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    Kyocera AVX Components GH3557100KN6N

    MICRO-W SLC - Waffle Pack (Alt: GH3557100KN6N)
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    Avnet Americas GH3557100KN6N Waffle Pack 13 Weeks 400
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    MAVIN NA157, 100KG, 1,6M WIRE, IP65, ROHS

    Single point load cell; Capacity 100kg (1000N); cable: 1.6m; Accuracy: C2
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    Maritex NA157, 100KG, 1,6M WIRE, IP65, ROHS 20 1
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    • 1000 $35.576
    • 10000 $35.576
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M51525FP,P,GP nerica"0 -, sP 1-'t:' PC* J ‘’•"■»to ' AUTO REVERSE PREAMPLIFIER WITH MUSIC SENSOR DESCRIPTION The M51525FP, P, GP is a semiconductor inteorated circuit for auto reverse car stereos. It composis two preamplifiers

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    M51525FP M51525FP, Vth21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M51166P QUAD AMPLIFIER WITH ALO DETECTION CIRCUITS DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The M51166P is a quad low noise preamplifier with ALC detection circuits for use in dual cassette tape recorders. The M51166P contains internal ALC detection circuits and

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    M51166P M51166P 80dBV 52dBV -52dBV 20kHz 50dBV PDF


    Abstract: Cr088 M51329P
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICS AV COMMON M51329P ANALOG SWITCH DESCRIPTION The M51329P is a semiconductor integrated circuit designed as an analog switch for video equipment, which builds in two sound switches and one video switch of three inputs to allow independent control of sound and video systems.

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    M51329P M51329P 10MHz CR088TALK m51329 Cr088 PDF

    M 50198

    Abstract: M50198P adaptive delta demodulator M5019 M50198 M50198FP
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M50198P.FP DIGITAL DELAY DESCRIPTION The M 5 0 1 9 8 is a CMOS IC developed fo r producing surround e ffe c ts in a pp lica tion s such as TV sets and video disc players. The IC’s design is based on th e M 5 0 1 9 9 P o f th e same series. The M 5 0 1 9 8 however, builtin m em ory and a com parator, w hich used to be placed externally. T his makes it possible

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    M50198P ir110 100mVrms 100Hz M 50198 adaptive delta demodulator M5019 M50198 M50198FP PDF


    Abstract: M51321P
    Text: i M IT S U B IS H I ICS A V C O M M O N M 5 1 3 2 1 P ANALOG SWITCH DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW ) The M51321P is a semiconductor integrated circuit containing an analog switch designed for use in a video system. It contains :wo audio switches and one video switch. Each switch has three

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    M51321P 10MHz m51321 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M51524L,AL,P,FP,AFP AUTO REVERSE PREAMPLIFIER WITH MUSIC SENSOR DESCRIPTION The M51524L, AL, P, FP, AFP is a semiconductor integrated circuit for, auto reverse car stereos. It composis two preamplifiers and a music sensor to detect the tape program.

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    M51524L M51524L, M51524P, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M 5 2 4 1 L VOLTAGE CONTROLLED AMPLIFIER VCA FOR USE IN AN ELECTRONIC VOLUME CONTROL DESCRIPTION The M5241L is a semiconductor integrated circuit consisting PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) of a dual voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) with a 2-power

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    M5241L 10-pin M5241L 10OmV PDF


    Abstract: M51525GP M51525 M51525P circuit diagram of sound sensor 357-1K 24P2Q M5152
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51525P,FP,GP AUTO REVERSE PREAMPLIFIER WITH MUSIC SENSOR DESCRIPTION The M51525 is a preamplifier 1C developed fo r car audio systems. The 1C, in additions to 2 channels of high-gain, low-noise preamplifiers, has a lead-in detection function suiting to auto reverse function and is capable o f processing analog

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    M51525P M51525 Vth16 Vth21 I/I13 M51525FP M51525GP circuit diagram of sound sensor 357-1K 24P2Q M5152 PDF


    Abstract: m51167
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M 5 1 1 6 7 B F P SINGLE CHIP PREAMPUFIER FOR DUAL CASSETTE RECORDER DESCRIPTION The M51167BFP is an IC designed fo r radio CD/cassette tape players. The IC, in addition to recording and playback preamplifiers 2 ch fo r dual cassette, has

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    M51167BFP 5710k 57100k M51167BFP m51167 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51166P QUAD RECORDING/PLAYBACK PREAMPLIFIER WITH [ _ ALC PEAK DETECTOR FOR DUAL CASSETTE PLAYER [ DESCRIPTION The M 51166P is an IC fo r radio double cassette tape players. It has a built-in 4 low-noise preamplifiers and 2 channels o f ALC.

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    M51166P M51166P 80dBV 52dBV 20kHz 50dBV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51134P/FP SUB-HORMONIZER FOR BASS EMPHASIS DESCRIPTION The M 5 1 134 is an 1C developed for audio-visual applications to emphasize heavy bass. The 1C is used to produce sound effects at the stage before power amplifier. The M 5 1 1 3 4 offers capability o f converting desired frequency into its half by setting a

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    M51134P/FP 5710k 57100k 00E2Mb4 0D224b5 M51134P PDF


    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M 51167BFP SINGLE CHIP PREAMPLIFIER FOR DUAL CASSETTE RECORDER DESCRIPTION The M51167BFP is an IC designed for radio CD/cassette tape players. The IC, in addition to recording and playback preamplifiers 2 ch fo r dual cassette, has

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    51167BFP M51167BFP 5710k 57100k 002250D M51167BFP 225G1 DUAL PRE-AMPLIFIER FOR TAPE RECORDER PDF


    Abstract: YM3815 cxd1125 CX23035 SM5806 CXD1135 mn6617
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M51565P DUAL ANALOG AUDIO OUTPUT AMPLIFIER FOR DIGITAL AUDIO DESCRIPTION The M51565P ia a semiconductor integrated circuit for use PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW as an analog output amplifier in combination with the Digitalto-Analog convertor (PCM54/56 product by Burr-Brown or

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    M51565P M51565P PCM54/56 0J3022f< cxd1130 YM3815 cxd1125 CX23035 SM5806 CXD1135 mn6617 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M 5 1 1 6 7 A P ,A F P SINGLE CHIP PREAMPLIFIER FOR DUAL CASSETTE RECORDERS DESCRIPTION The M51167AP, AFP is a semiconductor integrated circuit for use in dual cassette recorders. Thecircuits PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW include

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    M51167AP, M51167AFP 36-pin M51167AP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M51167BP,BFP SINGLE CHIP PREAMPLIFIER FOR DUAL CASSETTE RECORDERS WITH NOISE REDUCTION DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M51167BP, BFP is a semiconductor integrated circuit for use in dual cassette recorders with noise reduction systems.

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    M51167BP M51167BP, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICS AV COMMON M52470AP 4-INPUT 3-CHANNEL ANALOG SWITCH DESCRIPTION The PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) M52470AP is a semiconductor integrated circuit containing analog switches designed for use in a video system. It contains tw o audio switches and one video switch.

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    M52470AP M52470AP 10MHz M52470AP. M52470 PDF

    Mitsubishi M 5230L

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI CUNEAR ICs> M5230L,FP VARIABLE OUTPUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR DUAL TRACKING TYPE DESCRIPTION T h e M 5 2 3 0 is a s em ico n d u c to r in teg ra te d c irc u it w h ic h is d e ­ PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) sign ed for v ariab le ou tp u t v o lta g e reg u la to r of du al trac k in g

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    M5230L 0017flbl 5230L Mitsubishi M 5230L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51134P,FP SUB-HORMONIZER FOR BASS EMPHASIS DESCRIPTION The M 5 1 1 3 4 is an IC developed for audio-visual applications to emphasize heavy bass. The IC is used to produce sound effects at the stage before power amplifier. The M 5 1 1 3 4 offers capability of converting desired frequency into its half by setting a

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    M51134P 001057b 5710k 57100k PDF


    Abstract: 3CL10 51141P M51141
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs ! M 51141P I RECORDING AMPLIFIER, ALC CIRCUIT, PLAYBACK ! PREAMPLIFIER. VOLTAGE DETECTOR, ELECTRONIC SWITCH DESCRIPTION The M 51141P is a recording and playback preamplifier fo r portable tape recorders. The IC’s built-in preamplifiers fo r recording and playback, electronic switches fo r recording

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    51141P control10 S710k M51141P M51141P 3CL10 M51141 PDF


    Abstract: M5230L M5230 FP 30V variable tracking regulator 2SA1283 LM5230 dual tracking voltage regulator ic 10A M5230 VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY. 0 - 30V 2SC2603
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

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    200mA MS230L M5230L M5230 FP 30V variable tracking regulator 2SA1283 LM5230 dual tracking voltage regulator ic 10A M5230 VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY. 0 - 30V 2SC2603 PDF


    Abstract: m51167 M-511 36P2R-A M511* mitsubishi M51167BP
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51167BP,BFP SINGLE CHIP PREAMPLIFIER FOR DUAL CASSETTE RECORDER DESCRIPTION The M 51167 is an IC designed fo r radio C D /cassette tape players. The IC, in addition to recording and playback preamplifiers 2 ch fo r dual cassette, has

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    M51167BP M51167 220ui M51167BFP M-511 36P2R-A M511* mitsubishi PDF


    Abstract: M5114
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51141P RECORDING AMPLIFIER, ALC CIRCUIT, PLAYBACK PREAMPLIFIER. VOLTAGE DETECTOR. ELECTRONIC SWITCH DESCRIPTION The M 51141P is a recording and playback preamplifier fo r portable tape recorders. The IC’s built-in preamplifiers fo r recording and playback, electronic switches fo r recording

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    M51141P M51141P 5710k M5114 PDF

    balance control in stereo amplifier with variable

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M51162P RECORDING/PLAYBACK PREAMPLIFIER FOR _STEREO CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER DESCRIPTION The M 51162P is a recording and playback preamplifier fo r stereo cassette tape recorders. The IC built-in recording/playback mode selector switches and 2 channels o f preamplifiers

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    M51162P M51162P 100nA balance control in stereo amplifier with variable PDF


    Abstract: 30V variable tracking regulator M5230 M5230 FP 2SC3243 M523C
    Text: MITSUBISHI <LINEAR ICs> M5230L,FP VARIABLE OUTPUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR DUAL TRACKING TY PE DESCRIPTION T he M 5 2 3 0 is a sem iconductor integrated circuit w hich is d e­ PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) signed for variable output voltage regulator of dual tracking

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    M5230L, M5230 200mA M5230L 30V variable tracking regulator M5230 FP 2SC3243 M523C PDF