748 AN176 Signetics AN176 SA572 SA571 cookbook 570 compandor Application Notes SA572 PDF

    SA571 application note

    Abstract: compandor cookbook compressor ALC NE570 SA571 NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction cookbook wireless microphones SA572 570 compandor Application Notes NE570
    Text: AND8160/D Compandor Cookbook APPLICATION NOTE Compandors are versatile, low cost, dual-channel gain control devices for audio frequencies. They are used in tape decks, cordless telephones, and wireless microphones performing noise reduction. Electronic organs, modems and

    AND8160/D SA571 application note compandor cookbook compressor ALC NE570 SA571 NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction cookbook wireless microphones SA572 570 compandor Application Notes NE570 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Compandor NE570/571/SA571 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor or expandor. Each channel has a full-wave rectifier to detect the

    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 SR00691 SR00692 SR00693 PDF

    NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction

    Abstract: NE570 NE571N NE571D audio compressor expander IC 570 compandor sa571 equivalent NE570N "reference" NE570 equivalent SA571 application note
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE570/571/SA571 Compandor Product specification IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1990 Jun 7 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Compandor NE570/571/SA571 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in

    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 NE570/571 NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570 NE571N NE571D audio compressor expander IC 570 compandor sa571 equivalent NE570N "reference" NE570 equivalent SA571 application note PDF


    Abstract: NE570 AN174 Bucket Brigade LM325 lm3932 SA571 application note LM393-2 audio compressor BRIGADE RECTIFIER
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS AN174 Applications for compandors SA570/571 SA571 1997 Aug 20 Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Application note Applications for compandors NE570/571/SA571 AN174 The following circuits will illustrate some of the wide variety of

    AN174 SA570/571 SA571 NE570/571/SA571 SA570. SA570 270pF SA570 NE570 AN174 Bucket Brigade LM325 lm3932 SA571 application note LM393-2 audio compressor BRIGADE RECTIFIER PDF

    IC 571n

    Abstract: ne571 fc 571N 570 compandor
    Text: OBJECTIVE S P E C IFIC A TIO N 570/571-N DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The 570/571 is a versatile low co st dual gain c o n tro l c irc u it in w h ic h e ith e r channel may be used as a dyn a m ic range c o m p re s s o r or expandor. Each channel has a fu ll wave

    OCR Scan
    570/571-N 20Hz-20kH -10dB -30dB IC 571n ne571 fc 571N 570 compandor PDF

    NE571 application notes

    Abstract: ne571 application note NE571 15V1 NE570 570 compandor
    Text: S ig n e tic s Integrated Circuits - Compandor NE570/571 — Compandor G E N E R A L DE SC R IPTIO N The 570/571 is a versatile lo w cost dual gain c o n tro l c irc u it in w h ich either channel m ay be used as a dyna m ic range com pressor o r expandor. Each channel has a fu ll

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571 110dB NE571 application notes ne571 application note NE571 15V1 NE570 570 compandor PDF

    AN174 Signetics

    Abstract: ne570
    Text: Philips C om ponents-Signetics AN 174 Application Note Document Signet ics Author. Applications for compandors: NE570/571/SA571 December 1988 Date RF Communications APPLICATIONS above values. The following circuits will illustrate some of the wide variety of applications for the

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 AN174 AN174 Signetics ne570 PDF

    NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction

    Abstract: NE571N NE571D NE570N NE571F 570 compandor NE-571N NE570 compandor SA571D
    Text: Product specification Philips Sem iconductors NE570/571/SA571 Compandor FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK IC01 OR DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual □ain control circuit in which either channel

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 N5570/571 16-Ptn 16-Pin NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE571N NE571D NE570N NE571F 570 compandor NE-571N NE570 compandor SA571D PDF

    CC 707 schematic diagram am radio

    Abstract: a571 e571 ne571 NE570N NE571N A571N
    Text: NE570 / 571 /S A 571 Compandor S ig n e t ic s Product Specification Linear Products DESCRIPTION PIN CO NFIGURATION FEATURES d u a l g a in c o n tr o l c irc u it in w h ic h e ith e r • Complete compressor and expandor In one IC channel • Temperature compensated

    OCR Scan
    NE570 110dB NE570 CC 707 schematic diagram am radio a571 e571 ne571 NE570N NE571N A571N PDF

    AN176 Signetics

    Abstract: compandor cookbook 570 compandor AN176 Signetics Application Notes ne570 AN176
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document AN 176 Application Note Author. Signetics Date Compandor cookbook D ecem ber 1988 RP Communications Com pandors are versatile, low cost, dual-channel gain control devices for audio frequencies. They are used in tape decks, cordless telephones, and

    OCR Scan
    AN176 NE570/571 200pF^ 200pF AN176 Signetics compandor cookbook 570 compandor AN176 Signetics Application Notes ne570 AN176 PDF

    compandor cookbook

    Abstract: AN176 Signetics 570 compandor ne570 compandor
    Text: AN 176 Signetics Compandor Cookbook Application Note Linear Products Compandors are versatile, low cost, dual­ channel gain control devices for audio fre­ quencies. They are used in tape decks, cord­ less telephones, and wireless microphones performing noise reduction. Electronic or­

    OCR Scan
    200mV 15kHz E570/571 compandor cookbook AN176 Signetics 570 compandor ne570 compandor PDF


    Abstract: NE570N NE570N "reference" NE-571N 570 compandor compandor FILTERS ITT
    Text: S ig n e tic s Integrated Circuits - Compandor T Y P IC A L P E R F O R M A N C E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S NE570/571 Cont. G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N A band gap reference provides the reference voltage for all sum m ing nodes, a regulated supply voltage for the

    OCR Scan
    ne570/571 NE571N NE570N NE570N "reference" NE-571N 570 compandor compandor FILTERS ITT PDF


    Abstract: 570 compandor NE571N SA571F NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction
    Text: Pro d u ct specifica tio n P h ilip s S em ico n d u cto rs-S ig ne tics R F Com m unications P roducts Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 compandor 570 compandor NE571N SA571F NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Compandor NE570/571/SA571 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE57Q/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor or expandor. Each channel has a full-wave rectifier to detect the

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE57Q/571 NE570/571 SR0069 SRJC692 PDF


    Abstract: NE571N NE570N 570 compandor 570N NE570D NE570F NE571F SA571D SA571F
    Text: Product sp ecification P h ilip s Se m ico nductors-Signe tics R F Com m unications Products Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEA TU R ES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 NE57Q/571 110dB 10-to-1 71100Bb NE571D NE571N NE570N 570 compandor 570N NE570D NE570F NE571F SA571D SA571F PDF


    Abstract: NE570 equivalent NE571D NE571N 570 compandor ne570 SA571 application note
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors-Signetics RF Communications Products Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit In which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/571 110dB NE570 NE570N NE570 equivalent NE571D NE571N 570 compandor ne570 SA571 application note PDF

    NE571 application notes

    Abstract: NE571 ne571 application note NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570 one band circuit application SA571 application note
    Text: Product specification Philip« Semiconductors RF Communications Products Compandor NE570/571/SA571 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570/NE571 NE570/571 110dB NE571 application notes NE571 ne571 application note NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570 one band circuit application SA571 application note PDF


    Abstract: NE571 application notes NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction ne571 NE570 equivalent NE570N NE571N NE571F 570 compandor NE571 equivalent
    Text: Philip« S em icon ducto rs RF C om m unications Products P roduct specification Compandor DESCRIPTION The NE570/571 is a versatile low cost dual gain control circuit in which either channel may be used as a dynamic range compressor or expandor. Each channel has a full-wave

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570 NE571 NE570/571 110dB 10-to-1 NE571D NE571 application notes NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction NE570 equivalent NE570N NE571N NE571F 570 compandor NE571 equivalent PDF

    SA571 application note

    Abstract: NE570 NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction AN174 Signetics Bucket Brigade 41VRMS LM339 Signetics
    Text: AN 174 Signetics Applications for Compandors: NE570/571/SA571 Application Note Linear Products APPLICATIONS The following circuits will illustrate some of the wide variety of applications for the NE570. BASIC EXPANDOR Figure 1 shows how the circuit would be

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 NE570. 10kHz. SA571 application note NE570 NE570 Audio Dynamic Noise Reduction AN174 Signetics Bucket Brigade 41VRMS LM339 Signetics PDF


    Abstract: NE571N Application Notes NE570
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics D ocum ent NE570/571/SA571 8 5 3 -0 8 1 2 Compandor 99768 E C N N o. D a te o f Is s u e J une 7, 1990 Product Specification S ta tu s R F C o m m u n ic a tio n s PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e N E 57 0 /5 7 1 is a versatile low cost

    OCR Scan
    NE570/571/SA571 10-to-1 NE570N NE571N Application Notes NE570 PDF


    Abstract: Companding compressor audio pin configuration of i3 processor Philips Capacitor K1 audio compressor compressor IC noise cancellation IC SIgnetics RF Communications Products NE5752
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bDE ]> • 711062b OQSafi'iS 033 H P H I N Philips Semiconductor* RF Communication« Product* Objective specification Audio processor - companding, VOX and amplifier section NE/SA5752 T The NE/SA5752 is a high performance low power audio signal processing system

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA5752 711Ga2b COMPIM Companding compressor audio pin configuration of i3 processor Philips Capacitor K1 audio compressor compressor IC noise cancellation IC SIgnetics RF Communications Products NE5752 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1993 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATA S H E E T MB86467 AUDIO FILTER FOR ANALOG CORDLESS TELEPHONE Audio Filter for Analog Cordless Telephone With Compandor, 1200 Bps MSK Modem, Speech Scrambler The MB86467 is a single-chip voice filter which contains a 1200-bps minimum shift keying

    OCR Scan
    MB86467 MB86467 1200-bps t175b 37MT75b 37HT7Sb DD104t wiretap PDF


    Abstract: wiretap U/25/20/TN26/15/850/speech scrambler
    Text: April 1993 Edition 1.0 fu JÍt s u DATA SHEET MB86467 AUDIO FILTER FOR ANALOG CORDLESS TELEPHONE Audio Filter for Analog Cordless Telephone With Compandor, 1200 Bps MSK Modem, Speech Scrambler The MB86467 is a single-chip voice filter which contains a 1200-bps minimum shift keying

    OCR Scan
    MB86467 MB86467 1200-bps V0088-934W wiretap U/25/20/TN26/15/850/speech scrambler PDF